On March 2, this is an ordinary day. David finished his practice and just stepped out of the gene repair module, the identity bracelet on his wrist reminded him that someone had sent him a communication application.

David looked at the application contact on the identity bracelet. It was Helena, Galen's extraordinary second disciple.

"Where are you, little brother?" Haven't seen for many days, Helena also did not greet, directly asked.

"Second sister, I'm at home!" David replied as he walked to the bathroom.

"There's an urgent mission today. If you're free, you can go with the secret service." Helena continued.

"Where is it? I'll be there in a minute David quickly returned, but he immediately thought of something, and then asked, "second sister, has my land lion exoskeleton armor been repaired?"

Helena hasn't been in touch since the last time she took the damaged land lion exoskeleton armor, and until now he has not received the repaired land lion exoskeleton armor.

There was no news of Bray's exoskeleton armor, and David was embarrassed to find that he had no exoskeleton armor.

Although he still has four sets of exoskeleton armor, the police exoskeleton armor is in a small town like Perrin city. Because of the relationship between him and the police, it doesn't matter. It will be troublesome to use police exoskeleton armor in Naan city.

The other exoskeleton armor is not very good for combat.

"Little brother, your land lion has been repaired long ago. In addition, there is a surprise waiting for you." Helena laughed back.

Thirty minutes later, David arrived at the meeting address.

There are more than 20 people waiting for him here, and he unexpectedly saw Bray and Furness.

"Little brother, I will take part in this operation, but I will only stay by your side and will not participate in other operations!" Bray saw David's doubts and said with a smile.

"Bray is your bodyguard. Although he has regained some control over his power, he still tries not to fight. As long as you are not in trouble that cannot be solved, he will only stay by your side!" Helena came up to David and explained.

David was moved. He knew about bray.

Even if Bray's body recovered now, but once he used all his strength, his body still could not bear his strength, causing physical damage.

You know, Bray is still in a period of metamorphosis, when his body is extremely unstable.

"As for Furness, he just wants to get some experience. He'll follow me!" Helena then glanced at the nearby Furness.

"Second sister, I'm also useful!" Furness is very dissatisfied with Helena's statement, anti voice.

"I can't even compare with the younger brother who just started. You can say it's useful!" Helena looked at him scornfully and said.

Furness immediately stopped talking and looked at David with a sad look. How could he compare with such a monster.

"Little brother, this is the exoskeleton armor designed by Maugham. Helena provides a lot of first-class Zerg shells and some primary and secondary materials. This exoskeleton armor can defend against ordinary first-class Zerg attacks!" Bray took out an exoskeleton armored loading box from one side, handed it over with a smile and said.

"Brother Bray, you'd better not go!" David was interested in custom-made exoskeleton armor, but he advised first.

"Little brother, don't worry about anything. I take a bottle of that potion. Even if I do it, it won't have a big impact. First, take a look at this exoskeleton armor. Maugham is very proud of his design!" Bray said with a nonchalant smile.

He pointed out the potion he was carrying, and several of his classmates knew that it was "immortal holy water".

David knew that he couldn't persuade him. A strong man like Bray was so determined that it was difficult to change a decision.

He takes over the exoskeleton armor loader, activates it with an identity bracelet, and starts loading.

Soon his body was encased in a gray exoskeleton armor.

"Brother, your exoskeleton armor is ugly!" Furness said as soon as he saw David's exoskeleton armor.

"Shut up!" He was helpless, too. Furness's disposition was too easy to escape. He was afraid that it would be difficult to become extraordinary.

Among them, the most likely one to become extraordinary is their younger brother David.

"The color of my brother's exoskeleton armor is very suitable for his sniper beetle identity, and this color can make him easily hide in the wild environment!" Said Helena, nodding.

David felt the exoskeleton armor on his body. The exoskeleton armor was not very impressive. It did not look beautiful.

The gray exterior uses a very strong special coating, which alone can add a defense to the exoskeleton armor.

David felt a strong Zerg smell in the paint, which should have added some Zerg materials.

He quickly found that in front of the heart, neck and other important parts, the materials used were grade II materials, while in the front chest, lower abdomen, back and other secondary parts, grade-1 materials were used.Although these parts of the material used is not much, but these primary and secondary materials are also very valuable.

"Second sister, I will give you back the materials you gave me!" David looked up and said to Helena.

"What's more, if it's not because I'm also preparing to attack the extraordinary, I can't handle this material!" Helena waved.

David nodded. He didn't say anything more, but he made a decision in his heart. He would find a chance to repay Helena.

He moved his body for a while and found that the exoskeleton armor really took into account his physical conditions. It not only fits his body in size, but also increases the range of motion of joints.

Some of the movements that could not be done on the previous exoskeleton armor can be done on this exoskeleton armor.

At the same time, he also found that the loading speed-up module, which is a life-saving device opened in case of danger, can leave the battlefield faster.

There are many other functions, for example, it is more suitable to grasp the hands of various weapons, the interface of various weapons can be hung on the back, and the ground fixed device is more suitable for sniping.

It can be said that such an exoskeleton armor, which is taken by other warriors, is likely to be a chicken rib, because many of its functions cannot be used by the same person.

But in David's hands, this exoskeleton armor can enhance his combat ability, allowing him to switch any weapon at any time, and get some support.

Of course, sniper and spear are the most popular ones. This is probably the consideration of Maugham in his design, because David is a spear master and a sniper beetle.

