Fu Yumo felt more and more strange. He was about to ask more detailed questions, but Yu Mingxi had directly entered the next topic.

"Don't say that. I have something very important to ask third brother for your help. Something happened to one of my friends." Yu Mingxi then repeated the specific situation that Li yangxiangyi had told her about song Qiye being kidnapped by a group of people.

"I have to ask ah Cheng for help." Fu Yumo touched his chin and said, "I've never been involved in anything over there. According to what you said, it should be related to the people over there. Ah Cheng is the best at handling this. After all, he has a great reputation. As long as he is willing to come forward, those big men in the city will be eager to do this favor for him, but ah Cheng doesn't like to take care of trouble..."

Fu Yumo said and spread his hands again. His eyes suddenly glanced at the door of the emergency exit behind Yu Mingxi, and asked in a leisurely voice, "Xixi, the person you want to save is very important? Do you have to save?"

"I must save it," Yu Mingxi nodded immediately, "but brother Licheng... Uh huh... So fierce, I was scolded by him... Third brother, can you please ask brother Licheng to help me?"

"Cheng Cheng is cruel to you because you broke up with ah Xiao. Don't look at him fiercely, but he really cares about ah Xiao as a good brother, so..." Fu Yumo narrowed his eyes cunningly and continued, "in fact, as long as you ask ah Xiao to send him a message, he will certainly promise. Why do you have to go around and come all the way to me for help?"

Yu Mingxi's expression suddenly became tangled. She knew that Fu Yumo was an old fox and could not hide anything from his fox eyes.

"Why? You and ah Xiao are reconciled. Can't you talk to ah Xiao about this?" Fu Yumo asked sharply.

Yu Mingxi nodded helplessly. "I can't talk to him... So third brother, help me."

"Why can't you talk to him?" Fu Yumo ignored Yu Mingxi's request and inquired, "is it because the person you want to help has a problem?"

"No, this man won't have a problem. I just told you that he is a very famous lawyer." Yu Mingxi quickly explained, "the reason why he got into trouble with those people this time is to save his adopted daughter."

"Oh..." Fu Yumo lengthened his tone, tilted his head suspiciously, and asked, "since people have no problem, why are you so afraid to let ah Xiao know?"

"It's hard for me to make it clear to the third brother." Yu Mingxi said anxiously with a embarrassed face, "in short, he will be angry if he can't know -"

"You know I'll be angry. Why do you do this?"

Suddenly, a low hoarse voice came out of the door.

Yu Mingxi suddenly turned around and saw the tall figure standing by the door. He was stunned. The voice at the exit couldn't help but panic, "when were you here?"

Can't you all hear what she just said to Fu Yumo?

Across the glass window of the safety door, Han Xiao's fierce and cold eyes seemed to be able to directly penetrate the window surface, stabbing her face in pain.

Han Xiao slammed the safety door with his right hand and pushed it open.

"Brother Han! Your hand --" Zhuang nixuan, who followed him, exclaimed and scolded, "brother Han, you should take care of your hand no matter how angry you are!"

Han Xiao's hand was already hurt. A slight touch may compress the injured part. The door that can be easily pushed open at ordinary times will make him feel the pain of breaking muscles and bones.

But he just frowned and said nothing.

Yu Mingxi hurried forward and held his red right hand affected by gravity.

Han Xiao took his hand back and refused her touch.

Yu Mingxi frowned, ran after him with both hands, held him again, avoided his injured part, and grasped his wrist to prevent him from hiding from her again.

"It seems that the swelling is worse..." Yu Mingxi looked down at Han Xiao's right hand, looked at it carefully for a while, and frowned more tightly. "I'll go to the nurse." then he was about to run out of the safe passage.

"Is it important for my hand to have his life?" Han Xiao suddenly threw down his voice. "Don't you have to save him? If you're a little later, you'll regret it."

Yu Mingxi's breath suddenly tightened, which was completely angry by Han Xiao's ironic words.

She didn't do anything wrong. Out of morality, she wanted to help save song Qiye. She didn't want to make him angry, so she didn't ask him for help. Why did he say so, as if she had done something shady and was especially sorry for him?

Standing aside, Fu Yumo glanced at the two people who were stiff in front of him with a smile, "Alas, the smell of gunpowder is too heavy. I don't like to smell it."

After sighing, he immediately raised his feet and walked out of the safe passage. Before going out, he didn't forget to "kindly" remind him. At this time, Zhuang nixuan, who was still clubbing and didn't know the phase, asked with a smile, "Zhuang Tiantian, do you like to smell this smell?"

