Chapter 1458

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Chaos was silent, and there was a lot of turbulence in it. From time to time, there was a dull and melodious voice, like a chaotic whisper.

This is the deepest place of chaos, full of all kinds of mysterious things. Jiangnan was brought here by the dragon and could not return to the fairyland for a moment. Just listen to the natural chaotic Tao sound in chaos, melodious as a clock, and like a whale in the sea, with a high sound and a low sound, which contains some wonderful Tao sounds in chaos.

"Emperor River"

The Taoist voice whispered in the chaos. Jiangnan was fascinated. The dragon still ran with him, but it was chaotic. The Dragon didn't know where the fairyland was.

"Emperor River"

The Taoist voice in the chaos continued, and the heart of Jiangnan moved: "my imperial name in the three realms is Dixuan, but my surname is Jiang, which can also be called Dijiang. The immortal spiritual root left by emperor and Zun in the place of origin is also called Dijiang. This feeling is so strange..."

The Tao tone in chaos fluctuates. Suddenly, there is light emerging in the boundless chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, but a magnificent space-time is spreading like a picture.

The Dragon hurriedly stopped and looked forward in disbelief: "how can there be other universes in chaos?"

The south of the Yangtze River is also inexplicably shocked. In front of it is a vast cosmic space-time. From a distance, you can see the stars shining, the stars shining, the vast continents floating in the void, and towering temples standing on the continent, towering into the clouds.

Countless creatures multiply and worship the temple.

There are extremely powerful existence in those temples. The majesty fills the heaven and earth. The ancient gods and men are indomitable. Even in the south of the Yangtze River, they feel the terrible smell of Taoist king!

Suddenly, the universe in front of us suddenly collapsed, everything disappeared into nothingness, the whole era turned into ashes and returned to chaos!

Jiangnan looked at this scene in amazement and whispered, "this is... Memory in chaos?"

The scene just now is obviously a picture of the annihilation of a certain era in the past. It is not a real era in chaos. It should be a chaotic memory!

The prehistoric times opened up chaos Hongmeng, which was born one after another. For chaos, it is only a moment of its long and long time. Therefore, in a sense, these times can indeed be regarded as the memory of chaos.

The big dragon continued to walk forward. Before long, an amazing breath came. The breath was so strong that even the big dragon, whose strong head was full of muscles, trembled.

Looking from a distance in the south of the Yangtze River, I was shocked. I saw two strong men fighting in chaos!

These two statues are powerful and incomparable, which gives him a sense of oppression, even stronger and amazing than the existence in the Taoist palace!

"This is also the memory of chaos!"

Jiangnan took a long breath, looked forward and looked carefully at the two people in the fight. He saw that they were covered with an extremely thick Avenue, which made people unable to see their faces. He said to himself, "these two statues exist so strong that their war was remembered by chaos alone... Do they exist at the end of the avenue?"

The two men in the fight are powerful and extraordinary, and even give the feeling of Jiangnan to surpass yuanmu, one of the three main hall masters of Daojun hall!

Yuanmu has been the strongest since each era. Unexpectedly, there are still people stronger than her. Therefore, Jiangnan doubts that these two people who left chaotic memories will exist at the end of the road!

Although the battle was a chaotic memory picture, it recorded the two existing attacks in great detail. Their every action and every magic power were natural and wonderful. The power of each attack had to surpass the innate magic weapon, the innate magic weapon. The great road concept contained in their magic power and moves was even as obscure as reading the book of heaven in Jiangnan!

The two most powerful beings in history, their means surpass the cognition of Jiangnan, and even the dragon is staring.

Finally, the war ended, and one of them fell and was dying.

"Taoist friend, have you come to the end of the road?" although he was about to die, his eyes still burst into infinite light and looked at his opponent.

It seems that he has no resentment against the opponent who killed him. He only expects, even expects his own death, to make his opponent come to the end of the road.

He seemed to wish all his life. He just wanted to see the end of the avenue and the people standing at the end!

The morning hears that death can be done in the evening!


His opponent looked sad, his whole body was overflowing, and he was close to trying his best to renew his life. He cried: "as the most powerful existence in endless time, you and I fought with our lives and burst out all potential. Why can't we see the end of the road? Why can't we take the last step?"

"There may be no so-called end of the road."

He coughed up blood, his eyes grew dim, and he was about to lose his soul. He died and said with a tragic smile: "Maybe we've all gone the wrong way... You and I have opened the Taoist King's Hall since the yuan Taoist era to accommodate the Taoist kings of all ages, which is to gather the wisdom of each era and find the end of the avenue. Unfortunately, I'm dying. Taoist friends, you're the only one on this road, and I can't accompany you..."

His opponent knelt down and cried like a child: "Taoist friends, you and I are the most powerful existence and best friend. If you die, who will accompany me to the end of the avenue?"

His eyes were dark and he breathed his last breath: "strange, I saw that one day in the future, two foreigners came from a distant place..."

His opponent knelt in front of his body, fell on the ground and cried, and did not get up for a long time.

Jiangnan felt despair at this moment. A boundless despair came from that person and even infected him!

The chaotic memory recorded the man's despair. After countless years, it still shook people's hearts and made Jiangnan cry. Even Dalong couldn't help crying and shouted, "this man's cry is too desperate. Let's go!"

