David holds a third level Epee in his hand, and is practicing in one form. In his attribute page, he has the same "Knight cross chop" (99% of his combat skills are perfect). However, every time he practices, he still brings some insights.

"Knight cross chop" is a set of combat skills completely different from the interstellar Federation techniques. This difference lies in the concept of different.

The interstellar Federation focuses on the mastery of weapons, so no matter which technique is used, it can improve the mastery of weapons in various ways.

However, "Knight cross chop" is a set of fighting skills. It does not require the user to have a strong "Epee master" ability. Instead, it solidifies the use of Epee into the "Knight cross chop" and makes it a physical instinct through constant practice.

When fighting with the enemy, "Knight cross chop" will make the body instinctively use the most appropriate coping style of "Knight cross chop" according to the different situations of the battle.

Of course, for David, who has practiced many weapons to the master level, and even "master the heavy axe" has reached the master level, he has a feeling that when he looks at the combat skills with two different concepts, he has a feeling that he will achieve the same goal by different ways.

This "Knight's Cross chop" skill allows David to play the best effect of level 3 Epee "sharp Epee".

As a matter of fact, when David saw the skill of "Knight's Cross chop" which reached 99% satisfactory level, he was very happy in his heart, because in the process of his assassinating Hess extraordinary, as long as he was given a chance to be extraordinary, it would be him, not Hess extraordinary, who would fall.

Unfortunately, this "Knight cross chop" is only a master level, and its effect is not enough to compare with the "heavy axe master".

David summoned shadow attendants, put away the third level Epee, and then went to the side to use steam bath to clean up his body.

This is the training room on the Hess. At present, there are only 12 crew members. They are still transferred from the "Raptor" ship, which is now in the hangar of the Hess.

Now David no longer lives in the dorm, but has moved to the Hess, where conditions are better, safer, and not disturbed by others.

Captain hope has been very busy recently. He needs to master all the functions of the Hess. At the same time, he also needs to recruit some crew members. He can fly the warship only by his 12 crew members. However, more staff are needed to make the large warship fully operational.

However, Captain hope is obviously very happy to do this. The Hess is much larger than the former "Raptor refitted ship", and the combat effectiveness of the two is much different.

Any captain is looking forward to a better spaceship, not to mention the original spaceship is not abandoned, just stop there at any time to visit.

But no matter how busy he was, Captain hope would wait outside the door, waiting to serve David.

As David walked out of the training room, Captain hope stood at the door.

"Sir, Kenny has sent a message. Please go to his office!" Captain hope reported to David.

David can't be disturbed during training, so some information about contacting David will be automatically transferred to captain hope, who will handle it. If captain hope can't handle it, he will be reported to David.

"I see. What about the recruitment?" David nodded and asked again.

"Fortunately, the original staff of the Hess, after the investigation of the college, I chose some credible staff to stay. These people are familiar with it, and the Hess will be able to operate normally soon." Captain hope returned with a smile.

"Hard work for you!" David affirmed captain hope's work.

Getting off the Hess, David immediately arrived at Kenny's extraordinary office.

When you enter the office, you can see that all the three extraordinary people in the college base are there, and the Brennan intelligence officer of the college base is also there.

"Hello, everyone. What can I do for you?" David came into the office and said with a smile.

"David, the college decided to send some of the weaker students back!" Kenny grinned and said in a deep voice.

"Why do you do that?" David was really surprised that so many things had happened before, and the college did not decide to send the students back to the peace zone.

Now I want to send the weaker students back, which must be a big deal.

"This is the image from the third space fleet. You can have a look first." With a wave of Kenny's extraordinary hand, a light curtain appeared, and he said as he operated.

Then an image appeared on the light screen. The third space fleet is the huge fleet from the defense star to the guard star field. In the picture, it is the third space fleet that David has seen.

The picture turns right in front of the third space fleet, which is the blocked airspace.

First, there was a wormhole, from which dozens of second-class Zerg and several third-class Zerg poured out. If Zerg of this scale appeared on the planet, it would be extremely terrifying.

But in front of the third space fleet, it's just too weak to be a threat.

Under a round of main gun bombardment, these Zerg just come out of the wormhole, they are all dead.David had a strange look at Kenny. He didn't know what to see in such images. He saw a class 4 Zerg coming out of the wormhole and was killed by the third space fleet.

"Keep watching!" Kenny was extraordinary and didn't explain it.

The Zerg in the first wormhole is killed, and when the wormhole disappears, a second wormhole, a third wormhole, appears.

After that, more and more wormholes appeared, and the number of Zerg increased significantly.

These wormholes are randomly distributed in front of the third space fleet, which makes the third space fleet have to separate the firepower and block the wormholes separately.

Another batch of wormholes appeared. In one of the wormholes, a full-length black armored Zerg appeared, whining in the direction of the third space fleet.

In space, a visible ripple flows from the mouth of the black armored Zerg toward the third space fleet.

At the same time, many secondary Zerg swarmed out of the wormhole. They frantically blocked the black armored Zerg in front of the body and blocked the attacks with their bodies.

After multiple main gun attacks, after the second level Zerg has forgotten to die, the remaining power will not cause any damage to the black armored Zerg even if it hits the black armor of the Zerg.

David can see that this black armor Zerg is a level 4 Zerg, and is still a level 4 Zerg with special abilities.

Among the Zerg, the most terrifying is not the Zerg with sharp claws and teeth, but those with special abilities, because the Zerg with special ability is more weird and elusive.

