The reason why the eagle stands on David's badge is that he has six sharp axes.

A thousand veterans were randomly divided into five thousand recruits. Six of them were grouped into a group of one thousand, and five of them formed a group of one thousand.

They cooperated with each other and began to clean up the golden ants. In the process, David found that the spear with a little grade 3 material was really very powerful.

The shell of the "gold eating ant" is not inferior to that of the ordinary second-class Zerg due to its long-term consumption of metal. A beetle with a second-class weapon needs at least two strikes to kill a gold eating ant.

However, the beetles who use spears can easily pierce the shell of the "golden eating ant" and cause fatal damage to the "golden eating ant".

In the process of clearing up, two extraordinary knights and six Knights did not intervene. These are not their goals, but also an opportunity for recruits to train.

"Lieutenant Colonel David, you're the fastest promoted Officer I've ever seen!" Nathaniel said to David with an extraordinary smile.

David is very famous in warstar, and it is normal for Nathaniel to know David's situation.

However, today David wore the rank of lieutenant colonel, which still made Nathaniel extraordinary. David joined the army for only a few days, which promoted him to a higher level.

We should know that it is very difficult to promote a school level officer. Every level of promotion requires qualification. Of course, if the qualification is not enough, then we need enough military merit. David has made the military headquarters have to upgrade his rank with a lot of military achievements.

At the military headquarters' summing up meeting on Zerg raids, among the meritorious meritorious awards calculated by the military intelligence system, David's name was still the same as before in the issuance of the "Guoshi" medal. However, the promotion of his rank could not be prevented.

David's battle achievements are too obvious. Under the premise of facing the Zerg all-round war, once the military department has nothing to say about David's combat achievements, it will cause great adverse effects.

This is what the military headquarters do not want to see, and it is also the reason why many generals dare not stop it.

Otherwise, with David's just entered the army, he would not have been promoted so early.

Although general Adams was a good friend of David's father Hans, he could not give David much help on the medal of "statesman". However, he was very supportive of David in the promotion of his military rank.

"General Nathaniel, you flatter me David replied with a smile.

Nathaniel extraordinary wanted David to stay in the third front base, but he didn't say it, because he knew that Babington extraordinary of the fourth front base would never let David go.

Just before David was called into the army, babenton made full use of his relationship to send David away.

At that time, although many extraordinary people knew David's fame, they didn't pay too much attention to it. But after the time when David entered the army, everyone saw David's strength. Unfortunately, they started late.

With the strength David has shown today, it is impossible for babenton to let David go.

"Why David sighed softly. The shadow attendant had been looking around in the sky. The height of the air was 100 meters, which broadened the scope of his vision and made David feel safer.

However, David felt that there was a trace of abnormality in the underground. If he had not used "underground stealth" frequently and had some strong sense of the changes of the earth, he would not have found this anomaly.

Without any hesitation, the shadow servant in the sky appears beside him as if moving in an instant, and then rushes into the ground.

In the past, the effect of the shadow agent's ability to quickly recall from a distance was not significant, but as the shadow agent could leave David's side for 100 meters, the recall ability became particularly useful.

The shadow attendant entered the ground, and soon saw a huge figure in the ground. The figure was moving like a flight, and the target was the two extraordinary people above.

"It's a burrowing beetle!" David immediately recognized the underground moving figure.

The burrow beetle is a very troublesome Level 3 Zerg. It is not the top tier in terms of defense, attack power and speed. However, its special ability is the most difficult to kill among the third level Zerg.

Similar to David's underground prowler, the burrowing beetle can move freely under the ground, and because the earth can cover up the breath of the burrowing beetle as much as possible, it is particularly difficult to find the burrowing beetle.

The burrowing beetle rarely stays on the ground for a long time. It only leaves the ground at the moment of attack, and then returns to the ground no matter whether the attack is successful or not.

It is this habit that makes it extremely difficult to kill.

As for why the burrow beetle has targeted two extraordinary men, it is easy to understand. Although the number of these beetles is large, their breath is much lower than that of the supernatural and knight.

The first attack of the burrowing beetle is the most sure. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the most valuable target in the first attack.As for the choice of two supernatural knights, it is because the six Knights have always maintained a battle line. Although they just stand there on their horses, the six knights are a whole. As long as they are attacked, the reaction of the Knights' battle array will be triggered.

Two extraordinary people obviously didn't expect that there would be an attack here. There were 6000 warriors, six knights, and David, the "sniper master" with great fighting power. There was no need to worry about security.

