Melville, who lost his spaceship, was immediately approached by Galen.

"I didn't expect to have such equipment in rock star. Can this broken planet support you?" Said Melville, with a sneer, as he resisted his anger.

Although he wanted to kill David immediately, the first thing he had to face was Galen.

"The rock star is much better than you think, at least the garbage like you will not live on the rock star!" Galen's extraordinary mouth is also unforgiving.

Even though they were enemies, there were few vicious words to each other, but Galen was very angry at Melville's extraordinary attack on David on the rock star, so he spoke with a curse.

"Do you think you can defeat me with your three level sword?" Melville glanced at Galen's third level sword and sneered.

There is a chain of contempt in the transcendence, such as those who use grade 3 heavy weapons despise those who use level 3 swords, and those who use level 3 swords despise those who do not have level 3 weapons.

There is also a certain reason for this. Between the third level heavy weapons and the third level long swords, the third level swords are weak. Under the same combat effectiveness, the extraordinary people holding the third level long swords dare not intersect with those holding the third level heavy weapons.

Of course, this is not absolute, and the combat ability of extraordinary oneself is also extremely important.

However, most of them have experienced countless battles and come out of life and death. Their combat experience is almost full value. The difference is only the difference between the strength of the supernatural and the equipment.

"Let me see if you can really beat me!" Galen laughs, his figure speeds up in the air, and the third grade sword in his hand rushes up.

Melville extraordinary hands of the third class heavy axe to meet up, and Galen extraordinary in the air battle together.

Galen knows his own strength. He has less extraordinary inheritance than many others. He knows where his advantages are. There is David on the side, so his fight is to use the wide battlefield in the sky to fight.

In this regard, Galen's extraordinary experience is too rich, which is also very understandable. Any extraordinary person who has been using the second grade "extraordinary armor" and weapons for a long time will have this kind of experience.

Melville is very worried, Galen's extraordinary combat power is obviously insufficient, but Galen extraordinary like a glue like adhesion to him.

Galen is very excited at the moment. His new equipment has greatly enhanced his speed and strength. He finally knows the fun of using level 3 "extraordinary armor", which is beyond the comprehension of the extraordinary armor of level 2.

It can be said that only three grades of "extraordinary armor" can really bring the design performance of "extraordinary armor" into full play.

The high-speed spaceship takes David out of the two extraordinary combat areas. He can't even fly over at present. If he gets too close, he will be watched by Melville.

"David, I've applied for the city defense authorization of perland for you. You can use it now. We're on our way." Alvin's extraordinary message was passed on to David's identity bracelet.

David was so happy that he finally arrived.

David is very familiar with the city defense system of perland. It was here that he used the Gauss gun to kill his enemies. It was here that he blocked the Zerg attack.

Perland city defense system equipment is good, Gauss gun and laser gun have a good attack power.

David contacted Alvin extraordinary of rock star military before, just want to get the use right of the city defense system. As long as he has the use right of the city defense system here, he is sure to give Melville extraordinary a surprise.

Alvin and the other four are coming, but it will take some time to come from Naan, so David doesn't want to wait for the support of the supernatural.

The short wings behind David radiate energy, and his figure accelerates toward the southern wall of Perrin.

Because he is wearing exoskeleton armor, the city defense system will automatically scan his identity when he is near pelan city. If he does not have the authority to dare to approach the wall, he will be attacked by anti-aircraft rapid fire guns.

David, with the authority granted by Alvin, landed unhindered on the southern wall.

Several army warriors wearing the "land lion exoskeleton armor" ran towards David. They received orders from the military to meet David.

"It's Gilad. You've become a lieutenant. Congratulations!" David saw that the top one was Gilead, who he had known before. He didn't expect that he had been promoted to lieutenant now.

"Master David, welcome home!" Gilard stepped forward excitedly and saluted, and then he explained, "because of your relationship, we have also won military merit. Lieutenant Eaton has been promoted to captain and transferred away. Lt. Elmer has been promoted to captain of the city defense, and I have become the captain of the acting squadron

Gilad's gratitude to David rose from the bottom of his heart. David won the Silver Star Medal in pelan City, which also benefited the troops guarding the city.It is very difficult for them to be promoted to the rank of soldiers who stay on the rock star to guard the city. In addition to being promoted automatically after they have reached enough military age, it is very difficult to get promoted through meritorious service.

It is also because of David that Gilard has been promoted to lieutenant for at least five or six years, and is still a real lieutenant.

"I need control of all the Gauss cannons on the southern wall. Please help me!" David didn't want to talk. Galen was still fighting in the distant sky, he asked.

"Of course, I've got an order. Please come this way." Gilad's eyes flashed with adoration, and said and guided.

Several of the warriors behind Gilad also have the same eyes, but in front of them is the sniper master who walked out from here, a strong man who has been circulating in the war zone military, and the name of David appears together with the extraordinary.

"Lieutenant Elmer will be here in a minute. He will arrange for you to use the control room you know best!" Before walking to a Gauss gun control room, Gilard opened the door of the control room and introduced.

David knew this control room, where he controlled three Gauss cannons by himself, and killed two rock beetles and one king bug. He still remembers his fear when facing the insect.

"Yes David nods and thanks. He enters the control room.

"You stay here, even if you die, no one is allowed to break in!" Gilad ordered to several of them in a deep voice.

