"When have you seen me lose my way?" Han Xiaolin asked with a look.

"How much do you know about Mingxi?" Zhuang nixuan asked again. "Do you think she is a little girl who has not been involved in the world and really knows what love is? Do you think... Does she really like you or just admire you?"

"Ni Xuan, you have something to say." Han Xiaowei narrowed his eyes. "What else do you want to say, just say it."

Zhuang nixuan sighed, and a trace of intolerance appeared on her face. "Brother Han, do you know that Mingxi liked someone before you?"

Han Xiao's pupils suddenly tightened, and he had guessed what Zhuang nixuan would say next, but he still didn't want to hear the name, so he frowned and said, "did you investigate her?"

"Yes, I asked someone to investigate her." Zhuang nixuan admitted frankly, with a gentle and considerate tone. "Brother Han, you should always be a little conscious. How many women want to stick to you in your current status over the years? I'm worried that you will suffer. After all, too many women can do anything in order to stand firm in this circle these days."

"She's not those women." Han Xiao's face was cold and said a heavy word to Zhuang nixuan for the first time, "you shouldn't do this."

Han Xiao's tone hurt Zhuang nixuan. The smile on her face froze slightly, but she continued to talk, "If I didn't do this, I wouldn't know that Mingxi had lived with a man when she was abroad. That man was a famous Chinese American lawyer in the United States, the man we saw entangled with Mingxi at the door of Du Leli restaurant and Tianji gate. He -"

"I don't want to hear it." Han Xiao interrupted Zhuang nixuan in a deep voice. "What about her past and who she liked will only be the past. Now and in the future, she only belongs to me."

What Zhuang nixuan wants to say is that Yu Mingxi once liked song Qiye abroad. What Zhuang nixuan found out, he had read all the information about Yu Mingxi and song Qiye abroad that day downstairs of Zongshan apartment.

His life has always been prudent and orderly. As early as his brother Zheng Yixiao asked him to marry Yu Mingxi before accepting treatment, he had investigated Yu Mingxi's data.

Even if it was just a fake engagement at that time, he would not casually and carelessly accept that a woman with unclear details had a little connection and entanglement with himself and his only family in the world.

However, he didn't look into the information about Yu Mingxi's emotional experience before, and didn't go too deep into this aspect, because he didn't care about this completely strange girl at that time, and when he looked again later, he was almost crazy with jealousy.

Zhuang nixuan mentioned the intimate relationship between Song Qiye and Yu Mingxi at this time, which undoubtedly burst the dark thunder in his heart.

But Zhuang nixuan didn't know what he really thought. Han Xiao was deceiving himself and contradicting her. He just continued to persuade him, "brother Han, will you listen to me? Mingxi has studied abroad for almost five years, and she likes this man for nearly five years. How can she easily..."

"That's enough!" Han Xiao suddenly snapped and strongly interrupted Zhuang nixuan again. His scarlet eyes were filled with a biting chill, "I've said I don't want to hear."

Zhuang nixuan looked at Han Xiao in disbelief. She thought that as long as Yu Mingxi left, Han Xiao could listen to her, but Han Xiao didn't want to hear her explain everything clearly. What's more, Han Xiao was so determined to identify the little girl.

Zhuang nixuan couldn't help but look frustrated and murmured, "brother Han, what do you like about Mingxi?"

"Do you still remember a film I directed, the theme is that I don't know where to start -" Han Xiao didn't finish talking about the theme of the film.

Zhuang nixuan directly followed his words, "go deep."

"Brother Han, have you really figured it out?" Zhuang nixuan asked again reluctantly.

"She gave me that feeling," Han Xiao said firmly. "If it weren't for her, I wouldn't think that one day, I would really feel the most perfect love vision I created in that film."

"Brother Han..." Zhuang nixuan's voice trembled. "You mean, your feelings for her are real..."

Zhuang nixuan couldn't say that word. She couldn't believe that Han Xiao denied her feelings for so many years for a little girl.

Even in extreme shock, she almost had to ignore her identity as Xu Anting's fiancee and cross the boundary she drew between her and Han Xiao over the years to question Han Xiao's change.

"Brother Han, you may just be dazzled by that untrue feeling." Zhuang nixuan finally pulled the corners of her mouth and continued to argue in frustration, trying to recover Han Xiao's mind.

