Chapter 1649

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
At the head of the city, Jiang Xueqing said in a low voice, "you Taoist friends, Yujing wants to wash my big Luo Tian. It's hard to give up this war. We can only try our best."

On her side, 14 Taoist dignitaries, such as Qingxu, Tianxi and Yimu, nodded one after another and said with a smile: "our original intention of establishing Tianmen is to turn into an unmanned restricted area to spend the annihilation robbery. Now it is just a restricted area in the early days!"

"I don't know how many people survived the Tianmen war? I hope in the future, there will be restricted areas established by us to leave the seeds of civilization for each era!"

Fourteen Taoist priests fell into the city one after another, and their bodies flashed. However, they saw the infinite light flying, landing and merging into the void. They only heard the rumbling sound, and the boundless space and time were opened up, boundless and boundless!

Restricted area formation!

In the distant era of Yuan Dao, the strong of Yuan Dao established an unmanned restricted area. Although there were many Daojun left in the restricted area, there were not many daozuns. Now they have used 14 daozuns to reproduce the unmanned restricted area!

Jiang Xueqing also walked down the gate and disappeared into the restricted area.

Outside the city, the leader of the Yujing holy cult led many strong people of the Yujing holy cult, hundreds of millions of troops, flags flying, the turmoil in the Xiancheng Xianyu area, xianlou xianta, building ships and ships, bustling and bustling, and entered this grand pass.

More than 40 Zun Daojun daozun, surrounded by Yujing daozun, broke into the pass. Looking around, I saw that there was an incomparable space for heroes in the pass. There was no end, and there was no big Luo Tian behind Xiongguan!

Here, the space is distorted, the avenue is destroyed, and the Taoist magic powers are distorted and suppressed. Everyone feels the powerful pressure to suppress their own Avenue and magic powers!

No one's allowed!

The uninhabited restricted area, which was destroyed by Emperor hezun's backhand and disappeared, finally appeared again!

Vaguely, many Daojun and daozuns saw a portal standing in the middle of the restricted area, Jiang Xueqing sitting under the door, while the ancient daozuns such as Qingxu, Tianxi and Jianmu had disappeared and could not see where they were hiding.

The unmanned restricted area is only an ancient rumor for many heavenly kings, Taoist princes and Taoist zuns in the Xiandao era. After their birth, the restricted area has already become a distant legend and has no chance to see it at all.

At the moment, Yujing holy religion and many strong men under Emperor and Zun looked one after another, but they didn't see anything strange.

"No one's forbidden area? I heard that no one's forbidden area is just a shrinking and life-saving place created by some dead Taoist kings."

A Taoist gentleman shook his head and said with a smile, "where can you get us if you kill a few heavenly kings?"


Yujing looked dignified, looked around, shook her head and said: "In the past, the no man's restricted area was built by Dao Jun to resist annihilation robbery after he died, so he wouldn't be completely scared. Because he wanted to protect his life, all the rules of the times were suppressed in the restricted area. Even annihilation Avenue and annihilation robbery were suppressed! That was also the no man's restricted area built by the dead Dao Jun, and this one was built by the 14 living Taoist zuns. These 14 old ghosts are very happy It's ancient and extremely powerful. You can't underestimate it. Don't stray. Our strength must be gathered together. If we kill God and Buddha, the restricted area can be broken! "

After all, Yujing is a giant who has been fighting for a long time. He said in a deep voice: "The reason why they turned into a restricted area is that there are only 15 of them, including Jiang Xueqing, and there are a large number of us. Therefore, they must turn into a restricted area to block us and prevent us from washing the sky. However, turning into a restricted area to block us also scattered their strength and gave us a chance to break them one by one! If they do well, Even we can kill them all without dying... "

When he said this, he saw the fog pouring in from the depths of the restricted area, enveloping the restricted area. Where the fog swallowed up, he saw a large army disappear without a trace!

Each of these disappeared armies has millions of real immortal Wang Xianjun, and even the commander-in-chief of Tianjun. In the hands of Tianjun, the strong also control the innate Lingbao transformed by Emperor Lin's 3000 Avenue. Even if they encounter Daojun and daozun, they will not be obliterated silently!

Moreover, it's strange that no one can see how these people disappeared in the presence of more than 40 taojun and daozun!

"Do you still want to play tricks in front of us?"

A Taoist gentleman sneered, strode into the fog, offered the innate Lingbao, laughed and said, "if you have the ability to make me disappear, then show up and fight with me!"

The fog invaded, and when this wave of fog dispersed, I saw that the Taoist king had disappeared!

Yujing's army was in an uproar and unstable.

A Taoist King disappeared in front of them. It's really strange and unimaginable!

Yujing snorted coldly and looked up at the Tianmen gate. Jiang Xueqing still sat under the door and didn't move: "No wonder even I was deceived. I was moved into the Tianmen gate! Needless to say, I'm afraid all my troops have fallen in the Tianmen gate and have been tempered to death! The Tianmen gate master has inherited the road precipitation of the unmanned restricted area for hundreds of billions of years. Taking himself as the center of the restricted area can turn those old ghosts of Qingxu into a restricted area. Just kill her and the restricted area can be easily broken!"

Long an and others were in great spirits, and Yujing ordered: "There is no need to surround and kill the Tianmen sect leader in this war. This woman is a very terrible existence among the Taoists. She surpasses Hong and Jun and kills the Tianyu daozun, the Daoist Lord in the Yuan Dynasty. She is as famous as the Vientiane Daozu. People below the Daojun are useless! All armies and horses immediately quit this pass to help Taiyi daozun! All other Taoists and taozuns stay and hang the Tianmen sect leader !”

