Although it was evening, but soon came guests, it is Galen's extraordinary five old friends, rock star's other five Guardian extraordinary.

The battle was long over when the five guardians came, but they came after they learned that the battle was over.

"Galen, Hans, Master David!" Five extraordinary smile and three people say hello.

For example, Hans, even a "statesman", is hard to be seen by the five extraordinary people. But now it is different. Because of the extraordinary relationship between David and Galen, the five extraordinary people do not regard Hans as ordinary people.

"It's a waste of your time!" Galen said, apologetically.

"We didn't run in vain. This time we came to see Master David." Hadley said with a smile.

"I've met five extraordinary people. Thank you for your help David stood up and said with sincere thanks.

"It's our duty to stop the external transcendence. We didn't really help. Thank you!" Barker said with an extraordinary wave.

"I didn't expect that Master David would kill an extraordinary man just by virtue of the city defense system. He is really worthy of being a sniper master!" Alvin could not help shaking his head and sighing.

"And thank you, general Alvin, for helping me apply for permission!" David replied with a smile.

"Rock star is your home. How can we watch you being bullied at home? You have done so much for the military before, and there is not much that the military can help you!" Alvin said with a smile.

"It's said that Galen was dragged to Melville by himself. Melville is extraordinary, but cardor is famous for being extraordinary. Are you so good?" Mervyn turned his head and looked at Galen. He asked incredulously.

They heard about the battle, Galen extraordinary a person to block the invasion of the extraordinary, so that David had a chance to snipe.

In particular, they learned that the extraordinary name of Melville, after finding out the extraordinary information of Melville, it was even more difficult to believe.

Galen's extraordinary, like these extraordinary people, can only do is to join hands with six extraordinary people, relying on years of joint experience to fight against the powerful and extraordinary.

"Ha ha, that Melville is so extraordinary that I can hardly stop it with all my efforts!" Galen said with a proud smile.

Galen's time to enter the extraordinary is too short, coupled with the reason of equipment, in the extraordinary is considered to be the bottom of the existence.

It was unimaginable before that he could fight with Melville for such a long time with the strength of the bottom, and he was certainly proud.

"I don't believe you can do it!" Said Daryl in an extraordinary deep voice.

All of a sudden, five extraordinary eyes coagulated, and then there was a color of horror on their faces.

Because Galen had a third class "extraordinary armor" on his body and a third level sword in his hand.

"Why didn't I receive a good disciple like Master David?" Mervyn immediately understood the origin of these extraordinary equipment, but shook his head and said.

"Galen, if you're in trouble again, you're going to be ahead of you!" Alvin said, pointing to Galen's "extraordinary armor.".

For many years, there is only one set of super safety equipment for garun.

They all know each other's character. The ambitious transcendental will not stay in the rock star at all. They have made great progress for a long time. All six of them are the same. They don't want to be constrained by too much. At the same time, they will stay with the rock star only if they have strong feelings.

The six extraordinary people, including Galen, did not stay for a long time. Their main protection target was Naan city. They couldn't leave there for a long time. So after chatting for a while, they deepened their feelings with David again and all returned.

Hans has been here since his recovery because he is worried about David. The good news of his recovery has not been taken into account to let his current wife Bertha and his youngest son Edie know that David has nothing to do now, so he goes back.

David is sitting on the bed at home with the shadow attendant standing beside him. He reaches out and presses on the shadow waiter's shoulder. A stream of soul energy enters into his body and melts into his soul.

He did not expect much from the light sphere of knowledge in Melville's extraordinary soul. Now, there are many useless light spheres of knowledge in the shadow servant's body. Even the light sphere of knowledge given by the supernatural is not very useful.

David ordered the shadow attendant to list Melville's extraordinary light sphere of knowledge separately. What appeared was a green light sphere of knowledge.

He felt the attributes of the light sphere of knowledge and was disappointed.

This attribute indicates that Melville's mastery of heavy axe has reached master level. No wonder Melville can easily block multiple attacks.

It's not surprising that you can do this with the ability of master axe master and extraordinary speed.

David takes out Melville's extraordinary space wrist guard, and his mind enters the shadow servant's body, and opens the space wrist guard through the shadow servant.Among the two cubic meters of space, the wristbands are full.

Although it was full of objects, it was placed in an orderly manner, which showed Melville's extraordinary temperament.

First of all, what David saw was the third class heavy axe. Melville, before dying, instinctively put the third level heavy axe into the space wrist guard, and now it fell into David's hands.

He took out the heavy axe of level 3 and observed it. He did not know which master's hand it was. Because it did not belong to the same star region, David could not feel it.

Shaking his head, he cast the third level heavy axe in his hand. His half step perfect level "heavy axe master" only needs one heavy axe to exert his strongest fighting power, and does not need two level three heavy axes.

Let the shadow servant put the third level heavy axe into the space ring and put it with his third level materials and weapons.

The shadow servant took out a third level sword from the space wristband, which did not surprise David. Ordinary people who had Level 3 heavy weapons would have a level 3 sword.

I just didn't think that I had just sent out a third grade sword, and I got another one.

Once again, he threw the third level sword to the shadow servant to put it away, and he explored the space wrist guard.

A box was taken out with a mark on it.

David uses the identity bracelet to scan the tag, which is swept into the identity bracelet. Then he searches Skynet for the meaning of the tag.

The explanation of the mark was quickly found, and David's face turned clear when he saw the explanation.

