Han Xiao's sudden drink frightened Yu Mingxi and almost stepped on the accelerator as a brake.

"Don't panic." Han Xiao looked at Yu Mingxi in a hurry and said quietly.

"Who made you so loud at once..." Yu Mingxi whispered, finally calmed down, stabilized his hands and feet, turned the car around and drove back to the gate of the set.

As soon as the car stopped steadily, Han Xiao opened the door directly, got out of the car, quickly walked to Zhuang nixuan who fell to the ground, and reached out his hand to help people up.

Zhuang nixuan was pale, with sweat on her forehead and biting her lips. She barely opened her eyes and looked at Han Xiao who pulled her up from the ground. Her breath was floating, which was very different from what she had just talked to Han Xiao in front of the door.

"Brother Han, I'm fine..."

"Your face is terrible." Han Xiao stares at Zhuang nixuan's face, frowns straight, and his tone is very severe.

His arm is supporting Zhuang nixuan's arm and fixing Zhuang nixuan's body so that her body won't slide down.

Zhuang nixuan's right hand naturally fell on the back of his hand.

"Your hands are very cold." Han Xiao's eyes fell on Zhuang nixuan's trembling right hand. There was a worry in his low voice, and then asked, "Ni Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I'm really fine." Zhuang nixuan breathed weakly, breathed, pulled the corners of her mouth, and showed a soothing smile to Han Xiao. "It may be that she didn't sleep well last night. She was discussing with director Fang about holding a birthday party for you at noon, and didn't sleep, so she collapsed a little. It doesn't matter."

Han Xiao was silent for a few seconds and criticized disapprovingly, "Zhuang nixuan didn't care so much about her body. Xu Anting has a great influence on you."

"Alas, brother Han, I can't stand steadily. At this time, you can't take off your airs as a big director. Don't scold me?" Zhuang nixuan said angrily, as if it were true or false.

The atmosphere between them was natural and harmonious. As soon as they came and went, they hung Yu Mingxi, who followed them from the car.

Yu Mingxi also watched Zhuang nixuan fall with her own eyes. Like Han Xiao, they were worried about her physical condition. As soon as they came, they looked at her to see if she was hurt and if there was something wrong with her body.

After complaining about Han Xiao's strict attitude towards her, Zhuang nixuan felt Yu Mingxi's eyes on her, immediately smiled apologetically at Yu Mingxi and apologized softly, "Mingxi, why did you all run back again? I'm really sorry. I blame my poor health. You go first. I'll have a rest here and leave. Don't waste time. Don't you still have to surprise brother Han's birthday? If you delay any more, it will be past twelve o'clock soon."

With that, she wanted to help Han Xiao open her arm, but she was so weak that her hands and feet fell off. Almost half of her body was supporting her by relying on Han Xiao's strength. As soon as she pushed away, her body began to shake.

With a big hand, Han Xiao held Zhuang nixuan again and stopped Zhuang nixuan who still wanted to decline his help. Then he looked at Yu Mingxi and said seriously, "Ni Xuan looks unwell."

"I know, it's not that I don't have eyes." Yu Mingxi replied wordlessly.

Isn't that nonsense?

She stood next to him less than half a step away, watched him get off from beginning to end, picked up Zhuang nixuan, stood in front of her, and now turned to see her and talk to her.

Han Xiao stared into Yu Mingxi's eyes. He didn't see any difference or anger, so he said tentatively, "we'll take her to the hospital."

Yu Mingxi nodded his head without hesitation. "OK, I'll drive." he turned and walked back in the direction of the car, but Han Xiao stopped him before he could take a step.

"I'll drive." Han Xiao said bluntly, and then extended his empty hand to Yu Mingxi. "Give me the car key."

Yu Mingxi didn't listen to him. He shook his head and asked, "how do you hold people?"

As soon as her voice fell, Han Xiao's face was slightly heavy. A cold and ancient poker face was very tight, and his face was more smelly than ever.

"Mingxi." Han Xiao's voice was low and cold, with a hint of tough blame and warning.

The person named by him was Yu Mingxi, but before Yu Mingxi refuted, appealed and defended, Zhuang nixuan, who was half held in his arms, said with guilt, "is Mingxi angry? In fact, it's normal for her to be angry. Girls will be like this, brother Han, don't blame her."

After persuading Han Xiao, she stretched out her trembling left hand, took Yu Mingxi's hand, and painstakingly persuaded her, "But Mingxi, you can rest assured that brother Han and I have always been good friends. There is absolutely nothing else. He just helps me. Can you understand him? Brother Han is the most responsible man I have ever seen. Since he has chosen you as his wife, he is sure that he will only have you in his heart and will not have any ideas about others. You should believe him."

Yu Ming Heaton was a little helpless. She opened her mouth and seemed to want to explain something, but she didn't speak in the end.

Although the moment she saw Han Xiao holding Zhuang nixuan, she had a dull feeling in her heart, but it was far from believing Han Xiao.

She didn't doubt Han Xiao, but Zhuang nixuan took it out and said it, as if there was such a thing.

It is difficult to resolve the current embarrassing impasse whether it is explained or not.

"Mingxi, please help me and let brother Han drive." Zhuang nixuan suddenly uttered a voice, full of consideration and understanding.

Yu Mingxi felt cold. Somehow, Zhuang nixuan's understatement became the leader of this situation.

It feels bad.

And Zhuang nixuan said so. If she really obeyed Zhuang nixuan and exchanged positions with Han Xiao, it would be tantamount to admitting Zhuang nixuan's words. She really misunderstood the relationship between Han Xiao and Zhuang nixuan because of what happened now.

