Beyond the canyon.

A paragliding parachute landed slowly and finally landed steadily on the ground. Jiang Le stretched out his hand to untie the safety buckle of the paragliding parachute and then walked towards the front.

After passing a turning point, the situation ahead was suddenly bright, and Li Qingqing's figure leaning against the jeep suddenly appeared in Jiang Le's eyes.

But Jiang Le had already made an agreement with Li Qingqing before skydiving. She met her at the exit of the canyon.

Seeing Jiang Le's appearance, Li Qingqing immediately welcomed him and asked excitedly, "how's it going? Did you find anything? "

Jiang Le showed a mysterious smile: "go back first, in case the wall has ears."

Li Qingqing looked around in wonder. In such an empty place, walls have ears?

But Li Qingqing didn't say much. Jiang Le must have his meaning. He just needs to do it.

They got on the bus quickly and left here immediately.


Cusco, Jiang Le's temporary hotel.

Jiang Le put his bag on the table and groped around the room. After confirming that there was no eavesdropping software installed, Jiang Le said softly: "I found a stone temple, which may have been the cemetery of high-level people in mabaf."

"Huh?" Li Qingqing said excitedly, "how's it going? Did you find anything? Tell me quickly. "

"Yes." Jiang Le takes out the two animal skins and hands them to Li Qingqing. As the daughter of Dr. Li Chenggong, Li Qingqing should have a different understanding of these animal skins.

Li Qingqing carefully opened the first animal skin. When she saw the map on the animal skin, Li Qingqing's expression suddenly became excited and serious.

"It is a very old drawing method and uses very valuable color mineral materials, which is a bit like China's Thangka technology." Li Qingqing squinted and said.

"The two maps are connected together. If we can analyze what the mountain and lake are above, we may be able to find the location of nabaf." Jiang Le said.

And express your understanding.

Li Qingqing nodded seriously: "I know. Give me some time and I will try my best to crack the secret on the map."

The two skins were spliced together. Li Qingqing took out a pair of glasses from her pocket and put them on her face. Then she bowed her head and carefully observed every detail on the skin.

Seeing that she was so serious, Jiang Le stopped disturbing her, and then went to the side and took out a ruby to play with.

The texture of this ruby is very round and perfect. It is obviously an ancient mabaf civilization, but it has a very advanced cutting technology.

Among them, the quality is particularly high, clear and transparent, so that people can see many reflective surfaces inside.

"It's worthy of selling things at sky high prices. There's really nothing to say about it." Jiang Le said secretly, and then stuffed the gem back into his pocket.

Although he is not short of money now, no one will dislike that he has too much money. If he can find a channel to auction these two rubies in the future, Jiang Le can become a billionaire in an instant.


Just as Jiang Le was waiting for Li Qingqing to crack the secret on the animal skin, a group of people were quickly gathering towards the hotel.

Each of them has a tattoo of the world hall, and their clothes are exquisite and neat.

Matthews was an aristocrat born in England. After he was born, he enjoyed countless wealth, so his material life and spiritual life were far more than most people.

Matthews' father was a member of the world hall. When Matthews grew up, he naturally became a member of the world hall under his father's recommendation.

The world hall has complex personnel and many factions. All of them can do anything by any means, and there is only one destination.

That is to seize anything precious.

Rich people collect antiques.

And the world hall collects civilization.

Mabaf, the golden country, has more than one faction in the world temple.

The white haired old man who wanted to fight Jiang Le and Li Qingqing was a faction, and Matthews was another faction.

After Matthews gave the order, his men began to hide in the dark and began to monitor Jiang Le.

As soon as he makes any discovery and progress, Matthews's people can follow up immediately. If necessary, they can even control Jiang Le and Li Qingqing and forcibly take away their achievements.

However, Matthews did not expect that in addition to Jiang Le, there were colleagues in the World Hall... Sir modo.

At this time, the people who surrounded Jiang Le's hotel were Sir modo's men.

As Li Chenggong's daughter, sir modo really wants to get the diary in Li Qingqing's hand.

As long as they can get this notebook, they can find mabaf's secret and the location of the golden country.

"The target lives in Room 305 on the third floor. There is only one exit and window. You control these two places. Let's go in and catch people." Whispered Sir Mordor's chief.

With his wave, everyone immediately ran into the hotel. A storm is coming.