David is not a good scout. A good scout needs to know the environment very well so that he can use the environment to cover his actions.

A scout like David, who is so unfamiliar with the environment that he can only rely on the map on his armor, is not a good scout at all.

However, he has a talent that no scouts have. The shadow servant can look down on his area with God's vision in the air of 40 meters.

The team stopped ten kilometers away, and in front of them was the territory of the "giant tongs flame bug". According to the mission briefing shared by barbington, there are two "giant pincers".

Although the larvae of Zerg can be genetically altered, they can grow into any kind of Zerg.

However, the generation of high-level Zerg is rarely achieved by changing the gene of larva, because the talent of larva body is too small to satisfy the mutation of high-level Zerg.

Many high-level Zerg will produce larvae through natural ways. This kind of larva is born with the gene of advanced Zerg. As long as it doesn't die in the larval stage, it will be able to grow into an advanced Zerg.

That's why there are two pygmy flame bugs living together. This phenomenon rarely occurs. The third level Zerg has a strong sense of territory. Only when two third level Zerg of different genders have the goal of jointly breeding the next generation, can this happen.

Part of David's mind is in the shadow servant's body in the sky. Through the shadow servant's eyes, he doesn't find the two "giant pincers".

This is a hill, where all the nests are marked on the map. Affected by the smell of the "giant tongs flame bug", there are only a few first-class Zerg around here, and no second-class Zerg can be seen.

The intelligence of the first level Zerg is very low, and even many of them rely on instinct. Therefore, as long as the high-level Zerg do not pose a threat to them, they will not escape here.

The second level Zerg is different. Most of them have certain wisdom and dare not get too close to the third level Zerg.

In the third level Zerg's territory, the second level Zerg will only move far away from the third level Zerg's nest.

David used to kill the giant tongflame bug, which was no stranger to him. However, at that time, the "giant tongflame bug" was also hunted together with the supernatural.

Just as he moved his body, Yingshi found a "Hunter Mantis" approaching. Because of his good choice of location, he did not let the "Hunter Mantis" find it. I think this "Hunter Mantis" should have passed here unintentionally.

David can't let "Hunter Mantis" destroy his investigation. Once two "giant tongs flame insects" are alerted, he will be in big trouble.

"Hunter Mantis" jumps over a rock. When it is still in the air and has not touched the ground, a heavy axe of level 3 is chopped.

The speed of the third class heavy axe was too fast, and it appeared very suddenly, until the "Hunter Mantis" was chopped off its head. During the whole process, the "Hunter Mantis" was killed without even making any sound.

David came to the hunter Mantis. One hand was pressed on the ground. Then the ability of "underground stealth" was activated. A crack was automatically separated from the ground. The corpse of the hunter Mantis fell into it, and the cracks merged again. There was no mark on the ground.

David found that the ability of "master of heavy axe" is particularly effective in raids, and his reaction speed is faster than that of "Hunter Mantis" because of his stronger spirit.

What's more, he has mental calculation and no intention. The hunter Mantis doesn't know that there are enemies, but he is ready to attack at any time.

As soon as the hunter Mantis got close to him five meters, the spirit line locked in the hunter Mantis. All he had to do was wave his third grade heavy axe and solve the problem.

As he turned to the other side of the hill, Yingshi immediately found two "giant tongs flame insects". Next to the two "giant tongs flame insects", there was a cave, which should be the nest of the "giant tongs flame insects".

David immediately shared the video in front of him to the four extraordinary, and at the same time sent a signal for the four extraordinary people to come.

Among the information received by the four supernatural, there was a map route. According to the route marked on the map, the four supernatural did not even encounter a Zerg in the distance of more than 10 kilometers.

There is luck in this, but the most important thing is the route that David drew. It is the route he once walked. All the Zerg on this route have been cleaned up by him.

"It's so easy this time. How could it have been so smooth before?" Benton tightened his "shining spear" and praised David.

In the past, the four of them used to attack by force. There was a lot of noise along the way. Sometimes the third level Zerg would be scared away, and sometimes it would attract more Zerg.

You know, this is an area occupied by Zerg. As long as there is an alarm from Zerg, after a period of time, there will be a large number of Zerg.

Therefore, the previous hunting tasks were all based on luck. If you are lucky, the target will still be there. If you are not lucky, the target may not be there, and if you don't dare to stay for a long time, you will have to leave.

This time, we can see two "giant tongflame insects" not far away, which is the role of a good scout.David's choice of location is the downwind. The smell of the wind will not drift to the direction of the "giant tongs flame bug". The distance is 3000 meters. This distance is also his choice, just so that the "giant tongs flame bug" can not find them.

Although the four extraordinary people have hidden their breath, they can't compare with David at all. So when they came here, they all took a glance at the two "giant tongs flame insects" with their spare light, and they didn't dare to look directly at them.

At this distance, once the eyes look directly at each other, as long as the eyes show a trace of hostility, they are bound to be detected by two "giant tongs flame insects".

All four of you have experience in fighting level 3 Zerg. You can't go wrong in this respect.

"David, you're looking for a chance to snipe here. Let's get ready to fight!" Barbington's extraordinary assignment.

As a matter of fact, this plan has been made for a long time. As David's "master sniper", he has been arranged to snipe in the distance.

Although David is also "master of heavy axe", he is still a warrior. It is not a good idea to let him fight with two third level Zerg using fire attack.

The "giant tongs firebug" is more suitable for long-range sniping, and close combat is very troublesome. Especially when there are two "giant tongs fireflies", none of the four extraordinary people dare to challenge two "giant tongs flame insects" at the same time without Augustine, the big shield who focuses on defense.