However, David can see the ability of this black armored Zerg, which is very similar to his "high frequency sound wave".

Of course, David's "high frequency sound wave" is not at the same level as the sound wave attack launched by this fourth level Zerg. David's "high frequency sound wave" can only cause dizziness to the strong at the same level. The higher the strength, the worse the effect.

However, this black armor level 4 Zerg has exerted its sound wave ability to a large fleet. With the resistance of those second level Zerg, and because a large number of wormholes appear, the fire power of the third space fleet is scattered, which makes the black armor level 4 Zerg successfully display its sound wave ability.

The sound wave swept through the most forward warships of the third space fleet. These warships that can be placed in the front are the most defensive. In addition, with the energy shield, they can completely block several attacks of the third level Zerg.

But the black armor class 4 Zerg sound wave attack is very domineering, ignoring the energy shield and the warship's strong armor, through these directly into the warship.

The crew of the warship were all wearing protective helmets, but when the sound wave passed by, they had no effect. Their eyes were bloodshot, and their ears and mouths gushed blood.

Inside the crew, there were serious injuries to all organs, and two seconds later, all the crew members of a warship died.

Only the remaining warship remained hovering and became a ghost ship.

One, two, ten, twenty. David looked at the warships that were still attacking and stopped one by one. The picture constantly switched to the interior of these warships. One crew member fell down and did not get up again.

Some wormholes appeared again, from which appeared the figure of "Titan black beetle", and there were six at a time.

In front of these "Titan black beetles", there are also a group of second and third class Zerg to resist the attack. Soon, the Titan black beetle entered the forward formation of the third space fleet.

The "Titan black beetle" rushed into the group of warships, constantly hitting warships with their bodies. At the same time, there were also many attacks on the "Titan black beetle", which caused wounds on the body of the "Titan black beetle".

It's just because the "Titan black beetle" entered the warship group, and some of the powerful main guns were wary of attacking.

At this time, four super huge "aircraft carriers" appeared in the rear of the third space fleet. Four Super Star Destroyers, which were claimed to be capable of destroying everything, were aimed at the direction of the "Titan black beetle".

Then four terrible lights of destruction rushed to Titan black beetles. Six Titan black beetles, including a large number of second and third class Zerg, and some warships of the third space fleet disappeared in this attack.

Even the far away black armor class 4 Zerg was not spared. Even those wormholes were unstable under the impact of terrible energy, which dissipated in space one by one.

David looked at the whole process of the war without any words. This time the Zerg and the space fleet fought each other in a short time, and the loss was huge.

On the side of Zerg, there are seven fourth level Zerg and a large number of second and third level Zerg. On the side of interstellar Federation, more than 100 warships have been destroyed, and tens of thousands of soldiers may have died.

The reason why the last four "aircraft carriers" can successfully kill all Zerg is that the battleships in front of them have dragged down the class 4 Zerg, which gives the aircraft carrier time to charge the Super Star Destroyer guns."David, you've studied history. Do you remember what this Zerg behavior represents?" Kenny looked at David and asked.

David recalled the history he had learned. His grades were very good. If you want to recall some knowledge, you can immediately remember it.

It's just that he can't help looking back on the relevant events in history.

"Doesn't it take nearly a year for the Zerg to make a formal attack?" David asked in disbelief.

According to the picture in the image, the state of the Zerg is the state before the official attack. The Zerg will increase the pressure on the blockade fleet, open the blockade of the third space fleet, and send some Zerg to destroy the rest of the planet in the war zone.

There are highly intelligent commanders among the Zerg. Their plan is very clear, that is, to confuse the whole theater and cut off the support of Battlestar. Even if it can't, we should try to reduce the support from the rear to warstar.

"According to the news from the military, it's possible that something has gone wrong with the Zerg side, which needs to consume a lot of Zerg's life, so the attack of Zerg is advanced!" Kenny explains.

According to the researchers, the reason why Zerg attack every few decades is to consume too many Zerg.

As long as there is energy for the growth of Zerg, they can become adults quickly, and they can maintain it with only a small amount of energy. Therefore, Zerg can increase the number of fighting Zerg in this way.

This accumulation process will be saturated every once in a while, or even too much. At this time, the Zerg will send most of the Zerg who can not get the energy supply as the main force of the war.

This kind of war is to get more energy, more energy can cultivate more Zerg, this is a cycle process.

"Why don't you let the seniors go back to college, it's too dangerous for them to participate in this kind of war!" David knew what was going to happen and he couldn't help asking.

Although senior students play some roles in guarding the base, what really plays a role is the extraordinary and defensive weapons. Even when the danger comes, it can directly use the shrinking base to protect the important kryptonite, portal and intelligent system as the base of cardor college.

This will cost the college a lot, but it is better than losing a large number of elite students.

"The military is discussing. Maybe in three days, the general mobilization of the war will start, and these students will enter the army!" Kenny said in a low voice.

"General mobilization for war!" David was also surprised by Kenny's extraordinary story.

"General mobilization for war" is an emergency recruitment operation of the interstellar Federation. All qualified personnel must respond to the call of the Federation and enter the army.

Once the "general mobilization for war" is released, senior students, those who meet certain conditions under the age of 40 and those who have been discharged from the army for no more than 20 years will be forcibly called into the army.

It was a civil war move, but David didn't expect it to start so soon.

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