"David, the books in this bookcase I suggest that you translate them into interstellar federal text through the translator, and recite them. They will help you even in the supernatural." Galen said in a deep voice.

David nodded, and he picked up the analysis of Qi.

"Knights are the main occupation of gods in the big world. Their strength foundation is Qi. This book" analysis of Qi "is the source of Qi. The federal transcendental system has used this theory for reference." Galen's extraordinary eyes swept over several old park's books and explained in a deep voice.

David did not take a close look at it. He could not explain how he could master the language of God's great world. This knowledge was not accessible to one of his students.

Not to mention the extent to which such professional books are interpreted.

"These five books are very precious. You should be careful when you open them. The oldest ones are more than 1000 years old. Under normal circumstances, the books obtained are encrypted. It is said that this is a compulsory requirement of the god world. Even the personal notes on your body should be recorded in ciphertext, and the ciphertext used by everyone is different Many of them use abnormal slang, so it's hard to crack. Very few books can be cracked, that is to say, they have been cracked. The meaning is quite different from the original. These five books are rare and rare Galen warned.

David put the books back in the bookcase. He had the right to come here at any time.

"Do not use any scanning equipment in the arsenals. There is a very perfect security mechanism here. Once the behavior of recording books is found, the consequences will be extremely serious." As he left the armory, Galen said with extraordinary seriousness.

"I see, uncle Galen!" David answered.

"David, come with me. I'll take you to the government's Equipment Depot. If you have any exoskeleton armor or weapons damaged, you can come here for maintenance. In addition, supplies are also provided here." Galen extraordinary said as he took David back into the elevator again.

The elevator came to the 30th floor. David found that it was on the same floor as the armour Association's equipment warehouse, but he didn't know if there was any reason.

After entering the equipment depot, we can see what some people are choosing on several display projections. After seeing Galen coming in, he stands up respectfully immediately.

"You are busy yourself!" Galen said, smiling and nodding.

Several people are obviously extremely excited, hurriedly bow to sign, although continue to look at the projection, but the eyes are constantly looking at this side.

"David, everything here is managed by the main optical brain. I have applied for your permission. You can get 100 first class ammunition and five second class ammunition every month. If you need more, you have to buy it yourself!" Galen extraordinary came to an empty platform, activated the projection and said.

David saw the authentication prompt on the projection and scanned it with his identity bracelet. The projection showed the page of the equipment library.

Everything here needs contribution points to pay. If it is not for the welfare that Galen applied for for, he may not be able to buy even the most basic first-class ammunition.

According to his rough estimation, a contribution point is almost 10000 credit points, but the credit point can not be changed into contribution point.

It's a little bit more expensive to repair the damaged armor, but it's a little more than a little contribution to the repair of the damaged armor, but it's a small contribution to the repair of the damaged armor, but it's a contribution of five points to the repair of the damaged armor.

Of course, this is only the most common standard exoskeleton armor, such as the streamer exoskeleton armor used by the special service team of Jiashi. The price of one piece of armor is as high as 300 contribution points.

David was not polite. He operated on the projection and quickly collected the share of this month, 100 first class ammunition and five second class ammunition.

Soon, a smart robot sent a small metal box over, and David checked and received it.

"David, go back by yourself. I will be very busy recently. If you have something to do, you can find Helena. I won't be free until about ten days later." Galen watched David take the metal box, and finally explained.

After leaving the government building, David returned to his villa and put a set of space exoskeleton armor, spear weapon box, godolfen's anger sniper gun, 110 first class ammunition and five second class ammunition into the space ring.

As for the original items in the space ring, he did not deal with them. This is the city of Naan, and it is not easy for him to deal with those things. Moreover, with his current understanding of the God's world, he still does not know whether there are precious items in those bottles. At least he needs to know what they are and then deal with them.

To tell you the truth, the two cubes of the space ring are not small, but they really can't hold many things. A set of exoskeleton armor, two weapons and some ammunition don't have much space. He has to set aside part of the space in case of emergency.

If possible, David would like to put the second level heavy axe, hammer and big shield into it. Of all the second level weapons, only the second level Epee has no effect. The second level long sword can be carried behind the back, and the second level army thorn is placed on the outside of the lower leg.David opened the identity bracelet, connected the contact information recorded in the Oracle society mission site, and soon agreed on a meeting place.

He put on the armored loading box of the exoskeleton of the land lion and the second-class shield. The outer part of the big shield was covered with a leather protective cover specially prepared by him, which covered the dark blue light.

Instead of driving the villa's three floating cars, David opted for public transport.

I got off the floating car at the veteran's bar in Naan city. David thinks that the veteran's bar is also in perland, but he has never been there when he is in perland.

Walking into the Veterans' bar, it's very lively. Many people are surrounded by exoskeleton armored loading boxes and grade weapons. You can see that most of the people here are beetles.

David walked into the Veterans' bar with his shield. The strange face immediately attracted many people's attention.

"Here A big man with a big brown beard waved to David.

David looked at it. There were four men and one woman at the table. Each of them had an armored container for exoskeletons, and their weapons were on the side.

"Hello David came to the table and nodded to the five.

