Helena, who is in full defense, is waiting for the next round of "tearing fly" attack after another hammer strike. Suddenly, a green blood mist burst out in front of her head of a flying "tearing fly".

Then the "tearing bug" fell directly from the air to the ground. Helena also heard the gunshot in the distance. Without thinking about it, she knew that it was a sniper beetle.

There are not many sniper beetles in Na'an city. It is very difficult to see them on weekdays. Most of the sniper beetles who can stay in Na'an city are retired sniper beetles whose work is mainly to discover and cultivate new sniper beetles.

And these sniper beetle Helena can almost name, some are very familiar.

"Who is the sniper beetle, Helena? Thank you for your help Helena asked aloud on the public channel.

David did not speak. His mind was completely immersed in analysis and judgment. After three seconds of eliminating the recoil force of the "godolfen's anger" sniper gun, he had already chosen the second target.

This time, the target is three "tearing flies" attracted by the sound of his gun. Obviously, there are ways to deal with various beetles in the genes of these "tearing flies".

Knowing that sniper beetles have a greater threat, they have identified three of them to find the sniper beetles hiding.

You know, there were only eight of them left. After three of them were separated out, they attacked Helena, and only five of them were left.

"Change the array, turn the attack formation!" Helena was not happy to see the three "tearing flies" leave, she cried out.

As a result, the formation of the ten warriors changed into a more aggressive triangular formation, which was also the inner and outer triangles.

The three surrender beetles attack one of the "tearing flying insects". They know that they must show their own value, or let Helena suspect that there is something wrong with them, and their exoskeleton armor will stop working.

In this kind of battlefield, without exoskeleton armor, as long as "tearing flying insects" fly by, they are very likely to take their lives.

"The sniper beetle, be careful!" Although Helena knew that sniper beetles could definitely see the movements of the three "tearing flying insects", she still warned through the public channel.

Just as she said this, there was another gunshot. One of the three "tearing flies" was shot in the head more than 2000 meters away from David.

The speed of "tearing flying insects" is extremely fast, especially this kind of straight-line sprint, which only takes three seconds to cross a distance of hundreds of meters.

The remaining two "tearing flies" immediately changed the straight-line sprint flight method, and began to make irregular forward flight. For the "tearing flying insects" with natural flying ability, their evasion in the sky made it more difficult for David to aim.

On the battlefield here, Helena only needs to deal with four tearing flies. Helena jumps up in one corner of the triangle formation, and her second class hammer hits the tearing flies heavily.

The "tearing bug" did something unexpected. Instead of avoiding Helena's attack, it chose to fight with each other.

The determination in Helena's eyes flashed. In fact, she could choose to use the hammer to block the attack of "tearing flying insects" and let other beetles continue to attack.

With the cooperation of other companions, it only takes a little more time to kill all the four tearing flies.

But she knew in her heart that the sniper beetle there was very dangerous. Although she had no way to help, if she could kill the "tearing flying insects" earlier, she might have scared away the "tearing flying insects" over there.

Therefore, Helena also chose to fight with each other. Without hesitation, the hammer in her hand still smashed at the "tearing fly", completely ignoring the attack of the "tearing fly" towards her body.

Just as Helena's hammer hit the tear bug, its claws were close to Helena's body, but a second class hammer appeared in time to block the claw.

Helena's hammer hit the ground heavily. You can see that the head and shell of the tear fly are broken.

"Captain, be careful!" For Helena to block the blow of the Oracle whispered.

"Quick battle, quick decision!" Helena said in a deep voice. She led the formation and attacked another "tearing fly".

Sniper beetles are on the battlefield and never fight alone.

Every sniper beetle needs the assistance of other beetles. Without powerful beetles, the sniper beetles who lose the distance advantage will be hard to survive.

David's single sniper beetle should not appear in the wild at all. In fact, if you just shout out, there will be a lot of beetles and their teams.

But David's situation is special. He doesn't want the previous team to know that he is still a sniper beetle, because it's hard to explain where the "godolfen's anger" sniper gun came from.This "godolfen's anger" is not in the hand, but in the shadow server's space ring.

The distance of more than 2000 meters is an extremely long distance for normal beetles or ordinary first-class Zerg. However, for "tearing flying insects", this distance can only be reached by several accelerations.

Although the two "tearing flies" added irregular flying movements, they only took a short time.

With his mind fully open, David finally had the feeling of locking in "tearing the flying insects". This feeling is very strange and mysterious, which is difficult to explain with science.

But just two long-range sniping, both told him that this feeling is right.

In this sense of lock-in, the movement of the "tearing bug" in his eyes becomes extremely slow. At the same time, he is also aware of the flight route. His sniping target is on the strange flight route of the "tearing flying insect".

David's body was shaken again, and a first-class bullet was shot from the barrel of "godolfen's anger.".

At a distance of more than 1000 kilometers, the bullet did not delay to shoot into the eye center of the head of the "tearing fly".

If it's an ordinary sniper beetle, the ordinary sniper beetle will choose to continue sniping in the case of a "tearing flying insect" for the remaining kilometer distance.

But it's too dangerous, mainly because of the flying speed of the tearing flying insects.

