On the morning of the college entrance examination day, David still did not stop his practice of "high-level Oracle physique" and "soft body skill". After taking three-level fortified meat, he finished the practice at seven o'clock.

When she came out of the gene repair module and came to the restaurant, she was surprised to see Emma.

"Emma, why are you free today?" David asked with a smile.

Emma had long been used to David's way of speaking, which could not express her feelings.

"I'll take you to the college entrance examination today." Emma replied, chuckling, then pointing to David's new clothes and still wet hair, she shook and said, "even in the college entrance examination, you won't let yourself rest."

"I practice some special skills. I can't stop practicing!" David explained with a smile.

He had a trace of joy that Emma had come to send him to the college entrance examination. He also had a strange feeling that his parents had sent him for the college entrance examination.

"Well, this is your breakfast?" David sat down at the table and was surprised to find that today's breakfast was completely different from before.

"Well, this is a must win meal I made!" Emma said, with a trace of satisfaction in her eyes.

Must win meal is a custom of renka star, every time before the major exam, the home of examinee will prepare the must win meal for the examinee, in order to expect the examinee can play the best level and get good results.

David also mentioned it when listening to Moore's classmates chatting at school. At that time, he didn't care. He didn't have any relatives here.

In his mind, no one will prepare a must win meal for him. Of course, it is not that no one pays attention to his college entrance examination. Fox extraordinary and his three disciples sent David news last night, asking him to cheer on.

"Emma is very good. This pizza is delicious. It's the best breakfast I've ever had!" David took a bite of pizza hut and said with a smile to Emma, who was looking at him expectantly, with a thumbs up.

To tell you the truth, the taste of this must win meal can only be regarded as ordinary. What is said here is ordinary, or compared with ordinary people. It can't be compared with Emma, the intelligent housekeeper of chef level.

But David felt the strong emotion in the pizza hut, which other chefs, including smart housekeeper Emma, could not give.

"Really?" Emma laughed happily.

Only Leona, the bodyguard standing by, knew that Emma took time out of her busy daily work to find a professional chef to guide her in order to practice this must win meal.

Emma had never been a cook before, and her background made it impossible for her to get in touch with it.

So everything is from the beginning. There are several minor injuries. If not for the advanced treatment methods, with Emma's popularity now, the wounds on her hands may become big news.

Instead of taking Emma's special suspension car, I took David's suspension car. Emma's suspension car was so conspicuous that it could hardly stop. There were crazy people everywhere.

Just as David's floating car left the villa, two police floating cars approached.

"Mr. David, this is Fergus. I'm under the order of director Kurt to escort you to the examination room!" A voice familiar to David was heard through the channel in the suspended car.

David couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. This was director Kurt's expression of his gratitude to David.

"Officer Fergus, thank you David didn't refuse either, smiling and thanking.

Two police floats open in the front, leading David's in the back.

"David, you're better than me now. You've got a police car on your way out!" Emma said in a slightly mocking tone of surprise.

It's very easy to get into trouble when the interstellar Federation mobilizes police resources. Therefore, although Emma is a famous singer, she is becoming more and more famous. She can't enjoy the privilege of driving a police floating car. At most, when she attends the activities, she has the police to maintain order.

"I work as a part-time consultant at the police station, so I have some special treatment!" David explained with a smile.

"It's been a mess recently. Will the consultant at the police station be in trouble?" Emma was not pleased to hear David's explanation, but asked with concern.

However, she knew that the public order was very bad recently. Many people died and some police were injured.

Especially when Emma came home, she heard some internal news and understood the danger of the police at that time, so she paid special attention to it.

"It's OK. I'm a consultant to be able to legally wear exoskeleton armor when I'm in trouble. Uncle Fox arranged this for me!" David, feeling Emma's concern, continued with a smile.

Emma was relieved when she heard that it was Fox's extraordinary arrangement. She knew that fox was close to David and that fox was not going to harm David.

The examination room of the college entrance examination is in the first middle school of renka. When David arrived, there were ten police floating cars flying in the sky of the first middle school.

"Mr. David, we are responsible for the safety here. All suspended vehicles are not allowed to enter the two kilometer range of the school, but you can park directly in the school!" Officer Fergus's voice came again from the channel.Yesterday's bodies were handled by him, and he was also involved in the investigation afterwards. The forensic medicine gave a clear conclusion on the five corpses with their throats cut off. All of them were top class warriors before their lives.

Five top class beetles were slaughtered by David alone in an office where no one was wearing armour.

This made Sergeant Fergus think that the 11 killed beetles were also killed by a consultant. He could be sure that the oracle was David without checking.

That's why Sergeant Fergus was so respectful after receiving the order from director Kurt.

"It won't cause you any trouble?" It doesn't matter to David, but it's a good thing to have Emma on the suspension car, and it's good to be able to park in less crowded schools, so he asked with a smile.

"No trouble, please follow me!" Sergeant Fergus quickly returned.

With two floating cars leading the way, David's floating car flew into the school of renka No.1 middle school.

"Look, who's coming to visit? There's a police floating car on the way!" A student pointed to the floating car in the sky and said curiously.

"My God, isn't that David's floating car?" Moore, who had already entered the school, looked up and saw the floating car behind the police floating car, and said to himself in surprise.

He shook his head and thought it must be wrong.

"Emma, you go to work first!" The suspension car stopped, David said to Emma.

"OK, I'll pick you up at the end of the exam this afternoon." Said Emma, with a slight smile, and then with a gesture of effort, come on

David looked at the lovely Emma and jumped out of the floating car with a smile. He just caught sight of Moore's classmate who was not far away.

