Archie wanted to distinguish something, but he also heard the roar of the king of the stone skin worm. The meaning of the roar was clear to him.

Archie was very puzzled why this "stone skin worm" King wanted to chase him, and even came to the college base for this.

We should know that he is the victim. He is surrounded by the "stone skin worms" for no reason. He was injured and escaped. In order to escape, even Horace, who was protected by him, died.

Now Archie's extraordinary left arm is completely unusable and is in danger of being removed at any time. In this case, the king of the stone skin worm has not let him go.

As a matter of fact, the "stone skin worm" king is responsible for this insect tide. As a third-class Zerg, it is also the Zerg king. The status of the "stone skin worm" king among the Zerg is even higher than that of the ordinary third-class Zerg.

In addition, the "stone skin worm" King has the ability of terror variation, which makes it has a strong leadership ability among the Zerg in this area.

In the past, due to the presence of the natural enemy, the king of the stone skin worm was still limited. Now, without the control of the king of the iron winged bat, the king of the stone skin worm has absolute leadership in this area.

In this case, the king of the stone skin worm launched a wave of insects that could only be launched by the Zerg of level 3 or above under many restrictions in order to find its treasure, the "pregnant crystal".

The first target of the stone skin worm king who wanted to find the pregnant stone was David, the thief.

But as a sniper master, David didn't even leave a breath to the king of the stone skin worm. Even the pregnant crystal was put into the space objects, and there was no breath.

This makes the stone skin worm King unable to find any clues to the pregnant crystal stone, but the stone skin worm king knows very well that human beings exist in three bases in the region.

After that, there was another unfinished base, that is, four bases.

The king of "stone skin worm" needs to set a clear target. The petrified breath of Archie's left arm, together with Archie's own breath, is the best guide.

On the day of losing the "pregnant stone", only Archie and Esmond escaped. Esmond was poisoned by Xiaobai, and his body was dead, so there was no breath.

Only Archie's extraordinary breath is still there, and the kador academy base where Archie lives has become the target of the stone skin worm king.

The crafty "stone skin worm" King mobilized all the Zerg forces in the region and divided them into four parts to attack four bases, so that the bases could not support each other.

However, the "stone skin worm" group uses the ability given by "pregnant crystal stone". In the underground rock layer, using the ability to control the rock quality, they quietly open up a passage to the gate of kador base.

"Glen, whatever the reason, let's deal with Zerg first!" Edwin extraordinary didn't want the two transcendental to clash at the moment, and hastily advised.

Glenn's eyes under his extraordinary mask were already red. For Archie's extraordinary, Gilman died for no reason. This was a great loss to the college, and he lost his good friend.

He is now forced to resist the impulse to kill Archie extraordinary. He is the only one in the college base. He needs to protect his students and report this matter to the college.

Glenn wanted to pinch hands on the vice president who agreed with Archie and Edwin to enter the college base. It was because of the private relationship between the vice president and erto foundation that the college paid such a huge price.

"All instructors immediately organize students to enter the base security room, close the base and wait for the support of the college!" Glen extraordinary sent a distress message to cardor college and the rest of the college bases, while shouting orders.

Glenn calmed down, analyzed the situation, and decisively issued an order. This order may increase the loss of the college base several times, but it can save the students.

He made a comparison between the Zerg and his own side. Although he didn't know how powerful the "stone skin worm" king was, just look at Archie's extraordinary state, you can imagine how terrible his fighting power is.

But I don't talk about it. Because Gilman's extraordinary death has created a gap between the three supernatural, it is hard to say whether Archie can face the king of the stone skin worm.

The biggest possibility is that as soon as the king of "stone skin worm" appears, Archie turns his head and runs away.

Edwin is not a member of the college. He will not consider the interests of the college and will escape at any time in danger.

Now the students are fighting against the first-class Zerg, and there are still "popcorn" attacks in the distance. If they don't retreat, they will be unable to resist the "stone skin worm" king under the cave.

The closed base is the final safety measure of the base. At that time, only the safety room of the whole base will not shrink, and the space of other rooms will be squeezed, eventually forming a closed super thick alloy wall.

It is not easy for the Zerg to break the alloy wall on the outer layer of the safety room. The super thick alloy wall composed of hundreds of alloy walls on the outer layer of the base is enough to protect the internal personnel until reinforcements arrive.But the result is that most of the facilities of the base are destroyed, including many expensive equipment and a lot of resources.

Fortunately, Glenn has absolute authority in the college base. Although his orders are unacceptable to the tutors, he immediately instructs the students to enter the deep base after hearing the command.

Mentors, who had rarely done so much, joined the fight, helping the students quickly end the fight and begin to evacuate.

Suddenly, the students were about to pop out of a huge hole in the ground.

This is an elite "stone skin worm" thrown out by the king of "stone skin worm". The whole body of this elite "stone skin worm" is covered with thick stones, which is specially thickened with special energy transformation stones.

Glenn's extraordinary response was very rapid, and his third class hammer hit the stone ball heavily.

With a loud bang, there were cracks on the surface of the stone ball. The vibration of the third level Warhammer made the elite "stone skin worm" in the middle suffered a shock. However, after the stone ball was relieved, the impact only made the elite "stone skin worm" slightly injured. With the recovery ability of elite "stone skin worm", this slight injury can be recovered quickly.

