With the arrival of 30000 new recruits, the headquarters of the fourth front base was busy for a while.

The engineering department quickly built a large number of barracks outside the base headquarters, and David was also the first to see the military's temporary barracks with good defense.

The barracks are made up of ready-made modules. After two hours of work, the alloy camp, which can accommodate 30000 recruits, has been built.

In order to prevent the underground Zerg invasion, the underground not only increases the scanning equipment, but also uses the thick alloy to build the foundation.

David's job is to wear a major's uniform and take turns with two extraordinary looking after the 30000 recruits.

Although these recruits have undergone a short period of training, they are far from meeting the requirements of militarization, so they need to undergo strict training before entering the battlefield.

Training does not require David and two extraordinary questions, these are professional instructors to carry out.

The three were in rotation for fear of an accident.

Thirty thousand recruits stay in the camp. If there is no fear, something unexpected may happen.

Watching by two extraordinary and one David, who is known as the strongest fighting force of the fourth front base, the 30000 recruits have always been in awe and can receive training faster.

David, dressed in custom exoskeleton armor, stands on the observation tower of the temporary barracks, looking down at the camp below.

Standing behind him were lieutenant Morson and six beetles in white exoskeleton armor. These six warriors who followed David were now in exoskeleton armor for law enforcement.

In the past, the situation of the fourth front base was very simple, and the number of officers and soldiers who made mistakes was limited. Now there are more than 30000 new recruits. David, the inspector's direct subordinate, had to change to law enforcement equipment.

Although only after a short day, among the 30000 recruits, they learned about David's information from the military square network.

As a beetle, David can hunt and kill the third level Zerg alone. Although many of these recruits have not seen the third level Zerg with their own eyes, they are very familiar with the information of the third level Zerg.

So the recruits' fear of David did not diminish because he was a Oracle, but more respected.

That's why babenton was so extraordinary that David was involved, and in the rest of the base, officers would have a lot of trouble training recruits.

There are ready-made plans for the training of recruits for any base, but this time it is different. The base needs to make these recruits form combat effectiveness in the shortest time. Therefore, the base must try its best to make the recruits actively train and not allow them to have rebellious thoughts.

On this point, babenton is very satisfied, at least through a day's time, the recruits generally showed extreme cooperation, active training, compliance with the rules.

Among the 30000 recruits, in fact, many of them are not well equipped with weapons, so officers need to test them one by one.

This work has been assigned to each company, and all of them were tested yesterday. At this time, the weapons used by these recruits are quite different from those of yesterday.

When they came yesterday, according to the register, there were very few warriors using spears.

But most of the beetles who are training today use spears.

It is also imperative to change weapons. Among these recruits, most of them are not even proficient in their own weapons.

In this case, even if they are assigned to the second class weapons of these recruits, they can not really form combat effectiveness.

Therefore, all the recruits who did not reach the mature level of weapon control changed into spears.

Before they get the spear, many recruits are still against it. Even if their weapons are no longer rubbish, they are used to using them. After changing into spears, they have to learn again, which makes them very dissatisfied.

It's just that the recruits don't have this idea when they see their assigned spears.

Although the third level material on the standard spear is rarely used, it is enough to make the recruits happy. It is a weapon that can break through the third level Zerg defense. Who would not like it.

Even a small number of recruits who have mastered weapons beyond the proficiency level regret that they did not show their Weapon Mastery lower in the test.

"I don't know how many new recruits will survive after this all-out war is over!" David sighed softly.

His voice was very low, only lieutenant Morson behind him could hear clearly.

"Major, this is war!" Lieutenant Morson whispered back.

"Yes, this is war!" David nodded and said.

David looked at the recruits who were excited to learn "spear Mastery" with the drillmaster. Perhaps these recruits did not know that spear beetles were the most dead.

But the army needs Lancers, and to protect the world behind them, the union needs them.

"Lieutenant Morson, I'm going out with Augustine tomorrow. You don't have to follow me!" David thought about tomorrow and ordered lieutenant Morson.

"Yes, major!" Lieutenant Morson said.

As the instinct of the intelligence personnel, after hearing this order, the first thing that lieutenant Morson thought about was what to do with David and Augustine.The first thing that lieutenant moson thought about was the monthly trade fair, but he immediately gave up the idea. Augustine was not qualified to participate in the trade fair. Even if he was qualified to participate, he would not take David with him.

The next morning, David and Augustine left in a transport ship.

The reason why he didn't fly David's own "wings of death" frigate was that the "wings of death" frigate couldn't hold eight third class Zerg corpses.

In the cargo compartment of the transport ship, eight freezers with freezers hold the bodies of eight third class Zerg lying flat.

This freezer is specially designed for the size of the third level Zerg, and can be adjusted according to the size of the third level Zerg corpse.

Eight freezers almost filled the cargo hold of the small transport ship, and there was a large box beside it, which was Augustine's extraordinary goods.

"It's coming. It's very safe here!" Said Augustine, pointing to a castle ahead.

David looks ahead to the castle, which is also a white castle.

"I've seen many colors in the castle. What does that mean?" David asked curiously.

"You'd better watch carefully. Many people haven't noticed the color of the castle for a long time. Black castles are the most common in Battlestar. According to the fighting power of the Federation, the owner of the black castle has the extraordinary strength. Of course, the so-called extraordinary strength refers to the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the black castle when the owner is not equipped, but wearing" extraordinary armor "! ”Augustine said this with a wry smile on his face.

