This is the third tearing bug David has killed. The next attack will take 10 seconds, and the space wormhole does not stop pouring out the tearing bug.

"Brother, thank you for your hand, I opened a direct call with us for you, we will try our best to cooperate with your attack!" Lieutenant Elmer spoke to David on a separate channel as he opened access to him.

David looked embarrassed when he heard Lieutenant Elmer call him brother. This is Daley's father.

"Uncle, I'm David, a friend of Daley's, and I'll follow your orders!" David replied quickly in the opening channel.

"David Lieutenant Elmer was stunned, and soon remembered who David was. There was only one person who had such a sniping ability as David.

"David, I didn't expect there would be a Zerg invasion. It was our fault to let one of your students take part in the war." Said Lieutenant Elmer in a deep voice.

As a federal soldier, let a high school student still in school, let a minor participate in such a war, itself is not the thing.

"Uncle, I'm very honored to be able to help you. I'll be able to attack three more times in five seconds!" David looked at the time and whispered.

At this time, two tearing insects flew out of the space wormhole and were stopped by the beetle.

Lt. Elmer didn't talk any more, and it wasn't the time to talk. David was able to provide the help they needed.

At present, only tearing insects come out of the space wormhole. Although tearing insects are extremely difficult to deal with, with the help of the city defense system, the beetles can still cope with it. However, if the number of tearing insects is too large, the situation on the wall will become critical.

David's sniping ability is the deadly killer of this fragile tearing bug.

In five seconds, two more tearing insects flew out of the space wormhole. David also saw that as the time of the space wormhole became longer, it seemed that the speed of the Zerg's passage was also increasing.

"Gilad, you help to clean up the tearing insects!" Lieutenant Elmer turned his head and ordered a second class heavy axe to a nearby beetle.

Together with Lt. Elmer, the five class II warriors are all heavy attack weapons, three class II heavy axes and two class II warhammers, which are specially equipped by the army to deal with class II Zerg.

Every armour with second class weapons is the elite of the whole squadron.

Gilad's figure flashed into the battle circle of a group of warriors.

As a result of regular training, Girard's intervention did not lead to chaos in this group of warriors, instead, he had experience to cooperate with him.

The continuous impact between the big shield beetle and the Warhammer beetle squeezed the space for tearing the flying insects. At the most appropriate time, Gilad's second class heavy axe swept through his hands and split the head of the tearing insect.

After killing the lacerated beetle, Gilad's figure did not stop, and rushed into another group of beetles.

At the same time, the long-range sniper gun No. 5 was restored, and David's long-range sniper gun fired again, hitting the head of a newly emerging lacerated flying insect.

He quickly switched to the No. 6 long-range sniper gun, and then shot the new one at the head again. Then he switched to the No. 7 long-range sniper gun and fired again. In less than five seconds, he killed three tearing flies in a row.

Because of David's intervention, although the wormhole of space is constantly pouring out tearing insects, but this section of the wall is miraculously maintained a balance.

Before he knew it, David had killed more than 30 tearing flies, which was almost a quarter of that of the whole squadron.

The ground of the city wall is covered with thick green Zerg blood, tearing the corpses of flying insects. The smell of blood and the stench of Zerg are mixed with the smell of gunpowder emitted by ammunition. The whole city wall is like the hula field.

In a short period of less than five minutes, ten soldiers were reduced.

Even with the powerful exoskeleton armor, it can't completely defend the body under the attack of tearing the wings of the flying insects.

The attack of tearing a flying insect is just like its name. As long as the beetle is hit, the wound will not be light.

Of the 10 people who were reduced, three were hit in the neck and torso, resulting in death on the spot.

Four others had their arms or legs torn off, and the other three suffered heavy injuries.

Dozens of white clad paramedics rushed out of the tunnel, fearless of the terrible tearing insects.

A medical guard in the process of running, was a flying flying tearing fly at random swept, the fragile body into two.

In this level of combat, ordinary soldiers without exoskeleton armor are lambs without any resistance.

However, the responsibility of the medical guards made all the medical soldiers ignore the danger, and the beetles consciously tried their best to hold the tearing insects away from the medical guards.

The medics soon came to the beetles. Although there was an automatic healing liquid in the exoskeleton armor, the huge wounds were not treated, and these beetles could not last long.Another tear flying insect rushed out of the beetle's cooperation in the encirclement and suppression, and rushed to the side of the medical soldiers. Immediately, five medical guards were killed.

"Protect the medics and guards. Don't let the damned insects come near. They are saving our brother's life!" Lt. Elmer cuts the lacerated insect with an axe and then roars.

Although David saw these battles through the shadow agent's vision, he did not have time to think about it. He was carrying out a new round of sniping.

"Thirty two, thirty-three." He said to himself.

Although his achievements were automatically recorded in the sniper system, he still liked to count them by himself, which made him very proud.

The knowledge he received in the illusion made him know that every level 1 Zerg is a very powerful life.

The battle between the beetles and the tearing beetles in front of us shows the horror of the first class Zerg. With the assistance of anti-aircraft rapid fire guns, the cooperation of five beetles, and the help from time to time of the beetles armed with second-class weapons, they still paid a great price.

But it is this kind of powerful creature. Under his long-range sniper gun, he is often killed. This is the real sniper.

When he switched to the long-range sniper gun No. 7, and was about to count the number of 44, the accident happened.

After five minutes of fighting, his sniping became almost instinctive. When the shadow attendant sensed that there was a change in the energy of the wormhole in space, he knew in advance that there was a tearing bug to appear.

In this time, he switches the long-range sniper gun and aims. As soon as the tearing bug appears, he adjusts the aiming horizon and shoots the head.

This time, the shadow agent felt a strong energy fluctuation in the wormhole. David did not hesitate. The No.7 long-range sniper gun immediately aimed at the energy fluctuation direction.

It's just that the next Zerg is not the same as he imagined. The wormhole in the space of five meters is squeezed by this Zerg.

It is a huge body with a height of four meters and a length of about seven meters. Under the body are six feet, two thicker forelimbs, and the forelimbs are claws composed of three spines.

It's a huge, rugged shell with a very thick surface.

Although the emergence of Zerg greatly surprised David, but he still instinctively fired.

The first class warhead flying out of the No.7 long-range sniper gun directly hit the center of the head of the giant Zerg as soon as it appeared and was still stiff through the wormhole in space.

David's high concentration of spirit, through the shadow attendant's vision to see let him startle.

The warhead fired by long-range sniper artillery with terrible impact force and grade-1 warhead's terrible penetration power hit the huge Zerg's head, and the super impact force hit the huge Zerg's head back.

When the giant Zerg's head recovers, the first-class warhead turns into a thin flat sheet of iron falling from its head.

This is a first-class bullet, which is made of the same material as most of the first-class weapons in the hands of most of the warriors here.

Even because of the huge body of the long-range sniper gun, the kinetic energy of the first-class bullet has reached an unimaginable level. However, such a first-class bullet can not break through the defense of this newly emerged giant Zerg. , the fastest update of the webnovel!