Yu Mingxi's heart and hair were softened by Zheng Yixiao.

Yu Mingxi doesn't really stand up to people's demands, but just because he cares about Han Xiao, he is easy to be soft hearted to Han Xiao, and he will love Han Xiao's brother.

"Well, why not..." Yu Ming hopes to ask Han Xiao for a favor for Zheng Yixiao.

But Han Xiao stared, and she immediately fell silent.

It seems that Han Xiao can't find the direction because she is spoiled by Han Xiao. She actually forgets that Han Xiao arranges everything very orderly and doesn't like others to disturb her plan.

Since Zheng Yixiao, who sneaked back to China, wants to return to the overseas main hospital as soon as possible for reexamination and continued treatment, he must have his consideration.

"Why don't... Yixiao you still listen to your brother?" Yu Mingxi turned to Zheng Yixiao and changed his voice to advise, "your brother is also thinking of your body. If you finish the treatment as soon as possible, you can fully recover as soon as possible. Yixiao you are good." then he raised his hand and touched Zheng Yixiao's head to comfort him.

"Look, sister-in-law, you also said that my brother listens to you. You listen to my brother. Alas..." Zheng Yixiao saw that Yu Mingxi was not on his side, so he had to sigh and go upstairs dejected and go back to his room.

"I......" Yu Mingxi was so angry that she couldn't refute it. She turned to look at Han Xiao's cold and heroic face and felt that she couldn't refute Zheng Yixiao's words. It seemed that she would really listen to him.

Maybe she likes this man more than she thought

"What are you looking at?" Han Xiao caught Yu Mingxi's eyes. He just felt that her eyes at him were very different from those in the past. They were not only full of love and attachment, but also so complex that he couldn't interpret the meaning for the moment.

"Nothing." Yu Mingxi lowered his head in a panic and suddenly remembered to ask Han Xiao. Han Xiao hasn't given a clear answer. Now that the play is over, you can have a rest, so he continued to ask, "what did I say to you just now? When shall we go to see sister Ni Xuan?"

"Everyone has their own life. Some people prefer to stay alone when they encounter unpleasant things. They don't want others to disturb." Han Xiao didn't answer Yu Mingxi's words positively, but the meaning of rejection in these words is very obvious.

Yu Mingxi understood, but she didn't know how to explain to him. Her good friend Lin Mingxi told her that Zhuang nixuan needed him very much.

After all, Han Xiao is so determined to pay more attention to Zhuang nixuan's private affairs. In fact, it is also for her. They all want to prove to her that he is single-minded to her.

She is not a fool. Even if she really cares about Zhuang nixuan, there are some special feelings between Han Xiao and Zhuang nixuan. If she persuades Han Xiao to visit Zhuang nixuan again and again, she will pour cold water on Han Xiao.

"Well, if you don't go, you won't go." Yu Mingxi buried his head and rubbed Han Xiao's neck, conforming to his words, "then I'll care for myself and help you express my concern by the way, so that both sides can be preserved at last, and you won't feel that you are inhumane and indifferent to your friends."

"It's up to you." Han Xiao lowered his head, kissed the tail of her hair, and hugged the girl who was thinking about him all the time, thinking about how to best maintain his image and reputation.

Yu Mingxi wants to comfort Zhuang nixuan, but he hasn't seen Zhuang nixuan in Tianji these days.

Since her engagement, Zhuang nixuan has rarely taken on all kinds of films and activities. She has been out of the entertainment circle with half a foot. She often takes advertisements from some luxury brands. She usually doesn't come to Tianji for anything important.

Yu Mingxi never found a chance to see Zhuang nixuan, but it was getting closer and closer to the day when fengmou was about to start. Zheng Yixiao pestered her to help plead with his brother and let him stay in China for a long time, which made her head big.

These days, Zheng Yixiao has been courting her in all kinds of ways, serving tea and water, kneading her shoulders and legs, like a little eunuch serving the queen

"Sister-in-law, are you thirsty after reading the script? I'll make you a cup of chrysanthemum tea."

