Chapter 1660

Name:Exalted Emperor Author:zhai zhu
Yuan's mother was speechless and said bitterly, "Yuanshi Tianzun, my mother is actually very good at fighting. Don't always leave me to see home, okay?"

She was really angry. Every time she went to war, Jiangnan played alone. She went to face DILIN, Qinglian, Wuji and daokong alone. She never thought of calling her together, which made her very uncomfortable.

Although yuanmu also knew that she was the weakest of the six tianzuns, she was also Tianzun after all. At the beginning of each war, she could only fight logistics. This feeling was too oppressive.

Jiangnan was dumb, gave Da Luotian and congenitally born Lupeng to her, and said with a smile: "when my final annihilation comes, I still worry that my sister-in-law can't fight."

Yuanmu's face turned black.

Jiangnan smiled and dodged away.

Yuanmu took a long breath. Even if Jiangnan could kill Wuji Tianzun this time, daokong, DILIN and Qinglian would attack when the annihilation robbery broke out in the future. The three tianzuns attacked, and yuanmu could resist it alone?

"I don't think I'm particularly good at fighting..."

Yuanmu murmured and said to herself, "the six heavenly masters restrain each other. The first Heavenly Master of Yuanshi will kill Wuji. The other three heavenly masters will certainly not sit back and watch Wuji be killed by him. Now these four heavenly masters are lightheaded commanders. They have no wealth but are light. If they fight, they are really dangerous..."

It's not the danger of Jiangnan, but the danger of Da Luotian!

Jiangnan goes to kill Wuji Tianzun to verify whether the end of the avenue can survive the final annihilation. Whether Qinglian, DILIN or daokong, they will know it at the moment he starts!

At the same time, they will also know that the sky is empty. It is definitely the best time to come to avenge and flatten the sky!

In the great Luo sky, there is only yuanmu. Naturally, it is extremely dangerous!

"Daokong won't let the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty kill Wuji, but it's hard to say whether DILIN and Qinglian will kill anyone. I can't resist it."

Yuan's mother looked at Lu Peng and said, "no wonder the emperor of the beginning of the yuan gave me this treasure. It was to guard against this. However, how many tianzuns can Lu Peng block? If emperor Lin and green lotus come together, I don't know whether this congenital Lu Peng can block it..."

At this time, Wuji Tianzun and daokong Tianzun sit quietly. Their existence is not afraid of the extinction breath in the Xiandao universe, and the fate cannot be hurt.

It is extremely difficult to destroy their existence even in the fierce robbery of the yuan Dao era. Moreover, the extinction robbery of the Xiandao era has been weakened many times. The only thing that shocked and frightened them is the combination of the extinction robbery of the Xiandao era and the 22 extinction robberies in prehistory.

However, today's Wuji Tianzun's strength is extremely terrible. He has become a figure infinitely close to the end of the avenue, giving people a sense of unfathomability!

Among the three holy places, the two holy places were completely destroyed, leaving only Da Luotian, and many Daojun and daozun who survived Da Luotian also solved the cause and effect of the Xiandao era!

This move, however, also makes the cause and effect avenue of Wuji Tianzun almost completely complete. It is only one step away from entering the end of the Avenue!

"This step is also the most difficult step."

Wuji Tianzun opened his eyes and said with emotion: "The Tianmen sect leader and Vientiane Taoist ancestor are not worth mentioning. The surviving creatures of Dalai are also vulnerable. Only the three heavenly masters, DILIN, Qinglian and Yuanshi, are hard to get rid of. If we can get rid of them, the end of my Avenue will be there! However, with my current strength, it should not be difficult to kill them one by one. Please help me, Taoist friend daokong. You can drag me Live in DILIN, I cut the green lotus! "

Taoist Heavenly Master got up, his clothes made a noise, and said in a deep voice, "are you sure, Taoist brother?"

The limitless Heavenly Master smiled and said leisurely: "Now Qinglian xianzun is no longer my opponent. It should not be difficult to kill him. As long as you kill him, my cause and effect Avenue will be completed. Then it will be easier to kill DILIN, and your great revenge can finally be repaid. When Emperor hezun is beheaded, only Yuanshi Tianzun is left in my cause and effect Avenue. At that time, it was easy to kill him with my strength."

