David, who had just come out of the gene repair module and washed his body, went to the cockpit, nodded to captain hope and sat down.

After he sat down, the light curtain appeared automatically. His fingers were constantly moving on it. Looking at the newly added shipborne weapons of the thundersnake refitted ship, his face showed a satisfied smile.

Hastin is not stingy. At present, in addition to increasing the Gauss gun to the tenth gate, the small Star Destroyer gun has been rearranged as the main gun on the warship.

It was a helpless move to use Gauss gun as the main gun of the warship, but now it is different. The warship finally has a real main gun.

The miniature Star Destroyer main gun is a simplified version of the Star Destroyer gun. It adopts the main design structure of the Star Destroyer gun, which can accommodate more energy and increase the attack effect.

The energy provided by the two curved engines on the modified Raptor warship is the most powerful attack power of the micro Star Destroyer main gun.

The most expensive part of the Mini Star Destroyer gun is not the special alloy materials, but the technology contained in it. The Star Destroyer gun is one of the strongest defense weapons in the interstellar Federation, and its technology is highly confidential.

Although the Mini Star Destroyer main gun is only a simplified version, it is not so easy to get.

This also shows that starflyer attaches great importance to David, and the recognized title of "invincible class" has played a great role.

At present, with the combat effectiveness of the modified thunder snake warship, the military's thunder snake light frigate, that is, the predecessor of the thunder snake refitted ship, does not have such strong firepower.

Of course, this also makes the Raptor ship no longer able to enter the ground of any planet, and can only park in space or near earth orbit in the airport.

Nothing can be perfect, and David doesn't care too much about this shortcoming.

At the moment, the two warp speed engines of the modified Raptor are all at 50%, and they are flying stably at the speed of light. Today is the second day of sailing.

"Your honor, it's expected to arrive at the scheduled position at 12:31:26!" Captain hope reported to David.

David looked at the time, which meant that he would be near Dayak in ten minutes.

"Hope, I'm going to get ready. When you get to your intended location, you stay for five minutes, then leave by yourself, far away from yakk, find a safe airspace to hide and wait for my call!" David stood up and said.

"Yes, my Lord!" Cried captain hope.

He knew some of David's secrets. He knew that David had a ship that could not be found by scanning, that is, the hangar that David told him not to enter.

Captain hope strictly controlled the matter and did not let any of the crew know that some of the things there were handled by him personally.

David came back to the room, first opened the metal box, let the shadow attendant use the space ring to put up the three krypton powder bombs.

Now the shadow attendant's space ring and the space wrist guard on David's wrist are more than half empty. After returning to the Raptor refitting ship, he put most of the items he didn't need to use on the Raptor refitting ship.

Today's combat effectiveness of the warship refitted with Raptor is managed by loyal captain hope. This is the safest storage space.

David then put on the custom-made exoskeleton armor. He prepared a class three heavy axe, a second class heavy axe, a "godolfen's anger" sniper gun, and a second-class shield. Except for the third class heavy axe with a bag on his back, the rest were collected in space items.

With these ready, he comes to the hangar, the shadow attendants fly out, uses the pendant to open the channel of the beacon, and he enters the beacon.

At the same time, the Raptor refitted ship just withdrew from the speed of light, and the power of the two warp engines was weakened.

Without waiting for the thunderbolt to stop completely, David opened the hangar door and the beacon fire flew out quietly.

"Your Majesty is invincible!" 'said captain hope, looking at the opening of the hangar door on the light screen in front of him.

Although I don't know the purpose of this time, Captain hope can imagine that the operation is not simple as long as he thinks about the many shipborne weapons that are added to the Raptor refitting ship.

Unfortunately, David did not let him participate, but chose to go alone.

But Captain hope did not dare to take it lightly. He began to arrange the work and rest time of all crew members to ensure that at any time, as long as David calls, he and all the crew will serve David in the best condition.