All the armies retreated one after another when they heard the order. Suddenly, they saw a black wind in the restricted area, a sea of blood, thunder, steep mountains, chaotic sun, moon and stars, spinning wheels rolling and feather fans flying. They rushed to all the armies. All the armies disappeared where they passed.

Fortunately, they didn't go deep into the restricted area, and most of them rushed out of the restricted area and left the majestic pass, but less than half of the army and horses have been swallowed up by black wind, fog and other phenomena.

Everyone, the Taoist king and the Taoist Zun sank in their hearts: "these people are afraid that they have been robbed and died in the Tianmen gate. It seems that only killing the Tianmen gate master can break this unmanned restricted area!"

One after another, pieces of congenital Lingbao were sacrificed and hung high in the air to hold the fog, thunder, black wind and sea of blood. Yujing daozun immediately led the heroes to the gate of heaven!

At this time, the Tianmen gate suddenly opened and saw the mountain like bones pouring out of the door. Tens of millions of white bones were piled into the mountains. The remaining power of the fairy way was still filled on the huge bones. They were the bones of the real fairy King Xianjun Tianjun who had just disappeared!

There is even a dead bone!

In this short video, hundreds of millions of immortals and demons were tempered to death by Jiang Xueqing with Tianmen, including a Taoist king!

Jiang Xueqing gets up. The Tianmen gate stands on the vast ocean of white bones. White bones surge like a tide. Jiang Xueqing looks coldly at more than 40 Zun Daojun and Zun approaching!

The fog surged, and a huge dark shadow stood behind her.

The Lord of the restricted area, majesty!

"Brothers and sisters, release the annihilation robbery for me!"

Jiang Xueqing scolded, and saw the black shadows behind him offering Lingbao one by one. The Lingguang changed, and the annihilation robbery suppressed in Lingbao suddenly broke out, filling the space in the no man's restricted area!

Yujing and other more than 40 Taoist princes were immediately drowned by the annihilation robbery!

Yujing was furious and shouted angrily, "shit, the Tianmen master is more cruel than her Laozi's Yuanshi Tianzun. Is this going to die with us?"

The Taoists in the Tianmen gate are reincarnated by the prehistoric Taoist king. As early as the prehistoric era of annihilation and robbery wave invading Xiandao, the doom of these Taoists has come. Thanks to their search for the strange treasure in the Dalai sky, they suppressed robbery wave.

At this moment, the wave of looting is released one after another. What a terrible surprise? Not only will Qingxu, Tianxi and others be wiped out, but even Yujing and others will fall into looting and be silenced!

Because the unmanned restricted area is the restricted area against annihilation robbery. Even if Qingxu, Tianxi and others die, they can hide their souls in the restricted area and wait for their reincarnation. If they die, they will be completely wiped out unless they also place their souls in the restricted area!

If Jiang Xueqing's plan is successful, I'm afraid all the Taoists and taozuns present will die, and all their accomplishments will turn into flowing water. At most, there can only be gods and souls left!

It's no wonder Yujing wants to shout abuse when he is so cruel and kills himself together with his opponent.

He was also secretly glad that if he had not sent the army of Yujing holy church to support Taiyi and others, he would be buried in this no man's restricted area!

"Fight for a chance of life and kill the Tianmen sect leader!" Yujing Taoist Zun burst into tears and rushed forward.

At this time, Jiang Xueqing and the shadow of a huge object behind him also rushed forward and shouted: "fight to the death and seize a glimmer of vitality for all beings in Da Luotian!"

Yujing daozun's face was ferocious and met Jiang Xueqing. He said sternly, "Jiang Xueqing, Tianmen sect leader, if you do this, even you will inevitably die!"

The Tianmen gate shook and collided with the jade capital immortal city, shaking the silence and robbery pouring around.

"The body dies and the road disappears, so what? It's a big deal, the reincarnation of the spirit!"

"The way of body death disappears. Even if you reincarnate, you can't practice again to the present state. You will die in the future!"


Da Luotian, the three great passes in the East, South and West, are now caught in the flames of war. At the entrance in the north, Taoist Hong, Taoist Jun, Ji Du and the four great masters and four great masters of the empress on the other side, led by their respective Taoist kings and heavenly kings, stand on this pass. Behind the empress on the other side is his son Yuyuan, as well as the female emperor Yunlian, the virgin of binglian and others, also stand on the pass and wait quietly To be, the number of Daojun and daozun is only more than ten.

In the distance, banners were flying, and a large army led by Taoist priest Qianyuan, Lord Mengxun, Taoist mother Zihan, Taoist priest Tianhuang and Taoist priest Wuxie appeared in the eyes of everyone. Fifteen Taoist priests were all the same.

The most powerful daozuns in Dalai are all above the Xiongguan pass, and the most powerful daozuns under Emperor hezun also appear here. Although the number is small, they are all the most powerful daozuns in the Xiandao era!

This is destined to be the most tragic and terrible war among the four great passes!

"Taoist Hong and others may not be opponents of Qianyuan, imperial concubine. You can't avoid this battle. Get ready to fight." in the deepest part of Da Luotian, Yuan's mother looked at the northern entrance, frowned slightly and said to imperial concubine.

"Yuanshi Tianzun and Wuji Tianzun promised to alliance with us. Why not do it?"

Yuan's mother looked at the sitting Jiangnan and couldn't help saying, "if he doesn't do it again, Da Luotian will be destroyed!"

"When we lose."

Jiangnan looked like an ancient well without waves. He said, "then the strong man in Daojun hall appears, clean up the mess, and clean up the losers together with the remnant soldiers of Da Luotian!"