"Sister-in-law! Women are made of water. You can't forget to drink water just because you're working. Here, I've poured you a pot, warm! Drink quickly..."

"Sister in law, you can't sit in front of the computer for a long time. It's easy to get cervical spondylosis. I'll press your shoulders. Before I went to massage, Thai massage, I still learned two hands..."

"Ouch! Sister-in-law! Your legs seem thick - Hey, don't fight, don't fight, I have the ancestral thin leg drift fist, which will make you thin - my brother? My brother can't learn the essence of this secret collection..."

There is also like deliberately bad her and Han Xiao.

At that time, there was thunder and rain outside. Zheng Yixiao loved acting. He shouted at the door, "sister-in-law! Thunder! I'm afraid! Can you read me a script and coax me to sleep?"

Sometimes, Zheng Yixiao and Wei qubaba shouted, "Wow, sister-in-law! I want to cut some fruit for you and brother. I cut it. Do you have band aids? It hurts..."

Han Xiao's face was so blue that he didn't want to talk to his brother who was very noisy outside the door, but he didn't talk to him. Zheng Yixiao was even more energetic. He kept shouting outside, which could destroy the atmosphere.

Yu Mingxi looked at Han Xiao's depressed expression again. He couldn't help laughing. He leaned over and kissed him and whispered, "or you'll promise to let him stay until years later, or he'll make so much trouble again. What shall we do in the future?"

While persuading, she observed the change of Han Xiao's expression until she vaguely felt that Han Xiao's expression became relaxed, so she continued to strike while the iron was hot, pasted it in his ear and said, "as long as you agree..."

The next day, with Han Xiao's permission, Zheng Yixiao could stay in China until the new year. Zheng Yixiao happily hugged Yu Mingxi and cheered.

Yu Mingxi's ears seem to echo that after she gave in last night, Han Xiao whispered her name one after another, full of longing and affection, "Mingxi... Mingxi..."

Countless warm currents poured into her heart and taught her to be intoxicated and forget to return.

After "Feng Mou" was started, Zheng Yixiao, who was left as he wished, went to visit the class and watched Han Xiao and Yu Mingxi in ancient costumes shoot several important scenes. They are all emotional climaxes, including hot kisses and intense sex scenes.

The performances of Han Xiao and Yu Mingxi were highly praised by everyone present. Except Zheng Yixiao, no one knows the real reason why Han Xiao and Yu Mingxi are naturally close in emotional communication and body in the play - not only because of Han Xiao's many years of acting experience and solid skills, as well as Yu Mingxi's acting talent, but also because of their every look, hug and kiss, In fact, it's all true.

Sometimes at half-time, Luo Shan's little assistant to Yu Mingxi is useless. Almost all the work to be done is dressed up as an assistant and robbed with Yu Mingxi's Zheng Yixiao.

The little assistant was very wronged. Under the comfort of Yu Mingxi, he dared to brush the microblog to eliminate the boring time when he had nothing to do.

In addition to the most popular gossip about Zhuang Tiantian's marriage change on the microblog recently, it is the relevant information about the hot release of kissing fish's sadness.

The box office of the film has exceeded 100 million within a few days of its release. Everyone says that director Han Xiao creates another box office myth.

The popularity of several new stars in the film, including Yu Mingxi, has soared with the rapid explosion of the film.

The number of fans of Yu Mingxi's microblog is growing by thousands every day. Many fans also cut the scenes of her and Sheng Fei in the film to make exquisite MV.

The roles she and Sheng Fei play in the play happen to have their own names, so fans affectionately call them "flying fish".

Some fans not only hi the outside of the play, but also hi their real interaction, because before the film was released, their crew was also invited to participate in a famous variety show. In order to cooperate with the publicity effect, they naturally need to make some appropriate intimate interaction with ambiguous meaning according to the script.