When the beetle didn't come, it let out a scream. Its head was broken, and the sharp axe was cut into the brain of the beetle until it stopped.

The brain of the beetle was shaken into a pile of paste by the "power shock" triggered by the "sharp axe".

This kind of damage, no matter how strong the defense of the beetle, is absolutely fatal.

The shadow servant rushed forward first and absorbed the soul of the beetle.

David sensed the shadow servant's action and took back the sharp axe.

"Damn it, my head hurts!" Exclaimed Babington, shaking his head.

He was relieved to see David kill the beetle with his axe. However, when he turned his head and saw the "bewitching brain worm" 400 meters away, his eyes were still throbbing.

"David, kill this" bewitching brain worm ". This guy is about to reach level 3 Barbington's extraordinary effort to hold back the headache reminded.

This "bewitching brain worm" is obviously stronger than the "bewitching brain worm" that babenton has encountered before, which indicates that this "bewitching brain worm" has a very high level.

Even babenton would doubt whether this "bewitching brain worm" is a "bewitching brain worm king".

At this time, the extraordinary babenton still needs a little time to recover. He has used his extraordinary power to protect himself. It will take a little time for him to be able to move freely.

As for Augustine's transcendence, he was still in a coma, so babenton was more anxious.

"Good!" David promised, and immediately rushed to "bewitch brain worm.".

Just as David was about 10 meters out, his body made a dodge to the left, and then a Gauss shell hit him where he had been.

If David hadn't felt the danger, he would have been hit by Gauss by now.

The Gauss gun in the base headquarters is operated by gunners. Normally speaking, it will not make such a big mistake.

At this time, all the two third level Zerg were killed. Gauss gun was to attack the "bewitching brain worm" in the distance, rather than choose to attack David.

In the Gauss gun control room, two Gunners are sitting in their positions. Their eyes are straight. Relying on long-term training, they instinctively operate the Gauss gun and constantly chase and kill David.

The control range of "bewitching brain worm" is 5000 meters. Within this range, all mentally weak objects will become the control targets of "bewitching brain insect".

The two Gunners are not beetles, but ordinary operators. Their spirits are very low. That's why the two Gunners are immediately controlled by "bewitching brain worms".

However, it will take some time to control the recruits.

David stepped forward to avoid another Gauss gun attack. He also understood the current situation. As long as the "bewitching brain worm" was killed as soon as possible, this situation could be ended.

Otherwise, more and more soldiers will be controlled and the consequences will become more and more serious.

The "bewitching brain worm" is also making efforts, and the "bewitching pattern" is constantly sending out through its spirit.

David's ability to bewitch people is not much higher than that of "bewitching people".

In a war, a "bewitching brain worm" appears. As long as it is not killed in a short time, the whole battlefield will be controlled by the "bewitching brain worm".

This is why sniper beetles and Gauss cannons are deployed in the defense wall. As long as the "bewitching brain worm" is found, the "bewitching brain worm" will be the first priority attack target.

David is not worried about the attack of Gauss gun. The gunner's level is very ordinary. In addition to his mental warning in advance, he will feel telepathic as long as he is aimed.

He turned on "extreme speed" and wanted to get close to "bewitching brain worms" with the fastest speed.

When David arrived two hundred meters away from the "bewitching brain worm", the "bewitching brain worm" felt the danger. It moved towards the space wormhole and seemed to want to escape from the space wormhole.

How can David let the "bewitching brain worm" leave? This kind of "bewitching brain worm" who is about to reach level 3 must be killed when he sees it.

Otherwise, it will be a nightmare once it appears in any battlefield.

Although "bewitching brain worm" only controlled two gunners, this is because David pressed too hard for him to exert his full force.

If there are one or two third level Zerg, especially the third level Zerg with super strong defense, such as the "armor piercing longhorn beetle", to resist the attack, then the "bewitching brain worm" will have the power of terror.

Even David may face an attack from 15000 recruits.

David was in a hurry and started the engine of customized exoskeleton armor. The engine made a shrill sound, and the short wings behind him spewed energy to push his body forward quickly.

The "bewitching brain worm" is very close to the "space wormhole". Even though the "bewitching brain worm" is huge and bulky, and can only move around, it still gets close to the space wormhole very quickly.Pushed forward by his short wings, David leapt forward a hundred meters, approaching within a hundred meters of "bewitching brain worms.".

Because of this sudden acceleration, the attacking Gauss cannons were defeated, and the two Gunners were out of control. When their thinking and calculation ability were complete, they could not lock in such a fast target, let alone in this situation.

The body of "bewitching brain worm" is about to enter the wormhole of space. It looks back at David who catches up.

David could see the irony in his tiny eyes set off by his huge body, which seemed to say, "come and kill me!

David never thought he would be ridiculed by a Zerg. His face was full of anger behind his armor. He opened his mouth and let out a silent cry.

"High frequency sound wave" is faster than "bewitching brain insect". Just as "bewitching brain insect" is about to enter the scope of space wormhole, "high frequency sound wave" rushes into the ear of "bewitching brain insect".

If it is the rest of the mental attacks, the "bewitching brain worm" will not be affected at all.

But "high-frequency sound wave" is very special. It is a kind of attack means to attack the target's hearing through special high-frequency sound.

This kind of attack will not be affected by the target's mental defense. As long as the target has hearing, he will be attacked by "high frequency sound wave".