Zhuang nixuan heard the warning in Fu Yumo's words and looked a little embarrassed. At last, she took a look at Han Xiao who was only staring at Yu Mingxi from beginning to end, put down the infusion stand that helped Han Xiao hold in her hand and walked out.

The breathing sounds of the two people looking at each other clearly echoed in the safety passage. Han Xiao's strong and fluctuating breath completely covered Yu Mingxi's trembling breath, and said nothing to each other.

A moment later, Han Xiao's stiff face was more angry and tired. Finally he opened his mouth and broke the silence. As soon as he spoke, he was sarcastic, "why don't you speak? When you asked Fu Yumo for help for lawyer song just now, can't you say it very well?"

Yu Mingxi closed her mouth wrongfully and stubbornly refused to talk to him in this tense atmosphere.

"Speak!" Han Xiao shouted fiercely, and a green vein leaped out on his forehead because he could not bear his anger. Seeing that the other party still didn't answer his words, his tone suddenly increased and scolded, "Yu Mingxi, speak!"

Yu Mingxi slowly raised his face and angrily stared at the completely unreasonable man in front of him. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he turned and opened the safety door and ran out.

Han Xiao's face suddenly changed. Looking at the door thrown up by Yu Mingxi, his heart also roared. He panicked and hurriedly raised his hand to pull the door. As a result, he heard Yu Mingxi's anxious voice coming in from the outside, but farther and farther away from him.

——"Brother Mo, wait!"

Han Xiao's left hand on the doorknob suddenly froze.

He never thought that Yu Mingxi chose song Qiye without hesitation.

At this moment, the only glimmer left in the bottom of Han Xiao's eyes also disappeared, and his eyes that lost their luster were gradually covered by the thick ink haze

Fu Yumo turned around in the corridor and watched him run to him hungry Yu Mingxi. His elegant face showed obvious blame, "why did you run here? Just left ah Xiao alone?"

"No, I didn't leave him." Yu Mingxi shook his head and said, "I want to tell you what happened just now. Brother three, can you promise to help me tell brother Licheng to save that man? Promise me, will you?"

"Xi Xi, who is the person you want ah Cheng to help save? It's worth leaving ah Xiao for him?" Fu Yumo frowned, and some unhappy lines spread between his eyebrows. "You've really gone too far this time."

Yu Mingxi hasn't answered yet. Just now, walking behind Fu Yumo, hearing her cry, Zhuang nixuan stopped, and didn't leave, criticized seriously, "Mingxi, even if the lawyer song once had feelings with you, he is now even your ex boyfriend. You shouldn't tangle with your predecessor while you are with brother Han."

Yu Mingxi was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why Zhuang nixuan said she had feelings with song Qiye. To be exact, she was single in love with song Qiye at the beginning. She didn't know when song Qiye also had feelings for her. She never knew. If song Qiye didn't confess to her, she might never know.

Therefore, in fact, there is no real love between her and song Qiye. At most, it is her secret love that ends without illness.

About her and song Qiye, she only panicked Han Xiao. At that time, she was also in a hurry. She wanted to force Han Xiao to give up the idea of being purely responsible for her and strongly want to tie them together. Only then did she deceive Han Xiao that she and song Qiye had been together and had a very close relationship.

Did Han Xiao tell Zhuang nixuan about it when they talked alone?

"Xi Xi, so you want ah Cheng and I to help you save your ex boyfriend?" Fu Yumo's tone suddenly changed to dangerous. "It turns out that in your heart, this ex boyfriend is more important than ah Xiao, isn't it?"

Yu Mingxi was confused by Zhuang nixuan's words. After being questioned by Fu Yumo, he immediately became anxious, "the relationship between Song Qiye and me is not what you think."

Since she returned home, song Qiye has become the past for her. She is no longer the person she likes or her friend.

So song Qiye has nothing to do with her, but even if she doesn't like him anymore and doesn't treat him as a friend, she can't watch him have an accident.

"He helped me when I was abroad," Yu Mingxi continued. "Now he is in danger. If I can help, I can repay others."

"If it's what you said, what can't you say to ah Xiao?" Fu Yumo caught the key point again and forced humanity, "why should you hide it from him?"

"When song Qiye is mentioned, he will be angry." Yu Mingxi said in distress.

"That is, you failed to make him have enough trust in you in this matter." Fu Yumo directly pointed out the problem.

"I see." Yu Mingxi tightened her lips, looked up at Fu Yumo and said firmly, "I just want to make it clear with brother three. I really hope you can let brother Licheng help me save the man. If you really don't want to, I've at least tried my best." after saying that, she turned and ran back to the safe passage.