In the dark night, a bonfire emits soft fire light in the night, illuminating an area of dozens of square meters. Next to the campfire, Jiang Le sat on a smooth stone and talked with interest about the lens of the Tianyan live broadcast“ In the Republic of China, there was a man who specialized in hunting in the town next to Shennongjia. He was strong and a good hunter in the town. Early this morning, the man took his hunting gun and his hunting dog into Shennongjia to hunt, but it was strange that he walked in Shennongjia all morning, let alone prey, When Mao didn't see one, the man thought it might be the wrong time. At that time, he was a little sleepy. He tied the hound to a tree and sat under the tree with a shotgun to take a nap. Before long, the man fell asleep. Just when he was sleeping, the man suddenly felt something touching him. When he opened his eyes, He saw a humanoid monster at least half a Zhang tall and covered with long hair standing in front of him. At this time, the monster was stroking his thigh with his hairy hand. This picture is always scary. The man immediately picked up his shotgun and prepared to shoot. At the same time, he wondered why this monster approached, but the hound he had raised for many years did not remind himself. What the man didn't expect was that the monster was so fast that he directly grabbed the hound in his hand. At the same time, his hands burst out with powerful power and twisted the shotgun into scrap iron. After all this, the monster directly grabbed the man and carried him on his shoulder to leave. Before leaving, the man found that he had tied the hound. Now there was only a pool of meat mud left, In this stall of meat mud, a dog head is extremely conspicuous. A year later, in the depths of Shennongjia, the female savage and the hunter gave birth to a child. The child is more like the female savage. She has thick hair all over her body and has great strength. She can easily remove heavy stones, while the hunter is looked at by the female savage very seriously and does not allow him to escape. Whenever the female savage goes out hunting, Will take the hunter to a steep place that can't climb. Only female savages can reach this place. In this way, the hunter has been locked up for many years and can't find a chance to escape from Shennongjia. Until one day, the hunter found an opportunity for a female savage to go out hunting with a little savage. He narrowly escaped from Shennongjia and fled back to his home. But at this time, it has been 16 years since he last entered the mountain. His parents, wife and daughter are almost unable to recognize him. People in the town think that the hunter died in Shennongjia. When the hunter announced his experience to the public, the story of Shennongjia female savage spread ten to ten. " When Jiang Le finished telling the story, many people immediately raised their questions in the live studio【 Brother Jiang, is this a folklore or a real thing? It's too scary for you to go to Shennongjia in the future. [indeed, I'm still a 28 year old guy who hasn't even held a girl's hand. If a female savage is caught and forced to mate, it will leave a great harm to my young heart] [the one above, 28 years old, hasn't been in love yet, It's the only way you can break Chu without looking for a young lady to mate with you at present. You have to cherish it] [hahaha, it's so funny. I just like the atmosphere in brother Jiang's live studio. The people inside talk funny and humorous. They don't want to go again when they come]... "In fact, I can't judge the authenticity of this matter, After all, it happened so long ago that there are not many clues to testify. However, if it is true, we can get some important information from this story. First, there is no reproductive isolation between Shennongjia savages and humans. First, in terms of species, they should be regarded as the same species of humans. Second, the number of Shennongjia savages is very small, This will lead to female savages looking for humans as mating objects. " Jiang Le raised two fingers: "maybe what exists in Shennongjia is not a savage, but the ordinary people who fled into Shennongjia to avoid the war in history. After living in the primitive environment for a long time without taking care of and shaving their hair, they became like savages." Sitting beside Jiang Le and listening to the story quietly, Zhou Hao immediately asked, "Jiang Le, are there any other Shennongjia stories like this? Tell me more. Your eloquence in telling stories is really wonderful. " Jiang Le said with a smile, "there are some stories, but few are credible. Most of them are modified by the folk people. Most of them are people who meet savages. As a result, savages run away, or savages break into the village and rob cattle and sheep. They are very fake. It's meaningless to say too much."“ In this way, Shennongjia savages are not at all credible. After all, no one has really found the bodies or hair of savages. " Zhou Hao's expression showed disappointment. Jiang Le shook his head: "that's not necessarily. Listen to me again."