Chapter 1566

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
"Ming emperor Jiang is sitting here. How can he leave? When did he leave and where did he go?"

Nanguo Xianweng, also known as gongyegan, the primordial deity of the yuan Dao era, couldn't find the south of the Yangtze River. He frowned and glanced at Da Luotian. Then he looked into the universe of the fairy world and the universe of the demon world, sweeping all the void and everywhere, and couldn't see where the south of the Yangtze River was.

He moved and stepped outside the fairyland to scan chaos Hongmeng, but he didn't find any trace in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Daojun hall!"

Nanguo Xianweng disappeared and came to the Daojun hall the next moment. He avoided the imperial concubine daozun, and his divine knowledge penetrated into every corner of the Daojun hall. There are also many secret spaces in the Daojun hall. As a forging man of the Daojun hall, he naturally knows all the secrets of the Daojun hall. If Jiangnan leaves from the great Luo sky and enters the Daojun hall, no matter where he hides, he can't hide it from him.

To his surprise, most of the taojun in the Daojun hall were trapped in the Tongtian Pavilion, only the Tianfei Daojun was alone, and the yuan mother was also trapped in the realm at the end of the enlightenment Avenue, while the noumenon of Wuji Tianzun was sitting at the gate.

There is no trace of the Jiangnan in Taoist temple.

"No, no..."

Nanguo Xianweng searched for the rear of Daojun hall, but he didn't find the south of the Yangtze River. He was surprised: "did he go to prehistory?"


He stepped into the long river of time, went back to time, searched for the past one by one, from the Xiandao era to the yuan Dao era, and returned to the singularity of prehistoric time and space, but he still didn't see the south of the Yangtze River.

"Where on earth did emperor Jiang go? Did he sit down on the way to Yuanshi avenue after proving the Taoist king? If he sat down, he should turn into a congenital magic weapon. Did I miss something when I checked Da Luo Tian just now?"

Nanguo Xianweng walked out of the long river of time and returned to the Dalai sky in the Xiandao era. After searching, he did not find any congenital magic weapon suspected of being transformed by Zuohua in the south of the Yangtze River.

It's not dangerous to preach Tao Jun. what's dangerous is that on the way to the end of the avenue, it's a steep and abnormal road. As long as you take the wrong step, you will sit down and turn into a congenital magic weapon and Lingbao!

In the Yuan Dynasty, when many Daoists were at the end of the enlightenment Avenue, nearly a hundred Daoists died!

Later generations, some Daojun thought to themselves that they could not survive the annihilation robbery. They came to Daojun hall to find a way to survive the robbery. The existence of Daojun hall taught this method. Therefore, Daojun took the initiative to embody the innate magic weapon and left it to his relatives and friends, so that they could survive the annihilation robbery of the broken times and leave some roots for this era.

However, if Jiangnan sits down, it will certainly become a congenital magic weapon and appear in the great Luo sky. It must not be hidden from Nanguo Xianweng. Now he has not found anything, indicating that Jiangnan has not gone astray!

Nanguo Xianweng was disappointed and sat outside the big Luo sky.

He suspected that Jiangnan was his old friend, the emperor Jiangtai ruins. When he guessed that Jiangnan preached, there was a call for more than 100 billion years in chaos, which must ring again. Therefore, he had to be there anyway.

It's just that the situation of preaching the Taoist king in Jiangnan is really strange. The closed Dalai sky, even the existence of silencing the Taoist and Wuji Tianzun, need to spend some effort to attack.

When Nanguo Xianweng arrived, the seal of Da Luotian was not damaged and intact, but Jiangnan disappeared in such a closed space, and no trace was left. Even if Nanguo Xianweng existed, it could not find any trace of Jiangnan!

"No one in the world can abduct the emperor River in front of me, and no one can abduct him without any battle. Where is he... Eh? The power of the Dalai Lama is increasing, which shows that the emperor river is still in this space and time! His cultivation improves, feeds the Dalai Lama, and makes the Dalai Lama improve!"

Nanguo Xianweng calmed down and deduced carefully. After a long time, his eyes glittered and whispered, "strange, why do I calculate that the emperor river will appear at the next moment?"

He waited for a moment, but Jiangnan still didn't appear.

The second time he calculated, the result was that Jiangnan would appear in the sky next moment, but if he continued to wait, Jiangnan still didn't appear.

