"Kenny, I want to have a good talk with you!" Justin looked at Kenny and said in a deep voice.

"General Justin, your actions today have affected the stability of the guardian planet. Whatever the reason, you can't make up for the threat to the Academy base!" Kenny's extraordinary light return.

In fact, today, a fleet of generals of the first Academy base in alidiya forced back, which is enough to enhance the reputation of the Academy base.

But Kenny is certainly not going to say that. He doesn't want to let go of the two military greats so easily.

"I'll tell you the truth." Justin was determined that, now that this was the case, he needed to be honest in order to gain the understanding of the first college of alidia, and even, if possible, with the help of the Academy.

Kenny knows that Justin and Julius must have a reason to be extraordinary. Otherwise, how could he use this way? This threat to the first college base in alidia is a losing act.

Even if they succeed in the threat, they will have a deep hatred against the first college of alidiya. In the future, even in the military, they will be constrained everywhere.

Kenny wants to know what it's for, to make them desperate.

Just then, David came in from the door. Kenny nodded to David and said hello.

Dunbar and Beecher also smile at David. With David there, they can feel better.

"The military has confirmed that the king of the stone skin worm has a pregnant crystal. If you know the value of the pregnant stone, the military sent us to guard the planet, and we must bring back the pregnant stone to return." Justin took an extraordinary look at David and went on.

"Pregnant crystal" is "pregnant crystal" Kenny muttered to himself.

In the past, there was a "Gestalt" in warstar. For the sake of "pregnant crystal stone", the Federation, Zerg and the divine world fought many times. This level of treasure is too important.

"Pregnant crystal" can accelerate the growth of a kryptonite, so that the kryptonite will never be exhausted. The influence range depends on the size of the "pregnant crystal".

This is only the ability seen from the surface. The "pregnant crystal" can target any kryptonite, which can be low-yield kryptonite or high-yield kryptonite.

If the "pregnant crystal" is applied to a kryptonite producing top-level kryptonite, then the top-level kryptonite can be continuously obtained.

Top grade kryptonite is not ordinary kryptonite. It is mainly used in some key technologies of the Federation, and its quantity directly determines the application scope of these key technologies.

There are few kryptonite producing top-level kryptonite, and the output is also very low, and it is still a resource that cannot be regenerated. At least for mining personnel, the mining of kryptonite has been finished for a long time.

Therefore, the role of "pregnant crystal" highlights its importance. The military will have a stable and continuous income from top-level kryptonite.

Kenny extraordinary is also very excited, because if alidia first college gets "pregnant crystal", then the kryptonite in the college base will be able to increase mining, and never have to worry about the depletion of kryptonite.

We should know that after the college base is established, only a small amount of kryptonite can be mined every year, and most of the kryptonite must be retained to maintain the stability of kryptonite, so as to provide a lot of energy for the college base.

David was in the audience. He thought that there was no useful "pregnant stone", but the military attached great importance to it.

However, he is still reluctant to let him take the initiative to take out the "pregnant crystal stone". This treasure that can make the "stone skin worm" King mutate must be more than this function.

Although the military attaches great importance to "gestret", for the whole military, the top kryptonite that can be produced by "kryptonite" accounts for a very small proportion of the total military resources.

Because the military occupies all the kryptonite in warstar, there are too many kryptonites on that planet, and the amount of kryptonite mined every day is amazing.

In addition, there are a lot of things that can't be explained.

To avoid trouble, David just stood by quietly, waiting for the negotiations between the two sides.

"General Justin, what is the relationship between Gestalt and our college base?" Dunbar, standing on one side, couldn't help asking.

"I spent a" wish scroll "and got the result that the last place where the" pregnant crystal "appeared was the first college base of alidia Justin felt heartache when he said this. The two of them paid too much for it, and the result was still so bad.

"Pregnant crystal" in our base Kenny was really shocked. He looked at Justin in surprise and confirmed.

But David was surprised. He didn't expect that there would be something like a "wish scroll" to trace the fate of the "pregnant crystal stone". Such a magical object is not scientific at all.

If he wanted science, David immediately understood where the "wish scroll" came from. Only God belongs to the big world can such magical objects appear."Yes, the location indicated by the wish scroll is at the base of the first college in alidiya!" Justin repeated again.

"No, if you use the wish scroll, you won't be able to find out who owns the Gestalt. Where is the trouble?" At this time, Justin pointed out the unreasonable point.

"I don't know why" wish scroll "can't locate the owner of" pregnant crystal stone " Justin explained with an extraordinary wry smile.

In exchange for the "wish scroll", he was really confident to find out the owner of the "pregnant crystal", but the fact is that he can not even satisfy any wish related to the owner of the "pregnant crystal".

David's heart is even more strange, what on earth he has to fight against this very powerful "wish scroll.".

Suddenly, it occurred to David that he did not put the "pregnant stone" on his body, but placed it in the space ring on the shadow server.

That is to say, the actual owner of the "pregnant stone" is the shadow servant, and the shadow servant is the servant of God.

Although David doesn't understand the principle of the "wish scroll", I think there must be a strong support behind it. Maybe the God who shadow serves is more powerful. This may be why the "wish scroll" can not be traced.

