"David, I know you have your life, but you must live. This is the only thing I ask for you!" Hans watched David make his request.

"Father, I will live, but I am not in danger outside!" David smiled and lenient Hans.

David doesn't know how much Hans knows about his past, but he doesn't want Hans to worry too much.

"I heard you are a sniper master. Haha, my son has become a sniper master!" Hans did not mention the current topic again, and laughed.

Hans was a sniper himself. Only after serious injury, he could not continue to be a sniper. He became a government official in the small town of rock star.

Hans attaches great importance to sniping. After learning that David has the talent of sniping, he records all his experience into teaching video and gives it to David.

David's growth was beyond his expectation. When he first heard that David became a sniper master, he drank the wine for a night regardless of his body that day, and the happy mood lasted for many days.

"Father, I brought back the medicine that will make your amputated limb reborn, and you will be able to return to normal life in a minute!" David looked at Hans' joy and was eager to tell Hans the good news.

"You should not delay your cultivation for me. The medicine of amputation and rebirth should be replaced with your cultivation resources, which can make you go further!" Hans certainly knew how precious a medicine could make the Oracle break his limbs and regain life. Even if he was the title of "national scholar", he could not get it.

"Actually, I have something to tell you, I have a hosting fixed assets service company in Lunka star in Iridia star. I have more than 200 billion funds and tens of billion fixed assets under my name. I have 5% of the income in the base of the SRA combat college in the guardian star. These are enough for my cultivation resources!" David did not hide his property from Hans, and laughed and said.

Hans had no words about David's speed of collecting money. How long he went out, not only did his strength rise rapidly, but also his property reached this level.

David's family now is not necessarily rich in the largest consortium of rock stars.

"Well, I accept your kindness!" Hans knew David's family, and then he had no resistance. With his body, he didn't have to worry about his cultivation resources. Hans wanted to recover early and never use his prosthesis to live.

"Father, you come with me!" David said to Hans as soon as he saw Hans' consent.

When they walked out of the house gate, David opened the hatch of the high-speed ship and invited Hans to enter.

"David, this ship is not as good as the one you left behind!" Hans walked into the high-speed ship and saw the layout inside, he said with a smile.

"You can see it!" David shook his head and said with a smile, pointing to the luxurious arrangement inside the ship and then said, "this is a very extraordinary passenger. Although it is not as luxurious as the interior luxury of Titan S600, it is two different grades in technology."

Hans was not surprised to think of several extraordinary people killed in David's information, even though he did not know which super driver had fallen into David's hands.

He began to look at the ship carefully and immediately found something unusual.

The alloy grade used in this ship is very high, which is higher than that of the advanced warship used by the military. The space inside is obviously small, indicating that the other equipment is added, which has special effect.

David did not disturb Hans. He came to the gene repair module, replaced the gene repair solution, and then took out the excellent Angelin amputation and regeneration agent, and poured it into the gene repair solution.

"Father, the liquid is ready, and you can start treatment!" David said to Hans.

Hans looked right. He came to the gene repair module and looked at the liquid in it, and there was a little tension in his eyes.

Thinking of the body that is about to recover, he has a feeling of being reborn.

After David last brought the "old holy water", the healing injury inside his body was healed, and the previously weak body recovered.

Today, David brought back the amputated and rebirth medicine to give him a chance to recover completely.

Hans took off his clothes, took off his prosthesis that he had never taken off before outsiders, nodded to David and entered the gene repair module.

David was just outside the gene repair module, and he had to watch Hans recover to be assured.

In the gene repair cabin, Hans' amputated limb kept wriggling under the skin, and then the amputated limb grew continuously. The energy in the gene repair fluid was absorbed continuously and converted into the feed for the growth of the amputated limb.

The drug from the stellar domain is amazing, and in just an hour Hans in the gene repair module has regained his full left hand arm and left leg.

If it is not for the new left arm and left leg to be whiter than the rest of the skin, the white is like the skin of the newborn baby, otherwise it is impossible to see that this is the newly grown arm and leg.

Hans came out of the gene repair module, and he watched his newly grown legs, waved and kicked his legs, feeling the back of his body."David, if you give me exoskeleton armor and sniper guns, I feel like I can still fight!" Hans said with excitement in his eyes.

"Father, I have been ready for you for a long time." David said, pointing to the two metal boxes.

When Hans learned about David's wealth, there was no need for him to be polite to him. Besides, what happened to his son's things for his own use.

So he went to the metal boxes, opened one of them, and saw a set of exoskeleton armor containers.

"David, isn't it extravagant to wear this to fight?" Hans turned to David and said helplessly.

Because this is a Hei limited edition exoskeleton armor, not to mention the performance of this exoskeleton armor, as a limited version of exoskeleton armor, its performance almost reaches the extreme of the same type of exoskeleton armor.

In terms of the value of this Hei limited edition exoskeleton armor, such an exoskeleton armor can be replaced by ten exoskeleton armor enthusiasts.

As a popular occupation, Oracle has become the most popular collection, especially the limited edition exoskeleton armor of some large companies.

Of course, this is Cather's extraordinary collection. It is impossible to have a worse collection in it.

