A grizzly bear is obviously the most powerful of these beasts. Finally, it can't bear the temptation and swallow the drop of blood at the cost of being attacked by other beasts.

David should think that the battle is coming to an end. If the blood that triggered the battle has its master, then of course the conflict will stop.

But the grizzly bear let out a shrill howl, and then its fur, which could defend against the attack of other beasts, was broken in pieces.

Just after less than ten seconds, the grizzly bear's body seems to be broken by some kind of force, and it explodes violently.

This strong grizzly bear, just because of swallowing the drop of blood, turned into a piece of ground in just ten seconds.

In the grizzly bear's body fragments and blood, that drop of blood in the grizzly bear's blood is so different, it is more bright red, the silk of strange energy is sending out the signal that makes the beast crazy.

It's just that there's no blood for elrivan. It's just that David doesn't have blood.

In fact, David's conjecture is right, but this drop of blood is not Gabriel's extraordinary ordinary blood, it is a drop of blood essence which contains extraordinary power in the process of Gabriel's extraordinary use of secret arts.

In the process of Gabriel's extraordinary use of secret arts, his extraordinary power spreads throughout his body. He burns his extraordinary power with blood, and a small amount of blood does not come and falls to the ground due to burning.

For mortals, this is an opportunity for the beast to change itself.

The instinct of life makes them fight for this drop of blood crazily. Even if they die after taking it, they will not be afraid.

In a short time of two minutes, several other wild animals burst open because of their extraordinary blood essence. This area is full of blood and animal fragments.

David didn't want to get involved, and he didn't have any greed for extraordinary blood.

This is also he does not know the value of extraordinary blood, every extraordinary body contains extraordinary power of blood can not be too much, extraordinary will not take out their own blood essence trade.

Every drop of extraordinary blood is extremely important to the extraordinary. It is not only the influence of strength, but also the extraordinary life span.

However, the extraordinary blood is a very precious inducer, which can increase the chance of a person's promotion to extraordinary. Although it is only a very small chance, it also makes the extraordinary blood one of the most expensive resources.

Of course, there are other uses for supernatural blood, but the relevant information is almost blocked by the supernatural.

Just as David was about to take back the shadow boy and continue to look for it in the direction of the drop of supernatural blood, he saw a small gray snake through the shadow servant's eyes. While the beasts were fighting, he secretly stepped forward and swallowed the drop of extraordinary blood.

The body of this little gray snake is very small, only more than ten centimeters long. A drop of extraordinary blood is a lot for the little snake.

David thought that the little gray snake, like the other wild animals, would explode and die in a short time.

However, to David's surprise, the little gray snake was constantly rolling in the blood because of the drop of extraordinary blood. However, the body surface of the little gray snake changed.

Despite the bloodstain, David found that the gray snake was turning into a white one.

It seems that because the snake robbed their extraordinary blood, the beasts stopped fighting and turned to attack the snake.

David is very curious about the snake that can absorb the extraordinary blood. The snake is very light, which is far less than 200 grams. Therefore, David does not need to use his own hand, so he grabs the snake with one hand.

The beasts could only watch the little snake fly up and howl helplessly.

The shadow servant opened a passage on the beacon fire and brought the little white snake into the cabin.

David doesn't worry about the White Snake attacking him, not to mention that the white snake's body is so small that its attack power is limited. Even David's custom-made exoskeleton armor can't hurt him.

David put the little white snake in the palm of his hand. Surprisingly, the little white snake barked to David. The cry showed thanks to David, and then gently rubbed David's fingers with his body.

It's a little white snake thanking David, and it's a kind of flattery.

David doesn't know why the little white snake has such intelligence, but he thinks that the drop of extraordinary blood just now, maybe that drop of extraordinary blood, made the little white snake change.

In fact, after the little snake swallowed the extraordinary blood, the extraordinary blood began to transform the body of the little snake. The fusion rate of this drop of extraordinary blood and the little snake was very high, so that the White Snake successfully passed the most dangerous transformation initial stage.

At that time, the little white snake gave birth to low-level wisdom. Although only two or three-year-old children's wisdom, but also enough to let it know that it was David who saved it who was about to be killed by the beast.

And it is precisely because the white snake has just given birth to wisdom. David, as the first one who is not an enemy, but also has a life-saving grace, is instinctively regarded as a relative by the little snake.David's spirit can sense the closeness of the little white snake. For such a little pet, David has no rejection.

His long-time training also needs some dispelling. It's a good choice to keep a pet.

Thinking of this, David also used his spirit to convey a sense of closeness. Although the White Snake can't speak, it can understand the meaning of David in this way. It is excited to wriggle in David's hands.

It seems that because David sent this message, the little white snake wanted to express it very much. It took the opportunity of connecting with David's spirit to convey a complex meaning to David.

David felt the meaning of the little white snake through his spirit, and was greatly surprised.

Because the little white snake told David that it could help David find more extraordinary blood. It could sense the same blood essence.

Of course, the meaning of the little white snake is not so clear. David half guessed and half analyzed the result.

David sends a message of consent to the little white snake. Then the little white snake keeps pointing at the direction with its tail, and the beacon is flying in one direction in the air.

If it is any beast that has just been killed there, it will not produce this kind of blood origin induction after successfully integrating the extraordinary blood.

Because there is only one drop of extraordinary blood, the amount is too small to have an impact on blood.

