"Lost!" Master Leo gave a big drink. In his eyes, David had long been regarded as an opponent of the same level. He was not an examinee, so this blow was all-out.

The victory over an opponent of his own level made master Leo very excited.

David's spirit broke out. In his eyes, master Leo's fast attack became slow. Because David didn't intend to use the "extreme speed" talent, his speed was not enough to avoid master Leo's attack.

But it was enough for David to block master Leo's attack line with a heavy axe.

This is also a passive defensive David has never had. Since he became a master of heavy axe, he has never been suppressed by his opponent in the fight.

It can be said that he cheated. Neither mental outburst nor "power shock" talents are related abilities mastered by heavy axe. This is a test mastered by heavy axe.

A huge voice sounded in the field. David felt that the heavy axe in his hand was about to be released. Fortunately, he still had the ability of master shield. He was attacked by this powerful attack. He instinctively used the skill of relieving the force of master shield.

His feet stepped on the ground for four or five steps, and the specially reinforced ground suffered destructive force due to his unloading force.

As David's foot stepped on the ground, it broke into two long tracks.

At this moment, David lost the ability to attack, and in fact, he did not have the ability to defend. He used the skill of shield unloading, but his hand was not a shield. When the shield was unloaded, he could still maintain defense.

Originally, master Leo was able to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but to the surprise of the middle-aged examiner watching the battle, master Leo stopped all over his body after the attack.

"It's power talent!" Master Leo was shocked and sobered up. It was an exam.

He just used all his strength. If David didn't deal with it properly, his attack might have made David suffer a heavy blow, or without David's "power shock", he would give the final blow after David's defense was fully opened.

In that case, David was at least seriously injured, and the examinee was severely injured in the examination, which was enough to make master Leo famous in the industry.

"Sorry, I didn't stop!" Leo bowed to David and apologized.

"Master Leo, can you rate me?" David was also a little dissatisfied.

If he had said in advance that it was a fight between life and death, where would he let master Leo give full play to his strength and directly hit the "spiritual arrow" to kill master Leo.

This is a tactic he used many times, which is very effective. At least he has not met any opponent in the first rank who can resist the "spirit arrow".

"Master David, your mastery of the heavy axe has reached the level of a high-level master, and you have the talent of" power shock ". You are the top talent in the field of aridia Master Leo didn't care about David's attitude, but said with a smile. Then he asked expectantly, "can you ask which university you are going to enter?"

"I'm going to apply for the first college of alidia!" David answered without concealment.

"Haha, Master David, no matter what your cultural studies are, I promise you'll get the letter of admission from alidia first college!" After hearing about the university that David wanted to apply for, master Leo couldn't help laughing and said.

"Master Leo, are you a teacher at alidia first college?" David asked, hearing the promise of master Leo.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm a martial arts instructor in the first college of alidia." Leo introduced himself with a smile.

"Master Leo, I don't need special care. I believe that my cultural achievements are enough to enter the first college of alidia!" David shook his head and refused master Leo's offer.

David is curious about the strength of the first college of alidia. A martial arts instructor is actually a master of heavy axe, and still surpasses the high-level master of heavy axe.

This made him to enter alidia first college to enhance the strength of the idea can not help but deepen, he has a lot of confidence in alidia first college.

But David doesn't want to enter the first college of alidia through the relationship, because he doesn't need it at all. He knows his cultural achievements and will definitely surprise many people.

"It seems that you have a lot of confidence in yourself, and I'll be waiting for you at the first college of aridia!" Master Leo didn't wonder what David thought. Such a genius is proud, he said with a smile.

However, in master Leo's heart, he immediately contacted the college. No matter how well David did in the cultural examination, even if he used the recommended places for special recruitment, he would enroll David in the college.

A tutor with master level ability like master Leo has certain welfare benefits in the first college of alidia, and the recommended quota is one of the benefits.

It's just that the masters have a good face and seldom use this special recommendation quota.

We should know that the students who are recommended by the master will be shamed if their grades are not good.

However, after the battle with David, master Leo had no other ideas in his heart. He only wanted to enroll David into the first college of alidia. If such talents flow to other schools, it would be the loss of aridia first college.When David's physical examination was over, he left the examination room. All the test results will be released tomorrow.

"Director Barry, I met a genius. You must enroll him in college!" After David left, master Leo immediately found a deserted corner and contacted director Barry of the first college of Aldia.

"Leo, what kind of genius do you see?" Director Barry over there also asked in a very strange way.

Master Leo's eyes can be higher than the top. In the past, the students recruited by the school, even if they were geniuses, were rarely praised in his eyes. Today, however, he took the initiative to contact him and put forward requirements. This shows how much master Leo values this talent.

Think of today's Leo master to participate in the Qiya city college entrance examination physical examination officer, that is to say, this year's Qiya city's examinees have a talent to let master Leo's heart.

"Send me your name!" Master Leo was also anxious and immediately sent David's name.

Director Barry's authority is very large, he can see the details of the vast majority of people, and even some secret information can be inquired.

This is the influence of a top university in the star region. The graduates of alidiya first college are almost all over the whole Iridia star region. A large proportion of the top people in all walks of life are graduated from alidia first college.

As a professional director of the top university, director Barry has the right to view high-level confidential resources of the military, government and other departments.