"Bewitching the brain worm" body, in its ears an indescribable sound poured in, shaking its eardrum, but also let it lose balance.

When the huge body loses its balance, it crashes to the ground.

The mental attack of "bewitching brain worm" is very strong, but its weakness is too obvious, that is, its defensive power.

David's "high-frequency sound wave" has only a little power compared with the real "high-frequency sound wave". However, this kind of attack also makes "bewitching brain worm" fall into a long-term vertigo.

This is enough time for David to cross a hundred meters to come to the side of "bewitching brain worm".

David's "sharp heavy axe" in his right hand is held high, and the spiritual thread is connected to the huge head of "bewitching brain worm". As long as this blow is made, the "bewitching brain worm" will surely die.

At this time, a spirit came from the wormhole of space.

"Stop it!" Although this spiritual contact with David is not of the same race, the spiritual contact can directly convey each other's meaning, so David understands what the other side wants to express.

Not to mention that David's blow through the spirit line can not be recovered when he hears the meaning conveyed by the spirit. Even if it can be recovered, David will not withdraw the attack.

With a green light, the "sharp heavy axe" swept through the huge head of "bewitching brain insect", which was cut off from its body.

The shadow servant rushed out again and absorbed the soul of "bewitching brain insect".

"Dare you There is a spirit of rage coming from the wormhole of space.

Then David felt that there was a terrible pressure in the wormhole of space, and even babenton, who had just recovered, was oppressed by this force.

This is an extreme sense of despair, but also a difference in the level of life. It is like a dragon and a mole ant. David and babenton are extraordinary ants, while the existence of the wormhole in space is a giant dragon.

David's strong spirit at this time played a role, even in the face of such a terrible pressure, he still insisted on his left hand's third grade shield in front of him.

Because his danger perception ability is frantically alarming, the kind of attack that can threaten his life will come at any time.

Then David saw a slender, bearded finger sticking out of the wormhole of space, which gently pointed at David.

When the finger points at David, the body that David wanted to dodge was fixed. He could not move his body, so he could only watch the finger point towards him.

The finger seems to be slow, solid and fast. Once pointed out, it will reach David's third level shield. The third level shield is like a soft one, which is easily touched by this finger.

David has never felt as powerless as he is today. No matter how strong the former enemy is, he has the ability to counterattack, but today's enemy is totally different.

He is proud of his ability to "sneak underground", but he can't even inspire him. All his natural abilities are crushed by absolute strength and become a joke.

Death is just around the corner, and David's heart is full of discontent. He has not become strong, and he has not developed his potential, so he is killed.

Just when David thought it was doomed this time, the wormhole could no longer hold the horrible finger.

This space wormhole can only accommodate three third level Zerg. Although the power of "bewitching brain worm" is weaker, it gives space wormhole a certain amount of space.

However, this allowance was originally intended for the return of the "bewitching brain worm". The death of the "bewitching brain worm" made the existence on the opposite side of the space wormhole very angry, so the attack of this finger came into being.

According to the calculation of this existence, the time of this blow is enough to kill David.

But who knows that when the crisis came, David blocked the third grade shield in front of him, which made a small error in the time of existence calculation.The wormhole of space disappears in an instant, and the existence hesitates for a moment. It is choosing whether to make a final strike or to withdraw.

It would be extremely dishonorable to attack a small Oracle without killing it if it was known to others.

So the existence decided to strike the last blow, and its fingers continued to point out.

Just when the existence thought that he would surely kill David, he suddenly felt the third grade shield moving backward in the direction of its attack.

This is David's use of master shield's defensive ability to turn the energy of an attack into a backward force.

Of course, he just wanted to keep his life. It was more like a helpless struggle when he wanted to come.

However, the shadow servant in the void suddenly came to David's back, grabbed David's body, and suddenly launched his force. This power was very synchronous with the power transformation of "shield master".

Even David himself thought that the power transformation of "master shield" had an effect, but in fact, with his strength, even if he had the ability of "master shield", he could not change the result at all.

The power and skill used by the shadow agent at this moment is far beyond his usual performance ability. Even David doesn't feel the shadow waiter's action.

In the whole battlefield, only the shadow servant knows what it does.

At this time, David's mind was completely shrouded in the fear of death. He did not realize that the connection between the shadow servant and him had disappeared for a period of time, and his perception of shadow servant was blocked during this period.

The existence on the other side did not expect this kind of situation. To know that the only thing that can resist its attack is its equal existence.

It is precisely because of this error that it makes its attack wrong, and it misses the time to evacuate before the wormhole completely disappears.

"I'll find you!" David vaguely sensed the voice of the other party's spirit, and then the finger was directly cut off by the space cutting when the wormhole disappeared.

The existence finally used a little force. The finger was cut off and still pointed to David.

It just lost the support of the existing one. Although the attack was very strong, it was not as invincible as before.

David felt that the shield was just like being hit by the whole mountain. He could only use the best defense state to make his body fly out with the third level shield at the same time. He would not let the third level shield hit his body because of the huge force, which would produce a fatal concussion effect.

David's body flew out, and he flew 400 meters over the fence again.

Fortunately, the shield knows David and doesn't stop David. Otherwise, he will directly hit the shield.

He continued to fly backward. In the process, the defensive ability of "master shield" was constantly reducing this huge force.

David didn't know how far he had flown. At last, he smashed into the wall of the base headquarters and made a deep hole on the wall of the special alloy. He was also trapped in the pit.

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