Before approaching your cave, just stand outside and you can feel a wild and ancient smell emanating from the cave.

Outside the cave, the thick snow layer created a natural slope that could let people into it. After Jiang Le followed the team in, he immediately noticed the beautiful soldiers in the ice walls on both sides.

The Antarctic ice is very pure old ice. It looks like transparent glass from a distance, without any snow debris and impurities.

So when you look over, you will feel that the images of those beautiful soldiers are all lifelike, just like standing there.

"They even opened their eyes. There was no expression of crisis on their faces. It was like they were frozen in an instant while walking here. It was wonderful."

A member of the team next door couldn't help sighing, but his words made Jiang Le feel a little creepy.

It seems that the truth is far more mysterious than people think.

Everything in the cave was photographed by the sky eye live camera and spread all over the world.

Every netizen who saw this scene couldn't help staring. In his early years, he heard that meiguo was doing some experiments in Antarctica.

But the officials of the United States have been trying to deny that their country has never done such a thing.

Now it seems that it is irrefutable.

The troops of the beautiful country have indeed come to the South Pole. As for what they are doing secretly, others don't know.

The cold wind blew fiercely from the depths of the cave, hitting people's faces exposed to the air.

Then people can't help but wonder if there is a vent connected in the depths of the cave. The wind is so strong.

[there is a mysterious smell in this place. It can freeze a group of living people in an instant. I'm afraid it can only be done at an ultra-low temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero]

[although Antarctica is very cold, it doesn't seem to reach more than minus 200 degrees. Did people in beautiful countries find anything here]

[maybe brother Jiang can find something big this time]


Walking, Jiang Le's footsteps suddenly gave a meal and looked at the ice wall nearby.

The member of his team immediately asked strangely, "what's the matter?"

If you choose to stop in such a place, you must have found something.

"Look at that. Does it look like modern people?" Jiang Le asked, pointing to an Iceman deep in the ice wall.

As soon as he heard this, everyone immediately leaned over and stood in front of the ice wall to observe, but soon, everyone's face changed dramatically.

Because the Iceman deep in the ice wall is actually one of the members of the missing scientific research team.

The ice walls here have existed for at least tens of thousands of years. How can a person who disappeared in a short time be frozen in the ice wall?

For a time, great doubts filled everyone's mind. At the same time, there was an indescribable fear.

This thing is very unscientific!

"God, it's a big deal this time. Is this really what we can deal with?"

"There is no trace of digging in the ice. How can a man pass through it unless he can penetrate the wall."

"Speak less, it's not suitable for discussion at this time."

"It's not easy. How can a living man run to such a deep place on the ice wall? I'm in trouble."

Because the depths of the ice wall are difficult to be photographed by cameras, the rescue team had to choose and continue to go deep into the cave.

But after seeing such a strange scene, everyone's heart can't help becoming nervous.

There must be something strange in this cave.


Dada, dada!

People's footsteps sounded constantly on the ice, because the cave was too quiet, it seemed that the footsteps were very loud.

I don't know how long later, there suddenly appeared a three fork in front of everyone, three left, middle and right, leading to different directions.

This means that everyone needs to continue to explore in three ways, and the scientific research team is likely to enter one of them.

In order not to miss any information, someone needs to explore at every fork in the road.

In the absence of old Chen, Jiang Le, the vice captain, was the General Commander. After a round of lottery, Jiang Le was assigned to the fork on the far left and acted with another rescue team.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Jiang Le took out the terrain detector and began to detect the terrain in advance. From the current situation, this cave is not an ordinary place.

There is definitely something unknown hidden. If you don't prepare in advance, they will all be planted here like the scientific research team.

Up to now, Jiang Le has begun to believe that the reason why the Antarctic scientific research team disappeared is because of some mysterious force. None of the three forks is a dead end, and their depths lead to other places underground, so each fork has the necessity of exploration. Led the team into the fork, and soon the figures of Jiang Le's two rescue teams disappeared in the depths of the fork. Waiting for them is the unknown darkness.