Augustine does not want to admit that his extraordinary combat power is not as good as the master of the black castle. However, the fact is that the owner of the black castle can drive away ordinary level 4 Zerg with the cooperation of his knights when he puts on a complete set of equipment, and even those with strong fighting power can kill ordinary level 4 Zerg.

However, they can't hurt the level 4 Zerg in terms of equipment and strength. At least the extraordinary people David meets now do not have such fighting power.

"As for the White Castle, its owner is one level higher than the black castle owner. They are the main force of warstar against level 4 Zerg. The level 4 Zerg with great fighting power needs them to solve it!" Augustine continued.

David nodded. He thought of Baron Dubois, his terrible fighting power, and his heroic posture of killing the fourth class Zerg.

Baron Dubois's castle is a white castle, no wonder his strength will be so strong, it is a higher level than the existence of extraordinary.

The most powerful and extraordinary in the Federation is not the opponent of Baron Dubois. If Baron Dubois is in the Federation, he will be the best player in the world.

Thinking of this, David had great admiration for the way God belongs to the big world. He knew that if he followed the federal cultivation method, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how good his talent was, at most, he would be the top extraordinary combat power.

Transcendence is the strongest of the Federation and the end of cultivation, but in the cultivation system of God belongs to the big world, there is still a way ahead.

Augustine looked at David's expression and shook his head gently. When he heard the news, he looked like David.

However, the cultivation system of God belongs to the big world is too closed, and the Federalists can't learn at all. Even if the God belongs to the big world, they can't practice without corresponding blood.

The transport ship landed outside the White Castle. At the moment, there were many people standing outside. Most of them were extraordinary soldiers in the uniform of major general.

"Another one!" An extraordinary looking at the transport spacecraft landing, said to others with a smile.

Standing here, everyone has some goods beside them. These goods are more or less.

"I don't know what's good about this fair. How can it attract so many people?" Another extraordinary looked around and said.

"You don't know. It's said that there is a" quasi extraordinary weapon "this time. They bring things to support the qualified people There is extraordinary reply.

"Quasi extraordinary weapons" do not often appear. Even in the great world of gods, the quasi extraordinary weapons that can be used by non blood people are very rare.

The most important reason for this is that the materials of "quasi extraordinary weapons" are rare. The "quasi extraordinary weapons" used by blood relatives are relatively better, but it is extremely difficult to obtain the materials of "quasi extraordinary weapons" that can be traded. In addition, the success rate of manufacturing makes it possible for a "quasi extraordinary weapon" to appear in many trade fairs.

Augustine extraordinary off the ship, his appearance immediately let a lot of supernatural people around him to say hello.

"Augustine, who are you here to support?" Some extraordinary asked.

"I don't support qualified people. I'm here to attend the fair!" Augustine returned, shaking his head and laughing.

Augustine extraordinary words let the present extraordinary people burst into laughter, everyone thought that Augustine extraordinary in a joke.

Everyone knows that for so many years, there are only ten federally qualified people to participate in the fair. Although Augustine has many friends, no one believes that he can get the qualification to enter the fair.The benefits are so great that they will not fall on them who have no deep background.

The door of the transport ship opened, and David controlled the robot arm to carry down the eight freezers, including Augustine's extraordinary big box, outside the door.

"Augustine, he said he didn't come to support qualified people!" The one who just said pointed to this pile of goods and said with a smile.

Everyone can see what's in the freezer. It's a big deal. It's not difficult to get grade 3 materials. Many extraordinary people can find a way to kill Level 3 Zerg.

Although there are some risks, the gains are good.

However, it is not easy to have a complete third level Zerg corpse. After being hunted, a third level Zerg is not possessed by an extraordinary individual, and needs to be allocated. After distribution, the third level Zerg corpse is not complete.

In addition, it's not easy to get the third level Zerg corpse out of the Zerg occupied area. Therefore, few extraordinary people are willing to do so. They usually distribute the warlike goods on the scene and put them into their own space Bracers.

"Augustine, what do they mean by supporting qualified people?" David heard the extraordinary words and asked in a soft voice that he didn't quite understand.

"Every person who has a" trading qualification card "is called a qualified person. When there are particularly important items in the fair, someone will bring the goods to support the qualified person, which can make the qualified person have more capital to exchange for important goods.

After doing so, the qualified person will also owe the support person's favor, and the qualified person may ask the qualified person to help him when he or she asks for it in the future! " Augustine explained with an extraordinary smile.

David heard the word "may", which means that a qualified person may accept the benefits of a supporter, and he may not help the supporter.

Thinking of this, he looked at these supporters, who came with their treasures, that is, they wanted to get a qualified person's favor.

David did not expect that the "trading qualification card" would be so important. It seems that Baron Dubois paid him much more than he thought.

When listening to the four extraordinary people at the headquarters of the base, David did not have much impression. However, looking at so many representatives of the military and various forces, he felt the importance of the "trading qualification card".

Just then, the gate of the White Castle opened and four knights came out.

"Mr. David, please show me your trading qualification card. I need to check it!" A knight came up to David and said politely.

The knight's voice made the whole area quiet, and they all looked at David in disbelief.

As David approached the castle, he received a "trade qualification card" in the castle.

After Baron Dubois sent out the "trading qualification card", David's message was sent here. This is also a necessary procedure. Without certification, the rest of the people holding the "trading qualification card" can not use it.

Seizing the "trading qualification card" is to be the enemy of God's great world. This kind of thing is that the military department is not easy to interfere with, and can only let God belong to the big world to retaliate.

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