"Yes Several beetles responded loudly.

They blocked the control room door with their bodies.

In fact, Gilad's order was purposeful. No matter who David was trying to deal with, he did not dare to kill the military Oracle under the monitoring of the city defense system.

As long as there is evidence, the military will not tolerate the killing of soldiers in its own military fortifications, no matter whether the other party is extraordinary or someone, either change their identity or run away.

David looks at the controller in front of him, which has the authority to operate 60 Gauss guns on the south front wall.

Of course, he can't control so many Gauss cannons at the same time, but he can operate them in batches, which requires faster hand speed and analytical judgment.

"Uncle Galen, you can lead that extraordinary to the south side of perland. I'll wait here!" David contacted Galen through the identity bracelet.

In the battle, Galen extraordinary hears David's news and can't help but relax. The gap between him and Melville is not something that can be made up for by equipment.

At first, he could still rely on speed, but as Melville got used to Galen's extraordinary speed, it became more and more difficult for him to swim.

In the end, Galen's time to get this set of equipment is still too short for him to give full play to its performance.

Galen consciously shifts the battlefield and descends toward the south of peran.

"I can't support it at last. I want to run!" Melville said with a sneer that Galen had the idea of escaping.

It's not easy to keep a well-equipped superhero, so he made an aggressive speech to let Galen fight him for a period of time. He was confident that in a few minutes, he would be able to make the extraordinary suffer heavy damage, and he had no ability to stop his next action.

Galen does not pay attention to him, but continues to move purposefully.

David is now retooling all the Gauss gun data, and then his mind goes into the shadow server, who comes out through the wall to the nearest Gauss gun.

The shadow attendant takes out a third grade Gaussian shell from the space ring, which is the third grade Gaussian shell that he used to exchange points in the Academy base.

Although he only killed the king of "stone skin worm" by using the second grade Gauss shell, if there was a third grade Gaussian shell at that time, it would not have been so troublesome at all.

So when he returned to the college base, he used some points to exchange a third grade Gauss shell with the college. It was not that he didn't want to exchange more points, but the points needed by the third grade Gaussian shell were somewhat high. In addition, the college did not put the third grade Gaussian shell in the exchange list. If it was not for his request, the college would not agree to such an exchange request.

David, through the spirit of the shadow attendant, controls the third grade Gauss shell. When it is taken out of the space ring, it happens to appear in the shell cabin.

Such a heavy Gauss shell, if not controlled in this way, the shadow master can not move it at all.

Galen in the front, Melville extraordinary in the back, now Melville extraordinary also see Galen extraordinary ideas.

This is to lead him to the city defense area of perland, but Melville is not worried at all.

Before Melville came to rock star city, erto foundation applied for a permission for him through a senior military officer in the war zone. Unless he attacks the military on his own initiative, the military defense system will not take the initiative to attack him.

It is precisely because of this authority that Melville will dare to go straight into perland.

You should know that peran is indeed a small city, but it is a small city in the war zone. Every city on the rock star has a military defense system, otherwise the civilians in the city would have been killed by the Zerg."If you want to influence me by the military's urban defense system, I wonder if the officers you can find in Panshi are more powerful than those I found!" Melville laughs and gets close to the city defense system.

To tell you the truth, the city defense system of Pei Lan City is not strong. The Zerg that can cope with the most is the second level Zerg. Once the second level Zerg comes a few more, it will not be able to resist. This kind of defense ability can not stop the extraordinary.

Not to mention Perrin city's city defense system can not attack him at all, which makes him not a bit worried.

"Here we are Galen whispered to David.

David was working on the Gauss gun's aiming system, only to find that if the aiming system wanted to lock in Melville, it would send out an alarm.

"The target cannot be locked, please check the corresponding permissions!"

David frowned. He understood that Melville was extraordinary, afraid he had been authorized by the military, just like him.

He can be authorized by the military to use the city defense system, so Melville extraordinary can also be authorized by the military to avoid being attacked by city defense weapons.

"You think you can't lock it in this way!" David said with a sneer.

His fingers quickly click on the light screen, and one command after another enters the city defense system. Now, with his "master of electronic warfare", he does not need too much trouble. He does not invade the core of the city defense system. He just adds a jump command to his judgment, which solves the problem of being unable to lock.

Of course, this also has something to do with David sitting on the terminal of the city defense system, which reduces his difficulty in using electronic countermeasures by several levels.

David tried again to lock the Gauss gun's aiming system at Melville extraordinary, and there was no hint this time.

Melville in the air did not know that, just a few seconds, the military's urban defense system had a huge change.

Since David's aim was not dangerous at all, Melville would not be aware of the extraordinary before the Gauss gun was fired.


With the first roar, an ordinary alloy Gauss shell flew out.

Although Melville has been fighting against Galen, he has been paying attention to his surroundings.

David is a master sniper. Melville knows the horror of the master sniper. He knows that David must be hiding somewhere, waiting to give him a fatal blow.

So even though he fought against Galen, Melville was still distracted.

Before he came to kill David, Melville got his experience of dealing with the master sniper through some of the extraordinary people who had dealt with the master sniper, some of which were obtained with the help of erto foundation.

Melville has a good understanding of sniper master's attack and response. , the fastest update of the webnovel!