"Little brother, how old are you? Are you not a man yet?" One of the five, a handsome blonde, said with a smile.

"Maitland, don't look down on any beetles!" The man who had just said hello to David glared at Maitland, then turned his head and said to David with a smile: "don't care about his words, we only look at the strength, no matter what else. My name is bliss, the Warhammer beetle, is the leader of this team!"

"My name is David, great shield armour!" David introduced himself in the way that bliss introduced him.

"David, if we have time now, we'll try your strength in the backyard, and if we can, we can sign a contract and go!" Said bliss, standing up.

"No problem!" David nodded, got up and said back.

"Little brother, don't be a student of Naan University. Don't delay the class!" Maitland said with a smile as he stood up.

David's face was so young that Maitland felt very insecure.

We should know that the big shield beetle is the defender of the small team, and the safety of the whole team is on the body of the big shield beetle.

If David is really a student of Naan University, even if he has become a champion, his strength is very limited, especially if he is not experienced enough, which will always put the team in danger.

"Maitland, shut up!" Said the young woman, who had been silent, kicking Maitland.

"Well, Edith, I'll shut up!" Obviously, Edith was more useful than captain bliss, and Maitland shut her mouth immediately and did not speak again.

Armed with their own equipment, they walked through the back door of the Veterans' bar and came to the backyard of the bar, where there was a field covered with special metal.

"Fielding, try David's technique!" Bliss said to a man holding a hammer.

The man named fielding nodded, put the exoskeleton armored container and first-class Warhammer on the ground, then went to the side, took a practice hammer and waved it twice in his hand.

David also put down his equipment, from the side also took a big practice shield, back to the field.

"This little brother can't hold the three blows of fielding Maitland said with a smile, again unable to resist.

"Maitland, just your broken mouth, don't you want us to find good teammates?" Edith said in a deep voice, with a smile on her face.

"What's the matter, this little brother is very good?" Maitland asked softly.

"Didn't you see that big shield?" Edith asked, her eyes motioning to David's shield on the ground.

Maitland then noticed David's big shield protected by a leather jacket. Although the leather cover was still tight, the experienced beetle could see a faint blue light from the exposed part of the leather cover.

What that means, of course, Maitland knew very well.

The strength of a person who can have a second level shield is never low. Even if he has a good family background and does not have enough strength, the elders will not let him go out with the second level shield.

David's ear power is excellent. When he heard Edith's words, he couldn't help but glance at Edith. This is a female Oracle who uses a long sword, and her face is pretty even in her make-up.

A swordsman, who was also a woman with a sword, had a careful observation, and David had some judgment in his mind.

He has long heard of such a profession as scouting, but he has seen it for the first time in other places except in the army and mercenaries.

These beetles are not mercenaries. The beetle association is the official organization of the interstellar Federation. All the beetles, especially the trained ones, are pure and have no criminal record.

"David, look out, I'm going to do it!" Fielding on the other side saw that David was distracted and said with a frown.

"Please!" David came to himself and said in a deep voice.In fact, he is not distracted, because above his head, a small part of the mind has been in the shadow of the body, so that he can clearly see the situation around.

This is a habit he has developed after many dangers.

Fielding's hammer didn't use too much skill. Instead, he made an effort and hit David heavily.

This is the first time David used the big shield to deal with the enemy, but his experience in illusion is no different from that in reality.

The big shield in his hand switched a small angle to meet the Warhammer. The intersection of the Warhammer and the big shield did not cause too much noise, but made a sharp friction sound.

Fielding's hammer was slightly taken at an angle by David's shield, diverting most of its strength.

Fielding did look down on David, but he didn't use his full strength, so he could take back the hammer by force.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart was not surprised. If it was in a real battle, the opponent's skill was enough to make him defend himself in front of him, and he might be mended by other warriors.

Several of the other beetles on the scene stopped talking and focused on the scene.

They are not novices. They know that the timing and power of the skill just now can't be done by an ordinary big shield beetle.

"David, I underestimate you. Next I'll use my full strength!" Said Fielding, tightening the hammer in his hand.

At this time, he regarded David as an opponent of the same level or even stronger. For this kind of opponent, he no longer reported random thoughts.

David is also cautious. He has just completely removed the strength of the other side. At the same time, he also knows that the strength of the other side is more than 1600 kg. For a person with only 1300 kg, the power gap of 300 kg needs to be treated seriously without exposing the talent of strength.

Fielding's hammer hit again. This time, his steps left and right, alternately stepping out. His body also used the force of impact to lift the hammer high, and as he approached David, it speeded down.

He used all his strength in this blow, and at the same time borrowed skill, which made his strength a little stronger.

David stepped on the ground with his feet, and the big shield in his hand trembled slightly. At this time, the hammer hit the shield. The sound was also strange. There was no loud noise as expected, but a dull sound.

"Stop it, David. You passed the test. Welcome to the team!" Cried bliss.

Several members of the team, especially Fielding, looked at David differently. Their insight was enough to let them know what level of shield David had just reached.

Master the level of master shield, such talents, not to mention their small team, is enough to enter the elite team.

For such a strong shield beetle to join, the team members have a surprise in their eyes.

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