Captain beetle is waiting, waiting for the recovery of heavy axe beetle No. 5, and he is also waiting for support to arrive.

David was also waiting. At this time, no one in the elite group noticed the Lancer No. 6 in the last position.

At this time, the No. 6 spear beetle stood in the same place. Although he was ready to attack at any time, he was in a deep sleep.

Among the souls of the sixth spear beetle, the sleeping pattern has been successfully invaded, and the soul of the sixth spear beetle is falling into a deep sleep of consciousness.

And the sleeping pattern is also using the energy in the soul of No. 6 spear beetle to transform it into a more terrifying enchantment pattern.

If the spear beetle No. 6 is directly facing the bewitching brain worm, and has a conscious defense, he may not be so easily hit.

But who would have thought that at the end of the team, in the safest position, would suffer the most eccentric soul attack.

In the consciousness of Lancer No. 6, he saw the woman he loved all his life. It was a long memory, but the bewitching pattern activated this memory from the depths of his soul.

The joy of seeing the beloved woman made him forget that the woman had already married others, and he fell into his own consciousness.

He also released the last defense of his soul, and the bewitching pattern flowed into his soul like a tide.

At this time, David sensed that the beetle running through the passage behind him was not far away from here. He would arrive in ten seconds at most.

Obviously, the head of the armour heard it, and his face, hidden behind his mask, was beaming with joy.

The fifth heavy axe beetle let out a groan. Although he has not recovered, it can be seen that he is in the process of recovery. It should not take long for him to recover completely.

At this time, David stepped forward in his hand, and the second class spear in his hand pierced out at the same time.

His target is the elite armour captain who holds the second class heavy axe. The prepared elite armour leader takes a step backward. The second class heavy axe in his hand is against the spear lattice. On the side, the No. 2 big shield armour holds No. 5 heavy axe beetle and blocks the second class big shield in front of the elite armour leader.

David used a false move. He didn't force himself into the opponent's formation. The two top class warriors with second class weapons threatened him too much.

All he had to do was mess up the other side's formation so that he could give lance six a chance.

Just now, his soul received feedback from the enchantment pattern in the spirit of Lancer No. 6.

This is the first time that David has bewitched a successful human being. He is still a oracle. He also understands that his ability of "mental sleep" is much more terrible than he thought.

Just as the big shield beetle No. 2 blocked his shield in front of the elite beetle, Warhammer No. 3 suddenly saw a spear thrust out of his back. He was still thinking about why spear beetle No. 6 would attack at this time.

Under the control of bewitching pattern, No. 6 spear beetle regards No. 2 big shield as his enemy of life and death. He uses all his strength to stab his strongest blow.

When Warhammer No. 3 found out that it was wrong, he had no time to stop lance beetle No. 6.

"Ah No. 2 shield beetle didn't think that the attack came from behind, but his exoskeleton armor was the thickest of all the armours, and he also had the instinct to avoid the crucial action.

Lancer No. 6's thrust, originally aimed at his back heart, only penetrated the armor of his back shoulder, half of the point of the spear went into his shoulder blade.

Although he didn't understand why Spearman No. 6 wanted to attack his own people, he immediately began to attack Lancer No. 6, and his hammer fell on No. 6.

No. 6 seems to have no idea of defense at all. His eyes are full of crazy ideas. He regards the second big shield beetle as his biggest enemy.

No. 6's only thought was to push the spear forward with all his might to penetrate the enemy.

The hammer of No.3 Warhammer beetle hit No.6 heavily, and the huge penetrating power shocked No.6. This was still the No.3 Warhammer beetle who only wanted to make No.6 suffer heavy damage.

All of this happened in a short time, and David's empty move was just retracted. He stabbed again, and this time the target was changed to big shield armour No.2.

The spear went through the air, a blow that focused all of David's spirits.

The shoulder of the second big shield beetle with the big shield was severely damaged, and his mind was affected by the sudden attack of No. 6 spear beetle. How could David's stab be blocked.

The leader of the elite armour who was next to him had just stepped back, and was also affected by the chaos within the group. He had never encountered this situation before. When he found out David's attack, the spear was pulling from the neck of the second shield beetle.

The leader of the elite beetle was shocked. The fighting group composed of six elite warriors became the blade of freedom in the underground network. The mercenary regiment suppressed the fighting power of this area. Today, only two warriors were left with fighting ability.Just as he was shocked, David's spear attacked him.

"Three, join hands with me!" Although the elite beetle was frightened, his fighting quality was extremely high. He called out to his companions and rushed forward to narrow the distance between him and David.

He was well aware of the horror of David's spear, and it was only by drawing closer that the power of the spear could be greatly reduced.

Of course, from David's continuous shooting, he can see that although David's spear master level, but its strength is very weak.

He believes that as long as the weapons of both sides collide, he can gain the advantage.

David didn't let him down. The spear of the second class collided with the heavy axe of the second class. It was the elite armour captain who blocked David's stab.

With the contact of two second class weapons, the elite leader felt a concussion force coming over. Under the influence of the concussion force, his muscles and bones had a short pause.

Although the leader of elite armour was surprised, he didn't think that David was still a talent of strength, but he didn't panic because the strength from the second class spear was too weak. He believed that the other side would also be counterattacked by great strength after the collision.

But to the surprise of the leader of the elite class A, David made an action that no one could imagine. He released his second class spear and came out directly.

The second grade spear with a huge reaction force flew to the wall of the passage not far from the rear. The handle of the spear penetrated about one meter, and the spear was still shaking.

And David takes the opportunity to let go, and he releases the force of the collision completely through the flying spear.

He held two second class swords from his back with both hands, and the forward rush of his feet did not stop. While the elite leader was still driving away the shock, David's second class sword on his left hand had swept the elite leader's neck, easily cutting the defense of exoskeleton armor, and cutting the trachea, blood vessels and neck bones of the elite leader.

David didn't want to fight with the elite team leader at all. On the one hand, he didn't have time. On the other hand, the strength of the elite group leader was very strong. It was not easy to finish the battle in a short time with the top class and master level heavy axe.

At the same time, David is not specialized in one kind of weapon. Although his sword is not as good as master spear, his double armed sword is more suitable for fighting against the oracle.

No one thought that the Oracle would give up his weapons in battle, and he was a spear master who gave up his spear in order to get close to his opponent.

The leader of the elite class a suffered such a loss. His eyes were full of disbelief, but everything was too late. His body fell heavily on the ground, and his soul was absorbed by shadow attendants.

David didn't stop. The attack of the last Warhammer beetle No. 3 came just in time. David cut the opponent's wrist with his left sword, and tapped his opponent's head with his right sword.

No. 3 Warhammer beetle has no intention of fighting any more. He wants to escape, and there is only one warrior left in the team. If the attack has not been carried out, he would like to retreat and escape.

If he loses his courage in battle, he will make mistakes. David, by the hesitation of the other side, chases the figure of No. 3 with his long sword on his right hand, sweeps the outer bone armor on his chest, and cuts out a deep wound tens of centimeters in length. , the fastest update of the webnovel!