After putting away the second grade fortified meat, David did not decompose the second grade material, which was no longer attractive to him.

Once again, he entered the Zerg occupied area, and this time he wanted to find more powerful Zerg to test.

Along the way, David bypassed many second-class Zerg. According to his recent experience, there are so many second-class Zerg here. This should be the periphery of a third-class Zerg nest.

David didn't use the level 3 Zerg nests on the map babenton had shared with him before. That was the task of the four supernatural beings. He didn't have any reason to be ahead.

Although David killed one or two third level Zerg in advance, the four extraordinary people would not say anything, but David thinks that this is mutual trust. Besides, there are many third level Zerg here, and the map is only a part of it.

Sure enough, after passing through this very dense area of secondary Zerg, there is no second class Zerg near a canyon, only some first level Zerg are wandering.

David, dressed in camouflage cloth, moved to the top of the canyon. He did not have his own probe, so he flew into the canyon first.

Before I could see anything, I heard a rush of footsteps. It was the sound of hard insect limbs touching the rocky ground.

It's just that there's a bit more footwork, but when David sees the Zerg through the shadow's eyes, it's not surprising.

The third level Zerg, the mirage millipede, is one of the third level Zerg that David has dealt with many times, but he has never fought alone with it.

The reason is that "Mirage millipede" is a very fast third level Zerg, and the previous killing has been accompanied by extraordinary cooperation.

Now it's different. David is going to test his combat effectiveness with his newly mastered ability. Once he succeeds, he can kill Level 3 Zerg alone. Even ordinary and extraordinary fighting power is not available.

Of course, he was not ready to fight head-on, and now he has no such ability.

"Mirage millipede" seems very excited in the canyon, jumping on several large rocks in the canyon.

David looked at it for a while and saw that this was the practice of "Mirage millipede". He also saw the process of Zerg training themselves for the first time.

He is not going to carry out the assassination at this time. At the speed of the phantom millipede, he can't catch up with the pace of the phantom millipede.

David believed that the phantoms would always stop. He looked at the cave in the canyon and judged that it was the nest of the phantom millipede.

At the top of the canyon, the ground is separated. His body sneaks into the ground and is guided by shadow guards outside. He easily comes to the "Mirage millipede" nest and hides under the nest.

David is not in a hurry at the moment. He is like an old hunter, waiting for the arrival of his prey.

About 30 minutes later, the phantom millipede came in dragging the corpse of a second class Zerg. It seems that the phantom millipede went out to bring food back.

"Mirage millipede" lies comfortably on the ground of the nest. Its twelve slender forelimbs deftly cut through the corpses of the second class Zerg, picking the most delicious meat into the mouth.

"Mirage millipede" did not see it. It was right next to it. The shadow servant was watching it.

David's "underground prowl" has been cooled down for a long time. At this time, he activated "underground stealth". The assassination must be completed within one minute.

He activated "extreme speed", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap" to enhance real-time combat power. He started to activate "power accumulation strike" in the ground only a layer of rock away from the mirage millipede.

During the one minute "underground sneak" activity period, David calculated that his strength was concentrated on the third grade heavy axe in his hands.

Because of its posture, David can't use the "extraordinary army stab" to give the "phantom millipede" a fatal blow. Instead, it's better to use the third level heavy axe. Under the effect of the "spirit chopping heavy axe technique", the speed and power of the third level heavy axe are greater than that of the small "extraordinary army stab".

The best place to attack the "extraordinary army spike" is the neck of the phantom millipede. But David wants to attack that position, he has to pass through the blockade of 12 slender forelimbs.

The last ten seconds of "underground ambush" were silently counted down in his mind. When he counted down to five, his spirit drew a "poison pattern" which acted on the blade of the third class heavy axe.

After that, he inspired the "spirit chopping heavy axe technique". Even though there was a layer of rock on the ground, a spiritual line still appeared, connecting him with the best attack route to reach the key point of "Mirage millipede".

When he was counting down to three in David's heart, he did not wait any longer. He waved the heavy axe of the third grade in his hand on the ground.

Under the action of "accumulating strength and striking", David felt that all the strength of his whole body was surging out in an instant. The third grade heavy axe was swung along the spiritual line, and the rock ground separated from the phantom millipede automatically.

"Mirage millipede" did not expect that under its body, there would be a fatal killing machine.When the phantom millipede sensed the attack, it was already late. A green axe struck the soft part of its abdomen, where the defense was the weakest.

The third class heavy axe entered the abdomen of the phantom millipede, but it did not stop because the power of the axe was too great.

The third grade heavy axe continued to cleave from the abdomen to the chest cavity of the "phantom millipede". The wound showed a strange green where the axe blade passed.

Under the action of the "power shock", the "power shock" produced an unexpected and terrible effect. Under the "power shock", the soft internal organs of the "phantom millipede" were shaken, and the parts close to the wound were vibrated to produce larger wounds.

The first wave of strength disappeared when the third class heavy axe cleaved through the chest bones of the phantom millipede, and then the "power overlap" came into play again, which was the same as the strength of the previous blow.

The chest skeleton of the phantom millipede is split, and the blade of the axe enters its chest cavity, and the chest cavity is also dyed green.

Unfortunately, in the end, David's three-level axe failed to successfully split the heart of the phantom millipede. Of course, it was David's intention to do so.

If he really wants to attack a more efficient position, David will wait a little longer. When the phantom millipede stops eating and lies on the ground completely, all its vital points will be exposed to David's effective attack.

