Goo Goo! Goo Goo!

Owls cry on the branches of trees. In today's human society, it is estimated that only Shennongjia can still see owls in the deep mountains and forests.

Jiang Le sits beside the campfire and quietly adds firewood to the campfire. It's late at night. In addition, it's January now. The temperature in the mountains is cold. If you don't add a fire, the body temperature of normal people can't stand it at all.

Everyone knows that the deep mountains and forests at night are the most dangerous, because the sky is dark and the visibility is very low. If any wild animals come near, you can't even find them.

Many wild animals don't go out during the day. They only go out to hunt and fill their stomachs at night.

Fire is the weapon that beasts fear most. At the same time, it is also like a bright lamp in the night. The burning of this campfire will easily attract distant beasts. For the safety of everyone, Jiang Le has kept up his spirit and constantly observed the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Ah ~" Zhou Hao, who was sleeping, suddenly yawned and climbed out of his sleeping bag.

He hugged his coat and walked directly towards a big stone in the distance.

"Zhou hao?" Seeing this strange behavior, Jiang Le immediately shouted that he didn't sleep in the same bedroom with Zhou Hao during the special training, so it's not clear whether this person has the habit of sleepwalking. If he really sleepwalks at the moment, he has to stop it.

"Ah?" Hearing Jiang Le's call, Zhou Hao immediately looked back and said, "what's the matter."

"I thought you were sleepwalking and wanted to call you."

"Hahaha, no, I'll go to the bathroom. Maybe I drank too much mineral water this morning. I'm in a hurry." Zhou Hao responded casually and immediately ran behind the big stone and launched his own "catharsis action".

Knowing that he was not sleepwalking, Jiang Le stopped caring about him and continued to scan the surrounding environment.

One minute... Two minutes... Three minutes... Five minutes later, there was no movement behind the big stone. Zhou Hao seemed to evaporate from the world without a sound.

Jiang Le began to realize that something was wrong, let alone Xiaoxie. Even the tuba was finished at this time. After all, in this cold weather, who would delay the tuba in the wild and let the cold wind freeze his ass?

Jiang Le quickly got up and ran straight towards the big stone.

The stone is as high as two people, and the width is more than three or four meters, which can well cover the situation behind.

Jiang Le bypassed the stone and immediately saw that the back of the stone was empty. There was no figure of Zhou Hao at all. On the ground, a pool of blood appeared very conspicuous.


Jiang Le's face suddenly changed. He quickly woke up Ruan Rongjian and Li Daben who were still sleeping.

"Get up! Get up! Something big has happened. "

"What's the matter?"


They broke free from their sleeping bags with a sleepless look on their face. Although they didn't know what had happened, they made a defensive posture at the first time.

"Zhou Hao is missing. He should have been attacked by something. Come on, we have to hurry to find him. It may be too late now. If we slow down for a while, it will be too late." Jiang Le pulled out a wooden stick with fire from the fire, turned directly and ran in the direction of Zhou Hao's disappearance.

"What?" As soon as they heard that Zhou Hao had an accident, Ruan Rongjian and Li Daben immediately climbed out of their sleeping bags, learned to use the fire stick like Jiang Le, and quickly followed up.

On the ground behind the big stone, a large piece of blood remained. At the same time, the blood also extended and dragged it to the depths of the nearby forest.

This left a tracking mark for Jiang Le's three people, so that they didn't feel at a loss like a headless fly.

"What on earth attacked Zhou hao? With his physique, even if he was attacked, he wouldn't be able to shout for help. Is it a savage?" On his way, Li Daben asked puzzled.

But no one can answer his question at this time, because no one knows.

On the way of chasing, Jiang Le gradually found that around the bloodstain, there were a series of oval pits with unclear specific shape. The average length of the pit was 30cm-40cm, up to four fingers deep, which looked like footprints.

But normal humans don't have such big footprints. These footprints are enough to compete with elephants and wild boars.

Jiang Le's mind came up with a crazy idea: is it difficult? Is it really a savage who appeared and took Zhou Hao away?

Recalling the story of the female savage he told in the evening and thinking that Zhou Hao might be ravaged by the female savage, Jiang Le suddenly couldn't help shivering all over.

It's terrible. Life is worse than death.

Along the footprints as like as two peas, the three men came to the depths of the mountain. At the moment, they did not know where they were. All the surrounding rocks and trees were all alike in the night.

"Look!" Li Daben suddenly shouted, reaching out and pointing in a direction. Jiang leshun looked in the direction he pointed and saw that there was a deep cave three or four meters high on the mountain wall seven or eight meters away.