The two of them had made up their minds and were about to start. Suddenly, they saw the void shaking. Jiangnan came out of the void and walked slowly towards them, saying quietly: "Among the five heavenly masters other than yuanmu, the Wuji Taoist friend is the one who has no hope of completely stepping into the end of the avenue. Now your strength has reached the peak you can achieve in your life. You will have no possibility of progress in the future, so I'll send you on the road and end the avenue of cause and effect."

"Yuanshi Tianzun!"

With a murderous look on his face, Wuji Tianzun suddenly said with a smile: "what does Tianzun mean? I cut off Qinglian and DILIN, and then kill Tianzun, I will be able to step at the end of the road. As soon as you die, the robbery power of the final extinction robbery will be greatly reduced, which can let me spend the final extinction robbery calmly."

Jiangnan shook his head and said, "you are too naive, Taoist friend Wuji. Let me ask you, does cause and effect still exist when you finally annihilate everything? If cause and effect does not exist, why does the avenue of cause and effect exist? The avenue of cause and effect does not exist, so even if you step at the end of the avenue, you will die in the final annihilation."

The limitless Heavenly Master was about to speak, but he couldn't refute it. He was angry and said, "how do you know that I can't live after I step at the end of the avenue?"

Jiangnan sighed and youyou said, "because I don't see you alive in the future. Moreover, it's better to die in my hand than in the robbery."

He seriously said, "I can let you die in a vigorous battle, rather than being silenced and suffocated."

Wuji Tianzun smiled angrily and said, "vigorous death in battle? Yuanshi Tianzun, now I am infinitely close to the end of the avenue. You can't imagine the strength. In addition, daokong Tianzun has a 60-70% confidence in cutting you! Daokong has?"

Daokong Tianzun was not in a hurry to start, and suddenly said: "Tianzun, since the causal Avenue will be finally extinguished, what about my chaotic Avenue? Finally extinguished, robbed, extinguished everything, and only returned to chaos. All avenues will be extinguished, only chaos is not empty, only me is not empty!"

Jiangnan said with a smile: "Taoist friend, your chaos is not empty, but chaos can give birth to life because it extinguishes the sky fire. If the sky fire is extinguished in the future, chaos will die."

"Full of absurdity, disturb my heart!"

Daokong Tianzun closed his eyes, then suddenly opened his eyes, turned and left, sneered: "Tianzun, you can't break my heart, and finally annihilate robbery can't erase me and my Avenue!"

He dodged away, leaving only Wuji Tianzun alone.

The limitless Heavenly Master was stunned and said in a high voice, "daokong Taoist friend, where are you going?"

The voice of daokong Tianzun came from afar and said faintly: "I'll kill Da Luotian and reduce the fate! Limitless Taoist friends, you and I will go our separate ways from now on!"

Wuji Tianzun was even more stunned and unbelievable.

Jiangnan Youran Road: "Wuji Taoist friend, do you still want to continue to control daokong? If you kill DILIN, Qinglian, and then kill me, I'm afraid daokong will be the one to deal with later. Daokong Tianzun is also the founder of the Xiandao era. Killing him will make your path of cause and effect completely complete. Can he not think of this? Therefore, it's also a great thing for him to let you die in my hands Good things can at least reduce the power of the final annihilation. "

Wuji Tianzun snorted coldly and said faintly, "it's a pity that he saw through this. It seems that there is only a vigorous war! Yuanshi Tianzun, please!"

Jiangnan smiled and said, "Taoist friends, please first."

Wuji Tianzun drank angrily, and the power of causality Avenue broke out completely. He saw countless causality entangled into a wheel. From the era of Yuan Dao and Yuan Dynasty to the heaven and earth causality of Xiandao era, he refined it into a road and turned it into countless bright silver wheels, flying all over the sky. It seems to penetrate time and space!

Time and space black holes appear in cause and effect rounds, go straight to prehistory, borrow the power of past time and cover the south of the Yangtze River!

The cause and effect wheel shrouds, and a large and small ring suddenly appears around the Jiangnan. The center of the ring is a space-time black hole. All kinds of cause and effect are disordered and intertwined. If you are the God without cause and effect, you will also be pulled into the cause and effect reincarnation. You will always fall into the past space-time, can't get rid of it, and will eventually be wiped out by time!

Jiangnan stood there with his hands on his back and his body still. He let the wheels of cause and effect, large and small, cover him. He saw a light rising into the sky, which was impressively the light of Yuanshi Avenue!