Jiangnan nodded. The man's cry shook his moving heart. Even if his heart was as stable as him, he couldn't help being affected by this man's cry.

He was shocked. The two leaders who opened up the Daojun hall in the Yuan Dynasty, the founder of the Daojun hall and the first generation of the hall Lord, fought here earlier than the limitless Tianzun and the Taoist!

They wanted to find the end of the avenue, receive the Daojun of each era and gather the wisdom of Daojun, but they still couldn't find the end of the avenue.

And they finally embarked on the road of confrontation. They want to rely on each other's strong combat power, force each other to stimulate all potential and rush into the last realm!

However, they obviously failed, and even killed their best friend by themselves, but they still didn't take the last step or come to the end of the road.

"The existence of death said that he saw that two foreigners would come here in the future. Did he see the future when Emperor and Zun came here before he died?" Jiangnan moved in his heart.

The magical power of such existence is unpredictable, and the realm has been so high that no one can reach it. It is also possible to see the distant future before death.

However, these skills and magical powers are not what Jiangnan can understand.

The dragon was about to leave with Jiangnan. The man got up slowly and whispered: "Taoist friends, there will be countless times in the future. Someone will be able to compare with us, and the existence of you and me will emerge again! The future is full of countless variables. You see the two foreigners in the future, maybe it will be the moment when the variables come, maybe at that time, I will see the end of the road..."

The man got up and went away, whispered: "in the future, I will see what changes they will bring to this era, this chaos..."

"Emperor -- river --, Emperor -- river --"

The Tao sound in chaos is melodious, and Jiangnan is fascinated. The sound is gradually low and far away, which should be far away from the core of chaos.

After several years, the spirit of Jiangnan was inspired, and finally saw a broken chaotic God City, which was destroyed by the battle between ancient gods and immortals just after the opening of the fairy world in ancient times.

"When the divine city appears, it's not too far from the fairyland... Hmm? Here is?"

Jiangnan hurriedly asked the dragon to stop and fly into the holy city. I saw that the remnants of this chaotic holy city were filled with the residual power of annihilation and robbery, which wreaked havoc on the holy city. In the deepest part of the holy city, where annihilation and robbery were the most intense, huge eggshells stood like walls!

This eggshell is as big as a planet!

Jiangnan flew to the broken eggshell and looked up and down. His face was uncertain. The eggshell was actually composed of the seal of emperor and Zun. There were traces of annihilation and robbery and attacks from the outside!

"Abandoned land!"

Jiangnan was shocked. He immediately recognized that the seal forming the eggshell was the seal of the abandoned place of emperor hezun's seal: "Wuji Tianzun, has been out of trouble!"

The annihilation robbery of the abandoned land was detonated by him, and the seal narrowed sharply, sealing the limitless Tianzun in it. Now the seal is broken, which means that the limitless Tianzun has been out of trouble!

Jiangnan looked at the crack of the eggshell carefully, and then touched his hand to catch a ray of the afterwave of the annihilation robbery. He was inspired: "this eggshell has just broken, which shows that the limitless Heavenly Master has just got out of trouble. I'm afraid he hasn't gone far yet! Come with me, dragon! Let's beat people!"

The dragon was elated and said happily, "master, it's not good to beat people. Where is it? Let's go quickly so that he won't run away!"

"Wuji Tianzun came out of the abandoned land and was stained with the smell of annihilation and robbery. It's not easy for this guy to escape my tracking!"

Jiangnan's face was cloudy and sunny, and he said: "this guy can break the seal of emperor and Zun. Although it is with the help of the limitless bookboy, it is not small. His strength is only afraid that he is the giant of the heavenly monarch. However, even if he is strong, he can't achieve the Taoist monarch in such a short time..."

He looked at the unreasonably strong dragon and said, "the dragon can turn him over with one claw!"

In the distance of chaos, Wuji Tianzun and Wuji schoolboy were close to the fairy world. The Wuji schoolboy said, "Sir, do you want to go back to the Taoist Palace first?"

Wuji Tianzun shook his head and said with a smile: "Yuanmu and I don't deal with each other. I'm too lazy to see her. This time I was reincarnated to search for the end of the road and see what the two foreigners, emperor and Zun, wanted to do. But the leader of Xuantian sect spoiled my reincarnation plan and deserved his disaster this time. Go to the fairy world first, contact some reincarnated Taoist princes, and say I want to use them and let them meet me."

The limitless schoolboy nodded and said yes. He flew into the fairyland first and said to himself, "Lord Tianzun's pomp is great after all. He actually asked those reincarnated Taoist princes to come to meet him. However, Lord Tianzun is the most powerful Lord of the Taoist temple. Let them meet him or look down on them."

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————Guoguo's fever finally subsided. It scared the pig and his wife to death. The pig and his wife also had a fever, 384 degrees, and their throat was inflamed. It is estimated that they will be in Beijing for a few days. Over the past 20 days, the house pigs can't eat well and sleep well. They just weighed down and fell from 140 kg to 120 kg. It's tears when they say too much!

This month, dizun mobile games will hold larger activities. Xuantian Mobile Games team will organize the internal test of "Da Luo Tianjun". Book friends are welcome to join.

In addition, the list of Carnival winners has also been released. Enter "receive the award" to contact the pig to receive the award.