"That's him!" David found three men in the water at the surveillance room.

"Help me find out who he is." Jim asked, turning to the soldier next to him.

These crows come in and out of here every day, and they need to be registered. On the one hand, it is easy to manage them. On the other hand, if someone dies without a whole body, you can know who died.

Although it's cruel to say that, the fact is that crows are less dangerous than hunters because they are not as powerful as hunters.

However, there are a large proportion of beetles among hunters. When facing Zerg, the role of beetles can make ordinary hunters reduce casualties.

The larvae near the city walls are not easy to deal with, and the underground attack can not be prevented, and the death rate of crows is also very high.

"Yes, it's a viper, Lovell. It's about him!" The soldiers soon had the results of the inquiry.

"David, wait a minute. I'll ask my father for someone!" Jim said with a sign to David.

Then he stepped aside and opened his identity bracelet to contact Lieutenant Eaton.

"Jim likes to make people can't find fault in his work. The army is very complicated, and he dare not make mistakes." Daly explained softly to David.

"I understand!" David nodded. They did not have the power to enforce the law. Even if they found Lovell, the viper, they had no way out. On the one hand, there was no evidence; on the other hand, they were unable to force the other party to speak.

Five minutes later, Jim took the three men into a military transport hovercraft, where he saw a group of soldiers and two military police warriors with white exoskeleton armor beside them.

David was familiar with the two soldiers on the wall that day.

"David, give me your coat, please." A military policeman said in a deep voice.

David untied the scabbard behind his back, then took off his coat and handed it over.

The military police officer took out an instrument and started the test. Soon a group of data flashed out on the instrument.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the larval attack on Jim, Daley, dequincy, David and others has been classified as artificial arrangement, involving Sergeant Boris, reserve fighter David, and many people closely related to the military. Therefore, this case is classified as a military case and will be handled by the military police. If necessary, please cooperate." Said the soldier in a deep voice.

"Of course "What's the liquid on David's clothes?" he asked

It's not just Jim, but everyone else is curious. It's so powerful that a little liquid makes all the larvae crazy.

"That's the brain fluid to bewitch brain worms!" When military police officer a said the result, he could not help looking at David.

Because the bewitching brain worm is a secondary Zerg, and it is also the most special one. Although it does not have strong physical attack ability, it has a terrifying spirit attack ability. At the same time, it can also bewitch the weak willed life, including human beings.

On the battlefield, the harm of a bewitching brain worm is beyond imagination.

Not to mention the almost imperceptible mental attack, but to say that the ability to bewitch, you can make your comrades suddenly change the muzzle and aim at yourself.

Brain fluid is a kind of high-level material, attracting larvae is one of the most wasteful effects, but it is someone who uses this high-level material to target a student like David.

Thinking of the people behind David and his father Hans's title of "national scholar", the military police warrior's face was tight.

He quickly input his judgment into his identity Bracelet: "this is a contempt for the title of" Guoshi "and a provocation to the military's dignity. Especially after a group of mercenaries who were killed for this incident were disposed of, the plot was even worse."

"Second class Zerg bewitch brain worms!" Jim and Daley took a breath at the same time.

David had already guessed that it was the organization that launched the attack, but he didn't expect that he just went out of the city, and the other party found the opportunity and carried out this layout for him.

But the other side obviously misjudged his strength, so he did not succeed.

"It's time to get rid of Jeremy trainer!" David made a decision in an instant.

Although the killing intention was released because of killing outside the city, it was possible to transform the killing intention obtained from the illusion into the real killing intention.

So at this time, David is more determined than ever, and feels the danger. What he thinks is to solve it directly.

Now he is confident that as long as the opponent does not use exoskeleton armor, he will dare to fight face-to-face. This is the confidence he gained after fighting with more than 20 larvae.

"Here it is!" A military policeman said in a deep voice.

The cabin door behind the military transport suspended aircraft opened instantly. Two military police officers headed the plane, and eight soldiers wearing heavy bulletproof vests and helmets and holding T8 laser guns jumped down.

Laser guns are only equipped by the military. On the one hand, they are strictly controlled. On the other hand, their lethality to Zerg is too low to be popular.However, because of its high speed and precision, it is widely used by the army in dealing with internal affairs of the Federation.

The laser beam emitted by the laser gun only has lethality in a certain distance, which makes this kind of weapon not produce too big accidental damage in the place with many people. At the same time, because it uses krypton crystal as energy, it hardly needs to consider the problem of laser energy supplement.

Jim and Daley then jumped down. David and Myron experienced this scene for the first time. The two warriors took a team of soldiers to carry out the task. It was very exciting to think about it.

"Military operations, all people stay where they are, any change is considered as resistance, the military has the right to shoot on the spot!" The loudspeaker on the armour of the military police armour sounded a warning.

In front of a dense house, first chaos for a while, but immediately strange quiet down.

Then two white figures jumped over several buildings, made a hole in the top of one of the houses and rushed into the house.

There was no fighting, no resistance, only five seconds, two military police soldiers carrying a comatose man back.

"Why take Lovell!" A voice sounded, and then a man in a shabby uniform and a heavy machine gun rushed out of the house.

"Your behavior violates the military management agreement. It has been recorded!" Uninspired words came from the speaker of the silent military police.

Just when David thought it was a warning, the T8 laser guns in the hands of the eight soldiers were activated at the same time, and the eight laser beams accurately hit the man with the heavy machine gun.

It can be clearly seen that the man's body, including the machine gun in his hand, has been melted to varying degrees.

"Let's go back." Jim gave David a gentle push, warning.

"Jim, don't you need a trial?" David still felt that the scene in front of him was a little shocking. He had heard of the military's hegemony, but he never thought it would be so overbearing.

He has studied the world. In this world, the law is extremely sound. The rights of citizens increase with the different rights of citizens, but the right to life is a basic right that all citizens have.

"David, the whole rock star is within the scope of the war zone. As long as there is clear evidence of any resistance against the military, the military must give the strongest response in order to maintain the deterrent force." Jim replied softly.

David thought of the residents who had wanted to stir up after the military police issued a warning, but they immediately quieted down.

Maybe only the man who has a good relationship with the Viper Lovell will jump out and ask why, but he didn't expect to lose his life.

However, as long as you think that this is a gathering place of crows, and some of them are armed, military deterrence is still very necessary.

"Jim, David, Myron, can you see if this man bumped into David and splashed water on him?" A military police officer will be comatose man mentioned in front of several people, confirmed.

"That's him!" At that time, the three people present were very sure.

"Then there will be nothing to do with you. I will inform you of the result." Military police Jia Shi said expressionless, and then did not pay attention to a few people, directly jumped onto the military transport suspended aircraft and left.

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