Just as Glen was ready to attack, the cracks on the surface of the stone ball instantly covered every inch of its surface.

Glen feels the surge of energy. Instinctively, he blocks the third class Warhammer in front of him and curls his whole body to reduce the attack area as much as possible.

Under the guidance of special energy, the stones on the elite "stone skin worm" shoot all around.

The "pregnant stone" has changed the group of "stone skin worms". This elite "stone skin worm" has a strong talent for defending stones. Now, with all his efforts, the attack power of these stones is almost extraordinary and ordinary.

You know, this is countless pieces of gravel, each piece has a terrible attack.

Three extraordinary people in the sky use their own means to defend against the impact of the gravel, but there are dozens of students and two tutors on the other side of the base who are still exposed to the impact of the gravel.

These students and instructors almost have no resistance ability, and the exoskeleton armor on their bodies can not provide them with much defense ability.

In a short time of one second, the screams of students and the roar of their tutors finally disappeared at the end of the gravel rain. Within the scope of the gravel attack, no student and tutor can survive.

Glen extraordinary also saw this, but he had no way. This is a quasi three level mutant elite "stone skin worm" burst out of combat power in an instant. Even he should be careful.

The elite "stone skin worm" who had lost the protection of the stone fell back to the underground cave. Then a huge "stone skin worm" with a length of 15 meters burst out of the cave. This is the king of the stone skin worm.

The king of "stone skin worm" rushed to Archie's extraordinary, and did not care about the two supernatural.

Archie as like as two peas, hesitated and turned around, and this was exactly the same as Glen's unexpected.

Archie's escape direction is not far away from the base, but to rush into the base. He knows that the base is being closed. As long as he enters the security room, he doesn't have to worry about the attack of the king of "stone skin worm".

When he was very close to the exit channel of the students, a third class Warhammer came flying. Archie stopped instinctively and dodged the attack of the third class Warhammer.

After this delay, the passageway has been closed, and the crushing sound of all kinds of objects is continuously heard from the whole base.

Glenn's extraordinary figure flashed and took back his third class hammer. Just now he threw his weapon out and blocked Archie's way forward.

Glenn is very worried. If Archie enters the security room, it is likely that this "stone skin worm" King will destroy the closed base crazily.

If Archie uses the portal at this time, the stone skin worm king may even find and damage the base of the base, the portal, according to the breath of space energy.

This is beyond Glenn's ability to bear. Once the portal is exposed and damaged, many years of hard work at cardor college will be greatly damaged.

Seeing that the college base began to close, Glenn's extraordinary body suddenly rose.

"Archie, get out of the college base now, or I'll be with you right now!" Glenn exclaimed to Archie, who wanted to find another passage.

Even Edwin could see that Archie was the king's goal.

"Archie, don't dodge. We'll kill this bug together!" He said to Archie.

As he said this, Edwin, holding a third class sword, sped toward the king of the stone skin worm.

Through his observation just now, he has seen that the speed of this "stone skin worm" king is very slow, which can be described as extremely slow in the third level Zerg.

So Edwin regained his confidence and wanted to keep the king of the stone skin worm.Of course, although he was confident, he remained very vigilant. Instead of fighting head-on with the king of the stone skin worm, he used his speed to flash past the 15 meter long king.

The third grade sword swept the king's body, and a shallow wound appeared on the skin of the king.

The wound just exuded green blood, and the wound healed before the green blood oozed enough to roll down.

Seeing the resilience of the stone skin worm king, Edwin gave up the idea of fighting and retreated.

Fortunately, he retreated at this time. The king of the stone skin worm felt his body attacked, and a mouthful of gray gas spewed out.

Although the king of the stone skin worm moves slowly, the gray gas ejected is extremely fast. If Edwin was not lucky enough to want to retreat, it would be hard for him to avoid the gray gas.

Edging away from the edge of the gray gas, Edwin's sense of extreme danger made Edwin sweat.

Just escaped a robbery, he looked up and saw that Archie extraordinary was speeding up his escape. What he said just now, Archie extraordinary didn't listen to it at all, but almost killed him.

Ten "popsicles" changed their targets and ejected energy beams toward Archie. Archie was just running for his life and was hit by several energy beams.

The third level of "extraordinary armor" provides him with enough defense. After he vomites two mouthfuls of blood, Archie escapes successfully.

The king of the stone skin worm roared. It did not stay in the base. It looked at Archie's extraordinary escape direction reluctantly, and then turned its head and jumped back into the cave.

With the retreat of the stone skin worm king, all the Zerg stopped for a moment, and then the Zerg in the insect tide turned around and fled.

Without the command of the swarm, the first level Zerg dare not get close to the supernatural.

"Edwin, please tell the erto foundation that you must compensate for the loss of cardor college this time!" Glen said, looking coldly at Edwin.

"Glen, no one wants this to happen. I'll take a message for you. I hope this incident will not affect our friendship." Said Edwin, with an extraordinary look.

Although the loss of cardor college base is huge, as long as the credit point can solve the problem, the huge wealth of erto fund can bear.

In Edwin's view, credit point is not a problem. He is more interested in the friendship with cardor college. Over the years, this friendship has greatly benefited erto foundation. Many talents have been recruited from cardor college, and private champions of erto fund have been cultivated through this channel.

"Friendship? Then you can make Gilman come back to life first! " Glen said in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!