"The shelter of underground network is the place where ordinary people live. Those who steal mines usually put slaves here. We talked with the manager of the shelter in the past, and we opened the identity authentication of identity Bracelet!" Furness explains to David as he approaches the shelter.

In front of the energy shield, he opened the identity bracelet to allow the other party to scan the identity of the party. David followed and opened the identity bracelet.

Then a round hole appeared in the energy shield and the two men entered.

After entering here, David saw a huge cave. There were more than ten floors of rooms above the cave wall.

In the square in the center of the cave, a group of people were shouting, and in the middle was a ring. Two men of great stature were fighting with each other.

Furness and David, two men in exoskeleton armor, came in here without affecting the enthusiasm of those people.

"David Kerr, it's coming to the door!" In a luxurious room in the C117 shelter, Horatio looked at the information of the applicants, his eyes twinkling with a sense of forest.

He opened a special contact device powered by krypton crystal and sent out a communication application.

"Chief, David Kerr is on my side!" Immediately after the communication connection, Horatio reported.

"It was in perland that our mercenaries lost David of the elite first division?" How could Isaiah, commander of the free blade mercenary Corps on the other side, forget the name.

An Elite Squadron is the main Elite Squadron of the blade of liberty mercenary regiment. The loss of that Elite Squadron has lost one tenth of its elite.

At the same time, the loss of the second class Warhammer made commander Isaiah deeply distressed. We should know that the second level Warhammer is the public asset of the mercenary corps, not the private ownership of elite mercenaries.

Personnel lost can be retrained, but secondary class weapons are hard to buy even if they have money.

Every loss of a second class weapon was a huge blow to the mercenary regiment, and for this reason, commander Isaiah was furious for several days.

But that task was that they took the initiative to hide their identities and find trouble with the military. Afterwards, the identity of the six elite warriors made the military beat the freedom blade mercenary Corps. If the Naan chamber of commerce above did not help mediate, they would probably be wanted by the military.

It is also good that the six elite beetles did not cause any damage to the military. After compensating some credit points, this matter will be over.

Commander Isaiah will not, and even dare not to trouble the military, but through intelligence he knows David's role in this matter.

The military did not conceal David's role, and even asked some people with identity in the city of peran, they knew the story.

So commander Isaiah transferred all his hatred to David, but David was in perran, and they had no way but to wait for the storm to pass, and then slowly find David's trouble.

But now David is in the stronghold of the Naan city underground network of the freedom blade mercenaries. How could he let go of this opportunity.

"Horatio, organize people to seize David, I will use his blood to commemorate my dead brother!" Said the commander of Isaiah in a deep voice.

"Commander, it's Furness who came with David. If you do this, you may offend Galen." Horatio cautioned.

"Furness?" "Send me the surveillance image, I'll see it!" he ordered

"Yes, chief!" Horatio should say, and then will be monitoring the monitoring of Furness and David in the past.

Commander Isaiah saw the second class spear in David's hand at the first sight. His eyes were shining. Just as he was still thinking about the lost second class weapon, David had one in his hand.

He saw Furness next to David. Although he could not see Furness's face, he knew Galen's iconic streamer exoskeleton armor. In particular, a mark on the streamer exoskeleton armor was the mark of Galen's transcendence.

He hesitated, but the hatred before, coupled with the temptation of second-class weapons, made him immediately make a decision.

"Horatio, find a way to separate the two, let the nearby mercenary regiment beetle to deal with David, and bring me the second class spear!" Said the commander of Isaiah in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, commander. I must have done it clean. No one will know that it was our mercenary group who moved it!" Horatio assured, clapping his chest.

This is the best chance to improve his position in the mercenary regiment. As a top beetle, he has been in this underground stronghold for a long time.

If it had not been for some extra money from time to time here, he would have been unable to stand everything here.

However, no matter how much extra money, it is not as good as the task of the mercenary group. The mercenary group can take on the task issued by Naan chamber of Commerce.

David didn't know that someone was trying to deal with him at the moment. Furness, because David had come to the shelter for the first time, did not rush to meet with the manager, but visited the shelter.

To tell you the truth, it's not like living in the interstellar age at all. Except for the machinery parked on the side, there are few civilized objects here.Even entertainment projects are primitive and barbaric, and the people here are less enthusiastic than those in the city.

David also saw the slaves in Furness's mouth, who had special locks around their necks and were maintaining mining machinery.

The slave's face was numb. It was the look of losing any hope for life.

For the federal government, these people are criminals, but they escape the trial in this way.

However, if they had known that this would happen, they would never have made such a choice.

David just looked at it. He didn't want to intervene. This is the default way of existence of Naan city. He is a little Oracle who can't ask.

"David, let's meet the manager here!" Furness looked around, in fact, he was looking for Graham's figure, but he did not find out which room he was hiding in.

It is not difficult to find the manager here, because the most luxurious decoration outside the shelter is the manager's room.

"Welcome, Mr. Furness. I'm Horatio, the manager here. What are you doing here?" Horatio was extremely polite and seemed to be intimidated by Furness's identity.

"I'm on behalf of the government on the task of arresting the Scarab Graham, and I hope you'll drive him out of the shelter, according to the rules!" Said Furness in a deep voice.

"Just a moment, please. I'll check it out. I'll be right there." Horatio said apologetically.

At this time, a young woman brought drinks for them, and Horatio walked out of the room.

David's mind moved, and the shadow servant flew out. Through the wall, he saw Horatio walking to one of his men in the square. He whispered something. Because he was a little far away, he didn't hear what he said.

Although he couldn't hear what to say, David always felt something was wrong when he saw Horatio's expression.

It's just that Horatio will fight against the Naan government and Galen for a wanted man, which David doesn't believe.

"David, let me do it later. If you do, I won't be able to play!" Furness said to David with a smile.

Although drinks were delivered, neither of them moved. They were dressed in exoskeleton armor and were in the underground network. The shelter was a safe area, but they could not be taken lightly.

"No problem. I'll be watching." David replied with a smile.

According to intelligence, Graham is just an ordinary middle-level beetle, and its strength is not different from that of Furness. For Furness, who has second-class weapons, Graham is not a big threat.

But under David, who holds a second class spear, it is estimated that the problem can be solved in one copy.

In addition to this, Furness asked for more experience.

"Boom From the outside, the sound is even greater in this kind of space.

David had just regained his mind, and the shadow attendant returned to his side. For a moment, he did not know what was going on outside.

"Something's wrong!" Cried Furness, rushing out of the door.

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