When the procession traveled about 700 kilometers, the map was no longer clear. There were only general terrain, but no details on the ground.

This is the farthest distance for UAV detection. No matter how many UAVs are lost to the interior, they can't go deep.

David stopped and sent a message to the back, and the rear lines stopped.

In his observation, several kilometers ahead of his position, there were huge mounds of earth on the ground.

One of these mounds is about every kilometer, distributed over the entire area ahead, with no end in sight.

On the top of the mound, there are giant white ants crawling out from the inside, and there are white giant ants with transparent wings flying in the sky. The area ahead is the territory of this white ant.

Although it was the first time that David saw the white ant, he had seen the information about the white ant in school before.

"White Wolf ant colony" is a kind of ant family with a very tight structure. Their food is very miscellaneous, and they can eat anything that has energy. From the underground ore veins to the rocks on the surface, even the weak energy in the soil can support them to survive.

The "White Wolf ant colony" is divided into "White Wolf worker ant", "white wolf soldier ant", "White Wolf flying ant", "White Wolf Ant King" and "White Wolf Queen". The number of "White Wolf worker ant" is the largest, and the rank is grade one.

"White wolf soldier ant" and "White Wolf fly ant" are second class Zerg, while "White Wolf Ant King" and "White Wolf ant queen" are third class Zerg.

The most terrifying thing about this "White Wolf ant colony" is its unity. As long as a "White Wolf ant" is attacked or discovered, its natural sense of induction will share this feeling with the queen of white wolf, who will send a large number of white wolf ants to attack the enemy.

Although each "White Wolf ant colony" has only one huge mound on the surface of the earth, in fact, there are ant caves everywhere within the kilometer range of the ground. As long as any creature enters this kilometer range, it is impossible to hide the "White Wolf ant colony".

If David wants to go through this area alone, he still has some means to try.

But if you take a group of people through here quietly, it is impossible.

"David, are you in the territory of the White Wolf colony?" Baron Dubois asked in a deep voice when he saw David back.

It can be seen that Baron Dubois knew that there was a territory called "White Wolf colony".

"Yes, it's right in front of you. It seems that you can't get around it!" David nodded and said.

"White Wolf ant colony" occupies the earth's surface, underground and sky.

"This is a defense set up by Zerg, just like the defense wall of the Federation. There are still many third level Zerg living behind the White Wolf ant colony. They will support the White Wolf ant colony at any time!" Baron Dubois was also in the mood to explain to David about the White Wolf colony.

"How can we get there?" Before David was in a hurry, Barkley asked.

Although Buckley knows that Baron Dubois must have a way to pass, otherwise there will be no such action, but the reputation of the "White Wolf colony" is so famous that he can't imagine going further from here.

"The" White Wolf ant colony "is not without its weaknesses. As long as the queen of the White Wolf colony dies, all the" White Wolf ants "in this" White Wolf ant colony "will go crazy and cause chaos to all the" White Wolf ant colony ". With this chaos, we can get over it Baron Dubois replied with a smile.

"Do you mean to sneak into the nest of the White Wolf colony and kill the queen?" Barkley asked incredulously, pointing to the front.

Although most of the "White Wolf ant colony" are first-class "White Wolf worker ants", there are at least one thousand second-class "white wolf soldier ants" and "White Wolf flying ants" and more than two "White Wolf ant kings".

The "White Wolf ant colony" is mainly composed of "Queen of white wolf". Therefore, there will be only one queen of white wolf. However, the number of "Queen of white wolf" may be uncertain. At least there will be more than two. Even if we are not lucky, there will be four "Queen of white wolf".

Of course, there will not be too many "White Wolf ant kings". Unless kryptonite is found in the nest of this "White Wolf ant colony", it will not be able to supply more than one "White Wolf Ant King".

"I have a bottle of medicine that can attract the queen of the White Wolf to leave the nest. However, when the queen leaves the nest, she will bring a large number of accompanying" White Wolf ants ". We need to kill all these" White Wolf ants ", and none of them can be left. At the same time, we should move faster because the queen can get through Through their own telepathy, inform the whole group to rescue it! " Baron Dubois explained his plan of action to the group.

It is not surprising that Baron Dubois has a potion that can attract the queen of the white wolf. There are always some unexpected special means in the god world.

"Just follow your plan and we will cooperate with you!" Buckley had no objection. He had been appointed to be under the command of Baron Dubois before he set out.Baron Dubois nodded to Knight Miller, who took a crystal bottle from the space ring and walked forward.

Knight Miller chose a place where the wind was blowing right in front of the "White Wolf colony" nest, which was about 5000 meters away from the nest. When the wind blew the potion away, the smell would be very light.

However, although the "Queen of white wolf" is not strong in combat, her sense of smell is extremely sensitive. No matter how far away it is 5000 meters away, as long as there is a breath of concern passing through the wind, the queen will smell it.

Knight Miller carefully opened the bottle and let the smell of the liquid in the bottle leak into the air.

Everyone in the team is watching Knight Miller's action, waiting for Knight Miller to lead the queen of the white wolf out.

It was only ten seconds before Knight Miller took the crystal bottle and let the smell leak. Suddenly, the wind changed, so he immediately went to close the crystal bottle.

Once the wind direction changes, it is very likely that other "White Wolf ant colonies" will be attracted. Even if Baron dupois is present, it will not be able to quietly solve the "White Wolf ants" brought by more than two "White Wolf queens", let alone two "White Wolf ant colonies" will be convened by two "White Wolf queens".