"David, you are definitely the strongest student in our private school in renka!" As he entered the examination room, Moore said in a muffled voice.

In the view of Mr. Moore, in the whole private middle school of renka, even all the college entrance examination students in Qiya City, he only saw David, the only student who would directly enter the examination room with a floating car. This is not something with background.

"Moore, the exam is coming. Are you ready?" David doesn't want to explain more. This display is not the so-called background, but he relies on his own strength. He changes the topic and asks.

"I've bought more than a dozen items for transshipment. There must be no problem in the exam!" Moore replied with confidence.

David was shocked to hear that he was so prepared.

It was math in the morning. David never thought it would be so strict.

This renka No. 1 middle school is estimated to have taken into account the needs of the college entrance examination when David was sitting in his seat when a shield came down from the ceiling above him.

He turned his head and saw that every examinee in this examination room was covered by a shielding light shield.

David found that the contact between the identity bracelet and the outside world was interrupted. The ID bracelet was flashing red light, indicating the termination of use.

It seems that not only the external signals are blocked, but also the authority of the identity bracelet is temporarily closed.

On the desktop in front of David, the only thing that was left was a display screen, which showed waiting for the exam.

David saw that there was a separate monitor on the top of his head. On the wall of the examination room, there was a monitoring system to monitor every examinee from all angles.

The test here is almost to the extent that no water is dripping. Of course, this level of monitoring can not stop the shadow waiter. However, David does not need to use shadow attendants to cheat. His grades do not need the help of other people.

The examination begins with the examination questions displayed on the screen in front of you. These questions are randomly generated from the huge test question database according to the corresponding rules.

That is to say, the test papers of each examinee here are different, and to a certain extent, the possibility of cheating is eliminated.

Each question in the examination question bank has the corresponding difficulty grading, which enables each examinee's examination paper to be able to guarantee the same difficulty, will not appear the difficulty different test paper.

In the process of examination, David did not feel how difficult it was. He did not try to be fast. He also attached great importance to this important examination.

He will think carefully and answer every question carefully.

Three hours of writing time is very enough, enough average students to do the test paper once, of course, there is no problem, long time thinking time.

After the examination in the morning, all the examinees can't leave the school. They all go to the canteen and have a rest for an hour to continue the afternoon exam.

There are two exams in the afternoon, which are not all over until 6:30 p.m.

When the last test is finished, the test results can be seen only by the examinee's state when he / she leaves the examination room.

Those who look relaxed have two possibilities: one is to get good grades and have great confidence in themselves; the other is to have confidence in themselves, because the results will not be good, and there is no miracle in the exam.

On the other hand, those who are worried, depressed and regretful are the examinees who really failed in the exam.

Of course, more examinees are relaxed, the end of the college entrance examination is relaxed, and there is no need to study crazily every day. In addition to the candidates who have to take part in the physical examination, the rest of the candidates will enter the state of vacation, and there is no homework task.This is the most relaxed holiday in my life. After entering the University, there will be pressure of examination, study and work. There is no such relaxed holiday.

David's face is indifferent, his score is needless to say, although there are some very difficult questions in the examination paper, but his ability to answer them.

And with the improvement of his strength, he even less yearning for the first college of alidia.

"How do you feel about yourself, David?" David thought Emma was still waiting and was about to speed up his departure when he saw headmaster Grover come to him and ask.

Headmaster Grover's eyes are full of expectations. If David's score can reach or close to the full mark almost every time as before in the school internal examination, then David may win the first place in the entrance examination of renka star and even alidia star field.

This will be a famous opportunity for Lunka private middle school, which can cultivate the school with the first place in the college entrance examination and be recorded in the history of the school.

"It's a little bit difficult. The others are similar to the simulated tests in the school." David replied with a smile. He looked at the floating car that was descending in the distance, and then continued: "headmaster Grover, there's a friend there to pick me up. Excuse me first!"

"You go!" Said principal Grover, nodding.

Headmaster Grover, looking at the background of David's departure, was happy for a moment and a little uneasy at the moment.

David's answer did not make him feel at ease, but made him even more unable to judge.

"David, congratulations on not being a high school student any more. You'll graduate completely from today on!" Emma congratulated David as soon as she got into the suspended car.

Although her family members didn't say anything, falling in love with a high school student put a lot of pressure on Emma's heart. She was afraid that others would talk about it.

"Well, I still have an individual skill test tomorrow to finish all the college entrance examinations!" David cautioned somewhat sheepishly.

"Ah Emma's face turned red. She was shy of her mistakes. She looked at Lucia, the agent who accompanied her. Her schedule was set by Lucia.

Sending David to the college entrance examination requires early allocation of time. Lucia didn't tell her that after David's one-day examination, the college entrance examination did not end.

Lucia also had no choice but to show her hands. She did not take part in the entrance examination of A-list major. Similarly, Emma did not take part in the college entrance examination of the major of first-class students. She did not think of this.

"You don't have to send for the exam tomorrow. I just need a short time to finish it tomorrow!" David saw Emma's mistake and said with a smile.

"I can get rid of the arrangement!" Emma said, pulling agent Lucia with her hand.

"Emma, it's hard to make the arrangements for tomorrow!" Lucia warned softly.

"Emma, I'm not a child. With my strength, tomorrow's physical examination will be boring!" David joked.

"All right, but you must tell me the result at the end of the exam!" Emma also did not insist, but she had seen David's strength, her two female bodyguards were not rivals, this is just to participate in the college entrance examination for A-level majors, there is no problem at all.

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