It's not that David is more effective than master Johns, but that David uses the most appropriate way of fighting.

The appearance of the big shield caught master Johns by surprise. What surprised him was that David was a shield master, which made him gain a little battle advantage.

With this advantage, David was able to get close to master Johns.

When master Johanns hit the big shield again, trying to push David back, the shield flew in response and smashed heavily into the wall.

After the big shield, David, however, is holding a three-level heavy axe in both hands and attacking with all his strength.

This axe contains the skills of a high-level heavy axe master, as well as the acceleration of "extreme speed" talent, and the best time to choose in a state of mental outburst.

Master Johanns's hair stood up all over his body, and his mind's sense of danger warned him crazily that death was just around the corner.

He made a final effort to recover the second class spear, trying to block it in front of him.

However, he stopped the movement only half way, because David was faster than him, and the third class heavy axe swept his neck.

Master Johns felt that the world was quiet, and his thoughts seemed to speed up for a moment.

He thought a lot, and the feeling of regret rose.

Regret a lot of things, regret to take this task for the sake of wealth, regret the enemy of David.

But the most important regret is that he misestimated David's combat power. When David used the third class heavy axe to launch that deadly attack, master Johns knew David's real combat power.

With this form of David's attack, master Johanns can judge that David's mastery of the heavy axe is very strong, far beyond what David should have mastered at his age.

However, this is quite different from the previous guess of master Johns. David is only a high-level heavy axe master, while master Johns is a top-level spear master.

If master Johanns had known this, he would have fought David with all his might. Even if David had the talent of "power shock" and his speed was much faster than him, it was not so easy to kill him. At least he could fight with David.

This was the thought of master Johns before he died, and his consciousness disappeared as his head was cut off.

David breathed a sigh of relief. Master Johns was more powerful than he had imagined. However, the talent of "power shock" which David was proud of was offset by master Johns shaking his spear lightly.

This is the strength of the top spear master, which David can't understand.

However, David's eyes were bright, because he felt that the shadow master absorbed the soul of master Johns. When he was free, he could integrate master Johns's spear master, so as to achieve master Johns's spear mastery ability of the highest level.

The second class spear on the ground was put away by the shadow waiter. David looked at the last master Bethune on his armor.

David found that master Bethune's direction was the first class area. He was surprised. What would master Bethune want to do?

On master Bethune's face under his mask, his eyes were red, even his face was flushed, and his breath was much heavier.

This is an abnormal state. Master Bethune used "cell activator" without hesitation after he separated from master Johns.

"Cell activator" is a kind of desperate drug. After use, it will cause permanent damage to the body and directly consume the user's life. However, it can greatly improve the strength and speed of the user.

The "cell activator" used by master Bethune is not the cheap goods that ordinary beetles strive for. Although the "cell activator" used by him can not eliminate those negative effects, it has greatly improved the effect.

Master Bethune's goal is clear, that is to ride with David on the star flyer companion, the famous female singer Emma.

The reason why she didn't do it to Emma before was that Emma's family force made the mercenaries dare not do too much.

Master Bethune is living in the star of renka. Naturally, he is more aware of the terrible power behind Emma.

But at this time, master Bethune's life could not be guaranteed. How could he care about the power behind Emma? All he had to do was to enter the first-class area as quickly as possible, find Emma, and use it as a threat.

Of course, if you don't find Emma, you can also catch some important first-class passengers, and David can also be tied up.

Master Bethune knew that at David's speed, he would be overtaken if he couldn't even reach the class area under normal conditions.

So master Bethune injects "cell activator" into his body through an injection device in his exoskeleton armor. He doesn't care about the side effects. Only in this way can he achieve the fastest speed.

Master Bethune's blood was boiling, which greatly increased his strength. He stepped on the ground with his feet, and made a deep hole in the hard alloy ground, and his body ran out like a sharp arrow.When David solved master Johns and paid attention to master Bethune, master Bethune was not far away from the first class area.

"Leona, you take Emma and find a way to hide. The danger of the starflyer's destruction has been solved, but there is an enemy who is heading for the first class area. Don't let him find you. I'll be there soon!" David contacted Emma's bodyguard Leona.

"Don't worry, Mr. David. Nora and I have had this kind of training, and they'll hide it!" Leona immediately responded.

There is a trace of relaxation in her voice. Compared with the destruction of the starfighter, she needs to take a life capsule to escape in the Unknown Universe. It is too safe to stay on the starfighter.

David believed what Leona said, and he saw that the yellow sign representing Emma and the two bodyguards did not leave the capsule, but entered it.

And David also saw that the capsule was activated, so Leona chose to protect Emma in this way.

This is really a good way. Once an enemy threatens them, they can use the rescue capsule to escape from the StarCraft at any time. Anyway, the StarCraft is not destroyed. As long as David solves the enemy, they can return to the starfighter.

David grinned and ran after master Bethune.

"Stop, no admittance here!" Jerome, the head of security, yelled when he saw a beetle approaching their line of defense.

"Get out of here Roared master Bethune.

Instead of slowing down, he rushed more quickly to the defensive formation of more than 30 security warriors.

"The big shield armour blocks him, and the rest of the armours surround him!" Jerome's supervisor, seeing master Bethune continue to rush, yelled.

