"Wood makes fire, fire makes earth, earth makes gold, gold makes water, and water makes wood. There is only the last link in the five elements. We have to hurry up." The iron plate was used to cover the well again and cut off the connection between the well and the outside world.

At that time, police officers concerned about the case will come here to deal with the bodies, but before that, they still have to isolate the possibility of crows coming to eat carrion. The dead are so big that even if they die, they can't let their bodies be destroyed by birds.

Jiang Le took Jiang Le to see three bodies with different death methods. The curiosity of the water friends in the live studio about this case has reached the top, and there are several problems in everyone's heart more or less.

Jiang Le thought quickly in his mind about where the last place of aquatic trees would be.

Soil and wood are the easiest things to see in this kind of mountain forest terrain. If you want to find a specific "wood" place in Sanzhong mountain, it is no less difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack.

If you want to cut in quickly, you must master the thinking mode and action law of the mysterious feng shui master, so that you can put yourself in the other's position and act with the other's thinking to judge the other's next goal.

But Jiang Lejian has never seen the cruel mysterious feng shui master. It's not easy to assume that he is the other party and COS come over the other party's way of thinking.

Therefore, Jiang Le quickly recalled all the knowledge points in his mind after he bought the "feng shui master", and wanted to find out the existence related to the unknown Feng Shui Bureau in Sanzhong mountain. If he could understand what the mysterious feng shui master wanted to arrange, he might be able to lead the army.

Soon, Jiang Le thought of an ancient Feng Shui bureau very similar to the current situation.

Liu Bowen is the most powerful geomantic magician in the eastern kingdom in recent dynasties. It is said that he knows the longitude and latitude of heaven and earth, sees the vein of mountains in his eyes, listens to the sound of heaven in the wind, observes the stars, and knows some broken pictures in the future.

This man is extremely mysterious in history, and his deeds are extremely shocking.

It is said that Zhu Taizu was afraid that after his death, the rivers and mountains left to his descendants would be changed by others, so he asked Liu Bowen to go out and cut off the Dragon veins of Kyushu, so that no one can have the fate of the real dragon and the son of heaven, and no one can rebel and ascend the throne.

Liu Bowen did this and cut off all the Dragon veins on the land of Kyushu, but he left the dragon vein of Changbai Mountain outside the pass alone, which enabled the Nvzhen nationality to enter the pass and dominate the Central Plains hundreds of years later and become the emperor of the Central Plains for more than 200 years.

Liu Bowen, such a powerful geomantic magician, naturally left some works recording his efforts. The thousand of heaven and earth is one of them. Unfortunately, few people can read this work, let alone understand all kinds of geomantic avenues.

In the thousand of heaven and earth, there is a Feng Shui bureau that hurts the harmony of heaven and earth and violates human principles. This bureau needs to make an array of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. It uses raw people as sacrifices. It needs to bury, burn, crush, drown and hold people. Five raw people are arranged in five different death methods. Finally, it can achieve the effect of bringing back the soul of a dead person.

The simple explanation is: with the lives of five people, this Feng Shui bureau may be able to revive one person.

Although the effect was very powerful, it was an evil way that could not be brought to the table after all. After Liu Bowen left, "heaven and earth thousand" was destroyed by him, and no one knew it except his two disciples.

However, Jiang Le never expected that the Feng Shui Bureau of the "five kings' revival" would appear in this triple mountain today. It is really shocking.

As the name suggests, holding people is to hold a person alive, and the key to the last link is "aquatic wood". This holding people and wood complement each other and are indispensable.

The mysterious feng shui master who committed the murder must be ready to do it in a wooden place at the moment.

"The wooden Lord East, the east side has been planned as a tourist attraction a few years ago. There is no undeveloped land. If the feng shui master wants to start in the East and complete the last step, he will definitely enter the scenic spot." Jiang Le was overjoyed and hurriedly let Tianyan live broadcast take the lead in flying to the East. Don't shoot yourself.

He himself quickly took out his laptop from his space backpack, directly used means to remotely hack into the security system of Sanzhong mountain scenic spot, and quickly took over every camera in the scenic spot.

The daily maintenance of Sanzhong mountain scenic spot is done well. Over the past few years, every camera is still working, and none of the equipment is problematic, which enables Jiang Le to quickly browse through every place in the scenic spot that can be photographed, looking for the mysterious feng shui master who plans to perform the last link of the "five kings' soul recovery".

At the same time, Jiang Le was not idle and began to check the pictures taken by these cameras in the past few hours.

Soon, in a video stored in the background memory, a sneaky black figure who planned to sneak through the camera to shoot a dead corner attracted Jiang Le's attention.

The guy was dressed in black and wore a black cap on his head, but he didn't want others to find him. On his back, he carried a sack more than one meter long, which seemed to contain something very heavy.

"I found you!" Jiang Le said brightly.