"Do you have any means to find out the location of the pregnant crystal?" Kenny hesitated for a moment and asked in a deep voice.

Kenny was originally prepared to have a talk with Justin, and let Justin and Julius pay a price and then let them go.

But it can't be done now, because according to Justin's extraordinary words, if this matter is spread out by Justin, the whole alidiya first college base will be watched by various forces.

So the best way is to find the "pregnant crystal" and put things on the surface.

As for who owns the "pregnant crystal stone", as long as it is in the college base, you can use the school's name to exchange points for "pregnant crystal stone".

"Yes, we just have to walk through all the places in the college base to find out the location of" pregnant crystal stone " Justin extraordinary now recognized the looseness in Kenny's extraordinary words and immediately assured him.

"Don't disturb the students of the college. Even if they find the" pregnant crystal stone ", they should not be impulsive or act rashly. They should be handled by our college itself." Kenny made an agreement with Justin and Julius.

The two extraordinary people nodded in agreement, and they started scanning around the conference room with their instruments.

David let the shadow guards into the depth of 40 meters underground. He didn't want the two military men to find anything extraordinary!

The two military men came down in the conference room, looked at each other and shook their heads.

In order to prevent the two military extraordinary from having any abnormal behavior in the base, the three extraordinary men of the academy also followed. As an important combat force of the Academy, David also needs to follow.

The college base is not small. After three hours of walking, the whole college base is finally gone.

At the end of the day, Justin's extraordinary expression becomes more and more ugly. This is what worries him most. This is the last place where the "pregnant crystal" appears in this area.

However, it is impossible for the "pregnant crystal" to stay here all the time, because there is a portal in the college base.

As long as you put the Gestalt in a space object, you can go through the portal to the airida region, and from there you can reach any planet.

"Kenny, can I have a look at the recent use of portal at the college base?" Justin turned to Kenny and asked.

"General Justin, that's too much of a demand!" Kenny said with a frown.

"This is very important. There is no" pregnant stone "found in the college base. The only thing that can take away the" pregnant stone "is the portal, so the record of the use of the" portal "will be an important clue." Justin insisted.

If Justin and Julius were so cautious, and almost fought against the first Academy base of alidia for this matter, he would not believe the two military extraordinary claims.

No one can tell how big the "pregnant crystal" is, but there are strict rules for using the portal.

Except for the exoskeleton armored loading box and its own weapons, the "portal" is not allowed to carry any other sundries when it is in use.

The more complex items are transported, the more energy they will consume.

This also allows the college to require users to minimize their belongings when using the portal.

It takes a lot of energy to transfer the pregnant crystal, so there is no space. Anyone who wants to take the pregnant crystal will have to pay a huge price.

If you don't put pregnant crystal in the space objects, the abnormal fluctuation of energy will attract people's attention, let alone carry a very special piece of pregnant crystal. Therefore, it is certain that those who take away the pregnant crystal through the "portal" must have the space objects.There are only a few extraordinary people who can own space objects in the whole aridiya first college.

Kenny extraordinary did not refuse, but opened the identity bracelet and operated on it.

He has a high level of authority, and he can find out the list of recent portal users.

Looking at the names on the list, Kenny looks puzzled. There are not many people using "portal" recently.

Among them, the only one who can own space items is the president lake, who recently went in and out of the guardian star academy base too frequently.

It's just that if it's really the headmaster Lake who gets the "pregnant crystal", he will never hide it secretly. Instead, he will gather them all together to discuss the use of the "pregnant crystal".

The three of them are extraordinary, Kenny extraordinary has been on the guardian planet all the time, and the other two are not leaving during this period.

Among them, David came and went back and forth through the "portal", and Kenny was also extraordinary to find out.

However, Kenny is extraordinary and doesn't believe David can use space wristbands. Of course, David absolutely has space wristbands, and there are many Booties only.

Kenny extraordinary looked at the report, thought about the contents, and found nothing top secret, so he sent it to Justin extraordinary.

Justin looked back and forth a few times on the report, looking at the youngest and most famous of the group.

"Master David, can you let me scan you with the instrument?" Justin asked David with extraordinary care.

"Yes!" Without hesitation, David allowed Justin to scan and analyze his body repeatedly.

Of course, the scanning results are not flawed. The two military extraordinary people shook their heads in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you!" Justin was very straightforward and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Justin is not very good-looking at the moment, he also saw the headmaster Lake extraordinary, afraid that the "pregnant crystal" is taken by lake extraordinary.

If it is taken by lake extraordinary, and then want to take it back, even if it is ordered by the military, it is very difficult to have any effect.

Lake is extraordinary and very powerful, in the extraordinary combat power is extremely fierce.

In addition, Lake supernormal represents the first college of alidia, and behind him are all the students of the whole college, as well as the previous graduates.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it helps you!" David said, shaking his hand indifferently.

In the end, Justin didn't have the courage to say his name. It was impossible for him to come back and cooperate with him.

Justin and Julius finally left with regret.

All the bases of the first college of alidiya were checked. What's more, the general shared the information with the first college of Iridia. This matter is regarded as a betrayal of military information in the army.

But Justin and Julius are both extraordinary. They have the right to make some decisions, but they don't have to think too much about selling military information.

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