Master Bethune was in a frenzy at this time. He felt that his power was almost endless. He could not vent his anger just by running. He was about to find someone to fight.

The second class hammer in his hand smashed heavily on the big shield in the front of the big shield beetle. His speed was too fast. Before the two heavy axe beetles behind the big shield beetle cut the heavy axe to master Bethune, the big shield armour flew backward and crosswise.

No one thought that the big shield beetle would be hit and fly with one blow. The big shield beetle's body bumped back on two heavy axe beetles, and even brought down several warriors in the back.

With this confusion, master Bethune rushed into the battle of the security warriors.

These security beetles are not elite warriors, and their combat power is probably about the strength of junior high-level warriors.

We should know that security beetles are paid. It's rare for a really tough beetle to do this job.

With the power of master Bethune, even without the use of "cell activator", the formation of these security warriors can be dispersed.

Now master Bethune's combat power is soaring, while his spirit is in a crazy stage, some ignore life and death.

This makes it even more difficult for security guards who only want to protect their lives. Although Jerome's supervisor yelled loudly, the scene was completely suppressed.

Master Bethune's second class hammer swung from side to side, and then flew two beetles into the rear.

Every Oracle directly hit by master Bethune is directly killed.

After being killed six warriors in a row, the security beetles collapsed.

They kept retreating and making way for both sides, giving way to master Bethune.

Jerome's supervisor wanted to stop himself, but he hesitated because he saw who it was.

There is only one weapon master who uses the Warhammer above the starfighter, master Bethune.

This powerful weapon master, who is very famous on renka, is not something that Jerome, a small security supervisor, can deal with.

When his life was in danger, Jerome's supervisor chose life.

When master Bethune rushed through the passage that the beetles had given way to, he smashed another beetle slightly forward, forming a dent in the alloy bulkhead.

His speed is very fast, the first time rushed to the sixth class cabin, did not find Emma's figure, he kicked David's cabin seven, also did not see anyone.

Master Bethune has now felt a slight decrease in physical strength, and the boiling blood is slowly cooling down. This is the "cell activator" is losing its effect.

There were still a few minutes left in the process, but he did not dare to waste any more time looking for Emma.

Master Bethune kicked out the No. 5 cabin, where two beetles attacked master Bethune, but they were killed by master Bethune.

"Take my orders, or I don't mind killing you all!" He said to the shivering middle-aged man in formal clothes.

"We are at your disposal!" The middle-aged man said in a hurry that he knew he would not die for the time being. He also put a snack to answer the way.

"Call the door one by one and call out all the passengers here!" Master Bethune ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, I will go now!" The middle-aged man walked out of the hatch without any hesitation."Listen to all the passengers in the first class. If you don't get out of the hatch immediately, I'll kill everyone in the cabin!" Exclaimed master Bethune, standing in the hallway, through the sound of exoskeleton armor.

Then he saw the middle-aged man calling for hatch No. 4, but the other side didn't open it.

Master Bethune didn't say much. He kicked away and rushed in. Soon several bodies were thrown into the tunnel.

This deterrence is very effective. Passengers step out of the cabin door one by one, and there are also bodyguards. These bodyguards keep the protectors behind them.

However, master Bethune didn't want to see any more beetles. His figure rushed out, and a famous bodyguard beetle was attacked and flew. His strength and speed at this time exceeded that of the peak warrior, and he had the fighting skills of the peak hammer master. Some of the bodyguards who wanted to resist were also killed by him.

"Join hands A bodyguard called.

There are also more than ten bodyguards here, but it's a pity that even if they work together, they don't have any effect.

No combat effectiveness of the passengers can only lie on the ground, timid to cry, bold peek at the battle process.

Because of David's pressure, master Bethune's fighting process was very fast. When David came to the first class cabin area, he saw that there was no security armour at the entrance of the defense, and only the bodies of several security warriors were left in place.

When David walked into the first-class area, he saw nearly 50 passengers. These passengers were from the large-scale Suites in the first-class class class. Because the passengers in the medium-sized suites were far away and the time was too short, master Bethune did not have time to rush out.

The passengers stood timidly in front of master Bethune. They looked at David with expectant eyes and seemed to place their hope on David.

"Master David, I only want to live. Don't come here. If you come near me, you will kill people. The identity of these people is not simple. Every death will be counted on your head." Said master Bethune in a deep voice.

"Master Bethune, I'm surprised by your bottom line. You can do such a thing!" David didn't come forward, he said, shaking his head.

"When I was in warstar, I was trapped in the Zerg activity area. In order to survive, I could eat the corpses of my companions. What can't I do to survive?" Said master Bethune, laughing.

David found that there was something wrong with master Bethune's state of mind. David had a strong sense of spirit. Master Bethune's mental state was not the mental state that a weapons master should have.

It is impossible for master Bethune to tell such a thing at ordinary times or without the use of "cell activator". At this time, the effect of "cell activator" is fading, and his spirit has already dropped to a level far lower than usual.

"Master Bethune, don't get excited. You see that this man here is injured. Can I send him to the doctor?" David said to master Bethune in a strange voice.

David found that master Bethune's mental state was not right, so he activated the negotiation master's ability, and his voice was full of believable meaning.

It was a very subtle hint. Master Bethune looked at the injured passenger and at David with hesitation in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!