Han Xiao repressed his uneasiness and continued to look at the door. He waited for a few minutes, but he still didn't see Yu Mingxi appear.

She clearly promised him that she would not leave

Han Xiao clenched his fists.

Two nurses had just cleaned the blood from his wound. He suddenly clenched his fist so hard that the wound that stopped the blood was torn again and shed blood.

"Sir, you --" the nurses quickly put down the disinfectant in their hands and wanted to come forward to catch Han Xiao, but Han Xiao pushed him away and fell next to him on the chair.

Han Xiao immediately got out of bed, hurried out of the ward and went to the corridor. Despite the shouts of the nurses behind him, he strongly supported his body that had not recovered. He walked the whole corridor once and looked carefully again. He still couldn't find the person he wanted.

Finally, like a wandering soul, the nurses pulled him back to the ward and sat back on the hospital bed. The bleeding hand was pressed on the position where Yu Mingxi lay, and his fingers clenched the white sheet.

The nurses stopped the bleeding again, but his hand refused to relax. The wound was always forced to crack. It could not stop no matter how it was treated.

When Yu Mingxi returned to the ward, what he heard was the angry voice of the nurses who were suspected of educating people, "... I said, sir, you are also an adult. Looking at a very stable person, how can you be so willful?! your blood is so noisy, and you don't feel bad at all!"

"Yes! Sir, can you listen to the advice? If you hold your hands so tight again, the wound will only get bigger and bigger. You are wasting your life. Do you know, you mean you don't listen..."

Yu Mingxi listened more and more wrong. He hurried a few steps, ran to the hospital bed and pulled away the two nurses around Han Xiao. At a glance, he saw Han Xiao's dead right hand pressed on the bed with blood pouring out.

Yu Mingxi's heart seemed to be tightly pinched for a moment. The pain made her suffocate. She couldn't help shouting angrily, "are you crazy!" she quickly stretched out her hand to pull Han Xiao's right hand.

The two fat nurses just dragged Han Xiao's arm together for a long time, but they didn't expect Yu Mingxi's hand to easily separate Han Xiao's hand from the bed sheet as soon as he held Han Xiao's hand.

"You hurry to help him stop bleeding, hurry up!" Yu Mingxi was so anxious that tears burst out of her eyes. She cried when she asked the nurse to help Han Xiao stop bleeding.

The nurses hurried forward to clean the wound and stop bleeding for Han Xiao.

Until the wound on the back of Han Xiao's hand stopped bleeding, Yu Mingxi was willing to take his eyes off his hand, instead stared at his face and asked angrily, "why don't you let the nurse deal with the wound?"

Han Xiao looked at the girl with a worried and frightened look in front of him, felt the warmth of the other party's palm close to his arm, his dark eyes finally fluctuated a little, and said in a hoarse voice, "I thought - you lied to me."

Yu Mingxi's anger was half dissipated by his inexplicable words, and half of her anger was blocked in her heart, which made her confused. Before she reacted, she angrily scolded, "what did I lie to you?!"

Han Xiao tightened his eyes, pursed his thin lips and asked, "where did you go just now?"

"I..." Yu Mingxi was about to answer when the mobile phone in his hand suddenly lit up.

Han Xiao's eyes drooped slightly. He glanced at her mobile phone screen and saw that the note name of the caller ID was "Song Qiye". His eyes were suddenly cold.

The name, the lawyer, reminded him of what Yu Mingxi had said to him that night in the box with only two of them, and... That thing was still like a sharp thorn, deeply inserted in his heart.

Yu Mingxi is worried about Han Xiao's physical condition. He doesn't care about other things. He doesn't want to answer the phone. He plans to press the hang up button, but Han Xiao stops him.

"Take it." Han Xiao said a word firmly.

Yu Mingxi thought that his command attitude was very strange. He didn't intend to answer. He simply shook his head and said bluntly, "don't answer." then he wanted to continue to hang up the phone.

Han Xiao stopped her again, tightened her thumb to slide to the end of the call button, and asked coldly, "is it a guilty conscience not to answer?"

Yu Mingxi suddenly blew his hair, shook Han Xiao's hand off, hung up the phone, and then stared at him angrily with red eyes, "what's guilty? I'm worried about your wound! You're unreasonable! I tell you, if you do this again, I'll --"

Yu Mingxi uttered a word, looked at Han Xiao as if he had stained his gray eyes, bit his teeth, and said ruthlessly, "I'll ignore you!"

Han Xiao looked stunned and then cooperated with the nurses.

