Yu Mingxi was stunned for a moment. Before his brain turned around, a low word fell in his ear, "good morning, wife."

Yu Mingxi's heart suddenly shook, his ear tip seemed to be scalded by the burning breath, and his body couldn't help shaking.

She wanted to say something, or refute Han Xiao's words as usual, but her throat was blocked like something and couldn't speak smoothly.

Han Xiao woke up for a while. He felt that he was holding someone in his arms and quietly opened his eyes. He was filled with joy at the bottom of his heart. He didn't dare to move. He just wanted to hug his wife more.

When Yu Mingxi suddenly made a move to leave his arms, he pressed the man back into his arms without thinking about it and said that sentence emotionally.

Unexpectedly, to his surprise, Yu Mingxi didn't deny him or ridicule him, saying something he didn't like to hear.

Han Xiao thought he had finally had a good turn. He was unwilling to let go. He slowly approached Yu Mingxi's ear and gently touched the little pink ear. However, if he seemed to linger, he didn't dare to go further.

Yu Mingxi's body became more and more stiff. He nestled in his arms. He didn't listen to his hands and feet. He couldn't move. He kissed him for a while. The child in his stomach seemed to wake up and kicked suddenly.

Yu Mingxi's belly trembled. He woke up in a hurry and pushed Han Xiao's chest back with his elbow in a hurry.

Han Xiao was unprepared and was immediately pushed away by her. He was still stunned. He saw Yu Mingxi standing up in a panic. Without looking back at him, he immediately went to the little lazy sofa to see his son.

Han Tianyi is still asleep with his little thumb in his mouth. Hit it and hit the ground.

Yu Mingxi looked at it like this. His tight face slowly softened. He stretched out his hand, hurriedly pulled his son's hand away from his mouth, and covered the quilt for him again.

After doing this, she immediately walked out of the office and left Han Xiao in a hurry like a deserter. What happened last night and this morning was regarded as not happening.

It's like she's used to such things. It's like on the first day of the first month, Han Xiao came to the Acacia bakery early in the morning and gave her and her son Han Tianyi a red envelope. In the red envelope, there was a check. The amount given to Han Tianyi was 5288 and the amount given to her was 1314520... You can see the meaning behind such an obvious number without thinking.

When Han Xiao gave the red envelope, she said "you must accept it" seriously. She knew how stubborn Han Xiao was, so she didn't refuse. She took it and left it to her son.

She never mentioned the past and the contradiction between the two people. It's also for the sake of having a happy Spring Festival. There's no need to make them unhappy. In addition, she has to admit that there is another reason in her heart because Han Xiao really shakes her because of all kinds of things he flattered her during this period.

Originally, she still had an old love for Han Xiao. The other party was still aggressive. She got along so day and night every day, and "seduced" her to see his acting. These days, she not only regained her love for acting, but also indulged in the superb acting skills of director Han Xiao. She often couldn't open her eyes in the corridor.

All kinds of factors pile up together, which is really not generally difficult to carry.

But fortunately, Han Xiao never forced her further, nor mentioned any remarriage, so she continued to be an ostrich.

Han Xiao's idea is to slow down, so he is not impatient. As long as he has some results every day, Yu Mingxi no longer repels and resists him as much as he did at the beginning, he feels that he has made progress and has hope.

Because of this mistake, Han Xiao slept together all night. He was not only energetic, but also in a good mood. Together with the whole crew, filming all day was like bathing in the spring breeze. All the staff and actors cooperated well, the shooting progress was greatly improved, and the efficiency was excellent. All the tasks were completed one day ahead of the estimated time.

During the Chinese new year, even if the play is finished, the deputy director received everyone's opinions and asked Han Xiao, the general director, whether he could have a collective afternoon tea in this baking workshop, which should be a celebration of the finish.

Originally, most shops would reopen after the eighth day of the lunar new year.

When Yu Mingxi learned about the situation, he called the shop assistants back to work to prepare rich afternoon tea and snacks for the crew.

Han Xiao only sat outside for a while, then went back to the office area and personally went into the special baking room to make exclusive snacks for Yu Mingxi and Han Tianyi.

When Han Tianyi heard that his father was preparing snacks, the coke broke. He dragged Yu Mingxi's legs and clamored to go to the baking room to accompany his father.

Yu Mingxi couldn't resist her son. She really wanted to see him and stole a teacher, so she took her son into the baking room.

Han Xiao moved a chair and asked them to sit down. Then he turned and went to work.

Yu Mingxi watched intently. She was dazzled by the complex steps. Han Tianyi in her arms seemed to be very interested in making snacks. She looked eagerly. Although she couldn't understand many things, she still looked carefully.

