"Thank you for the rocket presented by 'Yi Yi's most lovely'."

"Thank you for the rocket presented by the lemon baby."

"Thank you for the rocket presented by the 'big Sima of the three kingdoms'."

"Thank you for the rocket presented by the 'wind cold son'."


In front of the screen, park Minhe thanked his fans for their gifts while controlling the knife sister in the game to kill her opponent.

It is clearly the master King's Bureau. Under the operation of Park Minhe, it is like frying fish in the fish pond Bureau. The 700 point player opposite the king has been killed twice in ten minutes. This is the strength of the God of game competition.

Tonight is the last day of the tiger shark TV list. After 24 o'clock, the ranking above will be completely fixed. The first anchor is the "best anchor" of the year, and the last ten people are listed as the top ten anchors.

These awards will become prefixes and appear in front of the anchor's ID, which is a symbol of honor and identity.

Tiger shark TV's ranking list requires money. Every dollar is a little energy. The more energy, the higher the anchor's ranking. Therefore, the annual grand ceremony is also called money war.

An anchor can't be on the list without his father.

Although Jiang Le's popularity and popularity are very fierce, his golden father is not many. Nike and bedball can't really help him fight this money war, so relying on the gifts of fans, Jiang Le is only ranked fourth in the list.

The top three are those super first-class anchors, and there are many golden masters behind them.

The first of them was a Korean named Park Minhe.

When Park Minhe was operating Daomei to kill his opponent again over the tower, he suddenly found that the number of online people in his live room began to decrease significantly. You know, it's 8 p.m., which is the most golden time of live broadcasting in a day. There is a loss of audience for no reason. It's absolutely abnormal. There must be demons.

Half a year ago, this rarely happened, but now, if this phenomenon appears in tiger shark TV, there is only one answer.

That's the guy Jiang Le started broadcasting.

Sure enough, a lot of rhythmic bullets immediately appeared in park Minhe's live studio.

[brother Jiang has a live broadcast, brother Park, I'll slip away first]

[brother Pu is sorry, brother Jiang is too tempting]


Seeing the departure of these fans, park Minhe was angry and itchy, but there was no way. He could only pretend to be smiling and continue to play the game without paying attention.

This is Jiang Le's influence on tiger shark TV now. Many water friends will give up their original anchor for him. It would be very difficult for park Minhe to win the title of best anchor of the year if it weren't for the funding support of emperor guanhuangxing's parent company this time.

After the live broadcast, Jiang Le sat in front of the computer. There are only four hours left before the deadline of the ranking list, and he is only the fourth at this time. What whole life is unnecessary at this moment. It is the most critical to start to rush the list.

But Jiang Le didn't have a flustered expression on his face. Instead, he was very calm and didn't panic at all.

His fans felt sorry for Jiang Le when they saw this scene. With Jiang Le's achievements and influence, being the best anchor of the year is not enough. It's a pity that Jiang Le has no golden father who is willing to invest real money for him, and no local tyrant fans, so he can't help him get to the first place.

[brother Jiang, we really feel unfair for you. An excellent anchor like you can't be the best of the year]

[I've given you all the remaining gifts, brother Jiang. Sorry, I'm still a student]

[if it weren't for my wife's strict control, brother Jiang, I would definitely send you a super rocket]


The live rooms of other anchors are often filled with many barrages with hostility and strange atmosphere, but Jiang Le's live room is not like this. Tonight is particularly harmonious and interesting.

Seeing these bullets, Jiang Le couldn't help feeling that his fans were very cute and thought of himself.

But they worry too much. Jiang Le is sure to win the best anchor of the year.

"It's okay, everyone. Just feel it." Jiang Le knocked on his chest with his fist and said gratefully, "but don't panic. We should take the title of 'best anchor of the year'. As my fans, I want to help you fight for the light."

There are also many fans of other anchors in Jiang Le's live studio. Naturally, they don't like Jiang Le's attitude. Therefore, when they heard Jiang Le say these words, all of them couldn't help laughing.

[just you? Do you know how many energy points you are different from the first place Park Minhe? He has received a reward of 28 million yuan. How can you compete with him

[alas, it's still a big blow. Now you're confused. Unless a Shenhao crazy invests money for you, you can't be the anchor of the year]

[park Shen is still strong. He just came to tiger shark TV from Korea this year, and he can directly become the best of the year. Compared with him, Jiang Le is still not good enough to see. Although he is famous, his strength is not good]... Amid the sarcasm of those who don't like him, Jiang Le's mobile phone suddenly sounded a sound of SMS prompt tone.