Chapter 1547

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
In the deepest part of Daojun hall, a statue of Daojun sat on columns, and their Lingguang Avenue was still turned into a bridge to connect the portal.

"Dijiang Taoist friend has left rentu for the second pass?"

The meta bus sits on one of the columns, fine induction, low channel: "I thought it would take him hundreds of years to pass the first level. Unexpectedly, it took him only half a year to pass the first level. However, this speed is not fast. Among the taojun in our Daojun hall, it can only be regarded as medium and superior, which is more than ten days longer than the time I spent with Wuji and extinction. This performance is inconsistent with Dijiang's identity..."

An ancient Taoist gentleman slowly opened his eyes and his voice vibrated. He said slowly, "the Lord of the yuan mother hall, Dijiang is just a legend. This little Taoist friend is just an ordinary heavenly king. It's great to be able to go this step now, but it's too difficult for him to catch up with the three main hall owners of our Taoist Prince hall."

Yuanmu gently shook her head: "Chonghe, Dijiang Daoyou is a figure who can compete with Wuji Daoyou. He is also valued by DIHE Zun. His performance should be more than that."

"Temple Lord, you pay too much attention to this person."

The Chonghe Taoist priest shook his head and said: "The Lord of the limitless hall is just a wisp of divine soul separated into the lower boundary. He absorbed the chaotic dragon ancestor and turned into the reincarnation of the divine fetus of heaven fire. It's not an extraordinary skill. The body of the Lord of the limitless hall is still in our Taoist King's hall. If it is the lower boundary of the body, even the emperor and Zun can't stop his anger. When the Lord of the limitless hall separates to achieve the Taoist king, the body of the separation will be united For one, the age of Xiandao is in his hands. "

Yuan's mother smiled and said, "Chonghe Taoist friends admire Wuji Taoist friends very much."

Chonghe Taoist Zun said, "I'm just talking about the matter, and I don't favor any party. The performance of emperor Jiang Daoyou is rare in all times since Yuan Dao. However, compared with the three Hall masters, it does lack some heat."

Yuan's mother shook her head and said, "he is just the realm of the heavenly monarch. He has suffered the loss of the realm. If he reaches the realm of the Taoist monarch, he is afraid that the speed will increase a little, which is enough to keep pace with us."

Even though the yuan mother has great powers, she can barely feel the position of Jiangnan in Tongtian Pavilion, and can't see what Jiangnan has done in Tongtian Pavilion.

Therefore, she did not know that Jiangnan did not need to be reborn with the help of the human map, but only understood the human map, sorted out the skill system contained in the human map, and left it to the talents in the fairy world, so it wasted a lot of time.

"The second level of Tongtian Pavilion is more difficult than the first level, the third level is more difficult than the second level, the fourth level is more difficult, and the Taoist question is more mysterious. However, the first four levels are the basis of Tongtian Pavilion, which tests Taoist Jun's understanding of Taoist Jun's realm and makes up for Taoist Jun's lack of cultivation. The next is the real difficulty, which is also the real skill of the two early hall masters. I wonder if he can Go through the first four levels and face the real test... "

Yuan Mu closed her eyes and continued to feel the orientation of Jiangnan.

In the Tongtian Pavilion, Jiangnan has begun to contact the Taoist question of the second pass. The Taoist question left by the two early hall masters has turned into an invisible goblin. Every step he takes, a Taoist question will be issued, and the Avenue on his head will gather to form the vision of Jiangnan sitting in the cloud. Take the initiative to answer, untie the Taoist question, and you can move forward.

So far, he has not encountered a question that can completely embarrass him.

However, the danger is hidden. If you answer any question incorrectly, the question will be pressed down. This power will even hurt the ancient Taoist king in the Taoist King's hall and cough up blood. If it was him, I'm afraid he would crush him with a gentle press!

Therefore, he must not answer any questions wrong!

"Most of the Taoist questions in this pass involve the yuan God. Fortunately, DILIN and I have spent hundreds of years in the long river of time. His attainments on the yuan God are more profound than those of the two early Temple masters. After all, DILIN comes from the extremely abnormal alien universe of the yuan God, and has an incomparable advantage in the cultivation of the yuan God in any era of our universe..."

Along the way, Jiangnan passed the second pass safely and came to the island of the second pass.

"This level should be a divine map."

When he came to the middle of the island, he saw that the pattern of Yuanshen was engraved on the cliff. It should be the Yuanshen, one of the two early Temple owners, branded on the cliff and left to other Taoist kings for research.

"The two primary Temple masters' yuan Shen cultivation methods have not played a great role in me. My yuan Shen has become spiritual and integrated with the flesh. Their yuan Shen cultivation methods can only make up for some deficiencies for me at most, and it is difficult to make earth shaking changes in my details."

Jiangnan still sat down and took a closer look at the God map carved on the cliff. It was too difficult for the four in one to practice. The God map left by the two early Temple masters was much easier to practice skills, and the ultimate practice was no less than the original God achievement of the four in one.