This Yuanshi Avenue is vast and mighty, just like a long river across time and space. It comes from the era of Yuandao, traverses the era of Yuanqi, Yuantian, yuanmie and so on, spanning time and space!

One avenue runs through everything and puts all the causal rings through!

Yuanshi Avenue vibrated slightly, and all the causal rings were hung on Yuanshi Avenue, which could not shake Jiangnan at all!

Wuji Tianzun burst into drinking, and the violent mana burst out. He tried his best to urge the cause and effect ring. He was unable to do anything in Jiangnan. Instead, the cause and effect Avenue was fixed by Yuanshi Avenue, and his heart was not flustered.

Jiangnan has long jumped out of his causal net. At the moment, his causal Avenue has no effect on Jiangnan.

"My Avenue can't help you, but my cultivation is infinitely close to the end of the avenue. The avenue can't help you, so I use my combat power to kill you!"

Wuji Tianzun broke out completely, and a variety of magical powers bloomed and attacked the south of the Yangtze River.

At this time, I suddenly heard a loud bang, but I saw the first wave enveloping the Xiandao era finally enter the Xiandao era and press down!

The annihilation of Yuantian era finally poured into the Xiandao era!

As soon as the great robbery came, it immediately rushed to the limitless Tianzun and shrouded the limitless Tianzun. The limitless Tianzun was shocked. The yuan Tian era was the era when he was born. The great robbery came at a bad time. It was aimed at him, the survivor of the yuan Tian era, and he is now competing with the south of the Yangtze River.

If we suppress this annihilation robbery, we will be taken advantage of by Jiangnan. If we do not suppress it, we will die in the robbery!

"It's not my fault or your work that heaven wants to destroy me! But Yuanshi Tianzun, it's not so easy for you to kill me!"

Wuji Tianzun burst out laughing, powerful and incomparable mana poured out, suppressed the annihilation robbery, and rushed to the south of the Yangtze River: "as long as you delay a few rounds, your da Luotian will be destroyed!"

Before his voice fell, Jiangnan stepped forward, with a palm print on his head!

Wuji Tianzun raised his hand and shook it hard, but he saw that under the palm print of Jiangnan, cause and effect rings tinkled and collided, and cause and effect rings fell, which entangled him!

"Use the avenue of cause and effect to deal with me, too underestimate me!"

Wuji Tianzun struggled hard. He just broke away from the cause and effect ring. Looking up, he saw that the palm of Jiangnan had come to his head!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, daokong Tianzun galloped to the Yuan Dynasty. The yuan mother Tianzun had already sacrificed the innate reed canopy and was ready to defend. Suddenly, he saw a path of spiritual light flying, and the world tree and Hongmeng green lotus fluttered and danced. From a distance, he brushed away at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

Yuanmu's head was big and lost her voice: "these guys didn't help Wuji Tianzun. They all came to destroy Da Luotian! Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"


Daokong Tianzun blew his fist on the congenital reed canopy. The reed canopy shook violently and crackled. The reed canopy burst and was almost smashed by the fist!

At this time, the world tree and Hongmeng green lotus were brushed one after another. Suddenly, the congenial reed canopy was difficult to support and burst open on the spot!

The Taoist Heavenly Master flashed and rushed to the great Luo sky at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty before the new reed canopy was formed!

Yuanmu Tianzun was about to shake him and stop him from entering the Dalai Lama. Suddenly, an aura came and fell into the Dalai Lama, landing in the south of the Yangtze River.

The Taoist Heavenly Master was startled in his heart, and his body flew back upside down. He was unsure and said, "Yuanshi Heavenly Master! Where are you here?"

Yuanmu was also startled and said, "so fast?"

"I said I would go back in the past. Now Wuji Tianzun should be robbed." Jiangnan clothes calmed down the fluctuation and said quietly.

Daokong Tianzun's face changed dramatically. He turned around and left, rising and falling, and then fell on the world tree the next moment. The world tree vibrated gently, and the emperor Lin appeared. Among the Hongmeng green lotus, the immortal statue of the green lotus rose slowly and connected with the breath of the Taoist empty heavenly statue. The three heavenly lords gave up their past grievances and chose to join hands!

Qinglian immortal Zun laughed and said, "since the vicious war of suppressing and annihilating Taoist, our three heavenly zuns haven't joined hands for a long time! Unexpectedly, there is still a time to join hands today!"