"If my calculation ability is second, no one can recognize the first. Even Taoist priest Lingbao is much inferior to me, but he only gets my fur. My calculation can't be wrong. Why does he never show up every time he calculates that the emperor river will appear at the next moment?"

Nanguo Xianweng was puzzled. He calculated again and again and got the same result. Jiangnan will appear in the sky at the next moment, but every time it was a mistake!

In the end, he had no choice but to wait.

Time is like a long river, sailing to the future day by day, turning the future into the past and the unknown into the known.

Gradually, the situation changed, the sun and the moon changed, and the stars turned. More than 100000 years passed. During this period, tixuanwei, Jiang Xueqing, Taoist Hong and others came back several times. They saw that Da luotian had not opened yet and left.

Nanguo Xianweng stopped tixuanwei several times. After asking, he learned that the power of lupong is also improving. Now it is close to the pure congenital magic weapon.

There are many heavenly kings who make pilgrimages to Dalai, but they also get nothing.

A few years later, Fu Fu and Ding Ling came to offer books. They met Nanguo Xianweng and opened the two volumes of fairy books. The fairy books were automatically burned a few days after they were opened. Fu Fu and Ding Ling thanked and left.

The years were in a hurry. This time he realized the Tao, but he couldn't feel the flow of any time in Jiangnan. With the passage of years, he had only endless Tao and theory in his heart, constantly constructed and interwoven, and constantly realized new Tao and theory, leading to the end of the avenue and the beginning of the year.

He seemed to have crossed time and space, and there were disasters that destroyed the sky and the earth around him, but no disaster could be close to him. In ignorance, he went through thousands of disasters.

He seems to be able to open the sky and destroy the world, but this is only a side effect of preaching and entering the Tao. He no longer pursues power. He pursues the avenue, the endless Avenue.

He seems to be walking along a road that can't see the end. He is persistent. To reach the end of the road, he stands at the end of the Avenue!

He seems to have experienced endless years, and it seems to be just a moment. This feeling of mystery and mystery is indescribable. The Tao and reason he understands at every moment are wonderful and mysterious.

There was only joy in his heart, endless joy.

Finally, on this day, he felt that the road ahead was no longer endless, but had an end.

The end of the avenue.

The realm of Yuanshi!

Jiangnan Changxiao, get up!

When he opened his eyes, the universe was in turmoil and everything was shaking!

His howling, spread all over the endless time and space, full of endless joy!

From the yuan Dao era to now, no one has ever set foot at the end of the avenue, and no one has ever completed the feat. He finally completed and finally came to the end of the Avenue!

Then, he saw endless chaos, dead chaos, dead chaotic space, no breath, no scene of life, and even the silent sky fire in chaos was dim and about to go out.

Jiangnan was stunned. At his feet, there were incomparably huge palace copper pillars, most of which were broken. When he looked around, there were ruins everywhere.

He recognized the ruins of these buildings. This is Dalai.

Broken big Luo Tian!

There is a faint smell of annihilation on the ruins of Da Luotian. It should have been destroyed in an unprecedented catastrophe!


Jiangnan's body trembled. Looking down at the fairy world, the fairy world disappeared. There was only boundless chaos, and the demon world disappeared. Everything was gone.

"Where are people? Where are people?"

Jiangnan's hands trembled slightly, looked up and muttered, "what's the age now? How long have I been closed?"

He gave a sudden cry and staggered to the location of the second world of immortals and demons. A wounded cry rang out in the dead universe: "Xuanwei, Qing'er, sister! Where are you?"

"Hong'er, jun'er, Ji Du, where are you?"

"Brother Xi, Luo Shi, Hu Tian, Tao Wang!"

"Qianyuan! Xuandu! Vientiane! Where have you all gone?"

"Wuji, come out!"

"Silent, not dead yet? Come out quickly!"

"Xiandi, xianzun, where are you hiding?"

"Where is the Taoist temple? Where is the Taoist temple?"

"Nanguo Xianweng, gongyeqian, where have you been hiding?"


The chaos is empty, only his voice is constantly shaking and reverberating, no one answers, and no life exists in this chaos.

After a long time, he saw a collapsed world tree. The world tree was dead and withered. Under the tree, there were traces left by Daojun turning into ashes, like ashes.

Many Daojun were once sheltered by this world tree, but as soon as the doom came, the world tree also died.

The south of the Yangtze River stumbled and ran. He saw a broken Hongmeng green lotus. The green lotus also withered and died without a trace of Taoist rhyme. Some Taoist kings hid here and turned into ashes.