So he easily got David's public information. When he opened this information, even if he often saw the information of genius, he couldn't help but marvel at David's information.

"Leo, what about David's strength?" Barry asked master Leo as he looked at the materials.

"The strength revealed by Master David is" power shock "talent and high-level heavy axe master!" Master Leo replied.

When master Leo said David's name, he added the title of master. This is a kind of respect and identification to David's identity.

"Listen to you, David should have hidden strength?" Director Barry was aware of another meaning of master Leo, so he asked.

"I gave full play to attack. Master David used the talent of" power shock "in times of crisis. However, I felt that he was far more than just his fighting power. In the process of fighting, I always felt that Master David had full confidence. It was a kind of confidence that could kill me at any time. Therefore, I strongly doubt that Master David has the means to kill me!" Master Leo replied in a deep voice.

Master Leo is an old-fashioned heavy axe master. Every weapon master has a spirit beyond ordinary people. Master Leo is no exception. Even his spirit is higher than ordinary weapon masters.

After many years of cultivation, his spirit has some special feelings, sensitive to danger, to malice and so on.

In the battle with David, the reason why master Leo can't help but fight with all his strength is that he sensed danger and his body instinctively responded.

Even under the disadvantage of David, he has always maintained the spirit of contempt, which is the attitude of life.

That's why master Leo made such a judgment. David had the means to kill.

"Leo, to tell you the truth, after reading David's information, if you fight against David's life and death, it's not sure who will survive!" Director Barry listened to master Leo's analysis, then combined with David's information, said with a smile.

"Director Barry, what have you got?" Leo asked curiously.

"Before you, this David has killed at least four weapon masters and killed an extraordinary by means of means. Do you know what the theater military thinks of him?" Barry asked, pausing for a moment.

"What comments? Say it Master Leo asked in a hurry.

"I heard that you have recently collected a bottle of red wine!" Barry said with a smile.

"I'll ask you to dry the bottle of red wine when I go back!" Master Leo said without any hesitation.

He and director Barry are decades of old friendship, the relationship between the two people is very close.

"The first class is invincible." is that high enough Barry said with a smile.

"Theater military, this is Master David?" Master Leo immediately guessed the point and said.

"No matter whether the military in the theater is attacking David or not, such evaluation shows how terrible David's actual combat power is. In a short year, more than hundreds of Oracle soldiers died in his hands!" However, director Barry didn't care whether the military in the theater was malicious or not. No matter how the military in the theater evaluated it, it was impossible to make a random evaluation.

The internal forces of the military in the theater are complex, and the evaluation may be a bit malicious. However, the "invincible" must be recognized by most of the evaluators.

"It's no wonder David's killing intention is so heavy in the battle." Said master Leo, shaking his head.

There are advantages and disadvantages of killing intention. The advantage is that it can increase attack power. Especially for opponents with weak willpower, their own strength will be weakened in the face of strong intention to kill.However, it is a huge problem to maintain the intention of killing, which requires constant killing to maintain, and more killing is needed to upgrade.

This kind of killing is not ordinary killing. Only by killing opponents with similar strength can we get enough killing intention.

In addition, too much killing will also affect people's consciousness and exert a subtle influence on people's spirit.

This is often seen in some veterans who have been in the battlefield for a long time. Killing will make them lose their sense and make some unexpected behaviors.

When he was young, master Leo also had a strong intention to kill. However, after so many years of teaching work, his killing intention has long been transformed into a more stable and fierce spirit.

"Leo, I don't need you to use the recommended places for special recruitment. I will send out the acceptance letter directly for such talents. I believe that David will become your student soon." Director Barry understood master Leo's plan, he said with a smile.

"I don't dare Master David to be my student, but I can often learn from him and make progress together." Master Leo's eyes lit up and said modestly.

Soon after David returned to the villa, he received a message from Emma asking about the results of the afternoon physical examination. David told her the good news and chatted for a while.

In the evening, David used shadow attendants to practice the "crystal mind." he placed the shadow attendants on the "Juyuan pan" to practice on his own, while he fell on the bed ready to go to sleep.

But before he fell asleep, his identity Bracelet trembled.

Mentally exhausted, he forced himself to look at the identity bracelet and found that it was Fox's extraordinary contact request. He could not help but wonder how he could find him so late.

"Good evening, Uncle Fox!" As soon as he got in touch, David asked.

"But this time, David, for my sake Fox's transcendence was obviously a mental aberration, he said, laughing.

"What's wrong with me?" David shook his head, dizzy with exhaustion, and asked in a puzzled way.

"What else can I do? Your college entrance examination results have come out!" Fox said with an extraordinary smile. Then he turned to his proud voice and said, "headmaster Grover just contacted me. Thank you very much for sending you to him!"

"The results of the college entrance examination are coming out!" David was inspired by this spirit, and then asked curiously, "doesn't it mean that genius will make achievements?"

"Headmaster Grover has a lot of connections in the industry. If you know in advance what's strange about the results of the college entrance examination, don't you wonder how your grades are?" Fox extraordinary is in a very good mood today, and David is rarely joking.

"Not bad, isn't it?" David said with a smile.

"It's not only good, the cultural performance is the first in renka star, the sports performance is also the first in renka star, the star field ranking will take some time, but this makes headmaster Grover very happy. It is estimated that he will not be able to sleep safely today!" Fox replied with a great laugh.

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