After commander Norton, UPR and Mead carefully left the passage, David appeared in the passage.

He took a look at Prague's body on the ground, and the shadow boy floated over, and Prague's body in exoskeleton armor was collected into the space ring.

David picked up the heavy second class shield. He held the second grade shield in his left hand and the third grade axe in his right hand.

He is not worried about losing three weapon masters. On his face armor, three red dots are moving fast to mark the location of the hangar.

The space in the hangar is huge. Maybe the three weapon masters wanted to take advantage of the environmental advantages there, so that David could not hide himself so that they could fight him face to face.

"The hangar is not far ahead!" Said commander Norton, in a deep voice, at the front.

"I don't know how many of the beetles in the regiment survived. I'll cut off David's head with my own hands to avenge my brothers!" Said Meade, his eyes aglow.

Mead's words made commander Norton not know what to say for a moment, and his heart was full of regret.

If I had known that David was so terrible, he would not have taken on such a task.

Although he doesn't know how many beetles died, the voice of the beetles in the channel before has been completely lost.

The silence of the whole communication channel reminded him of the fate of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment.

"David must be killed!" ORP was at the end of the line, gritting his teeth.

Many of the warriors in the mercenary regiment were personally selected from the retired beetles. They spent a lot of hard work for them.

But now everything is in vain, and the achievements over the years have been destroyed.

Even the best brother Prague is dead, and this hatred can only be paid with David's blood.

Of course, this is just the idea of UPR and Mead, but commander Norton just wants to survive. David's fighting power is not the same as that in intelligence.

At least, the intelligence did not say that David was a master of heavy axe, but that David was a master of spear. However, David did not use a spear. With a heavy axe of grade three, he almost wiped out the whole thunder and lightning mercenary regiment.

A master of heavy axe holds the power of level 3 heavy axe. Commander Norton doesn't have to think about how terrible it is.

He now wants David to give up the idea of fighting them when he sees that they have an environmental advantage.

"Damn it, this broken door!" Meade used his second class heavy axe to cut the door open with a few axes.

He kicked the pieces of the door open and drilled through.

No wonder Mead couldn't stop cursing. It was their main ship, but now it was blocked by doors.

Every time they cross a door, they have to destroy the door before they can pass.

It's easy for them to break open the closed door made of steel, but they are afraid of being attacked by David in the process, so they should be careful every time they open and close the door.

This slowed their progress, but it was strange that they did not encounter David's attack all the way.

After collecting Prague's body and picking up the second-class shield, David did not immediately pursue him, but let the shadow servant fly over.

His hand pressed on the shadow servant, whose body came into contact with his hand through the exoskeleton armor, and a spirit energy entered his soul.

He resisted the feeling of spiritual comfort and focused his attention on the shadow maid.

In the shadow servant's body, already had a lot of knowledge light ball.

Among the numerous knowledge spheres, the one with green light is particularly eye-catching.

David's mind is focused on the green sphere of knowledge, and a message is displayed on the sphere of knowledge: "shield Mastery (49% complete)".

"That's it!" David said in his heart, and then ordered the shadow servant to move the light ball of "shield Mastery (49% complete)" into his body.

This is the first time that he has absorbed the light ball of knowledge in an unsafe place. Of course, he knows that there is no problem with the safety here. He knows the position of all the people inside the warship.

Because we have to face several weapon masters, only stronger defense will be more secure.

So he chose to absorb the light sphere of "shield Mastery (49% perfect)" to improve his mastery of shield.

David now has 98% mastery level shield. He can deal with ordinary beetles, but he is dwarfed by many powerful weapon masters.

David was in front of his eyes, and then he appeared in the battlefield.

The mantis has a large number of stingers in front of him. There is a giant worm in front of him.

His side is full of big shield armour, these big shield armor block Zerg's impact.

Behind him, there are also countless warriors with various weapons. The warriors attack the Zerg in front by using the space from time to time by the big shield beetle.David's body can't control it, but he can sense the body's application to the big shield.

Due to the different types of first-class Zerg, they attack in different ways. This body will respond to each attack differently.

Zerg power is terrible, but no matter how the Zerg impact, the body does not step back.

Every impact that hits the shield will be guided into the earth by the body.

The body was surrounded by a large shield beetle falling down, but the body was always defending, and soon he became the front line defender of the whole defense line.

As the pressure increases, the body's defense becomes more tenacious. The shield constantly adjusts its direction in order to get the least attack power. At the same time, the body is constantly adjusting its center of gravity.

David had a feeling that this body was attacked by Zerg, like a reef in the sea, and all the impact would be blocked by the big shield.

Just when David thought that he would defend all the time, the body seemed to have been ordered. He held a big shield and stepped forward under his feet. He even strode forward under the attack of the swarm of insects.

His every step is wobbly, but firm and persistent.

At this moment, he is the arrow of the beetles, and he will plunge into the swarm. The beetle behind him can kill the Zerg with all his strength and attack the formation of the swarm.

This time the knowledge photosphere is not long, which is probably related to David's own shield mastery level of 98%. His shield mastery foundation is strong, and the knowledge photosphere does not need to repeatedly transmit too basic knowledge.

In reality, David suddenly opened his eyes, his left hand in the second grade shield gently swing, although the swing of outsiders see nothing, but David has a kind of big shield alive feeling.