"Is there anyone else..."

Jiangnan trembled: "who can tell me what happened..."

"Is there anyone else?" he staggered and asked.

In the chaos, only his echo came, asking again and again, but he didn't get any answer.

"What happened..."

In the south of the Yangtze River, I saw the broken Daojun temple. The holy land of Daojun was now only broken bricks and tiles. The sky fire was attached to these ruins and walls and gradually extinguished.

The Taoist temple was also destroyed.

On a pillar, there are some vague handwriting, intermittently writing that period of history, the end of the fairyland era, and the final annihilation came. Nanguo Xianweng, that is, the Taichu Tianzun returned, led by the Lord of the yuan mother hall and the Lord of the limitless hall to resist the ancient existence of the king hall, the success fell, and the Tianfei, the limitless, the yuan mother and others died one after another.

The emperor and Zun fell, the Taoist died in the robbery, and all creatures failed to survive.

"Unfortunately, I didn't wait for Dijiang."

Nanguo Xianweng wrote with guilt: "Dijiang may really be dead, but I will go with him..."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe it. It's all a dreamland and a dream!"

With a flick of his sleeve in the south of the Yangtze River, the last ruins of Daojun hall turned into fly ash. He turned and left and continued to look for it. Before long, he found the broken reed canopy, and someone engraved handwriting on the clock wall.

That's the handwriting left by Jiang Xueqing.

"The last annihilation robbery is coming, the Father God is still closed, and the power of the innate reed Peng is getting stronger and stronger. Xiangkang suggests that we hide in the reed Peng. Even if the reed Peng is destroyed, we can block part of the annihilation robbery, and then we turn into a restricted area, bury ourselves, and wait for the next era..."

"The mother is dead, and the second mother is dead. They are waiting for the father to wake up in the heaven. The eldest brother and the second brother can't stop the disaster..."

"The second brother died. He was turned into ashes when he left Da Luotian to save people..."

The handwriting on the clock wall was intermittent. Before long, there were signs of damage to the reed canopy. Yuantai, Xiangkang and others were attacked by fate. They died one by one and failed to turn into a restricted area.

The catastrophe that destroyed everything was so fierce that it destroyed everything.

"Sister lian'er has gone. I'm the only one left in the Lusheng. I'm so scared. My father is still closed. When will you wake up..."

"Lu Peng can't hold on anymore. I'm going to go too..."


"Impossible, impossible..."

The body of Jiangnan trembled and suddenly shouted. The terrible atmosphere of the original realm broke out, sweeping chaos and the universe, like a vortex of terror: "all this is false, all false!"


He punched through chaos, through the barriers of space and time, and through a vast river of time. In the river, time flows back. He saw the annihilation robbery, the final annihilation robbery, the robbery that destroyed the common people and destroyed all traces of civilization, which even the Daojun hall could not resist!

In the boundless annihilation robbery, everything was destroyed, the Immortal Emperor Ye Lin's yuan God withered, the immortal Qinglian withered, the Daojun hall collapsed, the Dalai sky was broken, and all living creatures died, died!

Jiangnan looked down. In the dilapidated reed canopy, his daughter was carving words on the dilapidated clock wall.

"Qing'er... Dad has come to save you. I've set foot at the end of the avenue. I don't have any enemies. No one can take you away from me and take you away!"

Jiangnan explores the past and wants to save his daughter from the final disaster!


The long river of time vibrated, and the past times in prehistory seemed to explode. This long river of time gathered the power of all times to blast him out of the river to the south of the Yangtze River!

Jiangnan vomited blood, fell down, then stood up again, blasted through time and entered the past.

He should rely on his own strength to change the past!

Then he is more seriously injured. Time has passed. If he changes the past, he will be hit by all the forces of the past era. Even if he steps at the end of the road, he can't go back to the past and tamper with the established facts!


He was hit hard again, but how powerful was he at the beginning of the year? Even if the long river of time gathers all the forces from Yuandao to Xiandao, it can't let him die.

However, he was hit hard again and again, trying to change the past, and his hair gradually turned white, as if he were old!

"There is no robbery at the beginning of the year, but love hurts itself."

Suddenly, a steady voice came: "emperor Jiang pays a visit to Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Jiangnan white haired, follow the sound, I saw a young emperor coming to me like a dream.

————Four thousand word chapter, please subscribe and ask for monthly ticket!!!