"Shadow servant, bring out the knowledge light ball of the king of stone skin worm alone!" David ordered again.

David was curious about what kind of light sphere of knowledge could be given by a Zerg that was close to level 4.

Among the numerous spheres of knowledge in the shadow servant, a white light ball of knowledge floated to David's eyes.

He guessed that the ability of this sphere of knowledge must be petrified. David was very excited when he thought of the terrifying "petrification" ability that even the extraordinary could not resist.

But when he saw the name on the sphere of knowledge, he was disappointed.

According to the explanation given by the light sphere of knowledge, it is a kind of talent driven by spiritual energy. It can enter the underground soundlessly. Whether it is soil or rock, it can be separated automatically so that the talent can move forward underground.

David doesn't know how to evaluate this talent. He has the ability to hide himself as a sniper master. Even if he hides himself with camouflage cloth on the flat ground, it's hard to find out.

For him, this kind of ability only increases another kind of covert means, and has no substantial ability promotion.

Fortunately, there is no learning restriction in "sneaking underground". Unlike the previous abilities, he can only see but not learn.

David then asked the shadow attendants to introduce the knowledge light sphere of "underground stealth (talent)" into his body, and began to absorb and integrate this knowledge light sphere.

In the illusion, he felt that he had become a worm, walking through the soil and rock. In front of him, the soil and rock were separated by the spirit as if they were swimming in the water.

In reality, a strange spiritual rhythm is introduced into David's soul and integrated with David's spirit.

The time of illusion is not long. The inheritance time of "underground stealth (talent)" is less than one day in the illusion, and only a few seconds in reality.

David, who opened his eyes, was a little uncomfortable with the steel walls around him. He had a natural feeling of liking soil and rock. Living in this kind of steel alloy building made him feel disgusted instinctively.

But David immediately shook his head and put it aside. He knew that it was influenced by the bug in the illusion, who passed on the ability of "underground stealth" to him, but also affected his soul.

David's soul is so strong. As long as he discovers this point, after adjustment, the disgust for the steel walls around him disappears, and he returns to the feeling that human beings should have.

Looking at the time, it's a little late now. Without doing the test, David enters the practice of "crystal mind".

Besides, with David's achievements in this battle, whether it is saving the extraordinary military or bombing the nest of the king of "stone skin worm", the saving face for the military of the guardian star is not reflected by a "gold star" medal.

David's military achievements this time are not as good as the title of "national scholar". This is mainly because of the military grade of the guardian star. If we put it in the battle star, such combat merits will be enough.

The most important thing is that the title of "statesman" will not be awarded to non military personnel. Therefore, Froude has made great use of his personal connections to suppress David's fighting achievements without immediate reward. Instead, after David enters the army, David can quickly accumulate the combat merits required by the title of "National scholar".

Although Froude did not say the title of "statesman" in his conversation, his meaning was very obvious.

David is no stranger to the title of "statesman". His father Hans is the title of "statesman", which is the highest honor of the Federation.

Thank you David said with sincere thanks.

The title of "national scholar" is a protective umbrella under which few people dare to move those who have the title.

Because the title of "statesman" is the highest honor of the union to soldiers who have made outstanding achievements in the war, neither the military nor the federal government will tolerate anyone who offends the title.

"Well, I'll tell you what I have to tell you. I'll get in touch with me when I get to yam, and we'll get together again." Froude drank the last bit of wine in the glass and stood up and said.

Without waiting for David to speak, he waved to David and strode out of the box.

David vaguely saw the crystal in Froude's extraordinary eyes. Maybe Froude didn't want him to see his gaffe. Today is the last day of Froude's extraordinary in the guardian star.

David didn't go to send Froude out of the ordinary. A powerful transcendent doesn't need sympathy, even if he's disabled.

"Every crystal in David's hand is very familiar with the power of the crystal. Every crystal has the power to open it.".

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