Yu Mingxi was in a mess. He raised the corner of his eye and glanced at Han Xiao. The latter looked at her seriously and didn't speak.

Finally, she succumbed to Han Xiao's strong eyes and obediently helped Zhuang nixuan to the car.

In order to prevent the risk of Zhuang nixuan sitting alone in the rear seat on the way to the hospital, Yu Mingxi also sat in the rear seat and looked after Zhuang nixuan.

Along the way, Zhuang nixuan felt unwell and had no spare time to say anything. She quietly leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes to rest.

Han Xiao focused on driving the car and rushed to send Zhuang nixuan to the hospital. He didn't have that mind.

The atmosphere is really not suitable for chatting. Yu Mingxi is no matter how broad-minded and lively, but he has to be depressed by the chaotic thoughts at this time.

At the hospital, Yu Mingxi helped Zhuang nixuan to see a doctor, while Han Xiao listened carefully to the doctor's diagnosis.

"There's no big problem. Recently, the sleep quality is not very good, which will have an impact on your body. You're over tired, in a bad mood, and you'll also be mentally weak. I'll prescribe some calming drugs for you, lose liquid for two days, and take care of yourself for a period of time."

After the doctor finished the diagnosis, he handed the prescription to Han Xiao, smiled at Zhuang nixuan and said, "the medicine is ready. Let your boyfriend get the medicine. You can go directly to the infusion room for infusion. You will infusion here tonight and adjust your body..."

Before the doctor's words were finished, Zhuang nixuan hurriedly interrupted, "no, doctor, you misunderstood, me and --" Zhuang nixuan looked at Han Xiao with embarrassment and apology, "we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, his..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were," said the doctor without paying attention. "All right, you should pay quickly."

Out of the consultation room, Zhuang nixuan immediately reached out to hold Yu Mingxi and explained anxiously, "sorry, Mingxi, the doctor didn't know. He just looked at me and brother Han... Just talk nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

Yu Mingxi shook his head, waved his hands and said with a smile, "it's all right. I'm not so stingy. Don't worry. Those who don't know are innocent. I won't take it to heart."

That's what she said, but she was a little depressed at the bottom of her heart.

It's not unreasonable for doctors to be wrong. Judging from their appearance and age, Han Xiao and Zhuang nixuan are undoubtedly a better match.

Yu Mingxi felt more and more powerless, but she still comforted herself at the bottom of her heart. Just thinking more, she had to hold Zhuang nixuan and take someone to the infusion room.

As soon as she turned around, Han Xiao grabbed her arm.

"Why?" Yu Mingxi looked back and asked for no reason.

Han Xiao fastened her wrist with one hand, and raised the other hand with the medicine list. His two fingers moved casually, folded the medicine list, then put it into his pocket, and pressed the palm on Yu Mingxi's head. His slender knuckles gently shuttle between Yu Mingxi's hair and knead her head intimately, obviously with a sense of comfort.

"Don't think about it." Han Xiao's low voice echoed in the quiet corridor.

"Eh?" Yu Mingxi's face showed a trace of surprise and looked at Han Xiao rubbing her head.

Han Xiao, who is not used to saying good things, always has the authority of the director when facing her, and almost never lowers his head. Even every quarrel, Han Xiao's attitude is not really soft.

"What's so surprised?" Han Xiao frowned slightly. "It's you, Mrs. Han, who got the certificate with me. Don't you know this very well?"

His tone suddenly returned to that of a student and a younger generation.

Yu Mingxi gently spat out his tongue and made a face. He pulled down his hand and pinched it a few times to vent the depression accumulated in his heart just now. After pinching, his anger disappeared. He smiled and urged him to leave. "I didn't say anything. Go get the medicine quickly. I'll send sister Ni Xuan to the infusion room."

Han Xiao gave a sound, took back his hand, looked at Yu Mingxi again, said in a heavy tone, "go." after that, he also turned around, left the corridor of the hospital and went downstairs to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

Yu Mingxi takes Zhuang nixuan to the infusion room. When she is properly placed, she sits with her while waiting for Han Xiao to bring the medicine and infusion list.

"Mingxi, you really don't mind what happened just now. Will you believe brother Han's feelings for you?" Zhuang nixuan smiled, but the tone of the question was a little worried.

"Yes," Yu Mingxi replied firmly, "I'll believe what he said."

"Your feelings are so good that I can rest assured." Zhuang nixuan sighed softly, "In the past, brother Han refused to try to contact other women. No matter how I advised him, he refused to open his mind to others. I've always been worried that he would be lonely all his life. Fortunately, you appear now. Brother Han is the most responsible. Although he didn't tell me too much about you, I don't know how you came together, but since you Yes, you must be a good girl, so brother Han will certainly not be bad to you. If a man like him chooses who to be his wife, he will be responsible to the end. "

"Well, he's very kind to me." although it's a little strange to talk about her husband with the woman her husband liked, Yu Mingxi listened carefully to Zhuang nixuan and recognized her words.

"You helped persuade brother Han before. Brother Han agreed to play in the film directed by Fang. At that time, director Fang had a dinner party and asked brother han to come together. After the dinner, I talked with brother Han for a while. We talked about you. Do you want to know what he said?" Zhuang nixuan smiled gently and had a gentle voice. She couldn't find anything wrong.

Anyone who saw and listened to her would feel that Zhuang Tianhou was really friendly, but Yu Mingxi inexplicably felt a strange discomfort at this moment.

She hasn't figured out how to answer. Should she bring the topic over? She really doesn't want to continue talking with the woman Han Xiao liked.

However, her idea has not been decided yet. Zhuang nixuan has opened her mouth and went on.