But the white snake itself is small, a drop of extraordinary blood is equivalent to one-fifth of the body's blood, this proportion makes the blood in the White Snake and Gabriel's extraordinary blood have a weak connection.

After being transformed by supernatural blood, the white snake's ability to generate is inductive, which enables the white snake to find out other blood vessels according to the weak connection in the body.

The beacon came to a small island, which was not an island in the sea, but a small island in a lake. Gabriel had not been able to fly to the sea.

The area of this island is only thousands of square meters, but the island is lush and lush with many plants.

If it wasn't for the little white snake leading the way, I believe David would never have found it.

You should know that this position is quite different from the direction Gabriel ran away from before. If you look for it according to the previous information, you will never find it.

David patted the little white snake gently to show his encouragement, which made the little white snake more happy. He kept circling the snake on David's iron palm.

The beacon slowly descended, in order not to produce a little wind pressure, to avoid Gabriel extraordinary discovery, so David controlled the beacon almost a little bit of movement.

When it dropped to 30 meters, the beacon fire stopped and the shadow servant flew out to the island.

It didn't take long for thousands of square meters, or the shadow service just searched less than half of it, and found a hole about five meters underground that had been opened.

Gabriel's extraordinary experience, because of his space goods, his living resources are very abundant, also has the corresponding treatment medicine, so he opened a cave in the underground of the island.

And also uses the shielding signal device to completely shield here, making it an absolutely safe space.

When he discovered the cave, he did not explore it too much. Although under the control of David, the shadow servant could control the spiritual fluctuation and keep the spirit introverted.

But because of spiritual reasons, Gabriel found out before, David now dare not have a little risk.

Even David finally made a request to the shadow waiter to put the "krypton powder bomb" on the island, which was not accomplished by manipulating the shadow attendant.

Without the entrance of David's mind, the shadow service itself has no emotion and will not produce any spiritual fluctuation.

The "krypton bomb" was put on the island by the shadow agent, because the "krypton powder bomb" did not have any intention of killing, or even Gabriel was not aware of the danger.

The krypton powder bomb, which has not been activated, is a dead object. Without any other spiritual influence, Gabriel will not be able to produce any sense of transcendence.

Still slow to the extreme, beacon fire almost moved away from the island.

Three thousand meters away, David gritted his teeth. He took a custom-made sniper gun with a large caliber from the shadow guard. With the sniper gun, he came to the top of the beacon fire.

Ready to snipe posture, the sniper bullet will be adjusted to level 3 bullets, David finger press.

Gabriel extraordinary is resting. He has just taken the healing potion. This time, he is not only injured, but his life expectancy is shortened again.

His face was pale, there were many wrinkles on his skin, and his hair was all white, showing his old appearance.

"There's no way out. No matter where David is, I'm going to get him!" Gabriel looked at his own appearance and said to himself.

Gabriel is ready to sneak into the first college of alidia, even if he is dead.Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and his hair stood up all over his body.

The instinct of Gabriel's extraordinary mind moved, and the extraordinary armor covered his whole body.

Then the power of annihilation swept a distance of 3000 meters, and the island and the surrounding lake disappeared at the same time.

In David's eyes, there is a huge hemisphere with a radius of 3000 meters in front of the lake. In the hemisphere, the island and lake water are all turned into smaller substances.

And in this hemispherical space, a figure is very conspicuous, that is Gabriel extraordinary.

At this time Gabriel extraordinary by the huge explosion dead pressure on the bottom of the lake, his extraordinary armor has appeared a large area of damage.

This is not because the third grade material is damaged, but there are other precious materials in the extraordinary armor. These precious materials are more expensive than Class III materials, but they are far less solid than Class III materials.

So in the explosion, the superarmor was damaged because of this.

However, before the extraordinary armor damage, it is the impact of the explosion to resist a large part.

The explosion time of the krypton crystal powder bomb passed, and the lake water poured inward. Gabriel extraordinary, whose armor was damaged, forced the extraordinary armor to fly into the air.

Gabriel is now in great distress. Half of his armor is hanging on his body, revealing his injured body.

At this time, Gabriel's extraordinary body was more than ten broken bones, if not for the extraordinary force in support, he would have been unable to support.

As soon as Gabriel flew, without any hesitation, he immediately wanted to escape.

You don't have to think about it. Since there is a krypton powder bomb exploding, fox extraordinary and David are probably nearby. His current state, let alone fox extraordinary, even David dare not fight against it.

Just as Gabriel was about to escape, David, who was already ready, fired.

With the experience of the last time, this time David has perfectly recovered his spirit. Gabriel extraordinary has already hit him by the third class bullet when he senses the pressure of the terror air burst close at hand.

David's sniping preparation time is long, even after Gabriel's extraordinary appearance, he still waited for a moment, not the first time to shoot, but to wait for the best opportunity.

The third class bullet flew into Gabriel's body from the damaged part of Gabriel's extraordinary armor and attacked Gabriel's extraordinary heart.

Gabriel's heart was shattered by a third class bullet, which did not stop, penetrated his spine, and then broke through the broken extraordinary armor and flew out.

Until death, Gabriel extraordinary can not believe that he is an extraordinary, but was sniped.

"I don't want to, I don't want to!" Gabriel used his last extraordinary power to give out the last roar in his life.

His body fell heavily from the air to the water and sank to the bottom.

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