This is the symbol of erto fund. Erto fund is a super large fund of cardor star region. It has many famous enterprises in many fields, holding important shares of food, medical treatment, manufacturing and other industries in cardor star region.

David did not expect that erto fund did not let him go. Before that, two extraordinary people were killed, and now they still sent extraordinary to come.

David's recognition of the erto foundation is marked by one aspect. On the other hand, he has no other enemies in the cardor domain, but has a good relationship with cardor college.

Open the box, exposed 15 extraordinary crystal, David can guess that this should be the erto fund to wilville extraordinary to deal with his reward.

Otherwise, there was no such coincidence. Melville came out to attack him with a box marked with erto fund, and there were extraordinary crystals in the box.

Put the extraordinary crystal together with the previous 30 extraordinary crystals. This is extraordinary currency. Although he is not extraordinary, he is now in contact with the extraordinary and may need to use it sometime.

After that, there was nothing left. Some anonymous credit cards, and more than ten bottles of red liquid in transparent containers that David could not recognize. Even the red liquid contained animal tissues.

David didn't take them out. What Melville can collect in the space wrist guard is not garbage. I'll find someone to see them later.

There are as many as six space wristbands. David is very worried. When he considers whether to return to renka star, he asks master Mckintosh to add a space wrist guard to his custom-made exoskeleton armor. It is always inconvenient to put it in the compartment at his waist.

Let the shadow servant enter the "Juyuan pan", and David himself began to practice "crystal mind".

At 8:30 the next morning, David finished his morning training. After taking a bath and having breakfast, his doorbell rang.

Needless to say, this must be someone who knows David very well, because this is the right time for him to finish his practice.

David opened the door and saw three familiar faces. He quickly stepped forward and hugged them.

"Myron, Daley, de Quincy, come in and sit down!" David parted from the three and waved.

"I thought you wouldn't recognize us when you became famous." Myron sat on the sofa and said with a smile.

He could see that David's attitude towards them had not changed at all, and the joy of meeting his friends was not a sham.

"Why, but Myron, I remember that you and de Quincy went to college. Why were you in perland?" David asked Myron with a smile.

"Myron and de Quincy heard from you last night and came back from Naan city overnight, but it was too late, so they made an appointment to come with us in the morning." Daly explained to Myron with a smile.

"Myron, you don't have much growth in your strength. You have to refuel!" David looked at Myron, his heart was moved, but he said, he turned to de Quincy and said, "you have to come on!"

"Of course I can't compare with you, but I'm going to be a champion soon." Myron retorted defiantly.

Myron doesn't want to be compared with David at all. In his state, it has been a great achievement to be able to enhance his own strength to the level close to the first prize in nearly two months of enrollment.

"You have a nice uniform, Daley. Didn't Jim join the army with you? Is he busy today? " David asked, looking at the uniform on Daley.Daly's uniform doesn't have a rank, so it should still be a recruiter.

"Jim left with his father, Captain Eaton!" When it comes to Jim, Daley is obviously reluctant.

The four friends got together for an hour and had to part because David had a new guest.

Because it was Myron's father, mayor Bernard, accompanied by lieutenants Elmer and Gillard.

This was the first group, and then even the forces on the other side of Naan who were familiar with David came to visit. They didn't care about the distance at all.

David likes to be with friends, but he doesn't want to get along with the representatives of these forces. He has no interest at all.

David left the original house and moved into the house where he had arranged to house the beacon fire.

Among the many satellites revolving around Kaian, there is a satellite named after erto fund, which is the headquarters of erto foundation.

In erto satellite, the provisions of erto fund are the law. More than 50000 people living on the satellite are all serving the erto fund.

It can be said that erto satellite is an independent kingdom, and even the police are difficult to enter. In addition, it is not in the sky net, and there is no monitoring.

Erto satellite has a complete security system, including satellite level scanning system, defense system composed of a variety of defensive weapons, including defense missiles, heavy laser guns, air defense rapid fire guns, etc.

Even two extraordinary people are stationed on the erto satellite all the year round. These security measures make the security level of erto satellite very high. It is extremely difficult to sneak in even if it is hard to break in.

Because there are no outsiders entering the erto satellite, all the people in and out of the satellite are all internal personnel of the erto fund, thus eliminating the opportunity for outsiders to sneak in.

But today, another 20 spaceships with air combat weapons came to erto satellite and became the defense line in the sky of erto satellite.

The whole erto satellite is in a state of tension, and the satellite interior began to implement a state of alert. People living on the satellite are not allowed to leave their own prescribed routes. Normally, they are at work and at home, and the rest of the area is not allowed to go.

In other cities, such an order would definitely cause a great disturbance, but here it is different. Everyone depends on the erto fund for survival, and the order is executed immediately.

All the places on the erto satellite that may gather people have been shut down. The whole satellite has never been dead.

Elite beetles from all over patrol the satellite of erto and scan them to the maximum to detect any intruder.

All this is because of the news that Melville, sent by erto foundation, is extraordinary dead and killed by David.

The failure of the action will lead to consequences. David's revenge will surely come. However, erto fund does not know what way David will retaliate in. Therefore, they can only prepare for the situation when they get the news.

Just look at Batu energy and you'll have to pay attention to it.

Fortunately, erto fund pays more attention to its own security than Batu energy company. It bought this satellite more than 100 years ago and became its headquarters, which is more controllable in terms of security. , the fastest update of the webnovel!