The whole laboratory covers a huge area and is several floors high. If it is not buried under the glacier, it is almost like an ordinary building.

The area found by Jiang Le is only one twentieth of the whole range.

In other words, there are still many areas worth exploring in this place.

Not to mention how the Germans found this clue to lunar civilization in those years, all of which have become history and there is no need to explore it.

Jiang Le just wanted to know what extent the Germans had reached in their research on lunar civilization.

You know, even if Jiang Le found the remains of lunar civilization when he went to the moon before, he really had nothing to gain about the core technology of lunar civilization.

When Germany was about to lose the war, it sent a large number of scientists to the Antarctic for secret research.

It can be seen that all the treasures were put on these studies. In this way, it was obvious that German scientists had a very in-depth study of lunar civilization.

With this curiosity, Jiang Le immediately went to the iron ladder not far away and planned to go to the second floor to have a look.

The whole laboratory has been deserted for many years, but the interior is extremely clean, just like it is often cleaned.

The ice that never freezes flows out of this laboratory, which proves that the bodies came from this laboratory.

On the second floor, a lot of broken bottles and cans fell on the ground. At the same time, there were many clear blood stains. These blood stains were either scratched by fingers or a long drag mark.

One of the footprints with blood attracted Jiang Le's attention.

This footprint is at least twice the size of a normal person and has only four fingers.

"Hmm..." Jiang Le touched his chin and fell into thinking. What was the German army studying here.

Since you want to find the truth of that year from this laboratory, it is natural that every room should be searched carefully. Jiang Le took the sky eye live broadcast device and began to search from the first room in the corridor on this floor.

All the rooms in the laboratory are push type. Fortunately, they are not locked. Otherwise, with this five centimeter thick iron plate door, Jiang Le can't break through the door.

Walking into the first room, two mummies were impressively reflected in Jiang Le's eyes.

The two mummies all showed a very strange shape of death. A fist sized hole was broken in their abdomen.

In the corner of the room, there is a refrigerated compartment, which was originally designated to store something.

But at this time, the glass door of the cold compartment had been broken, and cracks and glass slag were everywhere.

At this time, Jiang Le noticed a piece of skin falling on the ground.

The skin is dark blue. It should have fallen off something. There are many pimples on the skin. It doesn't seem to come from human beings.

"Did the German army study biotechnology here?" Jiang Le frowned.

Biotechnology has always been a very cutting-edge project in the current scientific community, most of which are used in Microbiology and medicine.

But if the moon civilization left any biotechnology information to the German army, it would certainly not be the kind of biotechnology that ordinary people can imagine.

Maybe it can be injected directly to make soldiers grow into an existence similar to the captain of the United States.

This kind of thing is not a literary fantasy. In the era of World War II, when any technology can be studied in order to win the war, super soldiers are the dream weapons of many countries.

After checking the room, Jiang Le immediately started the search for the next room.

[Jiang Le, did you find any clues? It depends on your performance]

[brother Jiang, is there something strange about the cause of death of those two bodies? Why are there two holes in their stomachs]

[this place smells like a biochemical crisis laboratory. Maybe there are aliens in it]

[not without this possibility]


Before arriving at the second room, the window glass on the door of the room was covered with a thick dust.

As Jiang Le reached out and wiped, the room behind the glass immediately came into Jiang Le's eyes.

In this room, there are many vertical round cabinets. Each cabinet looks like a space capsule, with a large number of pipes and wires connected next to it.

It has the meaning of cultivating something.

Jiang Le reached out and opened the door, and went straight in.

The whole room was filled with the smell of formalin. There was a console near the wall, which was suspected to be able to control everything in the room.

However, the focus of everyone's attention was undoubtedly on those vertical round cabinets.

The door of the round cabinet is made of transparent glass, so that people can directly see the inside from the outside.

Jiang Le leaned his face to see what was in the round cabinet.

At this time, a palm inside the round cabinet slammed on the glass. The finger of the palm was as thin as a bamboo pole and the nail was like a beast. All of a sudden, this strange situation happened, but everyone was shocked, and his heart couldn't help but burst【 Grass! What is this? It scares me!]【 Darling, my heart almost stopped under this slap