It was only three seconds before he regained his consciousness and looked at the armor. However, he was brought into the illusion by the light ball of knowledge. It took him at least several days for a battle as long as several days to master his shield.

David's foot shot down the other road towards the hangar.

Different from the three weapon masters, the closed door automatically opened in advance at the place he passed, which provided a way for him.

"Beyond the front door is the hangar!" Commander Norton breathed a long sigh of relief. Although he did not encounter David's attack, he felt tired because of his high tension.

When you see the hangar in front of you, you can't help but feel relieved.

Commander Norton has full confidence in his own combat power. As long as David has no geographical advantage, he can join hands with his two old brothers to protect himself.

Mead and ORP had a sense of war in their eyes. Once they got to the hangar, they could fight David fairly.

They did not think that it was fair for the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment to send out a fleet to pursue David, and whether it was fair for David to face more than 200 warriors alone.

Just as Mead cut open the door lock of the steel gate in front of him and kicked the door open, the lights of the passageway and the hangar suddenly went out.

At the same time, a figure came down from above.

Vaguely, commander Norton and Mead in front of him could see that it was a beetle. At this time, it was not necessary to consider who was the Oracle who could attack them.

Commander Norton's sword flashed a dark blue light, which matched with the dark blue light on Mead's heavy axe, and directly sealed all the moving space of the oracle.

To their surprise, the beetle did not dodge at all, so he directly hit them.

Commander Norton's sword light, Mead's axe light, Qiqi hit the oracle.

"Cheated!" The two weapon masters have mastered the weapons in their hands for a long time. They can feel the feeling after hitting the enemy.

The beetle who is hit is not a living body at all. When the sword and heavy axe enter the body, the feedback is dead, not living.

At the moment when commander Norton and Mead attacked, David turned on the talent of "extreme speed" behind ORP. He broke through the wall of the passage like a ghost and attacked UPR.

Although he did not expect that there would be enemies in addition to the front, after being attacked, he found that there was no time to escape and immediately made a counterattack.

When he wanted to come, David was just a man. If he wanted to deal with the three weapon masters, he would not dare to fight with each other.

UPU's second class hammer, with all his strength, struck at David.

David looked at UPR's counterattack, and he couldn't help but sigh at the horror of master Warhammer. The attack he had calculated, the other side could still make the most correct counterattack.

If David doesn't have a second level shield, or the ability of a shield master, he will probably fail.

But the reality is not if, David's second class shield on his left hand is facing up to up's hammer, and his right hand's third class heavy axe does not stop and sweeps over the neck of up.

With the sound of "Dang", up's strike before his death hit David's second grade shield on his left hand. The huge force from the Warhammer made David unable to stabilize his body.David's mission to kill ORP has been completed, and he flies back with this tremendous force.

During the whole process of the attack, David was like an assassin, escaping with one blow.

When commander Norton and Mead found out that they had been cheated in front of him and wanted to support up, they only saw David not in the dark.

"Up!" Captain Norton let out a shrill howl.

"David, come out, if it's a hero, fight us to the death!" Mead pulled back his mask and roared.

At this time, the lights in the channel and the hangar outside the channel are on at the same time.

Commander Norton saw UPP's injury, his neck was cut in half, and he also saw the identity of the oracle in front of him, the body of his good brother Prague.

Now the body of Prague on the ground is almost cut in two by him and Mead, and the scene is very tragic.

Commander Norton held up ORP's body, Mead took Prague's body and slowly retreated into the hangar.

The hangar is very open. There is no parking space, but a training place for the crew.

"Commander Norton, master sword, commander Norton, director of equipment department, master heavy axe, Minister Mead of thunder and lightning mercenary regiment!" David comes out of the tunnel, looks at the two weapon masters and identifies them.

"Master spear, master heavy axe, David genius!" Commander Norton put up ORP's body on the ground, stood up and said in a deep voice.

Mead also laid down Prague's body and was ready to fight.

"Commander Norton, for the sake of such a small person as me, you even sent out a fleet to hunt me down. You really look up to me!" David said with sarcasm.

"No, I still look down on you if I can lose the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment like this. I should have used the main artillery to kill your spaceship instead of trying to catch you!" As commander Norton adjusted his breath, he returned.

"Now there are only three of us left on this warship. This is our battlefield. See who can survive!" David looked around and said in a deep voice.

Because of the excessive killing, David's voice seems to have a killing momentum.

"Are there only three of us left?" Commander Norton had guessed the result for a long time, but listening to David said it, he was still a little lost in his mind.

Although not all the warriors in the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment, more than 70% of the warriors were concentrated in the warships.

These warriors are the cornerstone of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment. They are all lost here just for the sake of David in front of them.

"You murderer!" The curse of Mead's gnashing teeth.

"Ha ha!" David laughed. He pointed to Mead and commander Norton and said, "it's all caused by you. If you come to kill me, I'll fight back, and I'll become a murderer. Can't I stand here and let you kill me?"

Mead knew this very well, but he had rich experience in fighting against the enemy. After knowing David's age, he wanted to use language to influence David's mind.

This kind of psychological warfare plays a significant role when the strength of the two sides is not much different.

But he didn't think that David had no sense of impact on killing people after he absorbed his soul through shadow guards. No matter how many people he killed, there was no shadow servant who absorbed the soul more terrifying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!