David didn't remind the two extraordinary men that he was just a top beetle. Neither the two extraordinary nor the six Knights found the underground burrowing beetle, but he could find it. It's hard to say.

In addition, only when the burrow beetle leaves the ground can he attack the burrow beetle. David has no psychological burden at all by using two unfamiliar supernatural creatures as bait.

"Commander David, what's the problem?" Nathaniel asked the extraordinary when he heard David's whisper.

"Nothing. I just didn't expect that the headquarters of the third front-line base had been damaged so badly." David said whatever he wanted.

"This place needs to be rebuilt, these hateful golden ants!" Nathaniel nodded.

In the future, Nathaniel and Bartholomew will stay here. This is their residence. The base headquarters in front of them is seriously damaged and needs to be demolished and rebuilt, which requires them to wait for several days.

"It's a pity that these" golden ants "do not produce any materials. Otherwise, so many first-class Zerg can produce some resources!" David moved two steps to the two extraordinary positions and said helplessly.

"Golden ant" also has grade 1 fortified meat, but this grade of fortified meat is very hard.

If it's on other planets, hard and bad taste grade 1 fortified meat is still eaten by some people, but this is warstar, and grade 1 Zerg can be seen everywhere. Grade 1 fortified meat is the daily supply of the army.

So the first-class fortified meat from the "golden ant" is not even appreciated, and no one is going to collect it.

The only useful thing about the "golden ant" is its black shell, which is particularly strong due to its consumption of various metals.

However, because the "golden ants" eat metal to make their shells have different characteristics, which makes the characteristics of each "golden ant" shell different.

For the first level Zerg material, the military will not spend a lot of money to classify.

So the golden ant has become one of the few worthless first-class Zerg. Of course, this worthless refers to warstar.

David said as he moved these two steps to the two extraordinary people and stood on the side of the ground penetrating beetle's attack position.

With shadow guards watching the ground, David can see every move of the burrow beetle very clearly.

Just as Nathaniel was preparing to speak, a crack appeared on the ground, and then a strong suction force was generated, which would suck Nathaniel into it.

All this happened so fast that Nathaniel was unprepared.

At this moment, David pulled Nathaniel aside with one hand. With the other hand, he took the "sharp axe" from his back. Relying on the connection of spiritual lines, he waved an axe toward the crack.

Before he wielded the axe, David had already turned on "extreme speed", "physical enhancement", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap". He was ready for the attack.

He also used his spirit to turn on the "sharp" effect of "sharp heavy axe".

The attack method of the "ground penetrating beetle" is very strange. This time, it did not even leave the underground. It directly used its control of the earth to open a crack under Nathaniel's extraordinary body.

Then with a strong suction, Nathaniel fell into the cracks without preparation, and then the cracks instantly merged and stuck Nathaniel in the earth.

At this time, the "ground penetrating beetle" can turn this piece of land into steel like solid, making Nathaniel extraordinary unable to move for a moment. However, the "ground penetrating beetle" in the underground can easily attack Nathaniel extraordinary.

The burrowing beetle was very clever, but he didn't think of his attack process. Instead, David watched the whole process.

With the acceleration of the spirit line, David's heavy axe cleaves heavily into the cracks in the ground.

The burrowing beetle instinctively wants to close the crack, but it can't stop the sharp axe from chopping down. The "sharp heavy axe" splits the soil in front of it. In two seconds, the "sharp axe" has a four grade "sharp" effect, which can't block the effect at all.

In order to be able to attack Nathaniel in the first place, it is only half a meter away from the ground. Once Nathaniel falls into this position, it will be attacked.

Now this distance has become the most unsuccessful place for the "ground penetrating beetle". The "sharp axe" splits the soil in front of it, and suddenly the front is empty, which is the space next to the "ground penetrating beetle".

The soil around the burrow beetle is automatically separated from the burrowing beetle. At this time, the "sharp heavy axe" cuts into it, and then hits the target guided by the spirit line.The spirit line guides the head of the burrow beetle, because it is ready to attack Nathaniel who has fallen into the crack. The head of the burrow beetle is up, giving David the best position to attack.

The sharp heavy axe cuts into the front of the head of the burrowing beetle, cuts through the skin and skull, cuts into the brain, and cuts through the brain and cuts out from the back of the brain.

This instant attack makes the "ground penetrating beetle" lose its vitality. Without any strong defense means, the "ground penetrating beetle" can not resist the fourth grade "sharpness", and its head is divided into two parts.

Until then, Nathaniel was extraordinary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!