"It's a pity that the Taoist king in the Taoist King's Hall didn't get rid of the original God this time, leaving some fragments of the original God."

The emptiness under the cliff made the leader of Jiangda very disappointed and said, "I thought Tongtian pavilion would be a great place. If the next few passes were all about the cultivation methods of flesh body and yuan God, it wouldn't be a big deal. It didn't surpass my four in one."

However, he never thought that his inside information could refine the treasures at the level of congenital treasure. His vision was deeper than that of the old Taoist king who had lived for more than a dozen times. With such inside information, even if he proved the existence of the end of the avenue, he could only teach him some subtle understanding, but could not bring him greater shock.

His knowledge has stepped into the forest of the strongest in all times, but he has not kept up with it.

A few months later, he got up, left the island and embarked on the next level.

Compared with the cliff carving on the island, he prefers those Taoist questions on the way to Yiguan test. The cliff carving has little effect on him, but these Taoist questions can add more details to him. All the questions mentioned in the Taoist question are difficult problems in the realm of Taoist monarch. When Jiangnan answers these problems, it is equivalent to the difficulties that must be faced when he experiences the realm of Taoist monarch in advance. If he solves them in advance, he will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort in the future!

Therefore, he took more time to answer questions and solve problems than to comprehend the precipice.

This strange situation made yuanmu shake her head more and more. She thought that he really suffered from the loss of the realm because of the lack of realm, so that he didn't gain much. When he understood the cliff, he understood less than other Taoist kings.

"After all, Dijiang still suffered the loss of the realm. If he entered the Tongtian pavilion after he reached the realm of Tao Jun, the harvest would be extremely amazing. Now, he still can't understand some things. How much he can get and how far he can go depends on his understanding." yuanmu said secretly in her heart.

On the island of the third pass is a road map, which is branded by the two early Temple masters. This map took more than a year in the south of the Yangtze River. The reason for the longer time is that the two early Temple masters' roads are the roads of the yuan Dao era, and there are many strange places for him.

The fourth level is the fruit map. There are two pictures of Tao fruit, which should be the brand of Tao fruit of the two main hall owners of the Tao Jun hall.

The Taoist fruit map of the two main halls played a great role in him and was of great research value. Jiangnan participated in the research for several years before leaving the island of the fourth pass and frowned slightly: "Body, God, Tao and fruit represent four ways of self-improvement. They are also included in the scope of the four in one of my Dharma body, Tao and fruit. These four Taoist maps have great effects on others, but they have little effect on me. If the later levels of Tongtian pavilion are still like this, the meaning of Tongtian pavilion to me is somewhat unsatisfactory."

He suddenly remembered another thing and said to himself, "Wuji Tianzun has also been here. Will he be inspired by these Taoist diagrams to create the four in one? It's very possible."

"How could the fourth pass of Dijiang take so short?"

Jiangnan is on the way to the fifth pass of Tongtian Pavilion. Unexpectedly, there has been an uproar outside Tongtian Pavilion. Yuanmu and Daojun on each column wake up one after another. They are shocked and inexplicable by the speed of the fourth pass in Jiangnan!

A Taoist King woke up, his eyes glittered and lost his voice and said, "this is not in line with common sense! The fourth level is the level of enlightenment. You need to integrate the understanding of the first three levels and this level. You can pass the level only if you have a great leap in cultivation strength! The most difficult thing in the fourth level is not to pass through this level, but to observe the brand of the Tao fruits of the two early Temple masters and integrate the income of the four levels!"

"As long as you observe the Taoist fruit marks of the two early Temple masters, you will involuntarily fall into the process of integration and will not wake up until you reach the limit you can understand. It will take thousands of years to complete this step. How can he pass the fourth level in less than three years?"

"Even the Lord of Guangdu hall took 700 years! The Lord of Wuji hall took 800 years, and the Lord of yuanmu hall took thousands of years to complete the first four levels!"

"Among us, the fastest took 1800 years! The longest even took 80 million years!"

"How did Dijiang do it? Why can he use less than three years?"


A Taoist King woke up and asked each other, but none of them could see the situation of Jiangnan passing the fourth pass, so they could only guess.

The master of yuanmu hall was also shocked and stunned. After a while, he came back to his senses and said with a smile: "it's really the emperor river. You can't speculate with common sense... The first four levels just rebuild the foundation for Daojun and make Daojun into a perfect state. Then there will be less danger in the next few levels. Now the fifth level he goes to is the real test. I don't know what step he can take?"

She whispered: "the fifth level may pass in an instant, or it may not pass for hundreds of millions of years, or even sit there. The body Avenue and the Tao heart turn into a congenital magic weapon and stay in the Tongtian Pavilion forever! This level is the most dangerous one!"

————The second watch has been delivered, and the third watch has been released!

Today, the server equipment in the computer room of dizun mobile game failed, which affected the games of Taoists. I'm sorry. For the first time, so many Taoists were playing at the same time, and dizun's internal research and development did not simulate this result. We poor ha ha decided to buy a better server to give you a perfect experience. I hope you will continue to support dizun.