The four ascended into the air and approached the two "giant tongs flame worms" in the fastest way.

There's no way out. As long as you fight the "giant tongflame bug", the situation that humans enter the Zerg occupied area will be spread by the Zerg quickly. In 20 minutes at most, the nearest third level Zerg will come, and then there will be an endless stream of third level Zerg.

If you're not lucky, there will even be level 4 Zerg.

Therefore, the battle must be carried out quickly without any delay.

The two "giant tongflame worms" saw four extraordinary creatures, and at the same time they sent out a howl to the sky, which was a declaration of human invasion to other Zerg families.

Then the surrounding first-class Zerg seemed to get the command, and then issued a similar howl.

In this way, Zerg spread the news of human presence here.

The position David chose was also the sniper position that he had long been optimistic about. He took down the "growler sniper gun" and put it in place. He entered the state quickly. When the four extraordinary people had not contacted the two "tongflame insects", he had already completed the locking.

It's a pity for David. It would be nice if the "save your strength" combat skill could be used in sniping ability, but this idea is not possible.

The "power accumulation strike" can only be applied to melee weapons, and can be used only when the weapons are directly controlled by the general body.

While thinking, a large caliber three class sniper bullet was pressed into the bomb bay by him.

After the two "giant tongs flame insects" howled, only one of them came forward, and the other was still blocking the hole.

"It seems that our luck is good. These two 'giant tongs' have given birth to their offspring!" Babington said with a smile when he saw this.

He said this to explain to David that David can be more selective in sniping.

Augustine gave a roar. He carried the third class shield on his shoulder, and with the third class shield, he bumped into the "giant tongs flame bug".

The remaining three are in a straight line with Augustine to ensure that they are protected by his third class shield.

The "giant tongs flame bug" opened its mouth as it ran, and a hot flame came out of its mouth. If it was an ordinary flame, it would be unnecessary to worry about the defense of "extraordinary armor".

However, the flame of "giant tongs flame bug" is very terrible. This kind of flame is regarded as a kind of extraordinary ability of "giant pliers flame insect", which has a great threat to the third level defense.

However, the four extraordinary people also know the weakness of the "giant tongflame bug". Each time a flame is emitted, it takes a little time to recover.

As long as we grasp the attack rhythm of the "giant tongflame bug", we can take advantage of this weakness and reduce the threat of fire.

Of course, because of Augustine's extraordinary presence, the extraordinary people have a better choice. The third level shield can completely block the attack of "giant tongs flame bug". This is why Augustine is very popular among the supernatural.

When an extraordinary person focuses on defense, his defense ability is very strong.

Just as the "giant tongflame bug" erupted into flames, four extraordinary people hid behind the third class shield, and Augustine Superman was about to collide with the "giant tongflame worm", a super large caliber third class sniper bullet passed by the third class shield.

To some extent, it also affected its vision.

Originally, David's sniping was silent. If the "giant tongs flame bug" was in a normal state, it could still rely on the perception to find the sniper bullet when the super large caliber class III sniper bullet approached. However, the "giant tongs flame bug" was emitting fire, and its perception ability was greatly reduced.David was in a state of mental outburst, and he made the most correct judgment at the moment when the giant tongflame worm opened his mouth.

The super large caliber third grade sniper bullet passed through the fire and shot into the open mouth of the "giant tongflame bug". This process was not even found by the four extraordinary people who were ducking their heads to avoid the fire.

When Augustine bumped into the flame bug, he felt it was wrong.

Although the most powerful attack of the "giant tongs firebug" is fire, the power of the third level Zerg is not weak at all. Augustine is ready to be hit and fly.

When the "giant tongflame bug" was hit and flew in the air, four extraordinary people saw the green blood splashed with the "giant tongflame bug" flying out.

"It's great to have a master sniper fighting together." Augustine looked at the "giant tongflame bug" who had fallen to the ground with a hole in his mouth all the way to the back of his head.

"David, you've got a good time!" Babenton also praised David through the channel.

David didn't say anything. He was turning the growler's sniper gun in the direction of the other pincer firebug.

Seeing that his partner had been killed, the "giant tongflame bug" did not stay at the entrance of the cave any more. He took a look at the cave, turned and flew in the direction of David.

Obviously, this "giant tongs flame bug" knows who killed its mate, and also knows that sticking to the cave will not protect its offspring.

So the pincerfire beetle chose to attack the sniper beetle, which could attract all the enemies and avenge its partner.

Obviously, the four extraordinary did not expect this to happen. They never cooperated with the "sniper master" and did not pay attention to the protection of the "sniper master".

"Stop it!" Babington screamed and sped after him.

The other three are also close behind.

It's just that they started a bit slowly, and because the death of the first flame bug was too easy, they relaxed their vigilance, so it's almost impossible to catch up with the flame bug.

When the speed of the third level Zerg, such as the giant tongflame bug, is completely released, it is born faster than the human body.

David also found out the situation at the first time. He didn't jump to escape. This is not a good choice.

If he wants to compete with the "giant tongs flame bug", he will be caught up in a short distance.

And it is impossible for him to exert the ability of "sneaking underground" in front of the four extraordinary people.

The ability to "sneak underground" is too weird to explain. With the four extraordinary insights, David is worried that they will see something!

When David got the sniper knowledge sphere for the first time, there was a scene of sniper beetle facing Zerg attack in the illusion. Sniper beetle would only make one response to this situation, that is sniping.

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