Han Xiao occasionally raised his head and glanced at the chair beside him. He saw the same admiration expression of the mother and son, with light in his eyes.

Han Xiao's heart was slightly warm. The corner of his mouth, which he used to press, raised it up, and a little smile appeared at the bottom of his eyes.

Finally, the hot dessert came out. Yu Mingxi and his son Han Tianyi took a fork in one hand, a big fork and a small fork, and tasted the dessert at the same time.

Yu Ming Xi immediately narrowed her eyes and smiled. She couldn't help but praise several words generously, all of which were full of worship.

Han Xiao had a comfortable look on his face. His eyes were tightly fixed on Yu Mingxi. He said calmly, "people are yours. You can eat them whenever you want."

Hearing the speech, Yu Mingxi almost bit the fork, smiled and looked away as if he hadn't heard it, and bowed his head to help his son tidy up his bib.

Han Tianyi ate several mouthfuls and patted the corner of the table with his small hand happily, "delicious! Dad, delicious!"

His share was relatively small, and he soon swept it up. He ate faster than his mother, and then waved a small fork and shouted, "more."

Han Xiao shook his head solemnly, "you can only eat one."

Children love sweets very much. If they don't control it, they will eat bad teeth.

Han Xiao usually controls his son's sweets very strictly. He says he can only eat one.

Even Yu Mingxi's plea is useless.

Moreover, Yu Mingxi seldom helps to plead for mercy. On this point, she and Han Xiao have reached a high consensus and must not indulge Han Tianyi as a snack.

Han Tianyi is usually skinny, but he doesn't dare to really disobey his parents, but today he doesn't know whether the director of Han university works very hard to make snacks or what. Anyway, he thinks this new snack is particularly appetizing. He doesn't eat enough, or he is more spoiled. He is used to being a little coquettish, so he can't eat any more, so he makes a fuss and cries for several times.

No matter how Yu Mingxi persuades and Han Xiao stares, Han Tianyi's children, who are completely awakened by the nature of eating goods, are clutching the table and making noise. They must continue to eat.

Yu Mingxi heard that he was crying fiercely. He couldn't help but feel soft. He was angry and helpless at the bottom of his heart. How he was like his father, he could easily stir her head and hurt her. He could easily poke her soft rib, which made her very unstable.

"Don't cry..." Yu Mingxi touched the naughty Han Tianyi and persuaded her saliva to dry. The baby in her arms still kicked her hands and feet and cried for dessert.

Han Xiao stared for a long time. Han Tianyi was afraid of that look. After learning the essence, he simply closed his eyes and didn't look. Anyway, he cried and howled with his small eyes closed.

Han Xiao and Yu Mingxi looked at each other.

As a result, Yu Mingxi lost first and tentatively helped his son discuss with his father, "why don't... Give him some more food?"

She also knows Han Xiao's temper. She can't say a thing or two. Otherwise, the entertainment circle won't always say how selfless, harsh and inhumane Han Da director is.

Although Han Tianyi is Han Xiao's own son and has been very spoiled during this period, Han Xiao rarely gives in on many issues that touch on principle.

When you are spoiled, you are spoiled. When you are strict, you are allowed to cry, and he won't frown more.

Yu Mingxi doesn't often interfere with Han Xiao's way of educating his son. First, she doesn't think it's a bad thing to be strict when she was a child. Second, don't talk about her son. In the past, she often obeyed Han Xiao's orders and hardly said a word of No.

So now she says that she interferes with Han Xiao's way of educating her son. She is against Han Xiao. She has no bottom in her heart. She is not sure that Han Da director can "accommodate" her own son.

Sure enough, Han Xiao frowned at her plea for her son.

Yu Mingxi changed his mind and continued to persuade his son, "no, would you please stop making trouble? This dish should be enough. Dad won't let you eat more because of your teeth. You're good..."

Han Tianyi's children seem to be addicted. They not only don't obey and shut up, but also cry even harder.

With unreasonable demands, he was tucked in the middle of the father and son who would not give up to the other side. He was embarrassed and heart stuffed. He whispered to him, "how do you like a virtue? Like who is not your father, he is watching the truth at ordinary times. You are always watching the good, but when it comes to the critical moment, you make complaints about anyone.

Han Xiao stood by her side, and naturally heard her Tucao's words, make complaints about her heart, and her eyes suddenly became complicated. Then she turned back to the oven, took out the rest of the snacks and put them to her son.

"??" Yu Mingxi was so surprised that she opened her eyes and looked at the Korean University director who seemed to be evil, and immediately felt very wronged!

What happened?

Did the Korean University director specialize in this trick?

Just cry recklessly?

She didn't have that treatment before!

It's really... In front of being a father, being a mother is more angry than a son!