In beacon fire, David looks at the map on the light screen. Three light spots have been marked.

When he was in Ryukyu blue star, David studied the relevant information of the three mercenary regiments obtained through the celestial intelligence system and worked out some plans.

Among the three mercenary groups, the shadow mercenary group needs to be the first to attack, because the shadow mercenary group is different from the other two. The shadow mercenary group mainly uses intelligence analysis and precise planning to complete its tasks.

As long as David divulges that he is around here, the secret service's intelligence network will be the first to know, and then it will formulate corresponding defense against him.This will make David's attack plan more difficult, which can be avoided by giving priority to the shadow mercenaries.

David tapped his finger on the screen of light, and the beacon turned and flew toward the shadow mercenary camp.

Three hours later, David saw the Battlestar in front of him on the screen of light.

Although it is said in the data that this is an abandoned fortress, when David really saw the fortress, he did not see that it was an abandoned fortress at all.

What's the difference between this fortress and a real one, that is, it lacks some heavy defense weapons, but it's not that the defense of the fortress is weak.

Although David did not dare to turn on the scanning function for the sake of secrecy, he could find that the Battlestar was full of defensive missiles only by naked eyes.

Compared with the strict control of various heavy defense weapons, defensive missiles are relatively easy to obtain.

There is an identification chip inside the defense missile. When the military sells these defense missiles, it solidifies the identification command that it cannot attack military warships.

Therefore, the sale of defensive missiles will not pose a threat to the military, but also increase the income of military enterprises. Of course, the latter is the most important point.

The space fortress is a little far away from the star, but it is still illuminated by the star. It is almost impossible to use beacon to approach at this time.

David drives the beacon to inspect the space fortress from a long distance. The shadow mercenaries attach great importance to this site, and there are few loopholes that can be exploited.

David was thinking about how to get close to Battlestar, or if he could get close to it alone with exoskeleton armor.

The danger of using exoskeleton armor to get close is too great, and if found, so many defensive missiles will become his nightmare.

Just as David was thinking, the light screen showed a transport ship coming into view from behind.

David's spirit shocked, beacon fire from the bottom of the transport ship close to the transport ship, he set up a hidden waiting mode in the beacon fire, in this space, his identity Bracelet signal can be transmitted thousands of kilometers.

Of course, thousands of kilometers is a trivial distance for the universe, but it is enough to control beacon.

David leaves the beacon, clings to the bottom of the transport ship, and then the beacon flies off like a ghost, automatically searching for hiding places.

This transport ship is very old, with a lot of oil stains and stains on its surface. It can be seen that the owner of the ship has not taken good care of the ship.

David grabs a bracket at the bottom of the transporter with one hand and flies into the interior.

Very relaxed shadow attendants came to the cockpit, where there were only three crew members, they were talking and laughing excitedly, with wine bottles in their hands.

The shadow attendant came to the bridge and found that the transport ship was equipped with automatic flight. No wonder the three crew members were in such a state.

The shadow attendant's fingers quickly click on the screen on the bridge. The three crew members did not find any abnormality on the screen of the bridge.

As high as 50% of the successful electronic counter-measures capability, David against this old spaceship defense system is very simple, even the ship's defense system has no resistance to be successfully invaded.

David turned off some of the alarm systems. He didn't need the ship. He just wanted to borrow it to get into the Battlestar.

A hatch at the bottom of the transport spaceship opens automatically. Under normal conditions, this door will directly trigger an alarm, but at this time it is quiet without any abnormality.

David ducked into the cabin and the door closed as if nothing had happened.

David recalled the shadow boy, who walked through the bulkhead of the transport ship to observe the situation outside instead of his eyes.

It seems that this spaceship is very familiar with the Battlestar. The transport ship did not even stop, so it went directly into the spaceport and then docked in the spaceport.

Then the cargo compartment door of the transport spacecraft opened, and some transport suspension vehicles flew into the hatch and began to transport the cargo out.