Knight Miller was just about to close the crystal bottle when his feet were loosened. A larva came out of the ground and bit off his feet.

In normal times, not to mention a single larva, even a group of larvae could not break through the defense of the knight Miller. However, all his mind was on the crystal bottle at the moment, and he was suddenly surprised at his feet, thinking that "White Wolf ants" had found him.

You know, if any "White Wolf ant" found him, it means that a "White Wolf ant colony" will find him. He failed the whole operation because of his own mistakes.

It is such a complex mood that makes Knight Miller report a fluke idea. He wants to kill the Zerg at his feet quickly. Maybe it is fast enough. The "White Wolf ant" has not sent the message to the queen of the white wolf.

When Knight Miller saw that what was killed by his Epee was only a larva, not the "White Wolf ant" he imagined, his face turned red. But then he saw the crystal bottle on the ground and realized that he was in trouble.

To tell you the truth, from discovering the ground abnormality to pulling out his sword behind his back and waving his sword, Knight Miller completed his whole set of actions in one go. Judging from the degree of coherence, he has definitely undergone painstaking training on weekdays.

But in making this set of movements, he forgot the crystal bottle in his hand, and fought only by instinct.

Baron Dubois shook his head when he saw that knight Miller spilled the potion in the crystal bottle on the ground. The reason why he took the knight Miller to participate in the mission was to let the knight Miller exercise his ability.

"Miller, come back, we're leaving here!" Said Baron Dubois in a deep voice.

"Uncle, I'm sorry!" When Knight Miller came back, his face was full of shame. He didn't even manage such a small matter. He felt sorry for Baron Dubois.

"Miller, these are all experiences. As long as you don't make today's mistakes again, you are growing up!" Baron Dubois did not blame the knight Miller, who had been practising hard before and was sent to him by his family to gain experience.

For Baron Dubois, the growth of the knight Miller was more important than anything else.

At least before, Knight Miller had the courage to enter the wild, steal into the nest of the high-level Zerg, and nearly died. After that incident, Knight Miller's rashness and willfulness disappeared, which was growth.

Because the queen of the white wolf has a super sensitive sense of smell, the team retreated another four thousand meters.

The potion dropped from the crystal bottle, after being blown by the wind, startled the nests of the four "White Wolf ant colony" nearby, and a sharp voice came out. Subsequently, large groups of "White Wolf ants" came out successively from the four nests.

David saw four Queen of white wolf, which was covered by a large number of white wolf ants. Although the queen had wings, it was very doubtful whether the wings could drive its body.

There are two or three "Queen of white wolf ants" beside the four queens. The "Queen of white wolf" looks very fierce. His whole body is protected by hard white armor. His feet and legs are shining with green light, especially the pair of sharp teeth, which makes the "White Wolf Ant King" look ferocious.

"I'll try to kill it and see if I can kill a queen of white wolf quickly to make the colony chaotic. If we're lucky, maybe we can break through this area!" Baron Dubois said in a deep voice as he watched the pack of white wolf ants move towards the bait.

Due to the mistakes of Knight Miller, Baron Dubois should take the responsibility.

In fact, strong attack is not a good choice, but now the bait potion has been used up, and the queen of white wolf has been drawn out. She does not take this opportunity to act. If she wants to kill queen white wolf, she must enter the nest of white wolf ant colony.

It is not easy for Baron Dubois to find the queen of the white wolf in the labyrinth of the White Wolf colony."Uncle Dubois, let me have a try!" David hesitated and said.

"I forget that you are still a" sniper master ", but are you sure you can kill the third level Zerg Baron Dubois asked with a smile when he heard David.

He knew that David wanted to fight on his own initiative at the moment. Once the task failed because of him, he would bear all the responsibility afterwards.

Although, as Baron Dubois, there is no great punishment for the failure of a mission, the noble's face is sometimes heavier than the punishment.

"I don't know that you're one of the hundred barons who are afraid of death." Barkley said with a smile.

In fact, Buckley also thought of asking David to kill the queen of the White Wolf, because the best plan for this opportunity is long-range sniping.

But David didn't take the initiative to ask David to do it, because in terms of task allocation, David was just a scout and had no obligation to help them kill the queen of the white wolf.

In particular, the special relationship between David and Baron Dubois made Buckley extraordinary and did not say much. At this moment, David volunteered to take part, which made Buckley relax.

"David, you're the one to snipe. I'll just meet the" sniper master "of the Federation Baron Dubois said to David with a smile.

"We must finish the task!" David nodded.

He took the growler's sniper gun out of his back, then lay on the ground and turned on the sound shield.

David didn't want the sniper shots to bring all the "White Wolf ants" to him, but they were completely exposed.

David takes out a large caliber third class sniper bullet, presses it into the capsule and takes aim.

Baron Dubois and Buckley's extraordinary faces showed a strange meaning. David's sniping process in front of them, until aiming, did not leak a breath.

If they didn't watch David sniping, they wouldn't be able to sense that there was a sniper beetle here. You know, with their strength, their sensitivity to breath is very high.

Buckley immediately thought if David had been sniping himself, whether he would have been able to survive.

At the thought of this, Buckley can not help sweating, because no one can keep a constant vigilance on all sides. People are not machines, they will always be distracted, let alone people still need to rest and sleep.

If a "sniper master" like David kills any extraordinary person in a long distance, Buckley believes that the success rate will be extremely high.

Buckley's extraordinary thought of the information about David, the character that you move me and I kill your family, and immediately lists David as a person not to be offended.

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