The speed of flying Zerg itself is extremely fast, and the "tearing flying bug" is the speed leader among the first-class flying Zerg.

It is not a good choice to choose a sniper within 1000 meters, because after three seconds of adjustment, when the target is to be locked again, it is likely that only less than 100 meters are left. In this case, it is difficult to complete the sniping accurately.

Sniper beetle is a long-range attack beetle. When the distance is within 300 meters, it is very difficult for the sniper beetle to aim.

David's whole body trembled, and the recoil force was removed by special sniper beetle force relief technique.

After he had done this, the last "tearing fly" was less than 200 meters away from him.

David rushed forward. At the same time, the second class shield was provoked at his feet.

In this moment, he turned into a big shield beetle and ran into the "tearing flying insects".

Few Zerg will give in to collisions, because this is the Zerg's choice, and so is the tearing bug.

David's face changed when the second grade shield collided with the tearing bug.

This "tearing fly" rushed over a distance of 3000 meters, carrying a great momentum, which was beyond David's expectation.

Fortunately, David chose to rely more on the combination of land lion exoskeleton armor and second-class large shield, so that they can withstand more impact.

David could hear the breaking of the interior of the land lion's exoskeleton armor, which was beyond the limits of the exoskeleton armor, causing damage to vulnerable components.

A line of red characters flashed out on the top of the mask.

"Warning: exoskeleton armor body damage 20%, movement reduced 30%, strength reduced 25%!"

David knew that there was something wrong with his use of exoskeleton armor. Many warriors fighting in the field would rather suffer some injuries on their own, but also share the impact of exoskeleton armor.

Because exoskeleton armor is the support of a soldier in the field, only by ensuring the performance of exoskeleton armor can they survive in the field.

But David chose to sacrifice exoskeleton armor so that he could kill the tear bug quickly.

Every time he delays here, he may make Helena more dangerous.

After the impact, David's body was pushed back and forth for ten meters in a row. He didn't hesitate. As soon as his body stabilized, he hit the "tearing bug" again.

The status of "tearing bug" is also wrong. This "tearing bug" did not expect that David had the talent of power shock. In the solid impact, the force inside the "tearing bug" was constantly shaking.

Just as tearing bug tries to recover from the shock, David's Shield hits it again.

Unlike just now, the impact was carried out by David on his own initiative. The "tearing fly" did not resist in time, but was hit hard by the "tearing fly" body.

The power shock reappeared in the body of the tearing bug, which once again temporarily lost its ability to move.

David's hand moved, the second grade shield fell to the ground, and two long swords appeared in his hand.

This time, he got the initiative to attack. The second grade sword swept the head of "tearing flying insect" and cut off the whole head.

The shadow servant flew over and absorbed the soul of "tearing apart the flying insects".

David did not clean up the battlefield, but immediately took back the second class sword behind him. After returning to "godolfen's anger", he took back the big shield and put it next to "godolfen's anger".When he saw Helena killing the third "tearing bug" in the "T3 sniper auxiliary device", he was not relieved.

At the same time, he also laments that this second sister is so strong that she may encounter a "tearing fly" alone, and Helena can kill it.

David has locked in the last tear bug over Helena's team, which is apparently ready to flee.

"Tearing flies" have their own instinct, when the loss exceeds a certain degree, they will escape.

Of course, this is the premise that there is no more powerful Zerg command. Once there is a strong Zerg command, any low-level Zerg will show no fear of death.

Even if the distance is 3000 meters, it is only a simple and easy target for David.

With the "anger of godolfen" shaking again, a green blood mist appeared on the head of the fleeing "tearing fly" and fell from the air.

"Brother sniper, can you tell me who you are? I will thank you face to face for your help Helena stopped the hammer in her hand and looked at the "tearing flying insects" falling from the sky. She was very shocked. She asked again.

She knew very well that just now there were three tearing flies flying towards the sniper beetle, and she only heard two sniper shots.

Helena thought that the sniper beetle had already been attacked by the "tearing bug". However, the sniper beetle, who she thought was dead, went on to help them solve one of them.

"Second sister, I'm David. There's something wrong with the exoskeleton armor. I'll probably slow down when I come here!" David's voice is on the public channel.

"Little brother!" Helena exclaimed.

However, she thought that there might be some old sniper beetle who had returned from warstar. With such sniping ability, how could it be David, a new sniper who had just passed the sniper armour certification.

Of all the beetles, the most difficult to upgrade is sniper beetle.

Sniper beetles need not only talent, but also a lot of practice and rich combat experience.

Only with a wealth of experience, can we more accurately judge the Zerg way of action.

The rest of Helena's beetles helped the three beetles, who were embarrassed by the last tear flying bug, and soon ended the battle.

"Clean up the battlefield, I'll go there and have a look!" Helena ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain!" Her men answered.

Helena rushed in the direction of David, and immediately she saw David with a sniper gun, sword and shield in his hand.

It's just that David, with a pile of second class weapons, is hard to see such a dress up except for the logistics in the team.

"David, your exoskeleton armor is broken?" Helena knew that it was David, and did not say thanks again. They were classmates. There was no need to thank for this kind of thing, so she just asked with concern.

In fact, if David is in trouble, she will do the same, just like in the underground network.

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