If it's time to stop bleeding, let the nurse stop bleeding for him. If it's time to apply disinfectant, let the nurse honestly apply disinfectant to him. If it's time to stick a tourniquet, stick a tourniquet. It's completely scolded.

Although the nurses didn't see any meaning of confusion from the poker face, seeing the 180 degree change in Han Xiao's attitude, they all knew one thing, that is, he listened to the little girl.

The little girl is really powerful. They don't listen to what they say. Han Xiao still doesn't enter the oil and salt. She looks fierce and fierce. Now she scolds him.

Han Xiao frowned. His intact left hand held Yu Mingxi's hand tightly. He didn't look at his swollen right hand at all. It seemed that the injured person was not him and couldn't feel any pain. He just stared at the girl in front of him.

"How do you grasp so tightly?" Yu Mingxi felt that his hand was about to be pinched off by him, and the corner of his mouth was in pain. Seeing that his face still didn't ease down, he couldn't help glancing at his right hand. Seeing the bruise on the back of his hand, he felt very uncomfortable and asked softly, "is it very painful?"

Han Xiao sipped his cold thin lips and didn't say anything. Now he didn't stare at Yu Mingxi's face, but at the re lit mobile phone held by Yu Mingxi in his other hand.

"He is anxious to find you." Han Xiao suddenly throws out a sentence. It sounds like a kind reminder to Yu Mingxi, but it is actually warning her.

Yu Mingxi is not a fool. Han Xiao's tone is so cold that she obviously cares about the call. She doesn't want to annoy Han Xiao, so she presses her mobile phone into silence and takes it back into her pocket.

"Are you satisfied?" Yu Mingxi asked helplessly.

At this time, the nurses had handled Han Xiao's right hand and went to the other side to inject Han Xiao's left hand and lose a new medicine bottle.

But Han Xiao's hand was busy grasping Yu Mingxi and refused to cooperate at all.

Yu Mingxi pulled his hand hard but failed to pull it out. He was very depressed. Why can Han Xiao be so powerful as to be heinous?

"It's almost loose. The nurse will give you an injection." Yu Mingxi pointed to the two nurses waiting by the side.

"You have received his call." Han Xiao asked calmly, "just left, just talking to him on the phone, didn't you?"

Yu Mingxi's heart was beating drums. He not only answered the phone with song Qiye, but the matter was really related to song Qiye.

And she actually wanted to ask Han Xiao for help. She had planned to mention it when she returned to the ward just now. As a result, she was so frightened that she forgot the scene of his hand bubbling blood out.

Later, "Song Qiye" called in and was seen by him. His face was so bad that she dared not mention it.

Now he was so interrogated that he didn't dare to say anything. He could only vaguely um, and then strongly advised him to let go and give the nurse an injection.

Han Xiao's face seemed to be gradually covered with cold ice. Junli's eyebrows were tight and said nothing. Instead, he loosened Yu Mingxi's hand and asked the nurse to prick the needle.

Before leaving, the nurses looked at Han Xiao's cloudy face and comforted Yu Mingxi, "it's not easy for you. This man doesn't look good to serve. Come on, little girl!"

Yu Ming can't laugh or cry when he is at Seaton. While he is glad that the two nurses can't recognize Han Xiao, the great director, and avoid a lot of trouble, he agrees in the bottom of his heart that it's really difficult to serve. Han Xiao is obviously angry now. She really doesn't know how to coax people well.

Han Xiao with a needle in his left hand sat firmly on the hospital bed, motionless, like a mountain, with a strong sense of loneliness all over him.

Yu Mingxi stood by the hospital bed for a while, wondering how to speak and what kind words to say.

When Han Xiao scolds people, she will get angry. When Han Xiao doesn't speak, she can't get angry. On the contrary, she feels a little flustered and is afraid of his appearance of being silent and ignoring people.

Finally, she carefully picked up Han Xiao's swollen right hand and gently exhaled to him.

Han Xiao's hard skin on the back of his hand was brushed by the soft breath, and the pain seemed to weaken. Instead, it was a wisp of itching. When Yu Mingxi blew his third breath on his hand, his fingers finally couldn't help but tremble, and then threw a sentence in a dumb voice, "what are you doing?"

Yu Ming hoped that this move seemed to be effective and immediately replied with a smile, "I'm afraid you hurt. Give you a few breaths. When I was a child, I fell and cried. Grandpa helped me blow like this. Do you still hurt?"

Han Xiao's cold Bangbang eyes gradually softened, but he was still stubborn, and his voice uttered a word, "pain."

Yu Mingxi gently stroked the bruised part of his hand with his fingertips, tried to find out the most painful place, slightly lowered his head, slowly and carefully controlled his strength, printed his lips and kissed them.