Taking this opportunity, David left the transport ship from the lower hatch again, followed the bottom of the spacecraft to the cargo hatch exit. Waiting for the next transport vehicle to pass by, David flashed to the bottom of the suspended vehicle, avoided the spray port of the suspension vehicle, and stuck tightly to the bottom of the suspended vehicle.

Fortunately, David's custom exoskeleton armor can fly on its own, offsetting the weight of the customized exoskeleton armor and David himself. Otherwise, such a heavy mass added to the suspended vehicle would be very easy for the driver to find out.

The transporter passed through an entrance into the inner space fortress, passed through a hall, turned a few corners, and then entered a warehouse. During the whole process, David did not find a chance to leave the vehicle.

It can be said that the safety measures inside the Battlestar surprised David. There are monitoring probes everywhere, almost no dead corner monitoring everything inside.

Fortunately, after the floating car entered the warehouse, there was no monitoring probe in the warehouse. David left from the suspension car and entered the deep of the warehouse quietly with the shelter of the goods in the warehouse.This is the food warehouse. There are vegetables, fruits and various semi-finished food materials. From the quantity of food materials in this food warehouse, we can estimate that the number of personnel in the shadow mercenary regiment is very large.

David breathed a sigh of relief when he found a place covered with food on all sides.

Now it's safe to enter the shadow mercenary group. Originally, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Hastin's side is ready to give him intelligence support, and even help buy some people to bring him into the space fortress.

But David refused. He didn't believe those people. He had only one person. Once he got into the trap, he was in danger.

He only believed in himself, in his master's ability.

Some of David's spirits entered the shadow servant's body, and the shadow servant flew out. There was not much area that could be explored at a distance of 40 meters.

But David's requirements are not high, as long as there is an optical brain terminal.

In a room two floors apart, the shadow attendant found a light brain, which should be a single dormitory.

The master of the dormitory is not there, and the computer has not set a password. It is estimated that the master here does not care about a brain.

David found a lot of games in the brain, the owner here is as a game machine.

The shadow servant's fingers quickly input instructions into the brain. The brain, which is regarded as a game machine by the owner, turns into a terrible sword under the shadow servant's hand, breaking through a solid defense.

As a matter of fact, the security system of the shadow mercenary regiment is very strong. Even if the electronic countermeasure master with the same level as David, it is difficult to break through the security system defense.

It is not to say that David's level of electronic countermeasures is better than that of the electronic countermeasures division who arranges security system defense here.

The reason why he can be so relaxed is that David is very familiar with every security defense, or in other words, David absorbed the knowledge of the shadow mercenary group's ECM master.

As a master of electronic countermeasures of shadow mercenary corps, he is responsible for the security system of shadow mercenary Corps.

David, who combined all the knowledge of this ECM master, is as simple as opening his own door to deal with these security systems.

Soon the whole surveillance system was in David's hands, and then weapons control was in David's hands.

It's totally different from David's original plan, but it's the best result.

In front of David, the fortress was almost unreserved and opened all rights to David.

David can see every corner of the shadow mercenary group through monitoring, and even has the distribution of personnel in the internal system.

The mysterious shadow mercenary group was completely exposed to David's eyes, in which David found the biggest secret of the shadow mercenary group.

It is a program with extremely high authority. The program manages an intelligence network spread throughout the whole airdiya satellite domain. However, the intelligence network is in single line contact. For greater security, the intelligence network communicates with intelligence officers in various places through this program.

Intelligence agents report information through this program, and then get a bonus from this program. The intelligence officers don't know the name of the organization they serve. It can be said that the designer of this program is really an unparalleled genius.

Through some accurate propagation, the program is sent to some target personnel, and then the target personnel independently discover the program, and after trying the benefits, they spontaneously become their intelligence agents.

Because of the wide coverage of the program, it is estimated that without the main program of the shadow mercenary regiment, even the designers can not find out the whole intelligence network.

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