Dilov street, there is an unusual excitement today. After Jiang Le proposed to compete with Park fan, the enthusiastic Russians immediately moved to a stall for Jiang Le. At the same time, they also provided the corresponding ingredients on Park fan's stall, so that the two people could stand on a fair starting line. At the same time, Jiang Le quietly took out the famous Oriental ingredients such as salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, thicken powder and soy sauce stored in his space backpack. Only with the cooperation of these things, Jiang Le can make the most orthodox Oriental cuisine. Standing in front of the booth arranged by the Russians, Jiang Le looked at Park fan's booth. He took out a frozen chicken from the freezer under the booth and put it directly on the chopping board, so he was ready to fight. According to the rules, this is a comparison between Nanhan cuisine and Oriental cuisine. Jiang Le and park fan represent their respective countries, so they must make their own cuisine to be justified. If you make food from other countries, even if it is delicious, it will break the rules. Since the other side is going to make chicken, Jiang Le plans to "do the other way and give back to the other." to say that making chicken, there are countless chicken delicacies among the types of Oriental delicacies. Like shredded chicken, diced chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken wings and whole chicken, there are many methods that you can't guess. According to the information found by Jiang Le from the Internet, there are only seven kinds of Nanhan cuisine, namely: barbecue, kimchi, stone pot bibimbap, soy sauce soup, health ginseng chicken soup, barley tea and cake. It can be inferred that the type Pu fan wants to do at the moment must be health preserving ginseng chicken soup. Ginseng chicken soup is one of the eastern classic Cantonese dishes cooked with Korean ginseng, children's chicken and glutinous rice. After it was spread to Nanhan, it directly became one of the most representative Nanhan cuisine. This cuisine has many effects such as tonifying blood, Qi, beauty, calming nerves and replenishing physical strength, so it is widely loved by people. After learning about Pu fan's idea, Jiang Le couldn't help sneering. It was only Lao Tzu's reason to beat his son. He wanted to use the food spread from the oriental country as his weapon to fight back against the oriental country. This kind of thing is bound to be impossible for Jiang Le to let it happen“ Since you want to make chicken soup, it's better than chicken soup. " Jiang Le thought to himself, and then he found a frozen chicken from his stall and put it on the chopping board. Although Russia and the East are close to each other on the world map, the food cultures of the two countries are quite different. In this country, chicken is not very popular, so generally frozen chicken is more common than live chicken. Although it is said that using frozen chicken as food material, the taste will be much worse than that of live chicken, Jiang Le doesn't care so much at this time, Anyway, the opponent is just a simple fan, not an international chef, and can't affect much in terms of food freshness. In addition to the frozen chicken, Jiang Le also found the ingredients he needed at the stall, including sea mussels, beef and pork tenderloin. Fortunately, sea mussels are all fresh marine goods, which should have just been transported from the coastal area, which can make the taste of chicken soup made by Jiang Le go up several steps“ Jiang Le, do you need our help? " Lu Tao three people walked to the booth and asked. In this time of winning glory for the country, they don't want to just stand by and watch the war. If they can give Jiang Le a hand, they will have their share of the medal of merit. But I didn't expect Jiang Le to wave his hand directly: "no, you don't look like you can cook. Just stand by and watch."“ Er... "All three felt ashamed. As Jiang Le said, they really couldn't cook, but fortunately, although they couldn't help themselves, they could still stand by and cheer Jiang Le. All three opened the live broadcast and began to broadcast the food dispute between the chefs of the two countries wholeheartedly for the domestic water friends. The onlookers in Russia saw Jiang Le wash the old hen and cut it into several pieces with beef and pork tenderloin, then put it into boiling water to remove the floating dirt, dry it, put it in a basin, split the shell of the sea clam and take out the meat. He started with both hands at the same time in dozens of steps. His skillful technique and speed showed that he was an experienced cook, Therefore, some people's cognition of Jiang Le's poor cooking skills was suddenly broken. On the contrary, the image of Jiang Le, a young man, became mysterious in their eyes. In the eyes of the people of many countries in the world, the oriental country has always been a mysterious symbol. Today, Jiang Le has covered this impression with a veil. Park fan was preparing to cook chicken soup. When Jiang Le took out a pot and seemed to be planning to make chicken soup, he immediately showed a disdainful smile: "I park fan have been making cold health ginseng chicken soup in this street for many years. You, a young man, want to beat me with chicken soup. It's a dream." After that, park fan took back his eyes and continued to devote himself to his work. However, this time, he took all his energy and no longer paid attention to the situation of Jiang Le. This time, he wanted to convince the young man from the oriental country to lose.