People like xiaopingtou are between the underworld and the white world. With a little power and resources, they can do some things for the rich foreign people who smuggle in.

As long as they don't break the law, or won't be found by agents, such people are willing to do it for money, even if they will hurt their own people at that time.

The van was smuggled in parallel from abroad. There was no motor vehicle registration information, and the license plate was also a set of license plates. At that time, it was impossible to find the small flat head anyway.

Looking at Reggie Lehman, who had gone up the mountain, the little flat cut pinched off his cigarette butts and said faintly, "Jiang Le, I didn't expect you to be watched by people in the dark net and take money for business. Don't say I framed my compatriots. It's all for money. Just ask for your own luck."


Two or three halls, four or five corridors, six or seven Buddhist halls and eight or nine bronze bells of the ancient temple enter the temple, and a faint smell of incense suddenly comes to your face, which is very good. At this time, some tourists in the temple are paying incense to worship the Buddha, and several monks sit in front of a thousand handed Guanyin statue and cross knee chant scriptures. This atmosphere is really quiet, as if all troubles are faintly going to dissipate.

Jiang Le spent money to buy three incense sticks for a Bodhisattva. Then he put his hands together and began to make a wish.

As the saying goes, make a wish when you see the temple and bless when you see the temple. Regardless of whether it works or not, you can set up a one-stop assembly line and punch a card.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared on the mountain road outside. It was Reggie Lehman. They saw Jiang Le standing in front of the Bodhisattva statue. They were afraid of recognizing the wrong person, and specially took out the photos saved in their mobile phone for comparison.

"Big brother, it's him. That's right." Lehman said immediately.

"Don't worry. Don't be impulsive this time. We have to be fully confident before we start. This man is very famous in the oriental country. Once he has an accident, he will easily be inquired by the local police."

"I know, brother. I will never do it without your permission." Lehman said firmly.

The two then pretended to be indifferent and went straight to Jiang Le. In Reggie's plan, they needed to knock Jiang Le unconscious in a place where no one was, and then take him back to the van at the foot of the mountain. In this way, they could tie Jiang Le back to the Golden Triangle very smoothly.

However, xiaopingtou reminded them before that Jiang Le's boxing strength is not simple. He won the first prize in yesterday's underground boxing competition and is not so easy to catch.

Reggie and Lehman are both masters who have practiced Muay Thai for many years. Muay Thai is a killing skill. Each move has been hit from the hardest part of the body and attacked the key points of the enemy. It is very different from those boxing with rules.

Therefore, Reggie didn't take the small flat head warning too seriously. They were still very confident about their strength. Even if one person couldn't subdue Jiang Le, could they succeed? How is that possible?

Jiang Le, who finished incense, was about to leave and go to other places in the ancient temple, but at this time, by means of his anti reconnaissance ability, he immediately realized that there was a trace of strange Reggie brothers in both posture and action.

First of all, the two people knew at a glance that they were not oriental faces, but they felt very much like Thais + Indians. At the same time, they had a murderous spirit on them, which ordinary people might not feel, but for Jiang Le, who had also been stained with blood on his hand, they could clearly detect it.

Looking at the thickness of their arms and the calluses on specific parts of their palms, it is obvious that they have adhered to a certain fighting skill for many years. Considering their appearance, Jiang Le directly determined that this fighting skill is Muay Thai.

When Jiang Le looked at Reggie, Reggie immediately deliberately moved his head and looked around like a passenger, but this made him more eccentric.

How could two good Muay Thai masters appear in such a place? Jiang Le suddenly showed a strange smile on his face. At the same time, he turned back and said to himself, "it's a little interesting. I don't know who sent it."

When starting with the growth card to become stronger after being beaten, Jiang Le planned to go down the mountain to find a place where he could practice boxing and try the effect of this card, but now, there is no need to find a place to practice with him. Right now, there are two just goals.

When he really wanted to go to bed, someone gave him a pillow. Jiang Le deliberately walked to the place with few people in the ancient temple, and the Reggie brothers who pretended to be passengers were also secretly happy. Unexpectedly, Jiang Le cooperated so well and seemed to want to knock him out, but it was only a matter of time.

All the way to the back door of the ancient temple, Jiang Le took the initiative to stop and look back when he saw that there was no one around and the place was remote. It was impossible for tourists to come to such a place.

Reggie and he just walked out of the corner of the corridor and ran into each other.

The six eyes were opposite, and the atmosphere here suddenly cooled down.

"Stop pretending. I know your target is me. Come on, who sent you here." Jiang Le asked.

"Brother, this guy found us long ago." Lehman put his hand into his arms and firmly grasped the handle of the gun. As long as Jiang Le had a sign of intention to shout, he would do it immediately.