
However, as soon as the gunshot rang, a bullet hole appeared in the center of the man's eyebrow the next second. Then his body fell to the ground, and the undead completely became dead.

Jiang Le looked indifferent: "is there anyone else who doesn't want to say?"

Ox raised his finger. "Go up and kill him."

As soon as the voice fell, all the remaining undead rushed out and recklessly attacked Jiang Le, but they were greeted by a hail of bullets from the AK47. In front of the bullets, the transformation of the undead was not enough. They might be able to crush everything with this ability in the era of cold weapons, but now, Jiang Le will only say to them, 'my Lord, Times have changed. ".

Looking at the strange weapon of harvesting life in Jiang Le's hand, Oakes stared at Jiang Le's AK47. Within a few seconds, two strands of wrinkles appeared in the center of his eyebrow. Then a gap opened in his forehead skin, and he slowly opened a dark green eye.


At the moment when he stared at the AK47, Jiang Le only felt that the guns in his hand suddenly spread out uncontrollably. When he looked down, he saw that the gun had been well broken into a pile of loose parts, and the only egg shell in the magazine fell to the ground with a very clear sound.

"What?!" Seeing this, Jiang Le was surprised for a moment. He quickly looked in the direction of Oz and hit the other party's third eye.

The disintegration ability of double feather jade pendant!

The idea immediately came to Jiang Le's mind. It was mentioned in the file given to him by the relevant institutions that the double feather jade pendant has the ability to instantly disintegrate an organism, but it is very consistent with the current situation.

"Can it be said that the green water in the double feather jade pendant is related to the third eye!"

The double feather jade pendant has those magical abilities because it contains green water. Once the jade pendant breaks and the green water overflows, the double feather jade pendant will become a common thing.

It can be said that the double feather jade pendant is only a container of green water, which is the key to the mysterious ability of the double feather jade pendant.

Without the AK47, the remaining undead survivors can recklessly rush forward to tear Jiang Le into pieces, but they are disappointed. Just for a moment, Jiang Le has an M4A1 carbine in his hand out of thin air.

Dada, dada!

There is no undead here who can stand up.

The old descendants of Babylonian civilization who have survived here for unknown centuries may never think that they will be destroyed in the hands of a young man today.

After disintegrating Jiang Le's AK47, ox's third eye retracted again. It can be seen that he can't unlimited use the ability of the third eye, otherwise Jiang Le would really feel a little tricky.

"You, you." In the face of Jiang Le's means, ox was completely stunned. As a high priest and the leader of the undead, all of them were disintegrated by modern weapons at this moment.

The immortality that the outside world's rich dream of is extremely rare in the underground of the Mesopotamian plain, and the extremely rare weapons from the outside are enough to destroy this "Immortality civilization" that has survived for countless centuries.

Jiang Le walked towards oz with a gun in his hand. He had an inquiry potion in his hand. He was not worried that oz would not answer his questions. At present, he just needed to subdue Oz and get what he wanted from his mouth.

But at this time, ox suddenly ran towards the waterfall. Jiang Le was just ready to shoot through his legs. Ox had already crossed the waterfall and disappeared behind the waterfall.

Jiang Le was in a hurry and hurriedly shot a shuttle bullet at the waterfall. He didn't know whether he hit the target or not.

After changing the clip again, Jiang Le quickly crossed the waterfall for fear that there would be a secret path behind the waterfall, which would make oxyS, the living fossil of Babylonian civilization, escape.


The sky eye live broadcast device floats over Baicheng, motionless and overlooking everything that happens in Baicheng.

Baicheng, which was originally silent, has now become a sea of fire. A large number of living dead are fighting against the special soldiers of the poisonous snake organization. The scene is no less than a biochemical crisis.

[brother Jiang is really gone? What happened after being kicked by that strange old man? I'm so curious]

[I won't really lose my life this time. That old man doesn't look like an old man]

[pray for brother Jiang, [candle]

Jiang Le's live studio has long been a mess. Not only a large number of fans and friends who eat melons and water are paying attention to him, but also many people with special identities are paying attention to this live studio.

A relevant department of the state.

In the hall, a group of people from the Security Bureau stared at the big screen, which was playing the picture of Jiang Le's live studio.

"Do you think something will happen to Jiang Le?"

A senior officer of the bureau came out of the office and said seriously, "immediately notify, send someone to the Middle East to investigate, find this place, and implement the highest rescue for citizen Jiang Le."