"Father, we can afford it now David laughs with a feeling of sudden wealth, but he only has the appearance without the spirit, because in his heart, all wealth is empty.

Otherwise, after he got 200 billion credit points, he would not have to fight for his life. The 200 billion credit points are enough to make him live a rich life.

"Well, I have a luxury too Hans also can't help laughing, a picked up the exoskeleton armor in his hand.

He said that he did not want to, but as a former Oracle, after seeing this kind of excellent exoskeleton armor, how could he not be moved.

"The exoskeleton armor you give me is so luxurious. What grade is this weapon?" Hans looked curiously at the long metal box and opened it.

Only when he opened the long metal box, his expression became dignified.

"Is this the anger of godolfen you used?" Hans gently stroked the sniper gun inside and whispered.

Only sniper beetles can understand the quality of a sniper. This "godolfen's anger" is a treasure in the naturally noticeable sniper.

The legendary "godolfen's anger" is the dream of any sniper master.

"Yes, do you like it?" David said with a smile.

"You gave it to me, and you?" Hans was reluctant to let go, but insisted.

"I am using the sniper master's special sniper gun now. This" godolfen's anger "is my collection. You can use it to make it useful David explained with a smile.

"Yes, you are already a master sniper!" Hans said, the color of his eyes became more and more intense, and he even put the other exoskeleton armored container in his hand aside, just looking at the "godolfen's anger.".

David understood Hans's mood. He didn't say anything and looked at Hans.

In fact, there are still some things that David has not said. For example, the hotel of Hans and his stepmother Bertha has received a capital injection, and even many companies have helped him in various aspects.

These are all explained by David. With the amount of assets managed by master Healy and master alvar, it is easy to take care of a hotel in the small city of rock star.

David would not tell Hans that he would not give his wealth to Bertha and his brother Edie, unless he died somewhere, and the huge asset would automatically be transferred to Hans.

Because at that time, the two asset managers who had a soul contract with him would also be affected by the contract because of his death.

David's been on the brink of life and death.

"Why David suddenly turned his head and looked out. He sensed that a ship was approaching.

The shadow servant flew out of the cabin earlier and saw that the familiar black spaceship was his teacher Galen's extraordinary "Black Ghost".

"What's the matter?" Asked Hans, who was awakened by David.

"Uncle Galen is here!" David replied with a smile.

"You don't have to see the teacher first when you come back, but let the teacher come to see you first!" Hans shook his head and blamed.

David shrugged helplessly. He was also ready to see Galen. He was only prepared to be here after the event was over.

"Just right. Show him my new exoskeleton armor and sniper gun!" Hans, however, immediately changed his face and said with a trace of satisfaction on his face.

Then Hans put on the exoskeleton armor, put "godolfen's anger" behind his back, waved to David, and got off the ship together.

Over there, the black ghost stopped not far away. Because there was no space left at the door of David's house, the black ghost stopped across the road. Now Galen was getting off the Black Ghost.He saw Hans in exoskeleton armor and "godolfen's anger" on his back.

The surprise on Galen's extraordinary face could not be concealed, because it represented Hans's recovery.

Hans's disability is not so easy to recover. If it was so good, he would have helped Hans get the potion.

Galen turned his head and looked at David. He did not need to ask him that Hans' recovery had something to do with David.

"Galen, how about my exoskeleton armor? And this sniper gun. Do you recognize it? " Hans, after greeting Galen with a smile, began to show his equipment.

At this time, Hans seems to be back in his youth, disability removed, his youth also returned to the body.

"Hei's limited edition exoskeleton armor, 'godolfen's anger', David, you've got everything on you Galen looked at Hans's equipment and said in surprise.

We should know that Galen's "extraordinary armor" is only class II material, and the weapons are also class II weapons. This value is almost the same as Hans's, or even less than.

"It's nothing compared to David's wealth!" Hans replied with a smile. He turned to David and said, "David, don't you want to prepare a gift for your teacher?"

"Uncle Galen, I've got a present for you, too!" David said with a smile, then pointed to the high-speed spaceship and said, "right here, come in together."

"Is this Esmond's extraordinary car? The war zone is extraordinary, but it's spread all over the country Galen said with a smile as he looked at the high-speed craft in front of him.

His disciples killed Esmond and took the other party's car as his own. Even the legendary collapse of Batu energy company had something to do with David. Galen was full of pride.

In the war zone, only the strong are worthy of respect, while the weak are not worthy of sympathy for being bullied and humiliated.

"Uncle Galen will give it to you if he likes it!" David said casually.

In fact, the effect of this high-speed ship on David is really limited. He just didn't send his own spacecraft to the guardian star.

Now, with his wealth, it is not difficult to send the "Raptor refitted ship" to us. It only takes about 10 days at most.

The Mini Star Destroyer main gun and ten Gauss cannons on the "thundersnake modified ship" can easily kill any class III Zerg with his current strength, which is why he is eager to send the "Raptor modified ship" to us.

And David has been prepared to do so, although the high-speed spacecraft is good, but no attack power, which makes David like fighting extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't need it. I'll have the Black Ghost." Galen refused with a smile.

The "Black Ghost" is his car and his pride. He may not be as good as the rest in terms of "extraordinary armor" and weapons, but he is not bad at all in the car.

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