Master spear master is needless to say, which is extremely rare among the beetles, and sniper beetles have innate requirements, which are also the occupation of a few people.

"Brother Bray, please help me thank Mr. Maugham. I'm very satisfied with this exoskeleton armor!" David said to bray.

"Little brother, I'll tell you. I'm sure mom will be very happy when he hears it." Bray returned with a smile.

"Well, it's getting late. We're ready to go!" Helena clapped her hands and said, she looked at David and said, "this time we are going to go to the rock 6 resource star, where Zerg attacks have been suffered. At present, only a few people are still in the base. We need to rush to support them as soon as possible."

David was stunned when he heard about rock six.

He had heard of Panshi 6, one of several resource stars near Panshi, where there was no human environment.

However, the resource star is an important resource source of Panshi. Ice and mineral resources provide the resources for the desolate rock star to survive.

For example, the domestic water of Panshi star, in addition to some purified groundwater, is more of the ice mined from the resource stars.

Otherwise, a planet like Panshi, which does not have much living resources, will not be able to support several billion people.

Each administrative star has many resource stars as support, which is normal for the interstellar Federation.

However, this should be the first time that David left the rock star and entered the universe, and went to fight on another planet in the universe.

"What? What's wrong with the Red Devils While Helena was talking about the mission, a female oracle on the side received a message and immediately called out.

"Audrey, what's the matter?" Asked Helena in a deep voice.

"Captain, the Red Devils is out of order and can't come!" Audrey's lady beetle reports immediately.

"Damn it, what do those guys in the logistics department eat? Why didn't the Red Devils report early if something went wrong?" Helena's face was ugly.

"What is the red devil?" David asked, softly, to Furness.

"The Red Devils are two spaceships with warp engines from the secret service team, such as rescuing the panshi-6 resource star. The rest of the spaceships without warp engines will only take three days to fly, but with the warp engine, the flight time will be only tens of minutes at most!" Furness explained softly.

"Contact all parties, borrow the spaceship in the name of the secret service team, and do it quickly!" Helena whispered to Audrey.

"Second sister, I have a spaceship with a warp engine, or use mine!" David volunteered.

"Is that true, little brother?" Helena was stunned and could not help but confirm.

"My ship is at the second air station." David nodded and said.

"Target second station, go!" Helena immediately exclaimed.

All the members of the special service team on the scene took six floating cars and headed for the second air station.

David sat in the secret service's floating car, which was flashing a dazzling warning light with a flying altitude of 50 meters, so it was extremely fast all the way.

Only three minutes later, the entire small floating fleet arrived at the second airport and drove directly to the second airport.

It can be seen that the secret service has great authority in Naan city.According to David's goal, six hovering cars stopped beside Titan's S600 transport ship. The people took off the equipment from the floating car, and David himself took down the equipment he had brought with him.

This time, because of the cooperation of the team, he took the "anger of godolfen" sniper gun, second class spear, light sword and army spike, but did not take the rest of the weapons and equipment.

"Little brother, the broken transport ship is equipped with a warp speed engine. I'm afraid the structure of the ship is too much to eat. Don't throw us in space!" Furness looked at the Titan S600 transport ship and shook his head.

This kind of transport ship is usually a cargo ship, so its grade is relatively low among all medium-sized spaceships.

"Furness, don't be ignorant Helena slapped Furness on the head and said.

"Little brother, is this your ship?" Mine look some complex looking at the Titan S600 transport spacecraft asked.

"You are now in the accumulation stage. It's a waste to spend so much credit on building such a spaceship!" Helena continued.

Of course, they all saw something extraordinary about Titan's S600 transport ship, and this shell alone is a real warship class shell.

Although the secret service team is a government department, it is impossible to purchase warships due to financial and other problems, and the expenses can not be approved on approval.

It's really a waste of time for David to build such a warship class hull ship just by himself.

"You misunderstood me. It was given to me by others!" David felt the concern of the elder brother and the second elder sister and said with a smile.

"Who is so good to send you such a spaceship at once!" Helena said as she walked into the spaceship along the elevator. After seeing the big bed in the cockpit and the corresponding arrangement, Helena shook her head and said, "I'm wrong. Which Playboy sent you this spaceship?"

Seeing the confusion in David's eyes, Helena came to the driver's seat. Because of the use of intelligent machine housekeeper control called captain, plus the upgrading and upgrading, the smaller driving system has been updated, making the whole driving position very small.

"Only Playboy can use intelligent robot to control the spaceship. Although this miniaturized driving system is extremely convenient, it also reduces the number of people to drive the spaceship. As long as one intelligent robot can drive the spaceship, it is only under normal circumstances. Once encountering an air battle, the driving system of this spaceship can not even avoid the attack!" Helena patted the bridge and explained.

"Yes, this ship has been changed into a luxury yacht. It's OK to play, but not to fight. Fortunately, our missions are carried out on the ground, and we don't need the support of the spaceship!" Bray said with a smile.

"I feel very good, this bed is too comfortable, and there is a bathroom. It's so happy to ride in this spaceship!" Said Furness, lying on the Cromwell bed.

David didn't care about Helena and Bray's fussy words. They regarded the spaceship as a combat ship, but David just took the ship as a means of transportation.

If he didn't happen to meet him on the mission, he would not have offered to use the ship.

Twenty secret service beetles are standing in the cab, which makes this large cab feel a bit crowded.

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