David felt that he was losing his strength. He still insisted that the shadow attendant take out the three-level shield from the space ring and block it in front of him. In two seconds of "underground stealth", he quickly dropped.

The "phantom millipede" was confused by the sudden attack. David started with its abdomen. Until the end of David's attack, the third grade heavy axe was withdrawn, and David dived into the ground. None of the twelve small forelimbs of the phantom millipede could make any movement.

Because the phantom millipede is lying on the ground. If it wants to attack David underground with 12 tiny forelimbs, it needs to move its body. When it drags the injured body to do so, David has already dived into the ground 10 meters.

The shadow servant stood next to the phantom millipede and continued to observe its state.

The "poison" effect has been tested on the second level Zerg. Now we need to see the effect on the third level Zerg.

In four seconds, the phantom millipede was stabbing the ground with 12 tiny forelimbs.

Originally, such a wound is not a fatal wound for the third level Zerg. It will recover after a period of time.

However, the highly toxic effect makes the "phantom millipede" lose its vitality rapidly. In only four seconds, its powerful body can not move.

"Poison" is a talent of level 4 Zerg. In the food chain of Zerg, there is a huge difference between level 4 and level 3. This difference seems to be only one level, but it is a big difference.

The phantom millipede's body fell heavily to the ground, and the shadow servant jumped up and absorbed a powerful soul.

Although the phantom millipede was dead, David was not able to leave the ground immediately. He supplied himself with some nutrition through the injection system of his exoskeleton armor.

The attack power of this "power accumulation attack" is very terrible, but the subsequent weak effect is unacceptable.

This is still David. If the rest of the people use the "power saving strike" in the Zerg occupied area, the result will be that they will be torn up by Zerg who are weaker than themselves without resistance.

In fact, David didn't know that the "save the strength" was not the standard combat skill of knights. It was to cultivate the killing ability of the dead and killers.

The death fighters who use the "power saving strike" will not consider their own safety at all. What they need is the most powerful attack power.

Fortunately, David has the ability to "sneak underground" and hide his breath. Even if he is weak, he can have a safe place to rest and recover.

After five minutes underground, and with the addition of nutrition, David's body regained some strength.

He then reactivated the "underground prowl" and came to the ground. This is the lair of the phantomic millipedes. Naturally, no other Zerg would dare to enter.

This gives David enough time to recover. He first sealed the wound of the phantom millipede with hidden blood material. This time, he is going to take the body back.

Although his body was weak, his spirit was not affected much. David used his spirit to draw a "poison pattern" to recover the poison from the corpse of the phantom millipede.

After handling the corpse, he took a rest for more than ten minutes in the house of the phantom millipede. David finally recovered his physical strength. He then carried the corpse and left the nest.

In the sky, there is a shadow agent's reconnaissance, and David uses the "camouflage cloth" to hide his figure, but nothing happens on the way back.

When he was close to the defense line of the fourth front base, in order to avoid misunderstanding on the other side of the defense line, David sent the identity authentication to the defense line, and at the same time, he put away the "camouflage cloth", so as to get close to the defense line with the corpse of the phantom millipede.News of David's return carrying the corpse of the third level Zerg, the phantom millipede, spread through the defense lines. Many eyes were looking at David, and they were filled with admiration.

Especially the beetles in the line of defense, who are both beetles, David can hunt down the third level Zerg, but they are even hard to deal with the second level Zerg.

Before they reached the first battalion's defensive wall, Benton and Garth had already flown over.

"David, you didn't kill the phantom millipede alone, did you?" Benton looked at David a little differently, he asked incredulously.

To say that David was able to pick up the corpse of a third level Zerg "phantoms" from the Zerg occupied area and kill him, he did not believe it, but he did not believe that David killed the "phantom millipede" alone.

"Good luck, good luck!" David knew that returning with the corpse of the phantom millipede would arouse curiosity, but he didn't want to hide the fact that he was able to hunt and kill the third level Zerg, because it was related to the fact that he would bring back more third level Zerg bodies in the future, he just said with a smile.

Benton is so extraordinary that I don't know how to say David. Can this be luck?

However, he has also seen David's breath concealment as a "sniper master". In addition, David is also a "master of heavy axe". No one has ever possessed these two abilities at the same time.

No one can tell what kind of combat power these two kinds of abilities appear in the same person.

"I'm not going to the trade fair in a few days. I don't have any good things to do. I just want to make some third level Zerg corpses, so that I can exchange something I want." David went on.

This is not the only reason that David thinks about at this time. His spirit has reached 7.99, almost infinitely close to 8 points. He wants to take advantage of the present opportunity to kill more level 3 Zerg and gain more soul energy.

Every time his spirit increases by an integer, he needs a lot of soul energy in the final impact.

David wants to see what kind of improvement he can get when he reaches 8 spirit points.

Benton's extraordinary eyes swept over the corpse of the phantom millipede and saw the wound spreading from the abdomen to the chest. As soon as his eyes solidified, he wanted to ask what he wanted to ask, but he was pulled by Garth.

The two extraordinary people have been together for many years. In Benton, extraordinary and Garth's eyes are interlaced. Benton extraordinary understands the meaning of Garth's transcendence. Don't pry into David's secret.

They are extraordinary who have no secret, otherwise how can they stand out from the countless first class.

The morale of the fourth front-line base army has been improved again. Although in the defensive war, three levels of Zerg have been killed many times, but that is the result of countless people's lives in the war.

It was David's recent involvement in the war that reduced casualties.

David killed a third level Zerg alone this time, which is essentially different from boosting morale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!