A professional racing driver had a fight with a professional referee and it still happened in front of the live camera. There is no doubt that it is a very hot thing. I believe it will become a well-known news and spread all over the world before long.

The water friends in Jiang Le's live studio are also happy to see this picture.

[666, I didn't expect to see this scene. It's really exciting]

[fight more fiercely. Don't beat out the man's nose blood like a woman!]

[ha ha, it's obviously the dispute caused by brother Jiang, but it turns out that the two people fight together. It's really funny]


Jiang Le is too lazy to watch such a farce. Raymond, a professional driver, will definitely have a great impact on his personal image because of this incident. First, he slandered other drivers because he didn't get the first place. Second, he argued. However, he lost his face by fighting with the referee.

Before long, the organizers came and dragged the two fighters down, which stopped the farce.

After the award ceremony of the organizer, Jiang Le returned to the hotel prepared by the thorn Flying Eagle car to rest.

Although the Akad region is located among many countries with perennial wars, due to the forces behind many countries and the behind the scenes operation of some international forces, a city of "no care" appeared in the Akad region many years ago. The city has no government, but the three surrounding countries are responsible for maintaining discipline.

With these three countries watching, no one can make trouble in this city, otherwise it will disappear out of thin air and evaporate.

Saudi Arabia happens to be one of these three countries, so Arabs have great power in this city called "hayeru". As a thorn Eagle club established by Arab local tyrants, it naturally has great power in this city.

Diamond Hotel is the largest and most luxurious six-star hotel in hayero city. If you haven't been here, it's hard to believe that someone would be willing to pay to build a 42 story hotel at the junction of this war zone.

In the dark and purple sky, Jiang Le lay on the big bed after taking a bath and looked at the empty night sky outside the landing window.

Because he was on the 37th floor, he could not help feeling that he was in the air and could reach out to catch the stars.

No one can refuse to look down at the scenery of the earth from a high altitude, which will make you feel that everything seems very small in your eyes.

Ding Ding!

Just when Jiang Le was a little sleepy and was going to sleep first, the doorbell of the room suddenly rang.

Jiang Le had to get up and go to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw a waiter standing outside.

"Mr. Jiang Le, Mr. Nashi invited you to the top banquet hall to attend the charity party held here tonight."

Jiang Le was stunned: "charity party?"

To tell you the truth, he refused. What kind of charity party would you like to hold? Wouldn't it be better to have a comfortable sleep in the room.

However, it occurred to him that Nashi had specially asked someone to invite him. If he didn't go, wouldn't he live up to the kindness of others? There was no way. Jiang Le could only change his clothes and follow the waiter to the banquet hall of the hotel by elevator.

The banquet hall of diamond hotel is located on the top floor, surrounded by glass. Standing here will give people a feeling of stepping on the sky.

When Jiang Le followed the waiter into the hall, he saw that a large number of men and women were chatting and greeting each other in the super hall covering an area of at least 500 square meters.

They were all dressed in tuxedos and evening gowns. They were very classy. In contrast, Jiang Le's ordinary clothes seemed a little out of place with the local environment.

However, Jiang Le is a person who doesn't care about this sense of ceremony. He looks indifferent and follows the waiter to Nashi who is talking to others.

Seeing Jiang Le's figure, nasehima laughed and said, "look, today's champion is coming. Let me introduce you. This is Jiang Le, a very excellent explorer. I believe you should all see the fierce evil horse platform recently quarreled in the Pacific, which was discovered by Mr. Jiang Le."

On hearing nassehi's introduction, several wealthy people who were originally indifferent showed surprised eyes at Jiang Le.

You know, in today's era, the difficulty of discovering a new land is much higher than that in the era of great navigation at that time. Jiang Le's discovery has been called "Columbus in the 21st century". This title is enough to make Jiang Le a great celebrity.

No one expected to find the explorer in the Akad area.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jiang Le."

The rich standing next to Nashi came to shake hands with Jiang Le, and Jiang Le accepted them one by one.

"Mr. nassey, what were you talking about just now? You look very happy." Jiang Le deliberately asked for a topic.

"Oh, Mr. dolecker's mine has found an ancient relic of an unknown country, and many bodies have been found in it. We are talking about this." Nashi said casually. Jiang Le asked, "it sounds interesting. I don't know where Mr. dolecker's mine is." A man with rustling hair nearby replied, "it's in the Akkad area."