"Before her, I really always thought that no matter how crazy love is, it won't really make people lose their reason." Han Xiao's eyes were clear, directly and simply refuted Zhuang nixuan's words, and then said calmly, "Ni Xuan, I've kept you for years, I'm also a person, and I'll be tired. You've chosen Xu Anting. Now I have Mingxi, and we're all free."

Zhuang nixuan's face turned white. Han Xiao's words had clearly sentenced the relationship between them. In the past, Han Xiao took great care of her and didn't really pierce the ambiguous window paper.

She sticks to the reserve that women should have, and doesn't pick out the words. She covers her hazy feelings for Han Xiao. She won't let go easily and divulges a penny. She just gets along with her friends, because she always feels that she feels worse about Han Xiao.

It seems that there is not enough passion, but less enthusiasm. Han Xiao's feelings for her are full of warmth, too gentle and calm, without any ups and downs. When they are together, they are more like relatives and friends. Han Xiao is a good teacher and friend for her, rather than a lover who will have a sense of inductance and palpitation.

At that time, just like Xu, the commercial leader in the middle of the day, her mouth was as sweet as honey. Xu Anting, the most talkative young master, was hot pursuit of her. Which woman didn't like to be surrounded by men and coaxed by men. The heart she couldn't find in Han Xiao was found in Xu Anting.

However, even if she was with Xu Anting, Han Xiao's care and care for her remained unchanged. From beginning to end, Han Xiao was like a quiet and unfathomable Lake in front of her. No matter how many stones she threw into it, she didn't splash too much water that could make her feel thrilling.

She thought Han Xiao's love for her was so silent, but such silence could not be completely moved. It was not the kind of love she wanted most. However, after Yu Mingxi appeared, Han Xiao's transformation was completely beyond her expectation.

Even Han Xiao himself didn't think that what he covered in the deepest part of his heart was not ice, but magma like fire.

Han Xiao's attitude towards her is friendly, respectful, courteous, and gentle and tolerant. Han Xiao's appearance in front of Yu Mingxi is completely different from Han Xiao. He is domineering, stubborn, tough, and even unreasonable. He is wayward. He doesn't look like the great director who has been famous in the entertainment industry for many years and is famous for his "strictness, preciseness and seriousness".

More importantly, his eyes at Yu Mingxi are full of a man's strong desire and strong possessiveness when looking at the woman he wants.

The whole person seems to take on a new look. Zhuang nixuan feels that such Han Xiao is too different and strange from the past, but she has a different feeling about this look of Han Xiao.

When Han Xiao's eyes fell on Yu Mingxi, they were both focused and profound. It seemed that the world was in front of him. He could only see Yu Mingxi alone. Even when Xu Anting pursued her, she didn't feel such a strange throbbing taste.

Why can Yu Mingxi, a little girl, turn a man she has known for so many years into this shape in just a few months?

If it weren't for Yu Mingxi, Han Xiao would only continue to look at her.

If it wasn't Yu Mingxi, she should be the one who is loved so warmly by Han Xiao now!

"Brother Han, brother Han..." Zhuang nixuan suddenly shouted eagerly, with some messy eyes. "You just said that you were tired... In fact, you don't need to wrong yourself like this..."

"It's not grievance." Han Xiao frowned slightly. "Ni Xuan, you misunderstood. I didn't mean tired. Mingxi untied the shackles that trapped me."

"Brother Han, how can you say that your relationship with me is a shackle..." Zhuang nixuan's expression was as sad as crying.

Han Xiao put aside his eyes and didn't look at Zhuang nixuan's misty eyes at the moment. He said directly, "I made the last message in that film. You should remember, I said that everyone will eventually find the right person. For me, Yu Mingxi - she is the right person."

As soon as his voice fell, he felt Zhuang nixuan's hand anxiously holding his arm. He turned his head and pulled back his arm at the same time.

Zhuang nixuan looked at her empty hand, with a sad look on her face, and said with a bitter smile, "brother Han, you didn't say so many words before, and you wouldn't say so frankly. Did Mingxi make you like this?"

"Yes." Han Xiao answered a word decisively, then looked at the empty ward door. His eyebrows were suddenly concave. He suddenly got up and got out of bed, grabbed the shelf hanging the infusion bottle with his swollen right hand, endured the tingling feeling from the back of his hand, straightened his back and walked out.

"Brother Han, what are you doing? Your hand..." Zhuang nixuan shouted and hurriedly chased up.

"I'm looking for Mingxi." Han Xiao's footsteps didn't stop, and his face was frozen. "She's not outside the door."