"Mr. David, can I watch your operation by the side?" The sniper sergeant asked softly as David walked into the remote sniper control room.

"No problem!" David nodded, and he didn't care if someone was watching.

"Brother David, I'm out there!" Gilard said in a deep voice as he looked at David's exoskeleton armor.

David didn't remove the exoskeleton armor here. He knew his guess was true, and David was not hurt lightly.

He needs to have the paramedics come in immediately and get the best treatment when David is over.

David walked into the control room, sat in the main control chair, holding the controller by hand.

Exoskeleton armor does not affect his operation. In flexibility, wearing exoskeleton armor will get speed bonus instead.

The sniper armor was originally used to snipe. David was more confident of the sniper behind the armor.

He quickly looked at the operating system and found that the control room of the thirty-five long-distance sniper actually controlled three remote snipers No. 35, 36 and 37. He just didn't know whether the sergeant of sniper beside him was always responsible or specially assigned his own authority.

As early as on the road, David saw the position where the soldiers and mercenaries fought. He quickly input coordinates into the controller.

Soon, the screen in front of the screen appeared the battle picture, which was between the ten soldiers and six unmarked mercenary armour.

The sniper sergeant on the side looked at the oracle in the picture, moving constantly, and from time to time, he appeared the shadow because of the movement. He did not worry about looking at David.

As a sniper, he knows more about the target of sniper is the fast moving Oracle, which will cause much difficulty in sniper.

Only those who have experienced a lot of combat can they be able to snipe the armor in the battle from a long distance.

This includes nerve response, including familiarity with the way the armour fights, and strong confidence, all that can create a strong sniper.

David found that his reaction speed was improved by the help of exoskeleton armor. Although less than 20% of the total reaction speed was less than 20%, it was a huge difference for snipers.

He concentrated all his mind on the distant battle, about 4000 300 meters away. If it was a special sniper gun for sniper armour, it would not be a good distance.

Normal sniper armor uses special sniper gun. The best distance is between 500 and 1km. If the level is higher, the distance of the armor mastered by the familiar sniper can be increased by about 500 meters.

4000, 300 meters, special sniper guns from the bullets flying also to fly for a while.

But David is now operating a long-range sniper, a huge sniper gun body with a stronger propulsion, ensuring the speed of the bullet in the 5000 meter distance.

David switched three long-range snipers in a row, concentrating his range of vision on the battlefield.

He is waiting for an opportunity, a chance to kill, and he is constantly observing the fighting habits of mercenary armour.

Sniper beetles in the general military rarely learn this knowledge, even if they have learned, there is no chance to practice.

But David's sniper technique comes from the crazy mercenary sniper, whose main enemy is the armour, so he has rich experience in the battle and operation track of the armour.

David also mastered the experience, and he was doing analysis and judgment at the moment.

Ten seconds passed, fifteen seconds passed, and David's hand remained stable without a little tremor.

In the battlefield, ten soldiers were suffering from the support of the armour, and the gap in strength made them suffer a great loss in the battle.

Ten of the soldiers had many injuries. One of them had an attack on his right leg. Although the outer skeleton armor blocked most of the attack power, he left a deep wound on his right leg.

Worse, his right leg of the exoskeleton armor was destroyed, and his movement was not up to the movement of the army.

"Three, kill him!" The first mercenary, the Oracle, said in a deep voice.

He didn't plan to kill the central armour, but the soldiers in pelan city were crazy. Under the obvious war power gap, they were driven by their crazy fighting way to make one of them successfully get out of the battlefield.

This assessment of their mission will be a stain, and 10 million credit points will be deducted for this.

If the publisher is extremely dissatisfied with this, it will even judge the task to fail.

Now, by killing the wounded soldiers, the other soldiers will give up the battle array to rescue them. This will allow them to defeat them quickly.

The mercenary beetle named No. 3 obviously hesitated, but he still listened to the order. He stepped on the ground and his body accelerated his body to the armour in the army with inconvenient injury and movement. At the same time, the other five mercenary soldiers cooperated with him to maintain the formation."Die!" No. 3 mercenary beetle was five meters away from the wounded soldier and gave a big drink.

A distance of five meters is one step for exoskeleton armor. In the next moment, the armour will be killed.

The faces of the other nine soldiers changed greatly. They cried out that they were about to rescue. Just as they turned back, their battle lines were in chaos.

The head of the mercenary beetle's face showed the joy of the success of the plan. With a wave of his hand, he was about to change his formation and attack the formation of the first soldier in the army.

In the 35 long-range sniper gun control room 430 meters away, David's eyes flashed sharply, and his waiting opportunity finally arrived.

He did not hesitate. Almost instantaneously, he completed three shots, from fast switching control system to three long-range sniper shots. With the addition of exoskeleton armor, there was no interval delay between them.

Three first-class bullets flew to the battlefield with the huge roar on the wall.

Because of the barrier between the city wall and the city wall, no one will recognize the long-range sniper fire unless they see the long-range sniper fire on the wall.

In fact, the speed of the three first-class bullets was much faster than the sound. It seemed that the world slowed down when the first-class heavy axe in the hands of No. 3 mercenary beetle was 20 cm away from the head of the first-class soldier.

A huge first-class bullet broke through the air and left the voice far behind. Mercenary No. 3's fighting intention was so obvious that David seized the opportunity.

The head of No. 3 mercenary beetle turned into a blood mist, and all the warriors were shocked. A powerful warrior's head disappeared in an instant, and his exoskeleton armor was not blocked.

Of course, both the soldiers and the mercenaries are experienced combat warriors. They are distracted only for a moment.

Anyone who encounters something incomprehensible in a battle will be distracted by surprise. However, the more fighting experience is, the faster the recovery will be.

However, no one thought that most of David's knowledge of sniper beetles was aimed at the beetles, and their reaction was also in David's judgment.

The two mercenary warriors were just in a daze. At the same time, their heads continued to explode after less than 0.2 seconds.

The impact of the long-range sniper gun ignores the defense of the exoskeleton armor, not to mention the head of the mercenary beetle.

"There are snipers!" The first mercenary beetle gave a shrill roar, his body suddenly rolled out, and the last two mercenary beetles also made an irregular retreat in an instant.

The three mercenary warriors no longer think about the task. The present situation is to withdraw from the battlefield immediately, and life preservation is the only choice.

Fighting a long distance with a sniper beetle hiding on the side is something that no one can do. It is an act of seeking death.

"It's David's long range sniper gun!" Fell on the ground, nearly killed by a heavy axe in the army, the mouth of the Oracle muttered to himself.

In the city of perland, David's long-range sniper gun is a legendary existence in the army. David's victory is even more brilliant than that of the first squadron in the whole army, and this achievement has created the legend.

So when seeing three mercenary beetles hit their heads at the same time, all the soldiers think of only one reason.

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