Chris groped around in the world ladder, trying to see what could be removed and taken away. The technology of Maya civilization is of great research value.

Putting tens of millions of dollars on the black market is valuable, and there is no market. Scientific research teams in any country will rush like crazy to study the secrets of Maya civilization.

Now, this opportunity to make a lot of money is in front of Chris. Although it is said that the poisonous snake forces will pay them a lot of salaries, in front of tens of millions of dollars, where can we see that money? Everyone wants to make more money, so that they can freely do what they want to do.

The same is true of the hornet team.

These people are criminals from various countries. After joining the wasp team, they all become stateless and stateless. All they want is money. Money can move them and do anything.

Jiang Le checked whether there were any detachable things inside the world ladder last time. All the machines were fixed and could not be moved. Therefore, this place is of no value to these scattered soldiers.

"Captain, there are stairs leading up here." A member of the hornet team went to the revolving stairs and said.

Chris glanced up and said, "leave five people here and the others follow me."


When Chris gave the order, some of the team members followed him and walked up the stairs. Without strengthening their pineal gland, they could not activate the ability of automatic stair rise. They could only walk up on foot. In Jiang Le's eyes, Chris and his party had reached a position more than five meters high.

When Jiang Le felt that the time was almost right, he grabbed the arms of the two hornet team members next to him with both hands and threw them out with great force.

At the same time, he took out a pistol from the space backpack at a very fast speed, shot two shots at the heads of the two people, and then ran quickly to the outside of the world ladder.

The moment the gunshot sounded, there was a huge noise in the open environment. Christon, who was still walking up, looked down and saw Jiang Le shooting at his men.

For a moment, a bad feeling came to Chris's heart. He quickly raised his gun and aimed at Jiang Le in flight: "kill him and don't let him run away."

All the members of the wasp team raised their guns one after another, aimed at Jiang Le's figure and dragged the gun.

However, Jiang Le had already calculated all the actions. When a gunshot rang out, his body had rushed out of the world ladder, and all the bullets hit the wall of the world ladder, which could not penetrate to the outside.

At this moment, the world ladder has been re closed by Jiang Le.

"No!" Chris's face changed. He quickly ran down the stairs and ran to the place where Jiang Le ran out. Soon he felt that an invisible wall blocked his way forward. The wall was divided inside and outside, completely separating Jiang Le from them.

“FUCK!” Chris hit the wall with an angry fist. Jiang Le calmly waved to them, and then turned away without hesitation.

The world ladder was closed again. They were like unlucky people locked in a secret room. If there were no other people who strengthened the pineal gland to open it, this group of well-trained wasps would starve to death in the world ladder.

However, these are not what Jiang Le needs to care about. On this island, if you can't be an ally, you can only be an enemy. For the enemy, Jiang Le never stings his cruelty.

Destroying all the enemies is the best gift for yourself.


The number of zombie beasts on the island has become more and more. The infection rate is like the wind blowing all over the island. No species can escape this influence.

From beasts as big as Saber Toothed tigers to mice as big as fists, they can't avoid being infected.

The women living on the beach on the north bank huddled in the ruins of the ship. At night, they would all hide in it to avoid the discovery and attack of passing beasts.

"Why hasn't Jiang Le come back yet." At the entrance of the ruins, several stewardess sat together to warm each other. The night on this island is still relatively cold. If there is no fire, the temperature can drop to about 7 ° at night. Before Jiang Le left, he specially stressed not to make a fire, so as not to attract the attention of other creatures and bring danger.

For the sake of safety, these people also implemented Jiang Le's instructions in place, and dared not make a fire even if it was cold.

"I don't know. Jiang Le shouldn't have an accident. He's so powerful."

"Bah, bah, bah, don't talk about this crow mouth. You'd better be quiet. Don't attract any wild animals later." A stewardess whispered.

Just then, a figure approaching suddenly came into the eyes of the stewardess.

In the middle of the night, several stewardess trembled and closed their mouths one after another, worried that the figure would find themselves.

However, the figure obviously came here. As it got closer and closer, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from the figure's mouth“ Anybody here? I'm Jiang Le. "